package a.b.c; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.ItalicAction; import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRStringStream; import org.antlr.runtime.CharStream; import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream; import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException; import org.antlr.runtime.TokenStream; import org.gibello.zql.ParseException; import org.gibello.zql.ZDelete; import org.gibello.zql.ZExpression; import org.gibello.zql.ZQuery; import org.gibello.zql.ZStatement; import org.gibello.zql.ZUpdate; import org.gibello.zql.ZqlParser; import; import; import; import; public class Teste1 { public static void main(String[] args) { CharStream stream = new ANTLRStringStream( "public class AlteracaoEmail extends HttpServlet\n" + "{\n" + " public AlteracaoEmail() {\n" + " try {\n" + " jbInit();\n" + " } catch (Exception ex) {\n" + " ex.printStackTrace();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " public void doPost (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)\n" + " throws ServletException, IOException\n" + " {\n" + " HttpSession session = req.getSession(true);\n" + " // autenticando sess�o\n" + " if (AliasLogin.AutenticarSessao(req))\n" + " {\n" + " //String sUsuario = req.getParameter(\"Usuario\");\n" + " //boolean obrigatorio = req.getParameter(\"Obrigatorio\").equals(\"S\");\n" + "\n" + " String sUsuario = (String)session.getValue(\"userSet\");\n" + "\n" + " boolean obrigatorio = ((String)session.getValue(\"Obrigatorio\")).equals(\"S\");\n" + " if (req.getParameter(\"Obrigatorio\")!=null)\n" + " obrigatorio = req.getParameter(\"Obrigatorio\").equals(\"S\");\n" + " session.putValue(\"Obrigatorio\",(obrigatorio ? \"S\" : \"N\"));\n" + "\n" + " res.setContentType(\"text/html\");\n" + " ServletOutputStream out = res.getOutputStream();\n" + "\n" + "\n" + " try {\n" + " // conex�o JDBC ( via string / via dbcp )\n" + " InitialContext context = null;\n" + "\n" + " Connection conn = null;\n" + " Statement stmtEmail = null;\n" + " ResultSet rsetEmail = null;\n" + " Statement stmtCargo = null;\n" + " ResultSet rsetCargo = null;\n" + " ResultSet rsetAluno = null;\n" + "\n" + " try\n" + " {\n" + " conn = AliasLogin.AbrirConexao(AliasLogin.forma,conn,context);\n" + " stmtEmail = conn.createStatement();\n" + " stmtCargo = conn.createStatement();\n" + " }\n" + " catch (Exception e)\n" + " {\n" + " System.out.println(\"Ocorreu um erro na tentativa de estabelecer uma conexão com o banco de dados!\");\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " out.println(\"<html>\");\n" + " out.println(\"<head>\");\n" + " out.println(\"<title>ProGrad Web - Atualização de E-mail Institucional</title>\");\n" + " out.println(\"<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>\");\n" + "\n" + " out.println(\"<script language = 'JavaScript'>\");\n" + " out.println(\" function validar() {\");\n" + " out.println(\" if((window.document.fEmail.Email[0].value == '') && (window.document.fEmail.Email[1].value == ''))\");\n" + " out.println(\" alert('é necessário que pelo menos um e-mail seja informado!');\");\n" + " out.println(\" else\");\n" + " out.println(\" if((window.document.fEmail.Email[0].value.indexOf('.com') >= 0) || (window.document.fEmail.Email[1].value.indexOf('.com') >= 0))\");\n" + " out.println(\" alert('O e-mail informado deve ser Institucional.\\\\nObserve a terminação \\\"\\\" na frente de ambos os campo de e-mail.');\");\n" + " out.println(\" else\");\n" + " out.println(\" if((window.document.fEmail.Email[0].value.indexOf('.ufscar') >= 0) || (window.document.fEmail.Email[1].value.indexOf('.ufscar') >= 0))\");\n" + " out.println(\" alert('O e-mail deve ser informado sem a terminação \\\"\\\", \\\\nque já se encontra na frente de ambos os campos de e-mail.');\");\n" + " out.println(\" else\");\n" + " out.println(\" window.document.fEmail.submit();\");\n" + " out.println(\" }\");\n" + " out.println(\"</script>\");\n" + "\n" + " out.println(\"</head>\");\n" + " out.println(\"<body bgcolor='#FDFFDD'>\");\n" + " out.println(\"<center>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <table width='90%' border='0'>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <tr>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <td><font face='Arial' size='4'>Atualização de e-mail institucional</font><br><br>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <font face='Arial' size='2'>O e-mail institucional é a maneira mais rápida e segura para sua interação com a Universidade. Por exemplo, caso você esqueça a sua senha de utilização do ProGrad Web / Nexos, a mesma poderá ser enviada nesse seu e-mail institucional. Portanto, por gentileza preencha os campos abaixo e clique no botão "Salvar".<br><br>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <b>Obs: O e-mail preenchido deve pertencer à UFSCar, como indicado abaixo:</b><br><br>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <font color='#006600'><strong>nome@depto</strong></font> ou <font color='#006600'><strong>nome@power</strong></font> e para ALUNOS <font color='#006600'><strong>gRA@polvo, ex:(g76201@polvo)</strong></font>, pois a extensão <font color='#006600'><strong> </strong></font> é fixo.<br>Caso tais regras não sejam satisfeitas, você poderá não receber informações do ProgradWEB via e-mail.</strong></font>\");\n" + " out.println(\" </td>\");\n" + " out.println(\" </tr>\");\n" + " out.println(\" </table>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <form name='fEmail' method='post' action='/progradweb/servlet/AlteracaoEmailGravar'>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <table width='90%' border='0'>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <tr bgcolor='#FFCC33'>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <td width='28%'><font face='Arial' size='2'>Usuário:</font></td>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <td width='72%'><font face='Arial' size='2'>\" + sUsuario + \"</font></td>\");\n" + " out.println(\" </tr>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <tr bgcolor='#FFCC33'>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <td width='28%' valign='top'><font face='Arial' size='2'>Cargo(s):</font></td>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <td width='72%'><font face='Arial' size='2'>\");\n" + "\n" + " rsetCargo = stmtCargo.executeQuery(\"SELECT 2 AS Ordem, IdCargo, Descricao, DeptoCurso, NomeCompleto, Vice \" +\n" + " \"FROM Ocupantes, OcupanteCargo, TipoCargos \" +\n" + " \"WHERE (Ocupantes.IdOcupante = OcupanteCargo.IdOcupante) AND \" +\n" + " \"(IdCargo = IdTipoCargo) AND \" +\n" + " \"(Usuario = '\" + sUsuario + \"') \" +\n" + " \"UNION \" +\n" + " \"SELECT 1, IdTipo + 50, Descricao, '', Nome, 0 \" +\n" + " \"FROM Usuarios, TipoCargos \" +\n" + " \"WHERE (IdTipo + 50 = IdTipoCargo) AND \" +\n" + " \"(Usuario = '\" + sUsuario + \"') \" +\n" + " \"ORDER BY Ordem, IdCargo\"); \n" + " SELECT 2 AS Ordem, IdCargo, Descricao, DeptoCurso, NomeCompleto, Vice \n" + " FROM Ocupantes, OcupanteCargo, TipoCargos \n" + " WHERE (Ocupantes.IdOcupante = OcupanteCargo.IdOcupante) AND \n" + " (IdCargo = IdTipoCargo) AND \n" + " (Usuario = ' ') \n" + " UNION \n" + " SELECT 1, IdTipo + 50, Descricao, '', Nome, 0 \n" + " FROM Usuarios, TipoCargos \n" + " WHERE (IdTipo + 50 = IdTipoCargo) AND \n" + " (Usuario = ' ') \n" + " ORDER BY Ordem, IdCargo ;\n" + " int numeroCargos = 0;\n" + " String sigla = \"\";\n" + " while( {\n" + " if(numeroCargos > 0)\n" + " out.println(\"<br>\");\n" + "\n" + " sigla = rsetCargo.getString(\"DeptoCurso\");\n" + " if(sigla == null)\n" + " sigla = \"\";\n" + " out.print(\" \" + (rsetCargo.getInt(\"Vice\") == 1 ? \"Vice-\" : \"\") + rsetCargo.getString(\"Descricao\") + (sigla.equals(\"\") ? \"\" : \" - \" + sigla));\n" + "\n" + " numeroCargos++;\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " out.println(\"</font></td>\");\n" + " out.println(\" </tr>\");\n" + "\n" + " String updates = \"UPDATE CLIENTE SET usuario = '\" + sUsuario + \"', usuario2 = '\" + sUsuario + \"' WHERE usuario3 = '\" + sUsuario + \"' AND usuario500 = '\" + sUsuario + \"'\";\n" + " String updates2 = \"UPDATE PERSONS SET usuario = '\" + sUsuario + \"', usuario2 = '\" + sUsuario + \"' WHERE usuario3 = '\" + sUsuario + \"'\";\n" + " String deletes = \"DELETE FROM PERSONS WHERE usuario = '\" + sUsuario + \"' AND usuario2 = '\" + sUsuario + \"'\";\n" + "\n" + " rsetEmail = stmtEmail.executeQuery(\"SELECT email FROM Usuarios \" +\n" + " \"WHERE usuario = '\" + sUsuario + \"' \" +\n" + " \"UNION \" +\n" + " \"SELECT email FROM Ocupantes \" +\n" + " \"WHERE usuario = '\" + sUsuario + \"'\"); \n" + "\n" + "rsetEmail = stmtEmail.executeQuery(\"SELECT id, name, lastName FROM ALUNO \");\n" + "\n" + ";\n" + "\n" + " String emailPrincipal, emailSecundario = \"\";\n" + " emailPrincipal = rsetEmail.getString(\"email\");\n" + "\n" + " if(emailPrincipal == null)\n" + " emailPrincipal = \"\";\n" + "\n" + " if(!emailPrincipal.equals(\"\"))\n" + " if(emailPrincipal.indexOf(\",\") > -1) {\n" + " emailSecundario = emailPrincipal.substring(emailPrincipal.indexOf(\",\") + 1);\n" + " emailPrincipal = emailPrincipal.substring(0, emailPrincipal.indexOf(\",\"));\n" + " }\n" + " emailPrincipal = Funcoes.replaceText(emailPrincipal, \"\", \"\");\n" + " emailSecundario = Funcoes.replaceText(emailSecundario, \"\", \"\");\n" + "\n" + " out.println(\" <tr bgcolor='#FFCC33'>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <td width='28%'><font face='Arial' size='2'>E-mail principal: </font></td>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <td width='72%'><font face='Arial' size='2'><input type='text' name='Email' maxlength='39' size='40' value='\" + emailPrincipal + \"'></font></td>\");\n" + " out.println(\" </tr>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <tr bgcolor='#FFCC33'>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <td width='28%'><font face='Arial' size='2'>E-mail secundario: </font></td>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <td width='72%'><font face='Arial' size='2'><input type='text' name='Email' maxlength='39' size='40' value='\" + emailSecundario + \"'></font></td>\");\n" + " out.println(\" </tr>\");\n" + " out.println(\" </table>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <input type='hidden' name='Usuario' value='\" + sUsuario + \"'>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <input type='hidden' name='Obrigatorio' value='\" + (obrigatorio ? \"S\" : \"N\") + \"'>\");\n" + " out.println(\" </form>\");\n" + "\n" + " out.println(\" <table width='90%' border='0'>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <tr>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <td><font face='Arial' size='2' color='#FF0000'>ATENÇÃO: Caso você não possua um e-mail institucional, contate o seu departamento ou a SIn (Secretaria de Informática, r.8150), para a criação do mesmo. \" + (obrigatorio ? \"Neste caso, por favor utilize o botão "Cancelar".\" : \"\") + \"<td>\");\n" + " out.println(\" </tr>\");\n" + " out.println(\" </table>\");\n" + " out.println(\" <br>\");\n" + "\n" + " out.println(\" <a href='javascript:validar();'><img border='0' src='/progradweb/salvar.gif' width='213' height='32'></a>\");\n" + " if(!obrigatorio)\n" + " out.println(\" <a href='javascript:window.parent.frames[0].document.fPrincipal.submit();'><img border='0' src='/progradweb/voltarMenu.gif' width='213' height='32'></a>\");\n" + " else\n" + " out.println(\" <a href='javascript:window.parent.location.reload();'><img border='0' src='/progradweb/cancelar.gif' width='213' height='32'></a>\");\n" + "\n" + "\n" + " // fecha a conex�o\n" + " AliasLogin.FecharContexto(context);\n" + " AliasLogin.FecharConexao(rsetEmail,stmtEmail,conn);\n" + " AliasLogin.FecharConexao(rsetCargo,stmtCargo);\n" + " }\n" + " catch (Exception e) {\n" + " out.println(\"Erro encontrado, favor reportar a seguinte mensagem: \" + e);\n" + " }\n" + "\n" + " out.println(\"</center>\");\n" + " out.println(\"</body>\");\n" + " out.println(\"</html>\");\n" + " }\n" + " else\n" + " {\n" + " AliasLogin.FecharSessao(req);\n" + " res.sendRedirect(\"/progradweb/logoff.jsp\");\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " private void jbInit() throws Exception {\n" + " }\n" + "}"); JavaLexer lexer = new JavaLexer(stream); TokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); JavaParser parser = new JavaParser(tokenStream); try { parser.blockStatement(); parser.localVariableDeclaration(); Set<String> selects = parser.getSelects(); // String pattern = System.getProperty("line.separator") + " "; System.err.println("Quantos Selects: " + selects.size()); for (String select : selects) { System.err.println("Select " + select); } Set<String> delets = parser.getDeletes(); System.out.println("Quantos Deletes " + delets.size()); for (String del : delets) { System.out.println("Delets " + del); } Set<String> updates = parser.getUpdates(); System.err.println("Quantos Updates: " + updates.size()); for (String string : updates) { System.err.println("Updates " + string); } // mudar aq DataBase dataBase = new DataBase("projectValter"); Set<Table> tablesFound = new TreeSet<Table>(); dataBase.setDataBaseTables(tablesFound); if (updates.size() > 0) { // instanciate the SQL parser to get the information ZqlParser parserSQL = new ZqlParser(); // iterate over all update statements found in the source code for (String update : updates) { // call the SQLParser to verify the SQL obtained parserSQL.initParser(new ByteArrayInputStream(update .getBytes())); try { // read the statement and transform it to ZStatement, // afterwards it is casted to ZUpdate ZStatement sqlStatement = parserSQL.readStatement(); // cast the ZStatement to ZUpdate to get the information // in the Update clause if (sqlStatement instanceof ZUpdate) { // where the cast really occurs ZUpdate sqlUpdate = (ZUpdate) sqlStatement; // get the name of the Table used in the UPDATE // statement String tableName = sqlUpdate.getTable() .toUpperCase(); // use the name of the table obtained and // instantiate a Table class Table table = new Table(tableName); // add the Table instance to the Set<Table>. // It is worth highlighted that I have choose to // Upper case the table name and put it to an Set.. // once Set does't permit identical objects dataBase.getDataBaseTables().add(table); Set<Column> columnsFound = new TreeSet<Column>(); table.setColumnsTable(columnsFound); addColumnToClauseUpdate(tableName, dataBase.getDataBaseTables(), sqlStatement); } } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } Iterator<Table> iterator = dataBase.getDataBaseTables() .iterator(); // if(dataBase.getDataBaseTables().contains(new // Table("CLIENTE"))) { // // System.out.println("Sim sim Contains mesmo.."); // // } while (iterator.hasNext()) { Table table = (Table); Set<Column> columnsOfTable = table.getColumnsTable(); Iterator<Column> iteratorColumn = columnsOfTable.iterator(); System.out.println("O nome da tabela é " + table.getTableName()); while (iteratorColumn.hasNext()) { Column column = (Column); System.out.println("Nome da COluna " + column.getColumnName()); } } // System.out.println("Table obtida é " + // dataBase.getDataBaseTables().iterator()); } if (delets.size() > 0) { System.out.println("Deletes entrou e rolou"); // instanciate the SQL parser to get the information ZqlParser parserSQL = new ZqlParser(); // iterate over all delets statements found in the source code for (String delet : delets) { // call the SQLParser to verify the SQL obtained parserSQL.initParser(new ByteArrayInputStream(delet .getBytes())); try { // read the statement and transform it to ZStatement, // afterwards it is casted to ZUpdate ZStatement sqlStatement = parserSQL.readStatement(); // cast the ZStatement to ZUpdate to get the information // in the Update clause if (sqlStatement instanceof ZDelete) { // where the cast really occurs ZDelete sqlDelete = (ZDelete) sqlStatement; // get the name of the Table used in the UPDATE // statement String tableName = sqlDelete.getTable() .toUpperCase(); // use the name of the table obtained and // instantiate a Table class Table table = new Table(tableName); // add the Table instance to the Set<Table>. // It is worth highlighted that I have choose to // Upper case the table name and put it to an Set.. // once Set does't permit identical objects dataBase.getDataBaseTables().add(table); Set<Column> columnsFound = new TreeSet<Column>(); table.setColumnsTable(columnsFound); addColumnToClauseDelete(tableName, dataBase.getDataBaseTables(), sqlStatement); } } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } Iterator<Table> iterator = dataBase.getDataBaseTables() .iterator(); // if(dataBase.getDataBaseTables().contains(new // Table("CLIENTE"))) { // // System.out.println("Sim sim Contains mesmo.."); // // } while (iterator.hasNext()) { Table table = (Table); Set<Column> columnsOfTable = table.getColumnsTable(); Iterator<Column> iteratorColumn = columnsOfTable.iterator(); System.out.println("O nome da tabela é " + table.getTableName()); while (iteratorColumn.hasNext()) { Column column = (Column); System.out.println("Nome da COluna " + column.getColumnName()); } } // System.out.println("Table obtida é " + // dataBase.getDataBaseTables().iterator()); } if (selects.size() > 0) { System.out.println("Entrou no Select "); // instanciate the SQL parser to get the information ZqlParser parserSQL = new ZqlParser(); // iterate over all update statements found in the source code for (String select : selects) { // call the SQLParser to verify the SQL obtained parserSQL.initParser(new ByteArrayInputStream(select .getBytes())); try { // read the statement and transform it to ZStatement, // afterwards it is casted to ZUpdate ZStatement sqlStatement = parserSQL.readStatement(); // cast the ZStatement to ZUpdate to get the information // in the Update clause if (sqlStatement instanceof ZQuery) { // where the cast really occurs ZQuery sqlSelect = (ZQuery) sqlStatement; // get the name of the Table used in the ZQuery // statement List<?> tableSelect = sqlSelect.getFrom(); //coloquei isso aqui, pq eu só consegui pensar como pegar SELECT do tipo SELECT alunoID, alunoName from ALUNO where etc.. //não consigo pegar com o FROM tem duas tabelas... if (! (tableSelect.size() > 1)) { String tableName = tableSelect.get(0).toString() .toUpperCase(); // use the name of the table obtained and // instantiate a Table class Table table = new Table(tableName); // add the Table instance to the Set<Table>. // It is worth highlighted that I have choose to // Upper case the table name and put it to an Set.. // once Set does't permit identical objects dataBase.getDataBaseTables().add(table); Set<Column> columnsFound = new TreeSet<Column>(); table.setColumnsTable(columnsFound); addColumnToClauseSelect(tableName, dataBase.getDataBaseTables(), sqlStatement); } } } catch (ParseException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } Iterator<Table> iterator = dataBase.getDataBaseTables() .iterator(); // if(dataBase.getDataBaseTables().contains(new // Table("CLIENTE"))) { // // System.out.println("Sim sim Contains mesmo.."); // // } getColumnType(dataBase.getDataBaseTables()); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Table table = (Table); Set<Column> columnsOfTable = table.getColumnsTable(); Iterator<Column> iteratorColumn = columnsOfTable.iterator(); System.out.println("O nome da tabela é " + table.getTableName()); while (iteratorColumn.hasNext()) { Column column = (Column); System.out.println("Nome da COluna " + column.getColumnName()); System.out.println("O type das colunas são " + column.getColumnType()); System.out.println("Is primary KEY " + column.getIsPrimaryKey()); } } //obtain the type of the columns by using the MetaData of JDBC... // System.out.println("Table obtida é " + // dataBase.getDataBaseTables().iterator()); } // HashMap<String, String> names = parser.getNames(); // System.out.println("AQUI "+ names.get("class_name")); } catch (RecognitionException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void addColumnToClauseUpdate(String tableName, Set<Table> tables, ZStatement zStatement) { if (tables.contains(new Table(tableName))) { Iterator<Table> tableToAddColumn = tables.iterator(); while (tableToAddColumn.hasNext()) { Table table = (Table); if (table.getTableName().equals(tableName)) { if (zStatement instanceof ZUpdate) { ZUpdate zUpdate = (ZUpdate) zStatement; Hashtable hashSET = zUpdate.getSet(); Enumeration<?> columns = hashSET.keys(); while (columns.hasMoreElements()) { Object column = (Object) columns.nextElement(); table.getColumnsTable().add( new Column(column.toString())); } ZExpression zExpression = (ZExpression) zUpdate .getWhere(); List operands = zExpression.getOperands(); // System.out.println(" O tamanho da Lista " + // operands.size()); for (Object object : operands) { String[] column = object.toString().split( "\\W*\\s*"); System.out.println(" O tamanho da Vector é " + column.length); if (column.length > 0) { String createTheColumnName = ""; for (String columnName : column) { System.err.println("Elementos do Vector " + columnName); createTheColumnName += columnName; } table.getColumnsTable().add( new Column(createTheColumnName)); } } } } } } } public static void addColumnToClauseSelect(String tableName, Set<Table> tables, ZStatement zStatement) { if (tables.contains(new Table(tableName))) { Iterator<Table> tableToAddColumn = tables.iterator(); while (tableToAddColumn.hasNext()) { Table table = (Table); if (table.getTableName().equals(tableName)) { if (zStatement instanceof ZQuery) { ZQuery zInsert = (ZQuery) zStatement; List<?> columnOfClauseInsert = zInsert.getSelect(); if (!((columnOfClauseInsert.size() == 1) && (columnOfClauseInsert .get(0).toString().equals("*")))) { for (Object object : columnOfClauseInsert) { table.getColumnsTable().add( new Column(object.toString())); } ZExpression zExpressionInsert = (ZExpression) zInsert .getWhere(); if (zExpressionInsert != null) { List<?> columnOfClauseInsertWhere = zExpressionInsert .getOperands(); for (Object object : columnOfClauseInsertWhere) { String[] column = object.toString().split( "\\W*\\s*"); // System.out.println(" O tamanho da Vector é " // + column.length); if (column.length > 0) { String createTheColumnName = ""; for (String columnName : column) { // System.err.println("Elementos do Vector "+ // columnName); createTheColumnName += columnName; } table.getColumnsTable() .add(new Column( createTheColumnName)); } } } } } } } } } public static void addColumnToClauseDelete(String tableName, Set<Table> tables, ZStatement zStatement) { if (tables.contains(new Table(tableName))) { Iterator<Table> tableToAddColumn = tables.iterator(); while (tableToAddColumn.hasNext()) { Table table = (Table); if (table.getTableName().equals(tableName)) { if (zStatement instanceof ZDelete) { ZDelete zDelete = (ZDelete) zStatement; ZExpression zExpression = (ZExpression) zDelete .getWhere(); List operands = zExpression.getOperands(); for (Object object : operands) { String[] column = object.toString().split("\\W*"); String createTheColumnName = ""; for (String columnName : column) { createTheColumnName += columnName; } table.getColumnsTable().add( new Column(createTheColumnName)); } } } } } } private static void getColumnType (Set<Table> tables){ Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.getInstance(); try { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData(); ResultSet rSeltMeta = metaData.getTables(null, null, "%", null); while ( { if (tables.contains(new Table(rSeltMeta.getString(3)))){ Table tablesObtained = tables.iterator().next(); Set<Column> columnObtained = tablesObtained.getColumnsTable(); // System.out.println("O nome da tabela OBTIDA é " + teste.getTableName()); // System.err.println("Sim contem "); ResultSet resultSetMetaData = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM "+ tablesObtained.getTableName()); ResultSetMetaData rsMeta = resultSetMetaData.getMetaData(); Iterator<Column> iterator = columnObtained.iterator(); // Column columnToAddType = columnObtained.iterator().next(); for (int j = 0; j < rsMeta.getColumnCount(); j++) { iterator.hasNext(); if(columnObtained.contains(new Column(rsMeta.getColumnName(j + 1)))) { Column columnToAddType =; System.err.println("O que tem no getColumnName " +rsMeta.getColumnName(j + 1)); columnToAddType.setColumnType(rsMeta.getColumnTypeName(j + 1)); System.err.println("O nome da COLUNA é " +columnToAddType.getColumnName()); System.err.println("O type é COLUNA é " +columnToAddType.getColumnType()); if(rsMeta.isAutoIncrement(j + 1)) { columnToAddType.setIsPrimaryKey(true); }else { columnToAddType.setIsPrimaryKey(false); } } else { Column newColumn = new Column(rsMeta.getColumnName(j + 1)); System.err.println("O nome da COLUNA no else é " +newColumn.getColumnName()); newColumn.setColumnType(rsMeta.getColumnTypeName(j + 1)); System.err.println("O type da COLUNA no else é " +newColumn.getColumnType()); if(rsMeta.isAutoIncrement(j + 1)) { newColumn.setIsPrimaryKey(true); } else { newColumn.setIsPrimaryKey(false); } columnObtained.add(newColumn); columnObtained.iterator().hasNext(); } // System.out.println(rsMeta.getColumnTypeName(j + 1)); // System.out.println(rsMeta.getColumnType(j + 1)); // System.out.println(rsMeta.getColumnDisplaySize(j + 1)); // System.out.println(rsMeta.getColumnName(j + 1)); // System.out.println(rsMeta.isAutoIncrement(j + 1)); } } } } catch (SQLException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }