package enterpriseapp.ui.crud; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import org.hibernate.annotations.Type; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.ui.AbstractTextField; import com.vaadin.ui.Component; import com.vaadin.ui.DateField; import com.vaadin.ui.DefaultFieldFactory; import com.vaadin.ui.Field; import com.vaadin.ui.InlineDateField; import com.vaadin.ui.PasswordField; import com.vaadin.ui.Upload.FinishedEvent; import enterpriseapp.EnterpriseApplication; import enterpriseapp.Utils; import enterpriseapp.hibernate.ContainerFactory; import enterpriseapp.hibernate.CustomHbnContainer.EntityItem; import enterpriseapp.hibernate.DefaultHbnContainer; import enterpriseapp.hibernate.annotation.CrudField; import enterpriseapp.hibernate.annotation.CrudTable; import enterpriseapp.hibernate.annotation.Downloadable; import enterpriseapp.hibernate.dto.Dto; import enterpriseapp.ui.Constants; import enterpriseapp.ui.DownloadField; import enterpriseapp.ui.validator.LongValidator; /** * * A default FieldFactory for CrudComponents. * * @author Alejandro Duarte * */ public class DefaultCrudFieldFactory extends DefaultFieldFactory { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Override this to create your custom fields. * @param bean current bean (Entity/Dto) for which you want to build the field. * @param item current item for which you want to build the field. * @param pid property for which you want to build the field. * @param uiContext the component where the field is presented. * @param propertyType the property type for which you want to build the field. * @return null if no custom Field is created. */ public Field createCustomField(Object bean, Item item, String pid, Component uiContext, Class<?> propertyType) { return null; } /** * Configures the specified Field (adds caption, validators, etc.). * @param field Field to configure. * @param bean bean to which the field belongs. * @param item item to which the field belongs. * @param pid field property. * @param uiContext the component where the field is presented. * @param propertyType the field property type. * @param crudFieldAnnotation CrudFieldAnnotation annotation (if present). * @param columnAnnotation ColumnAnnotation annotation (if present). * @param joinColumnAnnotation ColumnAnnotation annotation (if present). * @param typeAnnotation TypeAnnotation (if present) */ public void configureField(Field field, Object bean, Item item, String pid, Component uiContext, Class<?> propertyType, CrudField crudFieldAnnotation, Column columnAnnotation, JoinColumn joinColumnAnnotation, Type typeAnnotation) { field.setCaption(getFieldCaption(pid, bean.getClass())); checkRequired(field, crudFieldAnnotation, columnAnnotation, joinColumnAnnotation); checkLength(field, columnAnnotation, typeAnnotation); checkNullRepresentation(field); addValidators(field, bean, item, pid, uiContext, propertyType, crudFieldAnnotation); field.setWidth("100%"); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public Field createField(Item item, Object propertyId, Component uiContext) { Field field = null; if(uiContext == null) { return null; } try { String pid = propertyId.toString(); BeanItem beanItem = (BeanItem) item; Object bean = beanItem.getBean(); Class<?> propertyType = bean.getClass().getDeclaredField(propertyId.toString()).getType(); java.lang.reflect.Field declaredField = bean.getClass().getDeclaredField(pid); CrudField crudFieldAnnotation = declaredField.getAnnotation(CrudField.class); Column columnAnnotation = declaredField.getAnnotation(Column.class); JoinColumn joinColumnAnnotation = declaredField.getAnnotation(JoinColumn.class); Downloadable downloadableAnnotation = declaredField.getAnnotation(Downloadable.class); Type typeAnnotation = declaredField.getAnnotation(Type.class); List<Object> visibleProperties = null; boolean propertiesDefined = false; if(CrudForm.class.isAssignableFrom(uiContext.getClass())) { Object[] visibleFormProperties = Utils.getVisibleFormProperties(bean.getClass()); if(visibleFormProperties != null) { visibleProperties = Arrays.asList(visibleFormProperties); propertiesDefined = true; } } else if(enterpriseapp.ui.crud.CrudTable.class.isAssignableFrom(uiContext.getClass())) { Object[] visibleTableProperties = Utils.getVisibleTableProperties(bean.getClass()); if(visibleTableProperties != null) { visibleProperties = Arrays.asList(visibleTableProperties); propertiesDefined = true; } } if(propertiesDefined) { if(visibleProperties == null || visibleProperties.isEmpty()) { return null; } if(!visibleProperties.contains(propertyId)) { return null; } } field = createCustomField(beanItem.getBean(), item, pid, uiContext, propertyType); if(field == null) { field = createEmbeddedTableField(propertyId, bean, propertyType, crudFieldAnnotation); } if(field == null) { field = createEntityField(propertyId, bean, propertyType); } if(field == null) { field = createDateField(pid, propertyType); } if(field == null) { field = createPasswordField(pid, crudFieldAnnotation); } if(field == null) { field = createDownloadableField(bean, pid, uiContext, downloadableAnnotation); } if(field == null) { field = super.createField(item, propertyId, uiContext); } configureField(field, bean, item, pid, uiContext, propertyType, crudFieldAnnotation, columnAnnotation, joinColumnAnnotation, typeAnnotation); } catch (SecurityException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return field; } /** * Creates a field. * @param container Container to use for getting the item. * @param itemId item id (Entity/Dto). * @param propertyId property name. * @param uiContext the component where the field is presented. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public Field createField(Container container, Object itemId, Object propertyId, Component uiContext) { Item item = container.getItem(itemId); if(item instanceof EntityItem) { EntityItem entityItem = (EntityItem) item; item = new BeanItem(entityItem.getPojo()); } Field field = createField(item, propertyId, uiContext); field.setBuffered(true); FieldContainer fieldContainer = (FieldContainer) uiContext; fieldContainer.addField(field, propertyId, item); return field; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public Field createEmbeddedTableField(Object propertyId, Object bean, Class<?> propertyType, CrudField crudFieldAnnotation) { Field field = null; if(crudFieldAnnotation != null && crudFieldAnnotation.embedded()) { try { Dto dto = (Dto) bean; if(dto.getId() != null) { bean = (Dto) ContainerFactory.getInstance().getContainer(bean.getClass()).getEntity((Serializable) dto.getId()); } String getterName; if(propertyType == boolean.class || propertyType == Boolean.class) { getterName = "is" + propertyId.toString().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + propertyId.toString().substring(1, propertyId.toString().length()); } else { getterName = "get" + propertyId.toString().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + propertyId.toString().substring(1, propertyId.toString().length()); } Class<?> clazz = (Class)((ParameterizedType)(bean).getClass().getDeclaredField(propertyId.toString()).getGenericType()).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; Collection set = (Collection) bean.getClass().getMethod(getterName).invoke(bean); field = new EntityTable(clazz, set, new EmbeddedCrudComponent(clazz)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } return field; } /** * Creates a field to specify an Entity value. * @param propertyId property name. * @param bean bean to which the field belongs. * @param propertyType property type. * @param container container to use to get the Entities (Dtos). * @return a new field to specify an Entity value. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Field createEntityField(Object propertyId, Object bean, Class<?> propertyType, DefaultHbnContainer<?> container) { Field field = null; try { if(propertyType.equals(Set.class) || propertyType.equals(List.class)) { Class<?> clazz = (Class)((ParameterizedType)(bean).getClass().getDeclaredField(propertyId.toString()).getGenericType()).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; CrudTable crudTableAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(CrudTable.class); if(crudTableAnnotation == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Entity class " + clazz.getName() + " doesn't declare a filteringPropertyName (no CrudTable annotation present)."); } EntitySetField entitySetField = new EntitySetField(clazz, container); field = entitySetField; } else if(Dto.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { CrudTable crudTableAnnotation = propertyType.getAnnotation(CrudTable.class); if(crudTableAnnotation == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Entity class " + propertyType.getName() + " doesn't declare a string representation (no CrudTable annotation present)."); } EntityField entityField = new EntityField(propertyType, container); field = entityField; } } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return field; } /** * Creates a field to specify an Entity value. * @param propertyId property name. * @param bean bean to which the field belongs. * @param propertyType property type. * @return a new field to specify an Entity value. */ public Field createEntityField(Object propertyId, Object bean, Class<?> propertyType) { return createEntityField(propertyId, bean, propertyType, null); } /** * Creates a date field. * @param pid property name. * @param propertyType property type. * @return a new field to select a date. */ public Field createDateField(String pid, Class<?> propertyType) { Field field = null; if(Date.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { DateField dateField = new DateField(); dateField.setResolution(DateField.RESOLUTION_DAY); dateField.setDateFormat(Utils.getDateFormatPattern()); field = dateField; } return field; } /** * Creates an inline date field. * @param pid property name. * @param propertyType property type. * @return a new field to select a date. */ public Field createInlineDateField(String pid, Class<?> propertyType) { Field field = null; if(Date.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { InlineDateField dateField = new InlineDateField(); dateField.setResolution(InlineDateField.RESOLUTION_DAY); dateField.setDateFormat(Utils.getDateFormatPattern()); field = dateField; } return field; } /** * Checks if the CrudField annotation is present and have "password=true" to create a password field. * @param pid property name. * @param crudFieldAnnotation CrudField annotation if present. * @return a new password field if crudFieldAnnotation is present and is configured to be a password, null otherwise. */ public Field createPasswordField(String pid, CrudField crudFieldAnnotation) { Field field = null; if(crudFieldAnnotation != null && crudFieldAnnotation.isPassword()) { field = new PasswordField(); } return field; } /** * Creates a field to download/upload a file. * @param bean bean to which the field belongs. * @param pid property name. * @param uiContext the component where the field is presented. * @param downloadableAnnotation * @return a new download/upload field for the specified property. * @throws SecurityException * @throws NoSuchMethodException */ public Field createDownloadableField(final Object bean, final String pid, Component uiContext, final Downloadable downloadableAnnotation) throws SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException { DownloadField field = null; if(downloadableAnnotation != null) { String capitalizedFileNameField = downloadableAnnotation.propertyFileName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + downloadableAnnotation.propertyFileName().substring(1, downloadableAnnotation.propertyFileName().length()); final Method setFileNameMethod = bean.getClass().getMethod("set" + capitalizedFileNameField, String.class); final Method getFileNameMethod = bean.getClass().getMethod("get" + capitalizedFileNameField, (Class<?>[]) null); field = new DownloadField(EnterpriseApplication.getInstance()) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void uploadFinishedEvent(FinishedEvent event) { super.uploadFinishedEvent(event); try { setFileNameMethod.invoke(bean, event.getFilename()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public String getFileName() { String name = "file"; try { name = getFileNameMethod.invoke(bean, (Object[]) null) + downloadableAnnotation.fileNameSufix(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return name; } }; } return field; } /** * Adds the necessary validators to the specified field. * @param field field wich the validators will be added. * @param bean bean to which the field belongs. * @param item item id (Entity/Dto). * @param pid property name. * @param uiContext the component where the field is presented. * @param propertyType property type. * @param crudFieldAnnotation CrudField annotation if present. */ public void addValidators(Field field, Object bean, Item item, String pid, Component uiContext, Class<?> propertyType, CrudField crudFieldAnnotation) { if(crudFieldAnnotation != null && crudFieldAnnotation.isEmail()) { field.addValidator(new EmailValidator(Constants.uiInvalidEmail)); } if(Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { field.addValidator(new IntegerValidator(Constants.uiInvalidIntegerValue)); } else if(Long.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { field.addValidator(new LongValidator(Constants.uiInvalidLongValue)); } else if(Double.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType) || BigDecimal.class.isAssignableFrom(propertyType)) { field.addValidator(new DoubleValidator(Constants.uiInvalidDoubleValue)); } } /** * Returns the required error for the specified field. * @param field field to configure. * @return error string for the specified field. */ public String getRequiredError(Field field) { return Constants.uiRequiredField + ": " + field.getCaption() + "."; } /** * Returns the field caption for the specified property. Gets the error string from properties file. * @param propertyId property name. * @param type property type. * @return field caption. */ public static String getFieldCaption(Object propertyId, Class<?> type) { String typeName = type.getSimpleName(); String nameFromFile = Utils.getPropertyLabel(typeName, propertyId); return nameFromFile.isEmpty() ? DefaultFieldFactory.createCaptionByPropertyId(propertyId) : nameFromFile; } /** * If the field is required, sets the required error string. * @param field field to configure. * @param columnAnnotation JPA Column annotation, if present. * @param joinColumnAnnotation JoinColumn annotation, if present. */ public void checkRequired(Field field, CrudField crudFieldAnnotation, Column columnAnnotation, JoinColumn joinColumnAnnotation) { if(crudFieldAnnotation != null && crudFieldAnnotation.forceRequired()) { field.setRequired(true); } else if((columnAnnotation != null && !columnAnnotation.nullable()) || (joinColumnAnnotation != null && !joinColumnAnnotation.nullable())) { field.setRequired(true); } if(field.isRequired()) { field.setRequiredError(getRequiredError(field)); } } /** * If the Column annotation has a "length" attribute, adds a validator to check for the maximum allowed length. * @param field * @param columnAnnotation */ public void checkLength(Field field, Column columnAnnotation, Type typeAnnotation) { if(typeAnnotation != null && !"text".equals(typeAnnotation.type())) if(AbstractTextField.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getClass())) { if(columnAnnotation != null) { field.addValidator(new StringLengthValidator(Constants.uiMaxLengthExceeded(columnAnnotation.length()), 0, columnAnnotation.length(), true)); } } } /** * Configures the null representation for the field, if necessary. * @param field field to configure. */ public void checkNullRepresentation(Field field) { if(AbstractTextField.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getClass())) { ((AbstractTextField) field).setNullRepresentation(""); ((AbstractTextField) field).setNullSettingAllowed(true); ((AbstractTextField) field).setImmediate(true); } } }