/** * This file is protected by Copyright. * Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file distributed with this source distribution. * * This file is part of REDHAWK IDE. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under * the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html. * */ package gov.redhawk.model.sca.tests.stubs; public final class ScaTestConstaints { public static final String SCA_DOMAINS_URI = "platform:/plugin/gov.redhawk.sca.model.tests/domains.sca"; public static final String SCA_FILE_URI = "virtual:/input.sca"; public static final String SDR_DOM_URI = "platform:/plugin/gov.redhawk.sca.model.tests/sdr/dom/"; public static final String SDR_DEV_URI = "platform:/plugin/gov.redhawk.sca.model.tests/sdr/dev/"; public static final String DCE_SIMPLE_STRING_PROP = "DCE:2413dca0-ddd7-4be6-9d39-cfbae210f2fd"; public static final String DCE_SIMPLE_SEQUENCE_STRING_PROP = "DCE:e4a63886-8bb7-403d-bdd7-3bc79717f5b5"; public static final String DCE_STRUCT_PROP = "DCE:5e410c54-750b-41ea-9fd4-176ce624d849"; public static final String DCE_STUCT_SEQ_PROP = "DCE:7fb68ed6-2d60-4652-8e78-ac0974659350"; public static final String DCE_STRUCT_PROP_SIMPLE_FIELD = "DCE:e0a68e78-a562-416e-8ce1-27c9c622083c"; public static final String DCE_STRUCT_SEQ_PROP_SIMPLE_FIELD = "DCE:b34d9204-46fa-43ea-9ef2-189674bfc366"; public static final String DCE_KITCHEN_SINK_COMPONENT = "DCE:fedf7667-b838-47b5-b90b-73e5e2e93f76"; public static final String DCE_EXAMPLE_WAVEFORM = "DCE:4c5d6060-7b03-47c6-8fed-56cf0991273a"; public static final String DCE_GPP_DEVICE = "DCE:0dba299a-c79a-4c35-bdc5-5f417b02df32"; public static final String DOMAIN_NAME = "REDHAWK_DEV"; public static final String DOMAIN_DISPLAY_NAME = "REDHAWK_DEV_DISPLAY_NAME"; public static final String DCE_BASIC_AC_INSTANTIATION = "DCE:2a254209-cb6b-4de3-b465-4b26ba4e3ba9"; public static final String SERVICE_NAME = "GPP1"; private ScaTestConstaints() { } }