/** * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2012 Eric Van Dewoestine * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.eclim.plugin.core.command; import java.util.Arrays; import org.eclim.command.Command; import org.eclim.command.CommandLine; import org.eclim.command.Options; import org.eclim.logging.Logger; import org.eclim.plugin.core.preference.Preferences; import org.eclim.plugin.core.util.ProjectUtils; import org.eclim.util.file.FileUtils; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import com.martiansoftware.nailgun.NGContext; /** * Abstract implmentation of {@link Command}. * * @author Eric Van Dewoestine */ public abstract class AbstractCommand implements Command { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AbstractCommand.class); private NGContext context; /** * Gets the preferences. * * @return Preferences. */ public Preferences getPreferences() { return Preferences.getInstance(); } /** * Convenience method which uses the standard project, file, offset, and * encoding options to determine the character offset in the file. * * @param commandLine The command line instance. * @return The char offset. */ public int getOffset(CommandLine commandLine) throws Exception { String project = commandLine.getValue(Options.PROJECT_OPTION); if (project == null){ // some commands use -n for the project name (like all the search commands) project = commandLine.getValue(Options.NAME_OPTION); } String file = commandLine.getValue(Options.FILE_OPTION); String encoding = commandLine.getValue(Options.ENCODING_OPTION); int offset = Integer.parseInt( commandLine.getValue(Options.OFFSET_OPTION)); file = ProjectUtils.getFilePath(project, file); return FileUtils.byteOffsetToCharOffset(file, offset, encoding); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see Command#getContext() */ public NGContext getContext() { return context; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see Command#setContext(NGContext) */ public void setContext(NGContext context) { this.context = context; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @see Command#cleanup(CommandLine) */ public void cleanup(CommandLine commandLine) { try{ // cleanup temp files if (commandLine.hasOption(Options.FILE_OPTION) && (commandLine.hasOption(Options.PROJECT_OPTION) || commandLine.hasOption(Options.NAME_OPTION))) { IProject project = null; String projectName = commandLine.getValue(Options.PROJECT_OPTION); if (projectName == null){ // some commands use -n for the project name (like all the search commands) projectName = commandLine.getValue(Options.NAME_OPTION); }else{ // some commands use -n for the project name but also have a -p option // (like the search commands when searching by pattern) project = ProjectUtils.getProject(projectName); if (!project.exists()){ project = null; projectName = commandLine.getValue(Options.NAME_OPTION); } } if (project == null && projectName != null){ project = ProjectUtils.getProject(projectName); } String file = commandLine.getValue(Options.FILE_OPTION); if (project != null && project.exists() && file != null){ IFile temp = ProjectUtils.getFile(project, file); if (temp.exists() && temp.getName().startsWith("__eclim_temp_")){ temp.delete(true, false, null); } } } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Exception during cleanup of command: " + Arrays.toString(context.getArgs()), e); } } public void println() { context.out.println(); } public void println(boolean x) { context.out.println(x); } public void println(char x) { context.out.println(x); } public void println(char[] x) { context.out.println(x); } public void println(double x) { context.out.println(x); } public void println(float x) { context.out.println(x); } public void println(int x) { context.out.println(x); } public void println(long x) { context.out.println(x); } public void println(Object x) { context.out.println(x); } public void println(String x) { context.out.println(x); } }