//This product is provided under the terms of EPL (Eclipse Public License) //version 1.0. // //The full license text can be read from: http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/epl-v10.php package org.dtangler.core; import org.dtangler.core.configuration.ParserConstants; import org.dtangler.core.input.CommandLineParser; public class HelpText { public final static String helpText = "\nUsage: \n" + "\t-<run option>=<argument>\n\n" + "\tYou can enter multiple arguments to the same option by separating\n" + "\tthem with a semicolon (;).\n\n" + "\tYou can enter multiple values to the same argument by separating\n" + "\tthem with a comma (,).\n\n" + "List of possible run options:\n\n" + "Setup: \n\n" + "\t" + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.CONFIG_FILE_KEY) + "<path and name of the configuration properties file>\n" + "\t\tPath of the config file.\n\n" + "\t" + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.INPUT_KEY) + "<path to folder containing the items being analyzed |\n" + "\t\tpath and name of the dependencies file>\n" + "\t\tWith " + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.DEPENDENCY_ENGINE_ID_KEY) + ParserConstants.DEPENDENCY_ENGINE_ID_VALUE_JAVA + ", path of items being analyzed.\n" + "\t\tWith " + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.DEPENDENCY_ENGINE_ID_KEY) + ParserConstants.DEPENDENCY_ENGINE_ID_VALUE_GENERIC + ", path and name of the file\n" + "\t\tcontaining the definitions of the dependencies (.dt) or\n" + "\t\t" + ParserConstants.INPUT_KEY_VALUE_STANDARD_INPUT + " if the definitions are read from standard input.\n" + "\t\t" + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.INPUT_KEY) + " is interchangeable with the older " + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.CLASS_PATH_KEY) + " run option.\n\n" + "\t" + CommandLineParser .getKeyString(ParserConstants.IGNORE_FILE_MASK_KEY) + "<mask for items ignored>\n" + "\t\tItems being ignored.\n\n" + "\t" + CommandLineParser .getKeyString(ParserConstants.DEPENDENCY_ENGINE_ID_KEY) + "<"+ParserConstants.DEPENDENCY_ENGINE_ID_VALUE_JAVA+"|"+ParserConstants.DEPENDENCY_ENGINE_ID_VALUE_GENERIC+"|yourownengine>\n" + "\t\tThe id of the dependency engine. Default value: "+ParserConstants.DEPENDENCY_ENGINE_ID_VALUE_JAVA+"\n\n" + "Configuring dependency rules: \n\n" + "\t" + CommandLineParser .getKeyString(ParserConstants.CYCLES_ALLOWED_KEY) + "<true|false>\n" + "\t\tAllow/disallow cyclic dependencies. Default value: false\n\n" + "\t" + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.GROUPS_KEY) + "<group name> " + ParserConstants.CONTAINS + " <item name> " + ParserConstants.DOES_NOT_CONTAIN + " <item name>\n" + "\t\tGroup items to simplify configuration.\n" + "\t\t" + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.GROUPS_KEY) + " is interchangeable with the older " + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.GROUP_KEY) + " run option.\n\n" + "\t" + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.RULES_KEY) + "<item name> " + ParserConstants.CANNOT_DEPEND + " <item name>" + ParserConstants.BIG_SEPARATOR + "<item name> " + ParserConstants.CAN_DEPEND + " <item name>\n" + "\t\tSpecify forbidden and allowed dependencies. \n" + "\t\tAllowed dependencies override forbidden dependencies.\n\n" + "Java-specific parameters: \n\n" + "\t" + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.SCOPE_KEY) + "<locations|packages|classes>\n" + "\t\tSpecify the scope of the dependency analysis. \n" + "\t\tUse this option with the " + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.DEPENDENCY_ENGINE_ID_KEY) + ParserConstants.DEPENDENCY_ENGINE_ID_VALUE_JAVA + " option. \n" + "\t\tDefault value: packages\n\n" + "Generic dependency engine -specific parameters: \n\n" + "\t" + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.SCOPE_KEY) + "<any scope defined in the dependency definitions file>\n" + "\t\tSpecify the scope of the dependency analysis.\n" + "\t\tUse this option with the " + CommandLineParser.getKeyString(ParserConstants.DEPENDENCY_ENGINE_ID_KEY) + ParserConstants.DEPENDENCY_ENGINE_ID_VALUE_GENERIC + " option. \n" + "\t\tDefault value: first scope found from the dependency definitions file\n\n" + "The full documentation with examples can be read from:\n" + "\thttp://www.dtangler.org/documentation " + "\n"; }