package org.drools.mas.helpers; import; import; import java.util.*; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.drools.mas.*; import org.drools.mas.body.acts.AbstractMessageBody; import org.drools.mas.body.acts.Inform; import org.drools.mas.body.acts.InformRef; import org.drools.mas.body.content.Action; import org.drools.mas.body.acts.InformIf; import org.drools.mas.util.ACLMessageFactory; import org.drools.mas.util.MessageContentEncoder; import org.drools.mas.util.MessageContentFactory; import org.drools.runtime.rule.Variable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class SyncDialogueHelper { boolean multiReturnValue = false; private AbstractMessageBody returnBody; private Encodings encode = Encodings.XML; private URL endpointURL; private QName qname; private long maximumWaitTime = 60000; private long minWaitTime = 500; private int maxRetries = 1; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( SyncDialogueHelper.class.getName() ); public SyncDialogueHelper(String url, Encodings enc) { try { this.endpointURL = new URL(AsyncAgentService.class.getResource("."), url); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { logger.error( ex.getMessage() ); } this.qname = new QName("", "AsyncAgentService"); this.encode = enc; } public SyncDialogueHelper(String url) { try { this.endpointURL = new URL(AsyncAgentService.class.getResource("."), url); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { logger.error(ex.getMessage()); } this.qname = new QName("", "AsyncAgentService"); } public long getMaximumWaitTime() { return maximumWaitTime; } public void setMaximumWaitTime( long maximumWaitTime ) { this.maximumWaitTime = maximumWaitTime; } public long getMinWaitTime() { return minWaitTime; } public void setMinWaitTime( long minWaitTime ) { this.minWaitTime = minWaitTime; } public int getMaxRetries() { return maxRetries; } public void setMaxRetries( int maxRetries ) { this.maxRetries = maxRetries; } public String invokeRequest( String sender, String methodName, LinkedHashMap<String, Object> args ) throws UnsupportedOperationException { return invokeRequest( sender, "", methodName, args); } public String invokeRequest( String methodName, LinkedHashMap<String, Object> args ) throws UnsupportedOperationException { return invokeRequest( UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "", methodName, args ); } public String invokeRequest( String sender, String receiver, String methodName, LinkedHashMap<String, Object> args ) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IllegalStateException { multiReturnValue = false; int numVars = 0; for ( Object o : args.values() ) { if ( o == Variable.v ) { numVars++; if ( numVars >= 2 ) { multiReturnValue = true; break; } } } AsyncDroolsAgentService asyncServicePort = null; if ( this.endpointURL == null || this.qname == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "A Web Service URL and a QName Must be Provided for the client to work!" ); } else { asyncServicePort = new AsyncAgentService( this.endpointURL, this.qname ).getAsyncAgentServicePort(); } ACLMessageFactory factory = new ACLMessageFactory( encode ); Action action = MessageContentFactory.newActionContent( methodName, args ); int numTries = 0; do { ACLMessage req = factory.newRequestMessage( sender, receiver, action ); asyncServicePort.tell( req ); List<ACLMessage> answers = waitForAnswers( asyncServicePort, req.getId(), 2, maximumWaitTime, methodName ); if ( validateRequestResponses( answers, methodName, args ) ) { if ( ! multiReturnValue ) { returnBody = answers.size() == 2 ? ( (Inform) answers.get( 1 ).getBody() ) : null; } else { returnBody = answers.size() == 2 ? ( (InformRef) answers.get( 1 ).getBody() ) : null; } return req.getId(); } } while ( ++numTries < maxRetries ); throw new IllegalStateException(" Request " + methodName + " with args " + args + " did not return in time" ); } private boolean validateRequestResponses( List<ACLMessage> answers, String methodName, Map<String,Object> args ) { if ( answers.size() != 2 ) { return false; } if ( Act.AGREE.equals( answers.get( 1 ).getPerformative() ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException( " TODO : Agree was collected after its response, check rules" ); } ACLMessage answer1 = answers.get( 0 ); if ( ! Act.AGREE.equals( answer1.getPerformative() ) ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( " Request " + methodName + " was not agreed with args " + args ); } ACLMessage answer2 = answers.get( 1 ); Act act2 = answer2.getPerformative(); if ( ! ( Act.INFORM.equals( act2 ) || Act.INFORM_REF.equals( act2 ) ) ) { throw new IllegalStateException(" Request " + methodName + " with args " + args + "failed and returned this msg: " + answer2 ); } return true; } public String invokeQueryIf( String sender, String receiver, Object proposition ) { AsyncDroolsAgentService asyncServicePort = null; if (this.endpointURL == null || this.qname == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("A Web Service URL and a QName Must be Provided for the client to work!"); } else { asyncServicePort = new AsyncAgentService(this.endpointURL, this.qname).getAsyncAgentServicePort(); } ACLMessageFactory factory = new ACLMessageFactory(Encodings.XML); ACLMessage qryif = factory.newQueryIfMessage(sender, receiver, proposition); asyncServicePort.tell(qryif); List<ACLMessage> answers = waitForAnswers( asyncServicePort, qryif.getId(), 1, maximumWaitTime, proposition.toString() ); returnBody = answers.get(0).getBody(); return qryif.getId(); } public String invokeInform( String sender, String receiver, Object proposition ) { AsyncDroolsAgentService asyncServicePort; if ( this.endpointURL == null || this.qname == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "A Web Service URL and a QName Must be Provided for the client to work!" ); } else { asyncServicePort = new AsyncAgentService( this.endpointURL, this.qname ).getAsyncAgentServicePort(); } ACLMessageFactory factory = new ACLMessageFactory( encode ); ACLMessage newInformMessage = factory.newInformMessage( sender, receiver, proposition ); asyncServicePort.tell( newInformMessage ); return newInformMessage.getId(); } public String invokeConfirm( String sender, String receiver, Object proposition ) { AsyncDroolsAgentService asyncServicePort; if ( this.endpointURL == null || this.qname == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException("A Web Service URL and a QName Must be Provided for the client to work!"); } else { asyncServicePort = new AsyncAgentService(this.endpointURL, this.qname).getAsyncAgentServicePort(); } ACLMessageFactory factory = new ACLMessageFactory( encode ); ACLMessage newConfirmMessage = factory.newConfirmMessage( sender, receiver, proposition ); asyncServicePort.tell( newConfirmMessage ); return newConfirmMessage.getId(); } public String invokeDisconfirm( String sender, String receiver, Object proposition ) { AsyncDroolsAgentService asyncServicePort; if ( this.endpointURL == null || this.qname == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException("A Web Service URL and a QName Must be Provided for the client to work!"); } else { asyncServicePort = new AsyncAgentService( this.endpointURL, this.qname ).getAsyncAgentServicePort(); } ACLMessageFactory factory = new ACLMessageFactory( encode ); ACLMessage newDisconfirmMessage = factory.newDisconfirmMessage( sender, receiver, proposition ); asyncServicePort.tell( newDisconfirmMessage ); return newDisconfirmMessage.getId(); } private List<ACLMessage> waitForAnswers( AsyncDroolsAgentService asyncServicePort, String msgid, int numExpectedMessages, long maxTimeout, String msgRef ) { List<ACLMessage> answers = new ArrayList<ACLMessage>(); long waitTime = minWaitTime; do { try { logger.debug( " >>> [" + msgid + "] Waiting for " + numExpectedMessages + " answers (" + waitTime + ") for: Message -> " + msgRef + " , now I have " + answers.size() ); logger.debug( answers.toString() ); Thread.sleep( waitTime ); } catch ( InterruptedException ex ) { logger.error( ex.getMessage() ); } logger.debug( " >>> [" + msgid + "] Wake up with " + answers ); List<ACLMessage> incomingAnswers = asyncServicePort.getResponses( msgid ); logger.debug( " >>> [" + msgid + "] Incoming new " + incomingAnswers ); answers.addAll( incomingAnswers ); logger.debug( " >>> [" + msgid + "] After adding new " + answers ); waitTime *= 2; } while ( answers.size() < numExpectedMessages && waitTime < maxTimeout ); if ( answers.size() < numExpectedMessages ) { logger.equals( " >>> [" + msgid + "] Expecting " + numExpectedMessages + " but got " + answers.size() ); } return answers; } public Object getReturn( boolean decode ) throws UnsupportedOperationException { if ( returnBody == null ) { return null; } if ( decode ) { MessageContentEncoder.decodeBody( returnBody, encode ); if ( returnBody instanceof Inform ) { return ( (Inform) returnBody ).getProposition().getData(); } if ( returnBody instanceof InformIf ) { return ( (InformIf) returnBody ).getProposition().getData(); } } else { if ( returnBody instanceof Inform ) { return ( (Inform) returnBody ).getProposition().getEncodedContent(); } if ( returnBody instanceof InformIf ) { return ( (InformIf) returnBody ).getProposition().getEncodedContent(); } } return returnBody; } // public List<ACLMessage> getAgentAnswers(String reqId) { // AsyncDroolsAgentService asyncServicePort = null; // if (this.endpointURL == null || this.qname == null) { // throw new IllegalStateException("A Web Service URL and a QName Must be Provided for the client to work!"); // } else { // asyncServicePort = new AsyncAgentService(this.endpointURL, this.qname).getAsyncAgentServicePort(); // } // return asyncServicePort.getResponses(reqId); // } }