/**Copyright 2010 Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mBH * * This file is part of easyrec. * * easyrec is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * easyrec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with easyrec. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.easyrec.store.dao.core; import org.easyrec.model.core.ActionVO; import org.easyrec.model.core.ItemVO; import org.easyrec.model.core.RankedItemVO; import org.easyrec.model.core.transfer.TimeConstraintVO; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.unitils.UnitilsJUnit4TestClassRunner; import org.unitils.dbunit.annotation.DataSet; import org.unitils.dbunit.annotation.ExpectedDataSet; import org.unitils.spring.annotation.SpringApplicationContext; import org.unitils.spring.annotation.SpringBeanByName; import java.util.*; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not; import static org.junit.Assert.*; @RunWith(UnitilsJUnit4TestClassRunner.class) @SpringApplicationContext({ "spring/easyrecDataSource.xml", "spring/core/TenantConfig_DEFAULT.xml", "spring/core/dao/AuthenticationDAO.xml", "spring/core/dao/types/ActionTypeDAO.xml", "spring/core/dao/types/AggregateTypeDAO.xml", "spring/core/dao/types/AssocTypeDAO.xml", "spring/core/dao/types/ItemTypeDAO.xml", "spring/core/dao/types/SourceTypeDAO.xml", "spring/core/dao/types/ViewTypeDAO.xml", "spring/core/dao/ItemAssocDAO.xml", "spring/core/dao/TenantDAO.xml", "spring/core/dao/ProfileDAO.xml", "spring/core/idMapping.xml", "spring/core/service/ItemAssocService.xml", "spring/core/service/TenantService.xml", "spring/core/service/ClusterService.xml", "spring/core/service/ClusterStrategies.xml", "spring/core/dao/ActionDAO.xml"}) @DataSet(value = ActionDAOTest.DATA_FILENAME) public class ActionDAOTest { // constants // filenames of xml files public final static String DATA_FILENAME = "/dbunit/core/dao/action.xml"; public final static String DATA_FILENAME_NO_ACTIONTIME = "/dbunit/core/dao/action_no_actiontime.xml"; public final static String DATA_FILENAME_ONE_LESS = "/dbunit/core/dao/action_one_less.xml"; public final static String DATA_FILENAME_SOME_MORE_WITH_ALL_FIELDS_SET = "/dbunit/core/dao/action_some_more_with_all_fields_set.xml"; public final static String DATA_FILENAME_RANKINGS = "/dbunit/core/dao/action_rankings.xml"; // members @SpringBeanByName private ActionDAO actionDAO; @Test @DataSet(DATA_FILENAME_ONE_LESS) @ExpectedDataSet(DATA_FILENAME_NO_ACTIONTIME) public void testInsertAction() { ActionVO<Integer, Integer> action = null; try { action = new ActionVO<Integer, Integer>(2, 2, "abc5", "", new ItemVO<Integer, Integer>(2, 1, 1), 1, null, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { fail("caught exception: " + e); } assertTrue(action.getId() == null); actionDAO.insertAction(action, false); assertThat(action.getId(), is(not(1))); assertThat(action.getId(), is(not(2))); assertThat(action.getId(), is(not(3))); assertThat(action.getId(), is(not(4))); assertThat(action.getId(), is(not(5))); } @Test public void testRemoveActionsByTenant() { actionDAO.removeActionsByTenant(1); Iterator<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> actions = actionDAO.getActionIterator(5000); assertTrue(actions != null); List<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> actionsList = iteratorToList(actions); assertEquals(2, actionsList.size()); } @Test @ExpectedDataSet(DATA_FILENAME_SOME_MORE_WITH_ALL_FIELDS_SET) public void testInsertActionAllFieldsSet() { ActionVO<Integer, Integer> action = null; // search (failed) try { action = new ActionVO<Integer, Integer>(2, 2, "abc6", "", new ItemVO<Integer, Integer>(2, null, 2), 4, null, false, 0, "modana"); } catch (Exception e) { fail("caught exception: " + e); } actionDAO.insertAction(action, false); // search (succeeded) try { action = new ActionVO<Integer, Integer>(2, 2, "abc6", "", new ItemVO<Integer, Integer>(2, 13, 2), 4, null, true, 1, "madonna"); } catch (Exception e) { fail("caught exception: " + e); } actionDAO.insertAction(action, false); // ratingValue set try { action = new ActionVO<Integer, Integer>(2, 2, "abc6", "", new ItemVO<Integer, Integer>(2, 19, 1), 3, 7, null, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { fail("caught exception: " + e); } actionDAO.insertAction(action, false); } @Test public void testInsertActionMissingConstraint() { ActionVO<Integer, Integer> action = null; try { action = new ActionVO<Integer, Integer>(2, 2, "abc5", "", new ItemVO<Integer, Integer>(2, 1, 1), null, null, null, null, null); actionDAO.insertAction(action, false); fail("exception should be thrown, since 'actionTypeId' is missing"); } catch (Exception e) { assertTrue("unexpected exception during insertion of action: " + action + ", " + e.getMessage(), e instanceof IllegalArgumentException); } } @Test public void testGetActionIterator() { Iterator<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> actions = actionDAO.getActionIterator(5000); assertTrue(actions != null); List<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> actionsList = iteratorToList(actions); assertEquals(6, actionsList.size()); // HINT: hardcoded check if list equals expected list (Mantis Issue: #721) } @Test public void testGetActionIteratorConstraintsFrom() { Iterator<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> actions = null; try { actions = actionDAO.getActionIterator(5000, new TimeConstraintVO(new Date(new GregorianCalendar(2007, 3, 15, 12, 14).getTimeInMillis()), null)); } catch (Exception e) { fail("caught exception: " + e); } assertTrue(actions != null); List<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> actionsList = iteratorToList(actions); assertEquals(3, actionsList.size()); // HINT: hardcoded check if list equals expected list (Mantis Issue: #721) } @Test public void testGetActionIteratorConstraintsTo() { Iterator<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> actions = null; try { actions = actionDAO.getActionIterator(5000, new TimeConstraintVO(null, new Date(new GregorianCalendar(2007, 3, 15, 12, 15).getTimeInMillis()))); } catch (Exception e) { fail("caught exception: " + e); } assertTrue(actions != null); List<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> actionsList = iteratorToList(actions); assertEquals(5, actionsList.size()); // HINT: hardcoded check if list equals expected list (Mantis Issue: #721) } @Test public void testGetActionIteratorConstraintsBoth() { Iterator<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> actions = null; try { actions = actionDAO.getActionIterator(5000, new TimeConstraintVO(new Date(new GregorianCalendar(2007, 3, 15, 12, 12).getTimeInMillis()), new Date(new GregorianCalendar(2007, 3, 15, 12, 15).getTimeInMillis()))); } catch (Exception e) { fail("caught exception: " + e); } assertTrue(actions != null); List<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> actionsList = iteratorToList(actions); assertEquals(4, actionsList.size()); // HINT: hardcoded check if list equals expected list (Mantis Issue: #721) } @Test public void testGetNewestActionDate() { try { assertEquals(new Date(new GregorianCalendar(2007, 3, 15, 12, 16).getTimeInMillis()), actionDAO.getNewestActionDate()); } catch (Exception e) { fail("caught exception: " + e); } } @Test @DataSet(DATA_FILENAME_RANKINGS) public void testGetRankedItemsByActionType() { List<RankedItemVO<Integer, Integer>> retList = actionDAO .getRankedItemsByActionType(1, 1, 1, 500, null, true); assertEquals(6, retList.size()); retList = actionDAO.getRankedItemsByActionType(1, 2, 1, 500, null, true); assertEquals(6, retList.size()); retList = actionDAO.getRankedItemsByActionType(1, 3, 1, 500, null, true); assertEquals(5, retList.size()); retList = actionDAO.getRankedItemsByActionType(1, 4, 1, 500, null, true); assertEquals(4, retList.size()); retList = actionDAO.getRankedItemsByActionType(1, 1, 2, 500, null, true); assertEquals(3, retList.size()); // HINT: hardcoded check if lists equal expected lisst (Mantis Issue: #721) } @Test public void testGetItemsOfTenant() { List<ItemVO<Integer, Integer>> result = actionDAO.getItemsOfTenant(1, 1); assertEquals(1, result.size()); assertEquals((long) result.get(0).getItem(), 1L); assertEquals((long) result.get(0).getType(), 1L); assertEquals((long) result.get(0).getTenant(), 1L); } // private methods private List<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> iteratorToList( Iterator<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> actions) { List<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>> actionsList = new ArrayList<ActionVO<Integer, Integer>>(); while (actions.hasNext()) { actionsList.add(actions.next()); } return actionsList; } }