package; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Utility class for creating a binding between a type string name and an * implementation using the builder pattern. * * @author elandau * * @param <T> */ public class ComponentModuleBuilder<T> { private Map<String, Provider<ComponentFactory<T>>> bindings = Maps.newHashMap(); private Set<String> ids = Sets.newHashSet(); private Map<String, T> instances = Maps.newHashMap(); private Class<? extends ComponentManager> managerClass; private String typeName; public Module build(final Class<T> type) { return new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { TypeLiteral componentFactoryTypeLiteral = TypeLiteral.get(Types.newParameterizedType(ComponentFactory.class, type)); if (managerClass != null) { TypeLiteral<ComponentType<T>> componentType = (TypeLiteral<ComponentType<T>>) TypeLiteral.get(Types.newParameterizedType(ComponentType.class, type)); if (typeName == null) { Type typeAnnot = type.getAnnotation(Type.class); Preconditions.checkNotNull(typeAnnot, "Missing @Type annotation for " + type.getCanonicalName()); bind(componentType) .toInstance(new ComponentType<T>(typeAnnot.value())); } else { bind(componentType) .toInstance(new ComponentType<T>(typeName)); } TypeLiteral<ComponentManager<T>> managerType = (TypeLiteral<ComponentManager<T>>) TypeLiteral.get(Types.newParameterizedType(ComponentManager.class, type)); TypeLiteral<ComponentManager<T>> managerTypeImpl = (TypeLiteral<ComponentManager<T>>) TypeLiteral.get(Types.newParameterizedType(managerClass, type)); bind(managerType) .to(managerTypeImpl) .in(LazySingletonScope.get()); if (!Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers() )) { bind(componentFactoryTypeLiteral) .annotatedWith(Default.class) .toProvider(new GuiceBindingComponentFactoryProvider<T>((Class<T>) type)) .in(LazySingletonScope.get()); } } // Create the multi binder for this type. MapBinder<String, ComponentFactory<T>> factories = (MapBinder<String, ComponentFactory<T>>) MapBinder.newMapBinder( binder(), TypeLiteral.get(String.class), componentFactoryTypeLiteral ); // Add different sub types to the multi binder for (Entry<String, Provider<ComponentFactory<T>>> entry : bindings.entrySet()) { factories.addBinding(entry.getKey()).toProvider(entry.getValue()); } // Add specific named ids for (String id : ids) { bind(type) .annotatedWith(Names.named(id)) .toProvider(new NamedInstanceProvider(id, TypeLiteral.get(Types.newParameterizedType(ComponentManager.class, type)))); } // Add externally provided named instances for (Entry<String, T> entry : instances.entrySet()) { bind(type) .annotatedWith(Names.named(entry.getKey())) .toInstance(entry.getValue()); } } }; } /** * Identifies a specific subclass of the component type. The mapper will create * an instance of class 'type' whenever it sees the value 'id' for the type * field in the configuration specification (i.e. .properties or .json data) * * @param subTypeName * @param subType */ public ComponentModuleBuilder<T> implementation(String subTypeName, Class<? extends T> subType) { bindings.put(subTypeName, new GuiceBindingComponentFactoryProvider<T>(subType)); return this; } public ComponentModuleBuilder<T> implementation(Class<? extends T> type) { TypeImplementation subType = type.getAnnotation(TypeImplementation.class); Preconditions.checkNotNull(subType, "Missing @TypeImplementation for class " + type.getCanonicalName()); bindings.put(subType.value(), new GuiceBindingComponentFactoryProvider<T>((Class<T>) type)); return this; } public ComponentModuleBuilder<T> factory(String subType, final Class<? extends ComponentFactory<T>> factory) { bindings.put(subType, new ComponentFactoryFactoryProvider<T>(factory)); return this; } public ComponentModuleBuilder<T> typename(String typeName) { this.typeName = typeName; return this; } public ComponentModuleBuilder<T> manager(Class<? extends ComponentManager> clazz) { managerClass = clazz; return this; } /** * Specify a builder (as a Factory) on which configuration will be mapped and the * final object created when the builder's build() method is called. Use this * when you don't have access to the implementing class. * * Example usage, * * install(new ComponentMouldeBuilder<SomeComponent>() * .builder("type", MyCompomentBuilder.class) * .build(); * * public class MyComponentBuilder implements Builder<SomeComponent> { * public MyComponentBuilder withSomeProperty(String value) { * ... * } * * ... * * public SomeComponent build() { * return new SomeComponentImpl(...); * } * } * * @param type * @param builder * @return */ public ComponentModuleBuilder<T> builder(String type, Class<? extends Builder<T>> builder) { bindings.put(type, new GuiceBindingComponentFactoryProvider<T>(builder)); return this; } /** * Indicate a specific instance for id. This makes it possible to inject an instance * using @Named('id') instead of the ComponentManager * * @param id * @return */ public ComponentModuleBuilder<T> named(String id) { ids.add(id); return this; } /** * A a named instance of an existing component. No configuration will be done here. * @param id * @param instance * @return */ public ComponentModuleBuilder<T> named(String id, T instance) { instances.put(id, instance); return this; } }