/* *************************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2006 EsperTech, Inc. All rights reserved. * * http://www.espertech.com/esper * * http://www.espertech.com * * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the GPL license * * a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the license.txt file. * *************************************************************************************** */ package com.espertech.esper.spatial.quadtree.prqdrowindex; import com.espertech.esper.client.EPException; import com.espertech.esper.epl.join.table.PropertyIndexedEventTableUnique; import com.espertech.esper.spatial.quadtree.core.BoundingBox; import com.espertech.esper.spatial.quadtree.core.QuadrantEnum; import com.espertech.esper.spatial.quadtree.pointregion.PointRegionQuadTree; import com.espertech.esper.spatial.quadtree.pointregion.PointRegionQuadTreeNode; import com.espertech.esper.spatial.quadtree.pointregion.PointRegionQuadTreeNodeBranch; import com.espertech.esper.spatial.quadtree.pointregion.PointRegionQuadTreeNodeLeaf; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; public class PointRegionQuadTreeRowIndexAdd { /** * Add value. * * @param x x * @param y y * @param value value to add * @param tree quadtree * @param unique true for unique * @param indexName index name * @return true for added, false for not-responsible for this point */ public static boolean add(double x, double y, Object value, PointRegionQuadTree<Object> tree, boolean unique, String indexName) { PointRegionQuadTreeNode<Object> root = tree.getRoot(); if (!root.getBb().containsPoint(x, y)) { return false; } PointRegionQuadTreeNode<Object> replacement = addToNode(x, y, value, root, tree, unique, indexName); tree.setRoot(replacement); return true; } private static PointRegionQuadTreeNode<Object> addToNode(double x, double y, Object value, PointRegionQuadTreeNode<Object> node, PointRegionQuadTree<Object> tree, boolean unique, String indexName) { if (node instanceof PointRegionQuadTreeNodeLeaf) { PointRegionQuadTreeNodeLeaf<Object> leaf = (PointRegionQuadTreeNodeLeaf<Object>) node; if (leaf.getCount() < tree.getLeafCapacity() || node.getLevel() >= tree.getMaxTreeHeight()) { // can be multiple as value can be a collection int numAdded = addToLeaf(leaf, x, y, value, unique, indexName); leaf.incCount(numAdded); if (leaf.getCount() <= tree.getLeafCapacity() || node.getLevel() >= tree.getMaxTreeHeight()) { return leaf; } } node = subdivide(leaf, tree, unique, indexName); } PointRegionQuadTreeNodeBranch<Object> branch = (PointRegionQuadTreeNodeBranch) node; addToBranch(branch, x, y, value, tree, unique, indexName); return node; } private static void addToBranch(PointRegionQuadTreeNodeBranch<Object> branch, double x, double y, Object value, PointRegionQuadTree<Object> tree, boolean unique, String indexName) { QuadrantEnum quadrant = branch.getBb().getQuadrant(x, y); if (quadrant == QuadrantEnum.NW) { branch.setNw(addToNode(x, y, value, branch.getNw(), tree, unique, indexName)); } else if (quadrant == QuadrantEnum.NE) { branch.setNe(addToNode(x, y, value, branch.getNe(), tree, unique, indexName)); } else if (quadrant == QuadrantEnum.SW) { branch.setSw(addToNode(x, y, value, branch.getSw(), tree, unique, indexName)); } else { branch.setSe(addToNode(x, y, value, branch.getSe(), tree, unique, indexName)); } } private static PointRegionQuadTreeNode<Object> subdivide(PointRegionQuadTreeNodeLeaf<Object> leaf, PointRegionQuadTree<Object> tree, boolean unique, String indexName) { double w = (leaf.getBb().getMaxX() - leaf.getBb().getMinX()) / 2d; double h = (leaf.getBb().getMaxY() - leaf.getBb().getMinY()) / 2d; double minx = leaf.getBb().getMinX(); double miny = leaf.getBb().getMinY(); BoundingBox bbNW = new BoundingBox(minx, miny, minx + w, miny + h); BoundingBox bbNE = new BoundingBox(minx + w, miny, leaf.getBb().getMaxX(), miny + h); BoundingBox bbSW = new BoundingBox(minx, miny + h, minx + w, leaf.getBb().getMaxY()); BoundingBox bbSE = new BoundingBox(minx + w, miny + h, leaf.getBb().getMaxX(), leaf.getBb().getMaxY()); PointRegionQuadTreeNode<Object> nw = new PointRegionQuadTreeNodeLeaf<>(bbNW, leaf.getLevel() + 1, null, 0); PointRegionQuadTreeNode<Object> ne = new PointRegionQuadTreeNodeLeaf<>(bbNE, leaf.getLevel() + 1, null, 0); PointRegionQuadTreeNode<Object> sw = new PointRegionQuadTreeNodeLeaf<>(bbSW, leaf.getLevel() + 1, null, 0); PointRegionQuadTreeNode<Object> se = new PointRegionQuadTreeNodeLeaf<>(bbSE, leaf.getLevel() + 1, null, 0); PointRegionQuadTreeNodeBranch<Object> branch = new PointRegionQuadTreeNodeBranch<>(leaf.getBb(), leaf.getLevel(), nw, ne, sw, se); Object points = leaf.getPoints(); if (points instanceof XYPointMultiType) { XYPointMultiType point = (XYPointMultiType) points; subdividePoint(point, branch, tree, unique, indexName); } else { Collection<XYPointMultiType> collection = (Collection<XYPointMultiType>) points; for (XYPointMultiType point : collection) { subdividePoint(point, branch, tree, unique, indexName); } } return branch; } private static void subdividePoint(XYPointMultiType point, PointRegionQuadTreeNodeBranch<Object> branch, PointRegionQuadTree<Object> tree, boolean unique, String indexName) { double x = point.getX(); double y = point.getY(); QuadrantEnum quadrant = branch.getBb().getQuadrant(x, y); if (quadrant == QuadrantEnum.NW) { branch.setNw(addToNode(x, y, point, branch.getNw(), tree, unique, indexName)); } else if (quadrant == QuadrantEnum.NE) { branch.setNe(addToNode(x, y, point, branch.getNe(), tree, unique, indexName)); } else if (quadrant == QuadrantEnum.SW) { branch.setSw(addToNode(x, y, point, branch.getSw(), tree, unique, indexName)); } else { branch.setSe(addToNode(x, y, point, branch.getSe(), tree, unique, indexName)); } } public static int addToLeaf(PointRegionQuadTreeNodeLeaf<Object> leaf, double x, double y, Object value, boolean unique, String indexName) { Object currentValue = leaf.getPoints(); // value can be multitype itself since we may subdivide-add and don't want to allocate a new object if (value instanceof XYPointMultiType) { XYPointMultiType point = (XYPointMultiType) value; if (point.getX() != x && point.getY() != y) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (currentValue == null) { leaf.setPoints(point); return point.count(); } if (currentValue instanceof XYPointMultiType) { XYPointMultiType other = (XYPointMultiType) currentValue; if (other.getX() == x && other.getY() == y) { if (unique) { throw handleUniqueViolation(indexName, other.getX(), other.getY()); } other.addMultiType(point); return point.count(); } Collection<XYPointMultiType> collection = new LinkedList<>(); collection.add(other); collection.add(point); leaf.setPoints(collection); return point.count(); } Collection<XYPointMultiType> collection = (Collection<XYPointMultiType>) currentValue; for (XYPointMultiType other : collection) { if (other.getX() == x && other.getY() == y) { if (unique) { throw handleUniqueViolation(indexName, other.getX(), other.getY()); } other.addMultiType(point); return point.count(); } } collection.add(point); return point.count(); } if (currentValue == null) { XYPointMultiType point = new XYPointMultiType(x, y, value); leaf.setPoints(point); return 1; } if (currentValue instanceof XYPointMultiType) { XYPointMultiType other = (XYPointMultiType) currentValue; if (other.getX() == x && other.getY() == y) { if (unique) { throw handleUniqueViolation(indexName, other.getX(), other.getY()); } other.addSingleValue(value); return 1; } Collection<XYPointMultiType> collection = new LinkedList<>(); collection.add(other); collection.add(new XYPointMultiType(x, y, value)); leaf.setPoints(collection); return 1; } Collection<XYPointMultiType> collection = (Collection<XYPointMultiType>) currentValue; for (XYPointMultiType other : collection) { if (other.getX() == x && other.getY() == y) { if (unique) { throw handleUniqueViolation(indexName, other.getX(), other.getY()); } other.addSingleValue(value); return 1; } } collection.add(new XYPointMultiType(x, y, value)); return 1; } private static EPException handleUniqueViolation(String indexName, double x, double y) { return PropertyIndexedEventTableUnique.handleUniqueIndexViolation(indexName, "(" + x + "," + y + ")"); } }