package org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.quicksearch.test; import static org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.quicksearch.core.priority.PriorityFunction.PRIORITY_DEFAULT; import static org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.quicksearch.core.priority.PriorityFunction.PRIORITY_IGNORE; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.springsource.ide.eclipse.commons.quicksearch.core.priority.PrioriTree; public class PrioriTreeTest extends TestCase { PrioriTree tree; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); tree = PrioriTree.create(); } public void testWithEmptyTree() { //In the empty tree most paths are assigned 'DEFAULT' priority. checkPriority(PRIORITY_DEFAULT, "/"); checkPriority(PRIORITY_DEFAULT, "/foo/bar/zor"); //Paths with ignored extensions should be 'ignored'. checkPriority(PRIORITY_IGNORE, "/foo/"); checkPriority(PRIORITY_IGNORE, "/muck.jar"); checkPriority(PRIORITY_IGNORE, "/images/muck.jpg"); //Names starting with ignored prefix should be ignored checkPriority(PRIORITY_IGNORE, "/project/.git"); //Some specific names are also to be ignored checkPriority(PRIORITY_IGNORE, "/project/target"); checkPriority(PRIORITY_IGNORE, "/project/build"); } public void testSinglePathSet() { setPriority("/foo/bar/zor", 100.0); //Path itself should have the set priority checkPriority(100.0, "/foo/bar/zor"); //Also the parent paths should have been set automatically checkPriority(100.0, "/foo/bar"); checkPriority(100.0, "/foo"); checkPriority(100.0, "/"); //Things not on the paths should still be 'default' checkPriority(PRIORITY_DEFAULT, "/other/bar"); checkPriority(PRIORITY_DEFAULT, "/other"); //The things nested underneath the set path also get assigned implicitly ... checkPriority(100.0, "/foo/bar/zor/nested"); checkPriority(100.0, "/foo/bar/zor/nested/deeper"); // ... unless they are 'ignored'. Ignored paths are never converted to non-ignored. checkPriority(PRIORITY_IGNORE, "/foo/bar/zor/nested/"); } public void testSetOverlappingPaths() { setPriority("/shared/foo", 50.0); setPriority("/shared/bar", 100.0); tree.dump(); checkPriority(50.0, "/shared/foo"); checkPriority(100.0, "/shared/bar"); //Shared section of path should get highest priority of both checkPriority(100.0, "/"); checkPriority(100.0, "/shared"); //Disjoint paths remain default checkPriority(PRIORITY_DEFAULT, "/other"); } /** * Similar to testSetOverlappingPaths but order of * priority set operations is reversed. The result should * be the same. */ public void testSetOverlappingPaths2() { setPriority("/shared/bar", 100.0); setPriority("/shared/foo", 50.0); checkPriority(50.0, "/shared/foo"); checkPriority(100.0, "/shared/bar"); //Shared section of path should get highest priority of both checkPriority(100.0, "/"); checkPriority(100.0, "/shared"); //Disjoint paths remain default checkPriority(PRIORITY_DEFAULT, "/other"); } /** * Need support for setting priority of an entire subtree. */ public void testSetTreePriority() { setPriority("/promoted", 100.0); //Stuff not in the raised subtree should be unchanged checkPriority(PRIORITY_DEFAULT, "/unrelated"); //Stuff in the raised subtree should be affected. checkPriority(100.0, "/promoted"); checkPriority(100.0, "/promoted/sub"); checkPriority(100.0, "/promoted/sub/sub"); //But... ignored stuff should never be made searchable even in a raised subtree. checkPriority(PRIORITY_IGNORE, "/promoted/"); } /** * Check that setting priotity of a tree raises children priority also if those * children already had a priority assigned before. */ public void testSetTreePriority2() { setPriority("/promoted/sub/sub", 50.0); checkPriority(50.0, "/promoted"); checkPriority(50.0, "/promoted/sub"); checkPriority(50.0, "/promoted/sub/sub"); checkPriority(PRIORITY_DEFAULT, "/promoted/other"); setPriority("/promoted", 100.0); //Stuff not in the raised subtree should be unchanged checkPriority(PRIORITY_DEFAULT, "/unrelated"); //Stuff in the raised subtree should be affected. checkPriority(100.0, "/promoted"); checkPriority(100.0, "/promoted/sub"); checkPriority(100.0, "/promoted/sub/sub"); checkPriority(100.0, "/promoted/other"); //But... ignored stuff should never be made searchable even in a raised subtree. checkPriority(PRIORITY_IGNORE, "/promoted/sub/"); checkPriority(PRIORITY_IGNORE, "/promoted/other/"); } private void setPriority(String pathStr, double pri) { tree.setPriority(new Path(pathStr), pri); } private void checkPriority(double expected, String pathStr) { assertEquals(pathStr, expected, tree.priority(new MockResource(pathStr))); } }