/* * Copyright 2015-Present Entando Inc. (http://www.entando.com) All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.entando.entando.plugins.jpmailgun.aps.system.services.mailgun.logs; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; /**EXAMPLE JSON of a message sent to a recipient(made of 2 person) Result: { "items": [ { "tags": [], "timestamp": 1401187859.762482, "envelope": { "targets": "marioRossi@gmail.com", "sender": "amministrazione@entadevelop.com", "transport": "" }, "recipient-domain": "gmail.com", "event": "accepted", "campaigns": [], "user-variables": {}, "flags": { "is-authenticated": true, "is-system-test": false, "is-test-mode": false }, "message": { "headers": { "to": "%recipient%", "message-id": "20140527105059.5638.43312@entadevelop.com", "from": "The EntaTEAM <amministrazione@entadevelop.com>", "subject": "Invite" }, "attachments": [], "recipients": [ "marioRossi@gmail.com", "alessioRossi@gmail.com" ], "size": 346 }, "recipient": "marioRossi@gmail.com", "method": "http" }, { "tags": [], "timestamp": 1401187859.769499, "envelope": { "targets": "alessioRossi@gmail.com", "sender": "amministrazione@entadevelop.com", "transport": "" }, "recipient-domain": "gmail.com", "event": "accepted", "campaigns": [], "user-variables": {}, "flags": { "is-authenticated": true, "is-system-test": false, "is-test-mode": false }, "message": { "headers": { "to": "%recipient%", "message-id": "20140527105059.5638.43312@entadevelop.com", "from": "The EntaTEAM <amministrazione@entadevelop.com>", "subject": "Invite" }, "attachments": [], "recipients": [ "marioRossi@gmail.com", "alessioRossi@gmail.com" ], "size": 346 }, "recipient": "alessioRossi@gmail.com", "method": "http" }, { "tags": [], "envelope": { "sender": "amministrazione@entadevelop.com", "sending-ip": "", "targets": "alessioRossi@gmail.com", "transport": "smtp" }, "delivery-status": { "message": "", "code": 0, "description": null, "session-seconds": 0.9301090240478516 }, "recipient-domain": "gmail.com", "campaigns": [], "user-variables": {}, "flags": { "is-authenticated": true, "is-system-test": false, "is-test-mode": false }, "timestamp": 1401187860.769353, "message": { "headers": { "to": "alessioRossi@gmail.com", "message-id": "20140527105059.5638.43312@entadevelop.com", "from": "The EntaTEAM <amministrazione@entadevelop.com>", "subject": "Invite" }, "attachments": [], "recipients": [ "marioRossi@gmail.com", "alessioRossi@gmail.com" ], "size": 523 }, "recipient": "alessioRossi@gmail.com", "event": "delivered" }, { "tags": [], "envelope": { "sender": "amministrazione@entadevelop.com", "sending-ip": "", "targets": "marioRossi@gmail.com", "transport": "smtp" }, "delivery-status": { "message": "", "code": 0, "description": null, "session-seconds": 0.9146449565887451 }, "recipient-domain": "gmail.com", "campaigns": [], "user-variables": {}, "flags": { "is-authenticated": true, "is-system-test": false, "is-test-mode": false }, "timestamp": 1401187860.813292, "message": { "headers": { "to": "marioRossi@gmail.com", "message-id": "20140527105059.5638.43312@entadevelop.com", "from": "The EntaTEAM <amministrazione@entadevelop.com>", "subject": "Invite" }, "attachments": [], "recipients": [ "marioRossi@gmail.com", "alessioRossi@gmail.com" ], "size": 509 }, "recipient": "marioRossi@gmail.com", "event": "delivered" } ], "paging": { "next": "https://api.mailgun.net/v2/entadevelop.com/events/W3siYSI6IHRydWUsICJiIjogIjIwMTQtMDUtMjVUMTE6MDE6MjQuNTUwMjE0KzAwOjAwIn0sIHsiYSI6IHRydWUsICJiIjogIjIwMTQtMDUtMjdUMTA6NTE6MDAuODE0MDAwKzAwOjAwIn0sIFsibCIsICJmIl0sIG51bGwsIHsiYWNjb3VudC5pZCI6ICI1MzY0ZTcwZjVhNzYxODA4MDUyODZjY2QiLCAiZG9tYWluLm5hbWUiOiAiZW50YWRldmVsb3AuY29tIiwgInNldmVyaXR5IjogIk5PVCBpbnRlcm5hbCIsICJtZXNzYWdlLmhlYWRlcnMubWVzc2FnZS1pZCI6ICIyMDE0MDUyNzEwNTA1OS41NjM4LjQzMzEyQGVudGFkZXZlbG9wLmNvbSJ9LCA1MCwgIm1lc3NhZ2Ujb1d5N1NxT0hSeVdDQlBraTJCTzJDUSJd", "previous": "https://api.mailgun.net/v2/entadevelop.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" } } **/ /** *Log of Mailgun's element * * @author Alberto Piras */ public class MailgunLog { public MailgunLog(String resp){ this._completeResponse=resp; this._jsonObject= getJSON(resp); this._jsonArray = _jsonObject.getJSONArray("items"); } /** * Gets recipients of a Mail * @return a list of contacts that rapresents the recipient whose was sent the email */ public Set<String> getRecipients(){ Set<String> result= new HashSet<String>(); JSONObject singleObject = new JSONObject(this._jsonArray.get(0).toString()); JSONObject messageObject = new JSONObject(singleObject.get("message").toString()); JSONArray recipients= (messageObject.getJSONArray("recipients")); for (int i = 0; i < recipients.length(); i++) { result.add(recipients.get(i).toString()); } return result; } /** * @return from of the mail */ public String getFrom(){ String result= null; JSONObject singleObject = new JSONObject(this._jsonArray.get(0).toString()); JSONObject messageObject = new JSONObject(singleObject.get("message").toString()); JSONObject headers= new JSONObject(messageObject.get("headers").toString()); return headers.get("from").toString(); } /** * Gets a list of email in the current stauts * @param status * @return A list of mails by they status */ public Set<String> getListByStatus(String status){ Set<String> result= new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < this._jsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject singleObject = new JSONObject(this._jsonArray.get(i).toString()); if(status.equals(singleObject.get("event").toString())){ result.add(singleObject.get("recipient").toString()); } } return result; } /** * Verifies if a message was sent to all recipients * @return true if message was sent to all, false otherwise */ public boolean isDeliveredToAll(){ if(getListByStatus(MailgunStatusConstants.DELIVERED).size()==getRecipients().size())return true; else return false; } public JSONObject getJSON(String txt){ JSONObject object = new JSONObject(txt); return object; } public Set<String> getListAccepted() { return getListByStatus(MailgunStatusConstants.ACCEPTED); } public Set<String> getListRejected() { return getListByStatus(MailgunStatusConstants.REJECTED); } public Set<String> getListDelivered() { return getListByStatus(MailgunStatusConstants.DELIVERED); } public Set<String> getListFailed() { return getListByStatus(MailgunStatusConstants.FAILED); } public Set<String> getListOpened() { return getListByStatus(MailgunStatusConstants.OPENED); } public Set<String> getListClicked() { return getListByStatus(MailgunStatusConstants.CLICKED); } public Set<String> getListUnsubscribed() { return getListByStatus(MailgunStatusConstants.UNSUBSCRIBED); } public Set<String> getListcCmplained() { return getListByStatus(MailgunStatusConstants.COMPLAINED); } public Set<String> getListStored() { return getListByStatus(MailgunStatusConstants.STORED); } public String getCompleteResponse() { return _completeResponse; } public void setCompleteResponse(String _completeResponse) { this._completeResponse = _completeResponse; } private JSONObject _jsonObject; private JSONArray _jsonArray; public String _completeResponse; public static final String RECIPIENTS = "recipients"; }