/* * Copyright Terracotta, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.ehcache.impl.internal.store.offheap.factories; import org.ehcache.impl.internal.store.offheap.SwitchableEvictionAdvisor; import org.terracotta.offheapstore.Metadata; import org.terracotta.offheapstore.ReadWriteLockedOffHeapClockCache; import org.terracotta.offheapstore.paging.PageSource; import org.terracotta.offheapstore.pinning.PinnableSegment; import org.terracotta.offheapstore.storage.StorageEngine; import org.terracotta.offheapstore.util.Factory; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; /** * EhcacheSegmentFactory */ public class EhcacheSegmentFactory<K, V> implements Factory<PinnableSegment<K, V>> { private final Factory<? extends StorageEngine<? super K, ? super V>> storageEngineFactory; private final PageSource tableSource; private final int tableSize; private final SwitchableEvictionAdvisor<? super K, ? super V> evictionAdvisor; private final EhcacheSegment.EvictionListener<K, V> evictionListener; public EhcacheSegmentFactory(PageSource source, Factory<? extends StorageEngine<? super K, ? super V>> storageEngineFactory, int initialTableSize, SwitchableEvictionAdvisor<? super K, ? super V> evictionAdvisor, EhcacheSegment.EvictionListener<K, V> evictionListener) { this.storageEngineFactory = storageEngineFactory; this.tableSource = source; this.tableSize = initialTableSize; this.evictionAdvisor = evictionAdvisor; this.evictionListener = evictionListener; } public PinnableSegment<K, V> newInstance() { StorageEngine<? super K, ? super V> storageEngine = storageEngineFactory.newInstance(); try { return new EhcacheSegment<K, V>(tableSource, storageEngine, tableSize, evictionAdvisor, evictionListener); } catch (RuntimeException e) { storageEngine.destroy(); throw e; } } public static class EhcacheSegment<K, V> extends ReadWriteLockedOffHeapClockCache<K, V> { public static final int ADVISED_AGAINST_EVICTION = 1 << (Integer.SIZE - 3); private final SwitchableEvictionAdvisor<? super K, ? super V> evictionAdvisor; private final EvictionListener<K, V> evictionListener; EhcacheSegment(PageSource source, StorageEngine<? super K, ? super V> storageEngine, int tableSize, SwitchableEvictionAdvisor<? super K, ? super V> evictionAdvisor, EvictionListener<K, V> evictionListener) { super(source, true, storageEngine, tableSize); this.evictionAdvisor = evictionAdvisor; this.evictionListener = evictionListener; } @Override public V put(K key, V value) { int metadata = getEvictionAdviceStatus(key, value); return put(key, value, metadata); } private int getEvictionAdviceStatus(final K key, final V value) { return evictionAdvisor.adviseAgainstEviction(key, value) ? ADVISED_AGAINST_EVICTION : 0; } @Override public V putPinned(K key, V value) { int metadata = getEvictionAdviceStatus(key, value) | Metadata.PINNED; return put(key, value, metadata); } @Override protected boolean evictable(int status) { return super.evictable(status) && (((status & ADVISED_AGAINST_EVICTION) == 0) || !evictionAdvisor.isSwitchedOn()); } @Override public boolean evict(int index, boolean shrink) { Lock lock = writeLock(); lock.lock(); try { Entry<K, V> entry = getEntryAtTableOffset(index); boolean evicted = super.evict(index, shrink); if (evicted) { evictionListener.onEviction(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } return evicted; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } public interface EvictionListener<K, V> { void onEviction(K key, V value); } } }