package; import com.smartgwt.client.types.VerticalAlignment; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Canvas; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Label; import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Window; import com.smartgwt.sample.showcase.client.PanelFactory; import com.smartgwt.sample.showcase.client.ShowcasePanel; public class WindowAutoSizeSample extends ShowcasePanel { private static final String DESCRIPTION = "Windows can autoSize to content or can dictate the content's size."; public static class Factory implements PanelFactory { private String id; public Canvas create() { WindowAutoSizeSample panel = new WindowAutoSizeSample(); id = panel.getID(); return panel; } public String getDescription() { return DESCRIPTION; } public String getID() { return id; } } public static Window createWin(String title, boolean autoSizing, int width, int height, int offsetLeft) { Label label = new Label( "<b>Severity 1</b> - Critical problem<br/>System is unavailable in production or is corrupting data, and the error severely impacts the user's operations.<br/><br/>" + "<b>Severity 2</b> - Major problem<br/>An important function of the system is not available in production, and the user's operations are restricted.<br/><br/>" + "<b>Severity 3</b> - Minor problem<br/>Inability to use a function of the system occurs, but it does not seriously affect the user's operations."); label.setWidth100(); label.setHeight100(); label.setPadding(5); label.setValign(VerticalAlignment.TOP); Window window = new Window(); window.setAutoSize(autoSizing); window.setTitle(title); window.setWidth(width); window.setHeight(height); window.setLeft(offsetLeft); window.setCanDragReposition(true); window.setCanDragResize(true); window.addItem(label); return window; } public String getIntro() { return DESCRIPTION; } public Canvas getViewPanel() { Canvas canvasMain = new Canvas(); canvasMain.addChild(createWin("Auto-sizing window", true, 300, 200, 0)); canvasMain.addChild(createWin("Normal window", false, 200, 200, 320)); return canvasMain; } }