/** * <p> * This package provides support for using Spring beans in a DWR-Guice setting. * This documentation assumes you already understand * <a href="http://code.google.com/p/google-guice/">Guice</a> concepts and * some core <a href="http://springframework.org">Spring</a> concepts. * </p> * <p> * To use this support, in the {@code configure} method of a concrete * extension of * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.DwrGuiceServletContextListener DwrGuiceServletContextListener}, * call {@code install(new SpringModule(loader))}, where {@code loader} * is an implementation of the * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.spring.BeanFactoryLoader BeanFactoryLoader} * interface. This package includes one such implementation, * {@link org.directwebremoting.guice.spring.WebApplicationContextLoader WebApplicationContextLoader}. * </p> * @author Tim Peierls [tim at peierls dot net] */ package org.directwebremoting.guice.spring;