package org.occiware.clouddesigner.occi.simulation.cloudsim.handlers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import org.occiware.clouddesigner.occi.AttributeState; import org.occiware.clouddesigner.occi.Configuration; import org.occiware.clouddesigner.occi.Kind; import org.occiware.clouddesigner.occi.Link; import org.occiware.clouddesigner.occi.Mixin; import org.occiware.clouddesigner.occi.Resource; /** * * @author Mehdi Ahmed-Nacer * */ public class Parser { Configuration configuration; public Parser(Configuration config){ this.configuration= config; } public Map<Entity, Set<Entity>> parsing(){ System.out.println("start parsing ..."); Map<Entity, Set<Entity>> entities = new HashMap<Entity, Set<Entity>>(); for(Resource resource : configuration.getResources()) { for(Mixin mixin : resource.getMixins()) { if(mixin.getScheme().contains("simulation")){ if(mixin.getTerm().contains("datacenter")){ Dc_Config dc = DcFromResource(resource); entities.put(dc, new HashSet<Entity>()); System.out.println(dc); }else if(mixin.getTerm().contains("host")){ Host_Config host = HostFromResource(resource); entities.put(host, new HashSet<Entity>()); System.out.println(host); }else if (mixin.getTerm().contains("VM")){ VM_Config vm = VMFromResource(resource); entities.put(vm, new HashSet<Entity>()); System.out.println(vm); }else if (mixin.getTerm().contains("cloudlet")){ Cloudlet_Config cloudlet = CloudletFromResource(resource); entities.put(cloudlet, new HashSet<Entity>()); System.out.println(cloudlet); }else if(mixin.getTerm().contains("HarddriveStorage")){ HarddriveStorage_Config hardDrive = HarddriveFromResource(resource); entities.put(hardDrive, new HashSet<Entity>()); System.out.println(hardDrive); } } } } //Link entities for(Entity ent: entities.keySet()){ for(Entity link: entities.keySet()){ if(ent.getLinkedResourceId().contains(link.getId())){ if(isDC(ent) && isHost(link)) entities.get(ent).add(link); else if (isDC(ent) && isHardDrive(link)) entities.get(ent).add(link); else if (isHost(ent) && isVM(link)) entities.get(ent).add(link); else if (isVM(ent) && isCloudlet(link)) entities.get(ent).add(link); } } } return entities; } /*********************************************************************************/ /**************** Fill the attributes of each entity **************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ private HarddriveStorage_Config HarddriveFromResource(Resource resource){ String id = resource.getId(); int size = 1000; List<String> idTarget = new ArrayList<String>(); for(AttributeState as : resource.getAttributes()) { if(as.getName().equals("size")) size = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); } return new HarddriveStorage_Config(id, size, idTarget); } private Cloudlet_Config CloudletFromResource(Resource resource){ String id = resource.getId(); //ressourceId List<String> idTarget = new ArrayList<String>(); int cloudletId=0,pesNumber=0; long cloudletLength=0, cloudletFileSize=0, cloudletOutputSize=0; String utilizationModelCpu="", utilizationModelRam="", utilizationModelBw=""; for(AttributeState as : resource.getAttributes()) { if(as.getName().equals("cloudletId")) cloudletId = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().contains("cores")) pesNumber = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().equals("cloudletLength")) cloudletLength = Long.parseLong(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().equals("cloudletFileSize")) cloudletFileSize = Long.parseLong(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().equals("cloudletOutputSize")) cloudletOutputSize = Long.parseLong(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().equals("utilizationModelCpu")) utilizationModelCpu = as.getValue(); else if (as.getName().equals("utilizationModelRam")) utilizationModelRam = as.getValue(); else if (as.getName().equals("utilizationModelBw")) utilizationModelBw = as.getValue(); } return new Cloudlet_Config(id, idTarget, cloudletId, pesNumber, cloudletLength, cloudletFileSize, cloudletOutputSize, utilizationModelCpu, utilizationModelRam, utilizationModelBw); } private VM_Config VMFromResource(Resource resource){ String id = resource.getId(); //ressourceId List<String> idTarget = new ArrayList<String>(); int id_vm=0, numberOfPes=0, ram=0; double mips=0; long bw=0, size=0; String vmm=""; String elastic_vm=""; int ram_max=0,ram_min=0; String cloudletScheduler=""; for(AttributeState as : resource.getAttributes()) { //System.out.println(as.getName()+" >>>> "+as.getValue()); if(as.getName().equals("id_vm")) id_vm = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().contains("speed") || as.getName().contains("mips")) mips = 1000*Double.parseDouble(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().contains("cores")) numberOfPes = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().contains("memory")) ram = 1000*Integer.parseInt(as.getValue());//GB else if (as.getName().equals("ram")) ram = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().equals("bw")) bw = Long.parseLong(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().equals("size")) size = Long.parseLong(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().equals("vmm")) vmm = as.getValue(); else if (as.getName().equals("cloudletScheduler")) cloudletScheduler = as.getValue(); else if (as.getName().equals("ram_max_vm")) ram_max = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().equals("ram_min_vm")) ram_min = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().equals("elastic_vm")) elastic_vm = as.getValue(); } //resource linked to VM for(Link link : resource.getLinks()) { if(link.getTarget().getKind().getTerm().contains("cloudlet")){ idTarget.add(link.getTarget().getId()); }else{ for(Mixin m: link.getTarget().getMixins()){ if(m.getTerm().contains("cloudlet")){ idTarget.add(link.getTarget().getId()); } } } } return new VM_Config(id, idTarget, id_vm, numberOfPes, ram, mips, bw, size, vmm, cloudletScheduler, elastic_vm, ram_min, ram_max) ; } private Host_Config HostFromResource(Resource resource){ String id = resource.getId(); //ressourceId List<String> idTarget = new ArrayList<String>(); int id_host=0, core=0, ram=0, bw=0; String elastic_host="",ramProvisioner="", bwProvisioner="", peProvisioner="",vmScheduler=""; long storage=0; double mips=0; int ram_max_host=0, ram_min_host=0, mips_max_host=0; for(AttributeState as : resource.getAttributes()) { if(as.getName().equals("id_host")) id_host = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().contains("speed") || as.getName().equals("mips")) mips = 1000*Double.parseDouble(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().contains("cores")) core = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); //else if (as.getName().contains("memory")) ram = 1000*Integer.parseInt(as.getValue());//GB else if (as.getName().equals("ram")) ram = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue());//MB else if (as.getName().equals("bw")) bw = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().equals("storage")) storage = Long.parseLong(as.getValue());//MB else if (as.getName().equals("ramProvisioner")) ramProvisioner = as.getValue(); else if (as.getName().equals("bwProvisioner")) bwProvisioner = as.getValue(); else if (as.getName().equals("vmScheduler")) vmScheduler = as.getValue(); else if (as.getName().equals("peProvisioner")) peProvisioner = as.getValue(); else if (as.getName().equals("elastic_host")) elastic_host = as.getValue(); else if (as.getName().equals("ram_max_host")) ram_max_host = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().equals("ram_min_host")) ram_min_host = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); else if (as.getName().equals("mips_max_host")) mips_max_host = Integer.parseInt(as.getValue()); } //VM linked to host for(Link link : resource.getLinks()) { if(link.getTarget().getKind().getTerm().contains("VM")){ idTarget.add(link.getTarget().getId()); }else{ for(Mixin m: link.getTarget().getMixins()){ if(m.getTerm().contains("VM")){ idTarget.add(link.getTarget().getId()); } } } } return new Host_Config(id, idTarget, id_host, mips, core, ramProvisioner, bwProvisioner, vmScheduler, peProvisioner, storage, ram, bw, elastic_host, ram_min_host, ram_max_host, mips_max_host); } private Dc_Config DcFromResource(Resource resource){ String id = resource.getId(); //ressourceId List<String> idTarget = new ArrayList<String>(); String architecture = "", os="", vmm="", name=""; double schedulingInterval= 0, timeZone=0, costPerSec=0, costPerMem=0, costPerStorage=0, costPerBw=0; for(AttributeState as : resource.getAttributes()) { if(as.getName().contains("arch")) architecture = as.getValue(); else if(as.getName().equals("os")) os = as.getValue(); else if(as.getName().equals("vmm")) vmm = as.getValue(); else if(as.getName().equals("time_zone")) timeZone = Double.parseDouble(as.getValue()); else if(as.getName().equals("cost")) costPerSec = Double.parseDouble(as.getValue()); else if(as.getName().equals("costPerMem")) costPerMem = Double.parseDouble(as.getValue()); else if(as.getName().equals("costPerStorage")) costPerStorage = Double.parseDouble(as.getValue()); else if(as.getName().equals("costPerBw")) costPerBw = Double.parseDouble(as.getValue()); else if(as.getName().equals("name")) name = as.getValue(); else if(as.getName().equals("schedulingInterval")) schedulingInterval = Double.parseDouble(as.getValue()); } //host linked to datacenter for(Link link : resource.getLinks()) { for(Mixin m: link.getTarget().getMixins()){ if(m.getTerm().contains("host") || m.getTerm().contains("HarddriveStorage")){ idTarget.add(link.getTarget().getId()); } } } //create datacenter return new Dc_Config(id, idTarget, name, architecture, os, vmm, timeZone, costPerSec, costPerMem, costPerStorage, costPerBw, schedulingInterval); } /*********************************************************************************/ /****************************** PRIVATE CLASSES *********************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************/ protected class HarddriveStorage_Config implements Entity{ double size; String id; List<String> idTarget; public HarddriveStorage_Config(String id, double size, List<String> idTarget){ = id; this.size = size; this.idTarget = idTarget; } @Override public String getId() { return id; } @Override public String toString() { return "HarddriveStorage [size=" + size + ", id=" + id + "]"; } @Override public List<String> getLinkedResourceId() { return idTarget; } } protected class Cloudlet_Config implements Entity{ String id; //ressourceId List<String> idTarget; int cloudletId,pesNumber; long cloudletLength, cloudletFileSize, cloudletOutputSize; String utilizationModelCpu, utilizationModelRam,utilizationModelBw; public Cloudlet_Config(String id, List<String> idTarget, int cloudletId, int pesNumber, long cloudletLength, long cloudletFileSize, long cloudletOutputSize, String utilizationModelCpu, String utilizationModelRam, String utilizationModelBw) { = id; this.idTarget = idTarget; this.cloudletId = cloudletId; this.pesNumber = pesNumber; this.cloudletLength = cloudletLength; this.cloudletFileSize = cloudletFileSize; this.cloudletOutputSize = cloudletOutputSize; this.utilizationModelCpu = utilizationModelCpu; this.utilizationModelRam = utilizationModelRam; this.utilizationModelBw = utilizationModelBw; } @Override public String toString() { return "Cloudlet [cloudletId=" + cloudletId + ", pesNumber=" + pesNumber + ", cloudletLength=" + cloudletLength + ", cloudletFileSize=" + cloudletFileSize + ", cloudletOutputSize=" + cloudletOutputSize + ", utilizationModelCpu=" + utilizationModelCpu + ", utilizationModelRam=" + utilizationModelRam + ", utilizationModelBw=" + utilizationModelBw + "]"; } @Override public String getId() { return id; } @Override public List<String> getLinkedResourceId() { return idTarget; } } protected class VM_Config implements Entity{ String id; //ressourceId List<String> idTarget; int id_vm, numberOfPes, ram, ram_min, ram_max; double mips; long bw, size; String vmm, elastic; String cloudletScheduler; public VM_Config(String id, List<String> idTarget, int id_vm, int numberOfPes, int ram, double mips, long bw, long size, String vmm, String cloudletScheduler, String elastic, int ram_min, int ram_max) { = id; this.idTarget = idTarget; this.id_vm = id_vm; this.numberOfPes = numberOfPes; this.ram = ram; this.mips = mips; = bw; this.size = size; this.vmm = vmm; this.cloudletScheduler = cloudletScheduler; this.ram_min=ram_min; this.ram_max= ram_max; this.elastic=elastic; } @Override public String toString() { return "VM [id=" + id + ", idTarget=" + idTarget + ", id_vm=" + id_vm + ", numberOfPes=" + numberOfPes + ", ram=" + ram + ", mips=" + mips + ", bw=" + bw + ", size=" + size + ", vmm=" + vmm + ", cloudletScheduler=" + cloudletScheduler + "elasticity="+elastic+" ram_min="+ram_min+" ram_max="+ram_max+"]"; } @Override public String getId() { return id; } @Override public List<String> getLinkedResourceId() { return idTarget; } } protected static class Host_Config implements Entity{ String id; //ressourceId List<String> idTarget; public static int numberHost = 0; int id_host, core, ram, bw, ram_min_host, ram_max_host, mips_max_host; double mips; String ramProvisioner, bwProvisioner,peProvisioner, vmScheduler, elastic_host; long storage; public Host_Config(String id, List<String> idTarget, int id_host, double mips, int core, String ramProvisioner, String bwProvisioner, String vmScheduler, String peProvisioner, long storage, int ram, int bw, String elastic_host, int ram_min_host, int ram_max_host, int mips_max_host) { = id; this.idTarget = idTarget; this.id_host = id_host; this.mips = mips; this.core = core; this.ramProvisioner = ramProvisioner; this.bwProvisioner = bwProvisioner; this.peProvisioner = peProvisioner; this.vmScheduler = vmScheduler; = storage; = bw; this.ram = ram; this.elastic_host=elastic_host; this.ram_min_host=ram_min_host; this.ram_max_host=ram_max_host; this.mips_max_host=mips_max_host; numberHost++; } public Host_Config clone(){ numberHost++; String newResourceId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); return new Host_Config(newResourceId, this.idTarget, numberHost, this.mips, this.core, this.ramProvisioner, this.bwProvisioner, this.vmScheduler, this.peProvisioner,, this.ram,, this.elastic_host, this.ram_min_host, this.ram_max_host, this.mips_max_host); } @Override public String toString() { return "Host_Config [id=" + id + ", idTarget=" + idTarget + ", id_host=" + id_host + ", mips=" + mips + ", core=" + core + ", ram=" + ram + ", bw=" + bw + ", ramProvisioner=" + ramProvisioner + ", bwProvisioner=" + bwProvisioner + ", peProvisioner=" + peProvisioner + ", vmScheduler=" + vmScheduler + ", storage=" + storage + " elastic_host="+elastic_host+" ram_min_host="+ram_min_host+ "ram_max_host="+ram_max_host+" mips_max_host="+mips_max_host+"]"; } @Override public String getId() { return id; } @Override public List<String> getLinkedResourceId() { return idTarget; } public void setTarget(List<String> targ){ this.idTarget = targ; } public void setStorage(long storage){ = storage; } public void setId(int id){ this.id_host = id; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((id == null) ? 0 : id.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Host_Config other = (Host_Config) obj; if (id == null) { if ( != null) return false; } else if (!id.equals( return false; return true; } } protected class Dc_Config implements Entity{ String id; List<String> targetId; //list of hosts String vmm, os, name, architecture; double schedulingInterval; double time_zone, costPerSec, costPerMem, costPerStorage, costPerBw; public Dc_Config(String id, List<String> targetId, String name, String architecture, String os, String vmm, double time_zone, double costPerSec, double costPerMem, double costPerStorage, double costPerBw, double schedulingInterval){ this.architecture = architecture; = id; this.targetId = targetId; this.vmm = vmm; this.os = os; = name; this.schedulingInterval = schedulingInterval; this.costPerSec = costPerSec; this.costPerMem = costPerMem; this.costPerStorage = costPerStorage; this.costPerBw = costPerBw; this.time_zone = time_zone; } @Override public String toString() { return "Dc_Config [id=" + id + ", targetId=" + targetId + ", vmm=" + vmm + ", os=" + os + ", name=" + name + ", architecture=" + architecture + ", schedulingInterval=" + schedulingInterval + ", time_zone=" + time_zone + ", costPerSec=" + costPerSec + ", costPerMem=" + costPerMem + ", costPerStorage=" + costPerStorage + ", costPerBw=" + costPerBw + "]"; } @Override public String getId() { return id; } @Override public List<String> getLinkedResourceId() { return targetId; } } public interface Entity{ public String getId(); public List<String> getLinkedResourceId(); public String toString(); } /*************** PRIVATE METHOD *****************/ public boolean isDC(Object obj){ if(obj instanceof Dc_Config){ return true; } return false; } public boolean isHost(Object obj){ if(obj instanceof Host_Config){ return true; } return false; } public boolean isVM(Object obj){ if(obj instanceof VM_Config){ return true; } return false; } public boolean isCloudlet(Object obj){ if(obj instanceof Cloudlet_Config){ return true; } return false; } public boolean isHardDrive(Object obj){ if(obj instanceof HarddriveStorage_Config){ return true; } return false; } }