package io.dropwizard.jetty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import; import io.dropwizard.util.Duration; import io.dropwizard.validation.MinDuration; import org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletContextHandler; import org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.PushCacheFilter; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.servlet.DispatcherType; import javax.validation.constraints.Min; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * A factory for building HTTP/2 {@link PushCacheFilter}, * <p/> * <b>Configuration Parameters:</b> * <table> * <tr> * <td>Name</td> * <td>Default</td> * <td>Description</td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code enabled}</td> * <td>false</td> * <td> * If true, the filter will organize resources as primary resources (those referenced by the * <i>Referer</i> header) and secondary resources (those that have the <i>Referer</i> header). * Secondary resources that have been requested within a time window from the request of the * primary resource will be associated with the it. The next time a client will * request the primary resource, the server will send to the client the secondary resources * along with the primary in a single response. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code associatePeriod}</td> * <td>4 seconds</td> * <td> * The time window within which a request for a secondary resource will be associated to a * primary resource. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code maxAssociations}</td> * <td>16</td> * <td> * The maximum number of secondary resources that may be associated to a primary resource. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code refererHosts}</td> * <td>All hosts</td> * <td> * The list of referrer hosts for which the server push technology is supported. * </td> * </tr> * <tr> * <td>{@code refererPorts}</td> * <td>All ports</td> * <td> * The list of referrer ports for which the server push technology is supported. * </td> * </tr> * </table> */ public class ServerPushFilterFactory { private static final Joiner COMMA_JOINER = Joiner.on(","); private boolean enabled = false; @MinDuration(value = 1, unit = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) private Duration associatePeriod = Duration.seconds(4); @Min(1) private int maxAssociations = 16; @Nullable private List<String> refererHosts; @Nullable private List<Integer> refererPorts; @JsonProperty public boolean isEnabled() { return enabled; } @JsonProperty public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; } @JsonProperty public Duration getAssociatePeriod() { return associatePeriod; } @JsonProperty public void setAssociatePeriod(Duration associatePeriod) { this.associatePeriod = associatePeriod; } @JsonProperty public int getMaxAssociations() { return maxAssociations; } @JsonProperty public void setMaxAssociations(int maxAssociations) { this.maxAssociations = maxAssociations; } @Nullable @JsonProperty public List<String> getRefererHosts() { return refererHosts; } @JsonProperty public void setRefererHosts(@Nullable List<String> refererHosts) { this.refererHosts = refererHosts; } @Nullable @JsonProperty public List<Integer> getRefererPorts() { return refererPorts; } @JsonProperty public void setRefererPorts(@Nullable List<Integer> refererPorts) { this.refererPorts = refererPorts; } public void addFilter(ServletContextHandler handler) { if (!enabled) { return; } handler.setInitParameter("associatePeriod", String.valueOf(associatePeriod.toMilliseconds())); handler.setInitParameter("maxAssociations", String.valueOf(maxAssociations)); if (refererHosts != null) { handler.setInitParameter("hosts", COMMA_JOINER.join(refererHosts)); } if (refererPorts != null) { handler.setInitParameter("ports", COMMA_JOINER.join(refererPorts)); } handler.addFilter(PushCacheFilter.class, "/*", EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST)); } }