package org.java_websocket.drafts; import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.java_websocket.WebSocket.Role; import org.java_websocket.exceptions.IncompleteHandshakeException; import org.java_websocket.exceptions.InvalidDataException; import org.java_websocket.exceptions.InvalidFrameException; import org.java_websocket.exceptions.InvalidHandshakeException; import org.java_websocket.framing.CloseFrame; import org.java_websocket.framing.CloseFrameBuilder; import org.java_websocket.framing.Framedata; import org.java_websocket.framing.Framedata.Opcode; import org.java_websocket.handshake.ClientHandshake; import org.java_websocket.handshake.ClientHandshakeBuilder; import org.java_websocket.handshake.HandshakeBuilder; import org.java_websocket.handshake.Handshakedata; import org.java_websocket.handshake.ServerHandshake; import org.java_websocket.handshake.ServerHandshakeBuilder; public class Draft_76 extends Draft_75 { private boolean failed = false; private static final byte[] closehandshake = { -1, 0 }; private final Random reuseableRandom = new Random(); public static byte[] createChallenge( String key1, String key2, byte[] key3 ) throws InvalidHandshakeException { byte[] part1 = getPart( key1 ); byte[] part2 = getPart( key2 ); byte[] challenge = new byte[ 16 ]; challenge[ 0 ] = part1[ 0 ]; challenge[ 1 ] = part1[ 1 ]; challenge[ 2 ] = part1[ 2 ]; challenge[ 3 ] = part1[ 3 ]; challenge[ 4 ] = part2[ 0 ]; challenge[ 5 ] = part2[ 1 ]; challenge[ 6 ] = part2[ 2 ]; challenge[ 7 ] = part2[ 3 ]; challenge[ 8 ] = key3[ 0 ]; challenge[ 9 ] = key3[ 1 ]; challenge[ 10 ] = key3[ 2 ]; challenge[ 11 ] = key3[ 3 ]; challenge[ 12 ] = key3[ 4 ]; challenge[ 13 ] = key3[ 5 ]; challenge[ 14 ] = key3[ 6 ]; challenge[ 15 ] = key3[ 7 ]; MessageDigest md5; try { md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance( "MD5" ); } catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } return md5.digest( challenge ); } private static String generateKey() { Random r = new Random(); long maxNumber = 4294967295L; long spaces = r.nextInt( 12 ) + 1; int max = new Long( maxNumber / spaces ).intValue(); max = Math.abs( max ); int number = r.nextInt( max ) + 1; long product = number * spaces; String key = Long.toString( product ); // always insert atleast one random character int numChars = r.nextInt( 12 ) + 1; for( int i = 0 ; i < numChars ; i++ ) { int position = r.nextInt( key.length() ); position = Math.abs( position ); char randChar = (char) ( r.nextInt( 95 ) + 33 ); // exclude numbers here if( randChar >= 48 && randChar <= 57 ) { randChar -= 15; } key = new StringBuilder( key ).insert( position, randChar ).toString(); } for( int i = 0 ; i < spaces ; i++ ) { int position = r.nextInt( key.length() - 1 ) + 1; position = Math.abs( position ); key = new StringBuilder( key ).insert( position, "\u0020" ).toString(); } return key; } private static byte[] getPart( String key ) throws InvalidHandshakeException { try { long keyNumber = Long.parseLong( key.replaceAll( "[^0-9]", "" ) ); long keySpace = key.split( "\u0020" ).length - 1; if( keySpace == 0 ) { throw new InvalidHandshakeException( "invalid Sec-WebSocket-Key (/key2/)" ); } long part = new Long( keyNumber / keySpace ); return new byte[]{ (byte) ( part >> 24 ), (byte) ( ( part << 8 ) >> 24 ), (byte) ( ( part << 16 ) >> 24 ), (byte) ( ( part << 24 ) >> 24 ) }; } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) { throw new InvalidHandshakeException( "invalid Sec-WebSocket-Key (/key1/ or /key2/)" ); } } @Override public HandshakeState acceptHandshakeAsClient( ClientHandshake request, ServerHandshake response ) { if( failed ) { return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED; } try { if( !response.getFieldValue( "Sec-WebSocket-Origin" ).equals( request.getFieldValue( "Origin" ) ) || !basicAccept( response ) ) { return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED; } byte[] content = response.getContent(); if( content == null || content.length == 0 ) { throw new IncompleteHandshakeException(); } if( Arrays.equals( content, createChallenge( request.getFieldValue( "Sec-WebSocket-Key1" ), request.getFieldValue( "Sec-WebSocket-Key2" ), request.getContent() ) ) ) { return HandshakeState.MATCHED; } else { return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED; } } catch ( InvalidHandshakeException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( "bad handshakerequest", e ); } } @Override public HandshakeState acceptHandshakeAsServer( ClientHandshake handshakedata ) { if( handshakedata.getFieldValue( "Upgrade" ).equals( "WebSocket" ) && handshakedata.getFieldValue( "Connection" ).contains( "Upgrade" ) && handshakedata.getFieldValue( "Sec-WebSocket-Key1" ).length() > 0 && !handshakedata.getFieldValue( "Sec-WebSocket-Key2" ).isEmpty() && handshakedata.hasFieldValue( "Origin" ) ) return HandshakeState.MATCHED; return HandshakeState.NOT_MATCHED; } @Override public ClientHandshakeBuilder postProcessHandshakeRequestAsClient( ClientHandshakeBuilder request ) { request.put( "Upgrade", "WebSocket" ); request.put( "Connection", "Upgrade" ); request.put( "Sec-WebSocket-Key1", generateKey() ); request.put( "Sec-WebSocket-Key2", generateKey() ); if( !request.hasFieldValue( "Origin" ) ) { request.put( "Origin", "random" + reuseableRandom.nextInt() ); } byte[] key3 = new byte[ 8 ]; reuseableRandom.nextBytes( key3 ); request.setContent( key3 ); return request; } @Override public HandshakeBuilder postProcessHandshakeResponseAsServer( ClientHandshake request, ServerHandshakeBuilder response ) throws InvalidHandshakeException { response.setHttpStatusMessage( "WebSocket Protocol Handshake" ); response.put( "Upgrade", "WebSocket" ); response.put( "Connection", request.getFieldValue( "Connection" ) ); // to respond to a Connection keep alive response.put( "Sec-WebSocket-Origin", request.getFieldValue( "Origin" ) ); String location = "ws://" + request.getFieldValue( "Host" ) + request.getResourceDescriptor(); response.put( "Sec-WebSocket-Location", location ); String key1 = request.getFieldValue( "Sec-WebSocket-Key1" ); String key2 = request.getFieldValue( "Sec-WebSocket-Key2" ); byte[] key3 = request.getContent(); if( key1 == null || key2 == null || key3 == null || key3.length != 8 ) { throw new InvalidHandshakeException( "Bad keys" ); } response.setContent( createChallenge( key1, key2, key3 ) ); return response; } @Override public Handshakedata translateHandshake( ByteBuffer buf ) throws InvalidHandshakeException { HandshakeBuilder bui = translateHandshakeHttp( buf, role ); // the first drafts are lacking a protocol number which makes them difficult to distinguish. Sec-WebSocket-Key1 is typical for draft76 if( ( bui.hasFieldValue( "Sec-WebSocket-Key1" ) || role == Role.CLIENT ) && !bui.hasFieldValue( "Sec-WebSocket-Version" ) ) { byte[] key3 = new byte[ role == Role.SERVER ? 8 : 16 ]; try { buf.get( key3 ); } catch ( BufferUnderflowException e ) { throw new IncompleteHandshakeException( buf.capacity() + 16 ); } bui.setContent( key3 ); } return bui; } @Override public List<Framedata> translateFrame( ByteBuffer buffer ) throws InvalidDataException { buffer.mark(); List<Framedata> frames = super.translateRegularFrame( buffer ); if( frames == null ) { buffer.reset(); frames = readyframes; readingState = true; if( currentFrame == null ) currentFrame = ByteBuffer.allocate( 2 ); else { throw new InvalidFrameException(); } if( buffer.remaining() > currentFrame.remaining() ) { throw new InvalidFrameException(); } else { currentFrame.put( buffer ); } if( !currentFrame.hasRemaining() ) { if( Arrays.equals( currentFrame.array(), closehandshake ) ) { frames.add( new CloseFrameBuilder( CloseFrame.NORMAL ) ); return frames; } else{ throw new InvalidFrameException(); } } else { readyframes = new LinkedList<Framedata>(); return frames; } } else { return frames; } } @Override public ByteBuffer createBinaryFrame( Framedata framedata ) { if( framedata.getOpcode() == Opcode.CLOSING ) return ByteBuffer.wrap( closehandshake ); return super.createBinaryFrame( framedata ); } @Override public CloseHandshakeType getCloseHandshakeType() { return CloseHandshakeType.ONEWAY; } @Override public Draft copyInstance() { return new Draft_76(); } }