package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.jcr.Node; import javax.jcr.Session; import; import org.exoplatform.calendar.service.Utils; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CorrespondenceService implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4155183714826625091L; private final static Log LOG = ExoLogger.getLogger(CorrespondenceService.class); private static final String EXCHANGE_NODE_NAME = "calendar-exchange-extension"; // Map of userId, correspondence exchange and eXo Ids private Map<String, Properties> propertiesMap = new HashMap<String, Properties>(); private NodeHierarchyCreator hierarchyCreator; private SessionProviderService providerService; public CorrespondenceService(NodeHierarchyCreator hierarchyCreator, SessionProviderService providerService) { this.hierarchyCreator = hierarchyCreator; this.providerService = providerService; } /** * * Gets Id of exchange from eXo Calendar or Event Id and vice versa * * @param username * @param id * @return Id of the corresponding element * @throws Exception */ public String getCorrespondingId(String username, String id) throws Exception { Properties properties = loadCorrespondenceProperties(username); if (properties != null) { return properties.getProperty(id); } return null; } /** * * Sets Correspondence between IDs * * @param username * @param exoId * @param exchangeId * @throws Exception */ protected void setCorrespondingId(String username, String exoId, String exchangeId) throws Exception { String oldExoId = getCorrespondingId(username, exchangeId); String oldExchangeId = getCorrespondingId(username, exoId); if ((oldExoId != null && !oldExoId.equals(exoId)) || (oldExchangeId != null && !oldExchangeId.equals(exchangeId))) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Exchange integration, correspondence service : An old existing ID will be replaced by another one."); } // Make sure no duplicated entry deleteCorrespondingId(username, exchangeId, exoId); } Properties properties = loadCorrespondenceProperties(username); properties.setProperty(exchangeId, exoId); properties.setProperty(exoId, exchangeId); saveProperties(username, properties); } /** * * delete Correspondence between IDs * * @param username * @param id * @return Id of the corresponding element * @throws Exception */ protected void deleteCorrespondingId(String username, String exchangeId, String exoId) throws Exception { Properties properties = loadCorrespondenceProperties(username); properties.remove(exchangeId); properties.remove(exoId); saveProperties(username, properties); } protected void deleteCorrespondingId(String username, String id) throws Exception { Properties properties = loadCorrespondenceProperties(username); String secondId = properties.getProperty(id); if (secondId != null) { properties.remove(id); properties.remove(secondId); saveProperties(username, properties); } } protected List<String> getSynchronizedExchangeFolderIds(String username) throws Exception { Properties properties = loadCorrespondenceProperties(username); List<String> folderIds = new ArrayList<String>(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<String> enumeration = (Enumeration<String>) properties.propertyNames(); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) enumeration.nextElement(); if (CalendarConverterService.isExchangeCalendarId(name)) { folderIds.add(properties.getProperty(name)); } } return folderIds; } private void saveProperties(String username, Properties properties) throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();, ""); SessionProvider sessionProvider = providerService.getSystemSessionProvider(null); Node node = hierarchyCreator.getUserApplicationNode(sessionProvider, username); if (node == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("User application node not found. Please fix this and try later."); } Session session = node.getSession(); if (!node.hasNode(EXCHANGE_NODE_NAME)) { node = node.addNode(EXCHANGE_NODE_NAME, Utils.NT_RESOURCE); node.setProperty(Utils.JCR_LASTMODIFIED, java.util.Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()); node.setProperty(Utils.JCR_MIMETYPE, "text/plain"); } else { node = node.getNode(EXCHANGE_NODE_NAME); } node.setProperty(Utils.JCR_DATA, new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()));; } private Properties loadCorrespondenceProperties(String username) throws Exception { Properties properties = propertiesMap.get(username); if (properties == null) { properties = new Properties(); // Load properties from JCR SessionProvider sessionProvider = providerService.getSystemSessionProvider(null); Node node = hierarchyCreator.getUserApplicationNode(sessionProvider, username); if (node == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("User application node not found. Please fix this and try later."); } if (node.hasNode(EXCHANGE_NODE_NAME)) { node = node.getNode(EXCHANGE_NODE_NAME); InputStream inputStream = node.getProperty(Utils.JCR_DATA).getStream(); properties.load(inputStream); } propertiesMap.put(username, properties); } return properties; } }