package; import net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe; import java.time.Clock; import java.time.OffsetDateTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import static; import static; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList; import static java.util.Optional.empty; import static java.util.Optional.ofNullable; /** * Information about a single job execution. * <p> * A JobInfo instance is created for every job execution. It is constantly updated by the background job and * persisted in the JobRepository. */ @ThreadSafe public class JobInfo { private final String jobId; private final String jobType; private final OffsetDateTime started; private final List<JobMessage> messages; private final Optional<OffsetDateTime> stopped; private final JobStatus status; private final OffsetDateTime lastUpdated; private final String hostname; private final Clock clock; public Clock getClock() { return clock; } public enum JobStatus {OK, SKIPPED, ERROR, DEAD} public static JobInfo newJobInfo(final String jobId, final String jobType, final Clock clock, final String hostname) { return new JobInfo(jobType, jobId, clock, hostname); } public static JobInfo newJobInfo(final String jobId, final String jobType, final OffsetDateTime started, final OffsetDateTime lastUpdated, final Optional<OffsetDateTime> stopped, final JobStatus status, final List<JobMessage> messages, final Clock clock, final String hostname) { return new JobInfo(jobId, jobType, started, lastUpdated, stopped, status, messages, clock, hostname); } private JobInfo(final String jobType, final String jobId, final Clock clock, final String hostname) { this.jobId = jobId; this.jobType = jobType; this.started = now(clock); this.clock = clock; this.stopped = empty(); this.status = OK; this.lastUpdated = started; this.hostname = hostname; this.messages = emptyList(); } private JobInfo(final String jobId, final String jobType, final OffsetDateTime started, final OffsetDateTime lastUpdated, final Optional<OffsetDateTime> stopped, final JobStatus status, final List<JobMessage> messages, Clock clock, final String hostname) { this.jobId = jobId; this.jobType = jobType; this.started = started; this.lastUpdated = lastUpdated; this.stopped = stopped; this.status = status; this.messages = unmodifiableList(messages); this.hostname = hostname; this.clock = clock; } /** * @return true if the job is finished, false, if it is still in execution. */ public synchronized boolean isStopped() { return stopped.isPresent(); } /** * @return the id of the job */ public String getJobId() { return jobId; } /** * @return the job type */ public String getJobType() { return jobType; } /** * @return the name of the server this job is executed on */ public String getHostname() { return hostname; } /** * @return timestamp when the job was started */ public OffsetDateTime getStarted() { return started; } /** * @return the current status of the job: OK, ERROR or DEAD */ public JobStatus getStatus() { return status; } /** * @return the timestamp when the job was stopped, of empty, if the job is still running. */ public Optional<OffsetDateTime> getStopped() { return stopped; } /** * @return list of job messages, containing human-readable information about what happened during execution. */ public List<JobMessage> getMessages() { return messages; } /** * @return last updated timestamp */ public OffsetDateTime getLastUpdated() { return lastUpdated; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; JobInfo jobInfo = (JobInfo) o; if (jobType != null ? !jobType.equals(jobInfo.jobType) : jobInfo.jobType != null) return false; if (jobId != null ? !jobId.equals(jobInfo.jobId) : jobInfo.jobId != null) return false; if (lastUpdated != null ? !lastUpdated.equals(jobInfo.lastUpdated) : jobInfo.lastUpdated != null) return false; if (messages != null ? !messages.equals(jobInfo.messages) : jobInfo.messages != null) return false; if (started != null ? !started.equals(jobInfo.started) : jobInfo.started != null) return false; if (status != jobInfo.status) return false; if (stopped != null ? !stopped.equals(jobInfo.stopped) : jobInfo.stopped != null) return false; if (hostname != null ? !hostname.equals(jobInfo.hostname) : jobInfo.hostname != null) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = jobId != null ? jobId.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (jobType != null ? jobType.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (started != null ? started.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (stopped != null ? stopped.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (messages != null ? messages.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (status != null ? status.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (lastUpdated != null ? lastUpdated.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (hostname != null ? hostname.hashCode() : 0); return result; } @Override public String toString() { return "JobInfo{" + "jobId=" + jobId + ", jobType=" + jobType + ", started=" + started + ", hostname=" + hostname + ", stopped=" + stopped + ", messages=" + messages + ", status=" + status + ", lastUpdated=" + lastUpdated + '}'; } public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } public Builder copy() { return new Builder(jobId, jobType, started, new ArrayList<>(messages), stopped, status, lastUpdated, hostname, clock); } public static final class Builder { private String jobId; private String jobType; private OffsetDateTime started; private List<JobMessage> messages = new ArrayList<>(); private Clock clock; private OffsetDateTime stopped; private JobStatus status; private OffsetDateTime lastUpdated; private String hostname; public Builder() { } public Builder(String jobId, String jobType, OffsetDateTime started, List<JobMessage> messages, Optional<OffsetDateTime> stopped, JobStatus status, OffsetDateTime lastUpdated, String hostname, Clock clock) { this.jobId = jobId; this.jobType = jobType; this.started = started; this.messages = messages; this.clock = clock; this.stopped = stopped.orElse(null); this.status = status; this.lastUpdated = lastUpdated; this.hostname = hostname; } public Builder setJobId(String jobId) { this.jobId = jobId; return this; } public Builder setClock(Clock clock) { this.clock = clock; return this; } public Builder setJobType(String jobType) { this.jobType = jobType; return this; } public Builder setStarted(OffsetDateTime started) { this.started = started; return this; } public Builder setMessages(List<JobMessage> messages) { this.messages = messages; return this; } public Builder setStopped(OffsetDateTime stopped) { this.stopped = stopped; return this; } public Builder setStatus(JobStatus status) { this.status = status; return this; } public Builder setLastUpdated(OffsetDateTime lastUpdated) { this.lastUpdated = lastUpdated; return this; } public Builder setHostname(String hostname) { this.hostname = hostname; return this; } public JobInfo build() { return new JobInfo(jobId, jobType, started, lastUpdated, ofNullable(stopped), status, messages, clock, hostname); } public Builder addMessage(JobMessage jobMessage) { this.messages.add(jobMessage); return this; } } }