/* * Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.drools.workbench.screens.guided.template.client.editor; import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT; import com.google.gwt.resources.client.ImageResource; import org.drools.workbench.screens.guided.template.client.resources.GuidedTemplateEditorResources; import org.kie.workbench.common.widgets.decoratedgrid.client.widget.ResourcesProvider; /** * */ public class TemplateDataTableResourcesProvider implements ResourcesProvider<TemplateDataColumn> { protected GuidedTemplateEditorResources INSTANCE = GWT.create( GuidedTemplateEditorResources.class ); public int rowHeight() { return INSTANCE.css().rowHeight(); } public int rowHeaderHeight() { return INSTANCE.css().rowHeaderHeight(); } public int rowHeaderSplitterHeight() { return INSTANCE.css().rowHeaderSplitterHeight(); } public int rowHeaderSorterHeight() { return INSTANCE.css().rowHeaderSorterHeight(); } public int sidebarWidth() { return INSTANCE.css().sidebarWidth(); } public int borderWidth() { return INSTANCE.css().borderWidth(); } public int borderWidthThick() { return INSTANCE.css().borderWidthThick(); } public String cellTableColumn( TemplateDataColumn column ) { return INSTANCE.css().templateColumn(); } public String cellTable() { return INSTANCE.css().cellTable(); } public String cellTableEvenRow() { return INSTANCE.css().cellTableEvenRow(); } public String cellTableOddRow() { return INSTANCE.css().cellTableOddRow(); } public String cellTableCell() { return INSTANCE.css().cellTableCell(); } public String cellTableCellSelected() { return INSTANCE.css().cellTableCellSelected(); } public String cellTableCellMultipleValues() { return INSTANCE.css().cellTableCellMultipleValues(); } public String cellTableCellOtherwise() { return INSTANCE.css().cellTableCellOtherwise(); } public String cellTableCellDiv() { return INSTANCE.css().cellTableCellDiv(); } public String cellTableGroupDiv() { return INSTANCE.css().cellTableGroupDiv(); } public String cellTableTextDiv() { return INSTANCE.css().cellTableTextDiv(); } public String headerRowBottom() { return INSTANCE.css().headerRowBottom(); } public String headerRowIntermediate() { return INSTANCE.css().headerRowIntermediate(); } public String headerText() { return INSTANCE.css().headerText(); } public String headerSplitter() { return INSTANCE.css().headerSplitter(); } public String headerResizer() { return INSTANCE.css().headerResizer(); } public String selectorSpacer() { return INSTANCE.css().selectorSpacer(); } public String selectorSpacerOuterDiv() { return INSTANCE.css().selectorSpacerOuterDiv(); } public String selectorSpacerInnerDiv() { return INSTANCE.css().selectorSpacerInnerDiv(); } public String selectorCell() { return INSTANCE.css().selectorCell(); } public ImageResource arrowSpacerIcon() { return INSTANCE.images().arrowSpacerIcon(); } public ImageResource downArrowIcon() { return INSTANCE.tableImageResources().downArrow(); } public ImageResource smallDownArrowIcon() { return INSTANCE.tableImageResources().smallDownArrow(); } public ImageResource upArrowIcon() { return INSTANCE.tableImageResources().upArrow(); } public ImageResource smallUpArrowIcon() { return INSTANCE.tableImageResources().smallUpArrow(); } public ImageResource toggleUnmergeIcon() { return INSTANCE.images().toggleUnmergeIcon(); } public ImageResource toggleMergeIcon() { return INSTANCE.images().toggleMergeIcon(); } public ImageResource selectorAddIcon() { return INSTANCE.itemImages().newItem(); } public ImageResource selectorDeleteIcon() { return INSTANCE.itemImages().deleteItemSmall(); } public ImageResource collapseCellsIcon() { return INSTANCE.collapseExpand().collapse(); } public ImageResource expandCellsIcon() { return INSTANCE.collapseExpand().expand(); } }