package net.sf.f3270; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; public class FieldIdentifier { private static final MatchMode DEFAULT_MATCH_MODE = MatchMode.CONTAINS; final String label; final int skip; final int matchNumber; final MatchMode matchMode; public FieldIdentifier(String label) { this(label, 1, 1, DEFAULT_MATCH_MODE); } public FieldIdentifier(String label, int skip) { this(label, skip, 1, DEFAULT_MATCH_MODE); } public FieldIdentifier(String label, MatchMode matchMode) { this(label, 1, matchMode); } public FieldIdentifier(String label, int skip, int matchNumber) { this(label, skip, matchNumber, DEFAULT_MATCH_MODE); } public FieldIdentifier(String label, int skip, MatchMode matchMode) { this(label, skip, 1, matchMode); } public FieldIdentifier(String label, int skip, int matchNumber, MatchMode matchMode) { this.label = label; this.skip = skip; this.matchNumber = matchNumber; this.matchMode = matchMode; } Collection<Parameter> buildParameters() { Collection<Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<Parameter>(); parameters.add(new Parameter("label", label)); if (skip != 1) { parameters.add(new Parameter("skip", skip)); } if (matchNumber != 1) { parameters.add(new Parameter("matchNumber", matchNumber)); } if (matchMode != DEFAULT_MATCH_MODE) { parameters.add(new Parameter("matchMode", matchMode)); } return parameters; } Field find(List<Field> fields) { int indexOfLabel = getFieldIndexOfLabel(fields); if (indexOfLabel == -1) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("field [%s] could not be found using match mode [%s]", label, matchMode)); } final int indexOfField = indexOfLabel + skip; if (indexOfField >= fields.size()) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("field [%s] at index [%i] plus skip [%i] exceed the number of available fields in the screen [%i]", label, indexOfLabel, skip, indexOfField)); } return fields.get(indexOfField); } int getFieldIndexOfLabel(List<Field> fields) { int matches = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { String value = fields.get(i).getValue().toLowerCase(); if (matches(label.toLowerCase(), value)) { matches++; if (matches == matchNumber) { return i; } } } return -1; } private boolean matches(String expected, String actual) { return matchExact(expected, actual) || matchExactAfterTrim(expected, actual) || matchRegex(expected, actual) || matchContains(expected, actual); } private boolean matchExact(String expected, String actual) { return matchMode == MatchMode.EXACT && actual.equals(expected); } private boolean matchExactAfterTrim(String expected, String actual) { return matchMode == MatchMode.EXACT_AFTER_TRIM && actual.trim().equals(expected); } private boolean matchRegex(String expected, String actual) { return matchMode == MatchMode.REGEX && actual.matches(expected); } private boolean matchContains(String expected, String actual) { return matchMode == MatchMode.CONTAINS && actual.contains(expected); } }