package; import; import java.util.Map; public class VaccineStockStatusQueryBuilder { public String getQuery(Map params) { VaccineStockStatusParam filter = (VaccineStockStatusParam) params.get("filterCriteria"); return ( " WITH Q AS ( SELECT x.* , r.isaValue, \n" + " case when x.soh > r.maximumstock then 1 else 0 end as blue,\n" + " case when x.soh <= maximumstock AND x.soh >= reorderlevel then 1 else 0 end as green,\n" + " case when x.soh < reorderlevel AND x.soh >= r.bufferstock then 1 else 0 end as yellow,\n" + " case when x.soh >= r.bufferstock then 1 else 0 end as adequacy,\n" + " ( " + " select fn_get_vaccine_stock_color(r.maximumstock::int, reorderlevel::int, bufferstock::int, x.soh::int)\n" + " ) color " + " FROM ( " + " SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY facilityId,productId ORDER BY LastUpdate desc) AS r, t.* \n" + " FROM ( " + " SELECT facilityId, s.productId, facilityName,district_id districtId, district_name district,region_id regionId, region_name region, \n" + " p.primaryName product,sum(e.quantity) OVER (PARTITION BY s.facilityId, s.productId) soh, \n" + " e.modifiedDate::timestamp lastUpdate \n" + " FROM stock_cards s \n" + " JOIN stock_card_entries e ON e.stockCardId = \n" + " JOIN program_products pp ON s.productId = pp.productId \n" + " JOIN programs ON pp.programId = \n" + " JOIN products p ON pp.productId = \n" + " JOIN facilities f ON s.facilityId = \n" + " JOIN vw_districts d ON f.geographiczoneId = d.district_id \n" + " JOIN facility_types ON f.typeId = facility_types.Id \n" + " " + writePredicates(filter) + " ORDER BY e.modifiedDate ) t) x \n" + " JOIN stock_requirements r on r.facilityid=x.facilityid and r.productid=x.productid\n" + " WHERE x.r <= 1 " + " ORDER BY facilityId,productId ) \n" + " SELECT facilityId,districtId,regionId, productId, facilityName,district,region,product,lastUpdate,soh,isaValue, \n" + " CASE WHEN isaValue > 0 THEN ROUND((soh::numeric(10,2) / isaValue::numeric(10,2)),2) else 0 end as mos,color, adequacy\n" + " FROM Q " ); } private static String writePredicates(VaccineStockStatusParam params) { String predicate = " "; predicate += " where = " + params.getProgram(); predicate += " and e.modifiedDate::DATE <= #{filterCriteria.statusDate}::date"; predicate += " and pp.productCategoryId = " + params.getProductCategory(); predicate += " and facilityId = ANY (#{filterCriteria.facilityIds}::INT[])"; String facilityLevel = params.getFacilityLevel(); if (facilityLevel.isEmpty() || facilityLevel.equalsIgnoreCase("cvs") || facilityLevel.equalsIgnoreCase("rvs") || facilityLevel.equalsIgnoreCase("dvs")) { predicate += " and facility_types.code = #{filterCriteria.facilityLevel} "; } else { predicate += " and facility_types.code NOT IN ('cvs','rvs','dvs') "; } return predicate; } }