package; import; import okhttp3.Interceptor; import okhttp3.MediaType; import okhttp3.Request; import okhttp3.RequestBody; import okhttp3.Response; import okio.BufferedSink; import okio.GzipSink; import okio.Okio; /** * This interceptor compresses the HTTP request body. Many webservers can't handle this! * **/ public final class GzipRequestInterceptor implements Interceptor { @Override public Response intercept(Chain chain) throws IOException { Request originalRequest = chain.request(); if (originalRequest.body() == null || originalRequest.header("Content-Encoding") != null) { return chain.proceed(originalRequest); } Request compressedRequest = originalRequest.newBuilder() .header("Content-Encoding", "gzip") .method(originalRequest.method(), gzip(originalRequest.body())) .build(); return chain.proceed(compressedRequest); } private RequestBody gzip(final RequestBody body) { return new RequestBody() { @Override public MediaType contentType() { return body.contentType(); } @Override public long contentLength() { return -1; // We don't know the compressed length in advance! } @Override public void writeTo(BufferedSink sink) throws IOException { BufferedSink gzipSink = Okio.buffer(new GzipSink(sink)); body.writeTo(gzipSink); gzipSink.close(); } }; } }