package map; import; import; import; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.FrameLayout; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.Toast; import org.domogik.domodroid13.R; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import Abstract.translate; import Entity.Entity_Map; import Entity.Entity_client; import activities.Activity_Map; import activities.Graphics_Manager; import activities.Sliding_Drawer; import database.Cache_management; import database.DmdContentProvider; import database.DomodroidDB; import database.WidgetUpdate; import misc.List_Icon_Adapter; import misc.tracerengine; import rinor.send_command; import widgets.Basic_Graphical_widget; import widgets.Graphical_Binary; import widgets.Graphical_Binary_New; import widgets.Graphical_Boolean; import widgets.Graphical_Cam; import widgets.Graphical_Color; import widgets.Graphical_History; import widgets.Graphical_Info; import widgets.Graphical_Info_commands; import widgets.Graphical_Info_with_achartengine; import widgets.Graphical_List; import widgets.Graphical_Openstreetmap; import widgets.Graphical_Range; import widgets.Graphical_Trigger; public class MapView extends View { private Bitmap map; private Bitmap widget; public int width; public int height; private Canvas canvasMap; private Canvas canvasWidget; private TransformManager mat; private Matrix origin; private SVG svg; private float currentScale = 1; private float currentScalewidth = 1; private float currentScaleheight = 1; private int screenwidth; private int screenheight; private int widgetSize; private boolean addMode = false; private boolean removeMode = false; private boolean moveMode = false; private int update; private static int text_Offset_X; private static int text_Offset_Y; private int moves; private SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor; private boolean map_autozoom = false; public int temp_id; public int map_id; private final String map_name = ""; private Paint paint_map; private Paint paint_text; private ViewGroup panel_widget; private final Activity activity; private Sliding_Drawer top_drawer; private Vector<String> files; private Entity_Map[] listFeatureMap; private Entity_Map[] listMapSwitches; private int mode; private int formatMode; private String svg_string; private int currentFile = 0; private String type; private SharedPreferences params; private final float api_version; private float pos_X0 = 0; private final int screen_width; //private Boolean activated; private final String mytag = this.getClass().getName(); private Boolean locked = false; private String parameters; private int valueMin; private String value0; private String value1; private String Value_0; private String Value_1; private static Handler handler = null; public final Handler handler_longclic = new Handler(); private tracerengine Tracer = null; private final int mytype = 2; private WidgetUpdate cache_engine = null; private final float scale; private String Address; private String state_progress; //Declare this flag globally private boolean longclic = false; private MotionEvent event1; private float[] valuelongclic = new float[9]; private String command_id = null; private String command_type = null; private final float dip20; private boolean navigationdraweropen; public MapView(tracerengine tracerengine, Activity activity, SharedPreferences params) { super(activity); this.Tracer = tracerengine; this.activity = activity; this.params = params; api_version = params.getFloat("API_VERSION", 0); //activated=true; DisplayMetrics metrics = getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); screen_width = metrics.widthPixels; scale = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; dip20 = TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 20, metrics); text_Offset_X = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 15, metrics); startCacheEngine(); /* * This view has only one handler for all mini widgets displayed on map * It'll receive a unique notification from WidgetUpdate when one or more values have changed */ handler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (msg.what == 9997) { //state_engine send us a signal to notify at least one value changed Tracer.d(mytag, "state engine notify change for mini widget(s) : refresh all of them !"); for (Entity_Map featureMap : listFeatureMap) { // if a miniwidget was connected to engine, session's value could have changed.... if (featureMap.getSession() != null) { featureMap.setCurrentState(featureMap.getSession().getValue()); } } refreshMap(); } else if (msg.what == 9998) { // state_engine send us a signal to notify it'll die ! Tracer.d(mytag, "state engine disappeared ===> Harakiri !"); try { finalize(); } catch (Throwable t) { Tracer.d(mytag, "Could not finished"); } } else if (msg.what == 8999) { //Cache engine is ready for use.... if (Tracer != null) Tracer.i(mytag, "Cache engine has notified it's ready !"); initMap(); } } }; //End of create method /////////////////////// } private void startCacheEngine() { Cache_management.checkcache(Tracer, activity); if (cache_engine == null) { Tracer.w(mytag, "Starting WidgetUpdate engine !"); cache_engine = WidgetUpdate.getInstance(); //MapView is'nt the first caller, so init is'nt required (already done by View) cache_engine.set_handler(handler, mytype); //Put our main handler to cache engine (as MapView) } tracerengine.set_engine(cache_engine); Tracer.w(mytag, "WidgetUpdate engine connected !"); } public void purge() { // TODO We've to unsubscribe all connected mini widgets from cache engine } public void onWindowVisibilityChanged(int visibility) { Tracer.i(mytag, "Visibility changed to : " + visibility); /* if(visibility == View.VISIBLE) //this.activated = true; else //activated=false; */ } public void clear_Widgets() { String map_name = files.elementAt(currentFile); Tracer.i(mytag, "Request to clear all widgets from : " + map_name); Tracer.get_engine().cleanFeatureMap(map_name); //All device as been delete re-check the cache URL Cache_management.checkcache(Tracer, activity); initMap(); } public void removefile() { //remove the current file try { File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/domodroid/" + files.elementAt(currentFile)); Tracer.i(mytag, "Request to remove " + currentFile); boolean sucess = f.delete(); if (sucess == false) Tracer.i(mytag, "No " + currentFile + " deleted"); //remove feature of this map in table_feature_map Tracer.get_engine().cleanFeatureMap(map_name); //All device on this map as been delete re-check the cache URL Cache_management.checkcache(Tracer, activity); } catch (Exception e) { Tracer.e(mytag, "deleting " + currentFile + " error " + e.toString()); } initMap(); } public void initMap() { Toast.makeText(activity, files.elementAt(currentFile).substring(0, files.elementAt(currentFile).lastIndexOf('.')), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); //listFeatureMap = domodb.requestFeatures(files.elementAt(currentFile)); listFeatureMap = Tracer.get_engine().getMapFeaturesList(files.elementAt(currentFile)); listMapSwitches = Tracer.get_engine().getMapSwitchesList(files.elementAt(currentFile)); //Each real mini widget must be connected to cache engine, to receive notifications for (Entity_Map featureMap : listFeatureMap) { Entity_client cursession = null; if (api_version <= 0.6f) { cursession = new Entity_client( featureMap.getDevId(), featureMap.getState_key(), "mini widget", handler, mytype); cursession.setType(true); //It's a mini widget ! } else if (api_version >= 0.7f) { cursession = new Entity_client( featureMap.getId(), "", "mini widget", handler, mytype); cursession.setType(true); //It's a mini widget ! } if (Tracer.get_engine().subscribe(cursession)) { //This widget is connected to state_engine featureMap.setSession(cursession); featureMap.setCurrentState(cursession.getValue()); } else { // cannot connect it ???? Tracer.i(mytag, "Cannot connect mini widget to state engine : (" + cursession.getDevId() + ") (" + cursession.getskey() + ") => it'll not be updated !"); featureMap.setCurrentState("????"); } } //get file extension String extension = files.elementAt(currentFile).substring(files.elementAt(currentFile).lastIndexOf('.')); //put extension in lowercase extension = extension.toLowerCase(); switch (extension) { case ".svg": formatMode = 1; //Try to allow PNG and png extension to solve #1707 on irc tracker. //Could also try to put all in lowercase: files.elementAt(currentFile).substring(files.elementAt(currentFile).toLowerCase()...... break; case ".png": case ".jpg": case ".jepg": formatMode = 2; break; default: formatMode = 0; break; } //Load current scale if it exists. if (params.getFloat("Mapscale", 1) != 1) { currentScale = params.getFloat("Mapscale", 1); } map_autozoom = params.getBoolean("map_autozoom", false); origin = new Matrix(); mat = new TransformManager(); //TODO try to solve drag and zoom problem. //mat.setZoom(params.getBoolean("ZOOM", false)); //mat.setDrag(params.getBoolean("DRAG", false)); mat.setZoom(false); mat.setDrag(false); mat.setScreenConfigScaling(); paint_text = new Paint(); paint_text.setPathEffect(null); paint_text.setAntiAlias(true); paint_text.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE); paint_text.setColor(Color.WHITE); paint_text.setShadowLayer(1, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); //Get screen size DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); //activity.getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(metrics); metrics = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics(); screenwidth = metrics.widthPixels; screenheight = metrics.heightPixels; //Case using a svg file as map if (formatMode == 1) { try { File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/domodroid/" + files.elementAt(currentFile)); svg_string = getFileAsString(f); svg = SVGParser.getSVGFromString(svg_string); //adjust to scale if (map_autozoom) { currentScale = autoscale((int) svg.getSurfaceWidth(), (int) svg.getSurfaceHeight()); } svg = SVGParser.getScaleSVGFromString(svg_string, (int) (svg.getSurfaceWidth() * currentScale), (int) (svg.getSurfaceHeight() * currentScale)); Picture picture = svg.getPicture(); map = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (svg.getSurfaceWidth() * currentScale), (int) (svg.getSurfaceHeight() * currentScale), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444); canvasMap = new Canvas(map); canvasMap.drawPicture(picture); widget = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) ((svg.getSurfaceWidth() + screen_width) * currentScale), (int) ((svg.getSurfaceHeight() + screenheight) * currentScale), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); canvasWidget = new Canvas(widget); } catch (Exception e) { Tracer.e(mytag + " initmap()", "formatMode=1 " + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace())); return; } //Case using a png file as map } else if (formatMode == 2) { try { File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/domodroid/" + files.elementAt(currentFile)); Bitmap bitmap = decodeFile(f); //adjust to scale if (map_autozoom) { currentScale = autoscale(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()); } map = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (bitmap.getWidth() * currentScale), (int) (bitmap.getHeight() * currentScale), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444); canvasMap = new Canvas(map); canvasMap.scale(currentScale, currentScale); canvasMap.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, paint_map); widget = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) ((bitmap.getWidth() + screen_width) * currentScale), (int) ((bitmap.getHeight() + screenheight) * currentScale), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); canvasWidget = new Canvas(widget); } catch (Exception e) { Tracer.e(mytag + " initmap()", "formatMode=2 " + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace())); return; } } drawWidgets(); postInvalidate(); } public void refreshMap() { canvasMap = null; canvasWidget = null; System.gc(); //Run garbage collector to free maximum of memory //Case using a svg file as map if (formatMode == 1) { try { File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/domodroid/" + files.elementAt(currentFile)); svg_string = getFileAsString(f); svg = SVGParser.getSVGFromString(svg_string); //adjust to scale if (map_autozoom) { currentScale = autoscale((int) svg.getSurfaceWidth(), (int) svg.getSurfaceHeight()); } svg = SVGParser.getScaleSVGFromString(svg_string, (int) (svg.getSurfaceWidth() * currentScale), (int) (svg.getSurfaceHeight() * currentScale)); Picture picture = svg.getPicture(); map = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (svg.getSurfaceWidth() * currentScale), (int) (svg.getSurfaceHeight() * currentScale), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444); canvasMap = new Canvas(map); canvasMap.drawPicture(picture); widget = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) ((svg.getSurfaceWidth() + screen_width) * currentScale), (int) ((svg.getSurfaceHeight() + screenheight) * currentScale), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); canvasWidget = new Canvas(widget); } catch (Exception e) { Tracer.e(mytag + " refreshmap()", "formatMode=1 " + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace())); return; } //Case using a png file as map } else if (formatMode == 2) { try { File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/domodroid/" + files.elementAt(currentFile)); Bitmap bitmap = decodeFile(f); //adjust to scale if (map_autozoom) { currentScale = autoscale(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()); } map = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) (bitmap.getWidth() * currentScale), (int) (bitmap.getHeight() * currentScale), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444); canvasMap = new Canvas(map); canvasMap.scale(currentScale, currentScale); canvasMap.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, paint_map); Tracer.d(mytag, "Trying to create widget at scale : " + currentScale); widget = Bitmap.createBitmap((int) ((bitmap.getWidth() + screen_width) * currentScale), (int) ((bitmap.getHeight() + screenheight) * currentScale), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); canvasWidget = new Canvas(widget); } catch (Exception e) { Tracer.e(mytag + " refreshmap()", "formatMode=2 " + Arrays.toString(e.getStackTrace())); return; } } drawWidgets(); postInvalidate(); } public void drawWidgets() { if (locked) { return; } locked = true; int id = 0; // first try to process map switches, if any present in this map Tracer.d(mytag, "Processing map switches widgets list"); Bitmap drawable; float texsize = 14; if (listMapSwitches != null) { for (Entity_Map switchesMap : listMapSwitches) { id = switchesMap.getId(); //Its a map switch widget id = id - 99999; if ((id >= 0) && (id < files.size())) { String mapname = files.elementAt(id); Tracer.d(mytag, "Processing switch to map <" + mapname + ">"); // Draw symbol of 'map_next' try { drawable = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.map_next); if (drawable != null) { canvasWidget.drawBitmap(drawable, (switchesMap.getPosx() * currentScale) - drawable.getWidth() / 2, (switchesMap.getPosy() * currentScale) - drawable.getWidth() / 2, paint_map); } else { Tracer.e(mytag, "No drawable available for map switch"); return; } } catch (Exception e) { Tracer.e(mytag, "cannot draw map switch icon ! ! ! !"); return; } //Draw the map name text for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f); canvasWidget.drawText(mapname, (switchesMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (switchesMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y, paint_text); } } } // And now process real widgets Tracer.d(mytag, "Processing normal widgets list"); for (Entity_Map featureMap : listFeatureMap) { String states = ""; JSONObject jparam = null; if (featureMap != null) { states = featureMap.getCurrentState(); } else { Tracer.e(mytag, "Wrong feature in featureMap list ! ! ! Abort processing !"); return; } if (featureMap.isalive()) { //set intstate to select correct icon color int intstate = 0; if (!(featureMap.getState_key().equals("color"))) { //get parameters valuemin,max, 0 and 1 parameters = featureMap.getParameters(); try { jparam = new JSONObject(parameters.replaceAll(""", "\"")); value1 = jparam.getString("value1"); value0 = jparam.getString("value0"); } catch (Exception e) { Tracer.i(mytag, "No value for parameters 0/1"); value0 = "0"; value1 = "1"; } try { jparam = new JSONObject(parameters.replaceAll(""", "\"")); valueMin = jparam.getInt("valueMin"); int valueMax = jparam.getInt("valueMax"); } catch (JSONException e1) { //e1.printStackTrace(); //Tracer.e(mytag,"DrawWidget No parameters ! "); //Tracer.e(mytag,"DrawWidget for mini widget type <"+featureMap.getValue_type()+">"); //TODO : what to put into value0, 1, min & max ? } //Tracer.e(mytag,"DrawWidget value0 <"+value0+"> value1 <"+value1+"> valueMin <"+valueMin+"> valueMax <"+valueMax+">"); } if (!states.equals("????")) { String test_unite = ""; try { //get unit if exist test_unite = jparam.getString("unit"); } catch (Exception e) { Tracer.d(mytag, "No unit"); } if ((states.equals(value1)) || (states.equals("1")) || ((featureMap.getValue_type().equals("range") && (Integer.parseInt(states) > valueMin)))) { //if ((states.equals("high")) || (states.equals("on") || ((featureMap.getValue_type().equals("range") && (Integer.parseInt(states)>0))))) intstate = 1; //Change icon if by % } else if ((featureMap.getState_key().equals("humidity")) || (featureMap.getState_key().equals("percent")) || (test_unite.equals("%"))) { if (Float.parseFloat(states) > 50) { intstate = 1; } else { intstate = 0; } } featureMap.setState(intstate); } try { // Draw symbol of feature drawable = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), featureMap.getRessources()); if (drawable != null) { canvasWidget.drawBitmap(drawable, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) - drawable.getWidth() / 2, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) - drawable.getWidth() / 2, paint_map); Tracer.i(mytag, "Draw symbol of feature X=" + ((featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) - drawable.getWidth() / 2) + " Y=" + ((featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) - drawable.getWidth() / 2) + " MAP " + paint_map); } else { Tracer.e(mytag, "No drawable available for object"); return; } } catch (Exception e) { Tracer.e(mytag, "cannot draw object ! ! ! !"); return; } // Draw state and description //TODO add missing datatype from 0.4 //String but carreful //datetime done //ColorCII //Char //DayOfWeek //HVACVent //HVACFan //HVACMode //HVACHeat //UPSEvent //UPSState //#48 grab label from diverse place: String label = featureMap.getDescription(); //todo grab value from State and translate it String value = featureMap.getCurrentState(); if (parameters.contains("command")) value = "command"; if (value.equals("0")) value = value0; if (value.equals("1")) value = value1; try { value = activity.getString((translate.do_translate(getContext(), Tracer, value))); } catch (Exception e1) { } if (value.equals("????")) value = ""; //Tracer.d(mytag, "Draw getValue_type" + featureMap.getValue_type().toString()); //Tracer.d(mytag, "Draw getState_key" + featureMap.getState_key().toString()); if ((featureMap.getValue_type().equals("string") && (!featureMap.getState_key().equals("color"))) || featureMap.getValue_type().equals("datetime")) { if (featureMap.getState_key().equals("rgb_color")) { Tracer.d(mytag, "Drawing color for " + featureMap.getName() + " Value = " + states); Paint paint_color = new Paint(); paint_color.setPathEffect(null); paint_color.setAntiAlias(true); //paint_color.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE); paint_color.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); String argbS = "#" + states; //Process RGB value if (states.equals("#off")) { argbS = "#000000"; } else if (argbS.equals("on")) { argbS = params.getString("COLORRGB", "#FFFFFF"); //Restore last known color, White by default } else { //To avoid here argbS = "#FFFFFF"; } //Tracer.e(mytag,"Drawing color for "+featureMap.getName()+" RGB Value = "+Integer.toHexString(loc_argb)); //Draw first a black background... paint_color.setColor(Color.BLACK); paint_color.setShadowLayer(1, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); //TODO adapt to screen density? int left = (int) (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X - (10 * (int) scale); int top = (int) (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y - (15 * (int) scale); int right = (int) (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X + (85 * (int) scale); int bottom = (int) (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (10 * (int) scale); Rect r = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom); canvasWidget.drawRect(r, paint_color); //And draw real color inside the 1st one paint_color.setColor(Color.parseColor(argbS)); left += 3; top += 3; right -= 3; bottom -= 3; r = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom); canvasWidget.drawRect(r, paint_color); for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f - 2); if (!params.getBoolean("HIDE", false)) canvasWidget.drawText(label, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (25 * (int) scale), paint_text); } else if (!featureMap.getDevice_feature_model_id().contains("camera")) { if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("condition-code") || featureMap.getState_key().toLowerCase().contains("condition_code") || featureMap.getState_key().toLowerCase().contains("current_code")) { //Add try catch to avoid other case that make #1794 try { //todo use xml and weather fonts here //typeface apply to canvas paint_text Typeface typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(activity.getAssets(), "fonts/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf"); paint_text.setTypeface(typeface); value = activity.getString(Graphics_Manager.Names_conditioncodes(getContext(), Integer.parseInt(featureMap.getCurrentState()))); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f - 2); canvasWidget.drawText(value, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y, paint_text); paint_text.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT); if (!params.getBoolean("HIDE", false)) canvasWidget.drawText(label, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (15 * (int) scale), paint_text); } else if (featureMap.getDevice_feature_model_id().contains("camera")) { for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f - 2); if (!params.getBoolean("HIDE", false)) canvasWidget.drawText(label, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (15 * (int) scale), paint_text); } } else if (featureMap.getValue_type().equals("binary") || featureMap.getValue_type().equals("boolean") || featureMap.getValue_type().equals("bool")) { for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f - 2); if (!params.getBoolean("HIDE", false)) { canvasWidget.drawText(value, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y, paint_text); canvasWidget.drawText(label, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (15 * (int) scale), paint_text); } } else if (featureMap.getValue_type().equals("number")) { if (!parameters.contains("command")) { float formatedValue = 0; if (value != null && !value.equals("")) { //formatedValue = Round(Float.parseFloat(value), 2); formatedValue = Abstract.calcul.Round_float(Float.parseFloat(value), 2); Tracer.v(mytag, " Round the value" + value + " to " + formatedValue); try { //Basilic add, number feature has a unit parameter jparam = new JSONObject(parameters.replaceAll(""", "\"")); String test_unite = jparam.getString("unit"); //todo centralise with display_sensor_info class //# 30 convert byte unit. switch (test_unite) { case "b": value = android.text.format.Formatter.formatFileSize(activity, Long.parseLong(value)); break; case "ko": value = android.text.format.Formatter.formatFileSize(activity, Long.parseLong(value) * 1024); break; default: value = formatedValue + " " + test_unite; break; } } catch (JSONException e) { //Basilic : no sure that the key state was the better way to find unit if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("temperature")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " °C"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("pressure")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " hPa"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("humidity")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " %"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("percent")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " %"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("visibility")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " km"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("chill")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " °C"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("speed")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " km/h"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("drewpoint")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " °C"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("condition-code") || featureMap.getState_key().toLowerCase().contains("condition_code") || featureMap.getState_key().toLowerCase().contains("current_code")) { //Add try catch to avoid other case that make #1794 try { //todo use xml and weather fonts here //typeface apply to canvas paint_text Typeface typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(activity.getAssets(), "fonts/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf"); paint_text.setTypeface(typeface); value = activity.getString(Graphics_Manager.Names_conditioncodes(getContext(), Integer.parseInt(featureMap.getCurrentState()))); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } if (value == null) value = ""; for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f + 4); if (featureMap != null) { Tracer.d(mytag, "Drawing value for " + label + "Value = " + value + " X = " + featureMap.getPosx() + " Y = " + featureMap.getPosy()); canvasWidget.drawText(value, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y - (10 * (int) scale), paint_text); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f - 1); paint_text.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT); Tracer.d(mytag, "Drawing label " + label + " X = " + featureMap.getPosx() + " Y = " + featureMap.getPosy()); } } if (!params.getBoolean("HIDE", false)) canvasWidget.drawText(label, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (6 * (int) scale), paint_text); } else { //number with commands for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f - 2); canvasWidget.drawText(value, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y, paint_text); if (!params.getBoolean("HIDE", false)) { canvasWidget.drawText(label, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (15 * (int) scale), paint_text); } } } else if (featureMap.getValue_type().equals("range") || ((parameters.contains("command")) && (featureMap.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_Scaling")))) { for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f - 2); canvasWidget.drawText(value, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y, paint_text); if (!params.getBoolean("HIDE", false)) { canvasWidget.drawText(label, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (15 * (int) scale), paint_text); Tracer.d(mytag, "Drawing value for " + featureMap.getDescription() + " X = " + featureMap.getPosx() + " Y = " + featureMap.getPosy()); Tracer.d(mytag, "Type= " + featureMap.getValue_type() + " featuremodel id = " + featureMap.getDevice_feature_model_id()); } else { if (featureMap.getState_key().equals("light")) { if (Integer.parseInt(featureMap.getCurrentState()) > valueMin) { canvasWidget.drawText(value, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y, paint_text); } } else { canvasWidget.drawText(value, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y, paint_text); } } } else if (featureMap.getValue_type().equals("trigger")) { for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f - 2); if (!params.getBoolean("HIDE", false)) { if (parameters.contains("command")) canvasWidget.drawText(value, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y, paint_text); canvasWidget.drawText(label, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (15 * (int) scale), paint_text); } } else { if (featureMap.getState_key().equals("color")) { Tracer.d(mytag, "Drawing color for " + featureMap.getName() + " Value = " + states); Paint paint_color = new Paint(); paint_color.setPathEffect(null); paint_color.setAntiAlias(true); //paint_color.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE); paint_color.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); String argbS; //Process RGB value if (states.equals("off")) { argbS = "#000000"; } else if (states.equals("on")) { argbS = params.getString("COLORRGB", "#FFFFFF"); //Restore last known color, White by default } else { //To avoid here argbS = "#FFFFFF"; } //Tracer.e(mytag,"Drawing color for "+featureMap.getName()+" RGB Value = "+Integer.toHexString(loc_argb)); //Draw first a black background... paint_color.setColor(Color.BLACK); paint_color.setShadowLayer(1, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); int left = (int) (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X - (10 * (int) scale); int top = (int) (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y - (15 * (int) scale); int right = (int) (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X + (85 * (int) scale); int bottom = (int) (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (10 * (int) scale); Rect r = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom); canvasWidget.drawRect(r, paint_color); //And draw real color inside the 1st one paint_color.setColor(Color.parseColor(argbS)); left += 3; top += 3; right -= 3; bottom -= 3; r = new Rect(left, top, right, bottom); canvasWidget.drawRect(r, paint_color); for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f - 2); if (!params.getBoolean("HIDE", false)) canvasWidget.drawText(label, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (25 * (int) scale), paint_text); } else if (featureMap.getValue_type().equals("video")) { for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f - 2); if (!params.getBoolean("HIDE", false)) canvasWidget.drawText(label, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (15 * (int) scale), paint_text); } else if (featureMap.getValue_type().equals("scaling")) { if (!parameters.contains("command")) { float formatedValue = 0; if (value != null && !value.equals("")) { //formatedValue = Round(Float.parseFloat(value), 2); formatedValue = Abstract.calcul.Round_float(Float.parseFloat(value), 2); Tracer.v(mytag, " Round the value" + value + " to " + formatedValue); try { //Basilic add, number feature has a unit parameter jparam = new JSONObject(parameters.replaceAll(""", "\"")); String test_unite = jparam.getString("unit"); //todo centralise with display_sensor_info class //# 30 convert byte unit. switch (test_unite) { case "b": value = android.text.format.Formatter.formatFileSize(activity, Long.parseLong(value)); break; case "ko": value = android.text.format.Formatter.formatFileSize(activity, Long.parseLong(value) * 1024); break; default: value = formatedValue + " " + test_unite; break; } } catch (JSONException e) { //Basilic : no sure that the key state was the better way to find unit if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("temperature")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " °C"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("pressure")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " hPa"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("humidity")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " %"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("percent")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " %"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("visibility")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " km"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("chill")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " °C"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("speed")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " km/h"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("drewpoint")) value = featureMap.getCurrentState() + " °C"; else if (featureMap.getState_key().equalsIgnoreCase("condition-code") || featureMap.getState_key().toLowerCase().contains("condition_code") || featureMap.getState_key().toLowerCase().contains("current_code")) { //Add try catch to avoid other case that make #1794 try { //todo use xml and weather fonts here //typeface apply to canvas paint_text Typeface typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(activity.getAssets(), "fonts/weathericons-regular-webfont.ttf"); paint_text.setTypeface(typeface); value = activity.getString(Graphics_Manager.Names_conditioncodes(getContext(), Integer.parseInt(featureMap.getCurrentState()))); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } if (value == null) value = ""; for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f + 4); if (featureMap != null) { Tracer.d(mytag, "Drawing value for " + label + "Value = " + value + " X = " + featureMap.getPosx() + " Y = " + featureMap.getPosy()); canvasWidget.drawText(value, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y - (10 * (int) scale), paint_text); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f - 1); paint_text.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT); Tracer.d(mytag, "Drawing label " + label + " X = " + featureMap.getPosx() + " Y = " + featureMap.getPosy()); } } if (!params.getBoolean("HIDE", false)) canvasWidget.drawText(label, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (6 * (int) scale), paint_text); } else { //scaling with commands for (int j = 1; j < 5; j++) paint_text.setShadowLayer(2 * j, 0, 0, Color.BLACK); paint_text.setTextSize(texsize * scale + 0.5f - 2); canvasWidget.drawText(value, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y, paint_text); if (!params.getBoolean("HIDE", false)) { canvasWidget.drawText(label, (featureMap.getPosx() * currentScale) + text_Offset_X, (featureMap.getPosy() * currentScale) + text_Offset_Y + (15 * (int) scale), paint_text); } } } else { // This widget is'nt alive anymore... Tracer.e(mytag, "Could not draw " + featureMap.getId()); //canvasWidget = null; //????? // comment from TIKISMOKE at 10/10/16 I do not know why this was add in past // but settings canvaswidget to null make next loop crash and hide all other widgets on this map. } } } } locked = false; } private void showTopWidget(Entity_Map feature) { Tracer.d(mytag, "Show top Widget"); DomodroidDB domodb = new DomodroidDB(Tracer, activity, params); domodb.owner = "MapView.showTopWidgets"; if (panel_widget.getChildCount() != 0) { panel_widget.removeAllViews(); } String label = feature.getDescription(); String parameters = feature.getParameters(); String device_type_id = feature.getDevice_type_id(); String State_key = feature.getState_key(); String Address = feature.getAddress(); String zone = ""; int Graph = params.getInt("GRAPH", 3); int update_timer = params.getInt("UPDATE_TIMER", 300); int DevId = feature.getDevId(); int Id = feature.getId(); String iconName = "unknow"; try { iconName = domodb.requestIcons(Id, "feature").getValue(); } catch (Exception e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } if (iconName.equals("unknow")) iconName = feature.getDevice_usage_id(); //add debug option to change label adding its Id if (params.getBoolean("DEV", false)) label = label + " (" + DevId + ")"; String[] model = device_type_id.split("\\."); String type = ""; try { type = model[1]; } catch (Exception e) { type = model[0]; } if (feature.getValue_type().equals("binary")) { if (type.equals("rgb_leds") && (State_key.equals("command"))) { //ignore it : it'll have another device for Color, displaying the switch !) } else { if (!params.getBoolean("WIDGET_CHOICE", false)) { Graphical_Binary onoff = new Graphical_Binary(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Binary.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(onoff); } else { Graphical_Binary_New onoff_New = new Graphical_Binary_New(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Binary_New.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(onoff_New); } } } else if (feature.getValue_type().equals("boolean") || feature.getValue_type().equals("bool")) { if (parameters.contains("command")) { if (!params.getBoolean("WIDGET_CHOICE", false)) { Graphical_Binary onoff = new Graphical_Binary(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Binary.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(onoff); } else { Graphical_Binary_New onoff_New = new Graphical_Binary_New(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Binary_New.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(onoff_New); } } else { Graphical_Boolean bool = new Graphical_Boolean(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Boolean.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(bool); } } else if (feature.getValue_type().equals("range")) { Graphical_Range variator = new Graphical_Range(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Range.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(variator); } else if (feature.getValue_type().equals("trigger")) { //#51 change widget for 0.4 if it's not a command if (parameters.contains("command")) { Graphical_Trigger trigger = new Graphical_Trigger(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Trigger.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(trigger); Tracer.i(mytag, " ==> Graphical_Trigger"); } else { Graphical_Info info = new Graphical_Info(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, update_timer, feature, handler); Graphical_Info.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; info.with_graph = false; panel_widget.addView(info); Tracer.i(mytag, " ==> Graphical_Info"); } } else if (feature.getValue_type().equals("number")) { Tracer.i(mytag, "Parameters for number:" + feature.getParameters()); if (parameters.contains("command")) { //display range widget for DT_scaling command with number if (feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_Scaling")) { Graphical_Range variator = new Graphical_Range(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Range.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(variator); } else { Graphical_Info_commands info_commands = new Graphical_Info_commands(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Info_commands.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(info_commands); } } else if (params.getBoolean("Graph_CHOICE", false)) { Tracer.i(mytag, "Graphical_Info_with_achartengine created"); Graphical_Info_with_achartengine info1 = new Graphical_Info_with_achartengine(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Info_with_achartengine.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(info1); /*todo when #89 Tracer.i(mytag, "Graphical_Info_with_mpandroidchart created"); Graphical_Info_with_mpandroidchart info1 = new Graphical_Info_with_mpandroidchart(Tracer, activity, URL, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Info_with_mpandroidchart.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(info1); */ } else { Tracer.i(mytag, "Graphical_Info created"); Graphical_Info info = new Graphical_Info(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, update_timer, feature, handler); Graphical_Info.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(info); } } else if (feature.getValue_type().equals("list")) { Graphical_List list = new Graphical_List(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_List.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(list); } else if (State_key.equals("color")) { Graphical_Color colorw = new Graphical_Color(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Color.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(colorw); } else if (feature.getValue_type().equals("video")) { if (!parameters.contains("command")) { Graphical_Cam cam = new Graphical_Cam(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); panel_widget.addView(cam); } else { Graphical_Info_commands info_commands = new Graphical_Info_commands(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Info_commands.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(info_commands); } } else if (feature.getValue_type().equals("string")) { Tracer.i(mytag, "parameters=" + parameters); if (feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().contains("call")) { Graphical_History info_with_history = new Graphical_History(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); panel_widget.addView(info_with_history); } else if (feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().contains("camera")) { Graphical_Cam cam = new Graphical_Cam(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); panel_widget.addView(cam); } else if (parameters.contains("command")) { if (State_key.equals("Set RGB color")) { Tracer.d(mytag, "add Graphical_Color for " + label + " (" + DevId + ") key=" + State_key); Graphical_Color colorw = new Graphical_Color(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); panel_widget.addView(colorw); } else { Graphical_Info_commands info_commands = new Graphical_Info_commands(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); panel_widget.addView(info_commands); } } else if (feature.getValue_type().equals("video")) { Graphical_Cam cam = new Graphical_Cam(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); panel_widget.addView(cam); } else if (feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_CoordD")) { Graphical_Openstreetmap Openstreetmap = new Graphical_Openstreetmap(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); panel_widget.addView(Openstreetmap); } else { Graphical_History info_with_history = new Graphical_History(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); panel_widget.addView(info_with_history); } } else if (feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_HVACVent") || feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_HVACFan") || feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_HVACMode") || feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_HVACHeat") || feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_HeatingPilotWire") || feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_DayOfWeek") || feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_UPSState") || feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_UPSEvent")) { Graphical_List list = new Graphical_List(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); list.with_list = parameters.contains("command"); panel_widget.addView(list); } else if (feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_ColorCII")) { if (!parameters.contains("command")) { Graphical_History info_with_history = new Graphical_History(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); panel_widget.addView(info_with_history); } else { Graphical_List list = new Graphical_List(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); list.with_list = parameters.contains("command"); panel_widget.addView(list); } } else if (feature.getDevice_feature_model_id().startsWith("DT_ColorRGBHexa")) { if (!parameters.contains("command")) { Graphical_History info_with_history = new Graphical_History(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); panel_widget.addView(info_with_history); } else { Graphical_Info_commands info_commands = new Graphical_Info_commands(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); panel_widget.addView(info_commands); } } else if (feature.getValue_type().equals("scaling")) { if (parameters.contains("command")) { //display range widget for DT_scaling command with number Graphical_Range variator = new Graphical_Range(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Range.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(variator); } else if (params.getBoolean("Graph_CHOICE", false)) { Tracer.i(mytag, "Graphical_Info_with_achartengine created"); Graphical_Info_with_achartengine info1 = new Graphical_Info_with_achartengine(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Info_with_achartengine.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(info1); /*todo when #89 Tracer.i(mytag, "Graphical_Info_with_mpandroidchart created"); Graphical_Info_with_mpandroidchart info1 = new Graphical_Info_with_mpandroidchart(Tracer, activity, URL, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, feature, handler); Graphical_Info_with_mpandroidchart.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(info1); */ } else { Graphical_Info info = new Graphical_Info(Tracer, activity, widgetSize, 0, Id, zone, params, update_timer, feature, handler); Graphical_Info.container = (FrameLayout) panel_widget; panel_widget.addView(info); } } else { Basic_Graphical_widget basic_widget = new Basic_Graphical_widget(params, activity, Tracer, Id, activity.getString(R.string.contact_devs), "", "", widgetSize, 0, zone, mytag, null, handler); panel_widget.addView(basic_widget); } } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); origin = canvas.getMatrix(); origin.postConcat(mat.matrix); canvas.setMatrix(origin); canvas.drawBitmap(map, 0, 0, paint_map); canvas.drawBitmap(widget, 0, 0, paint_map); invalidate(); System.gc(); } public Bitmap decodeFile(File f) { Bitmap b = null; try { BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inJustDecodeBounds = true; // // FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); // BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis, null, options); // fis.close(); // int scale = 1; if (options.outHeight > params.getInt("SIZE", 600) || options.outWidth > params.getInt("SIZE", 600)) { scale = (int) Math.pow(2, (int) Math.round(Math.log(params.getInt("SIZE", 600) / (double) Math.max(options.outHeight, options.outWidth)) / Math.log(0.5))); } //Decode with inSampleSize BitmapFactory.Options options2 = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options2.inSampleSize = scale; FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis, null, options2); fis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Tracer.e(mytag, "Error decoding file"); } return b; } public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { int nbPointers = event.getPointerCount(); float[] value = new float[9]; float[] saved_value = new float[9]; //TODO save value at the good time if (!longclic) { event1 = MotionEvent.obtain(event); valuelongclic = value; Tracer.d(mytag, "Saving this event X=" + event1.getX() + " Y=" + event1.getY()); } mat.matrix.getValues(value); //switch (event.getAction() & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK) { switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: Tracer.d(mytag, "ACTION_DOWN"); longclic = false; Tracer.d(mytag, "longclic=false"); handler_longclic.postDelayed(mLongPressed, 800); moves = 0; mat.matrix.getValues(saved_value); mat.actionDown(event.getX(), event.getY()); //save to pos_XO where was release the press pos_X0 = event.getX(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: Tracer.d(mytag, "ACTION_POINTER_DOWN"); mat.actionPointerDown(event); break; //when stop pressing case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: Tracer.d(mytag, "ACTION_UP"); handler_longclic.removeCallbacks(mLongPressed); mat.actionUp(event.getX(), event.getY()); //save to pos_X1 where was release the press float pos_X1 = event.getX(); //Select what action to do if (addMode) { do_action(activity.getString(R.string.house_add_widget), event, value); } else if (removeMode) { do_action(activity.getString(R.string.map_button2), event, value); } else if (moveMode) { do_action(activity.getString(R.string.map_moveTitle), event, value); } else { //Move to left if (pos_X1 - pos_X0 > screen_width / 2) { if (currentFile + 1 < files.size()) currentFile++; else currentFile = 0; canvasMap = null; canvasWidget = null; System.gc(); //refresh the map initMap(); //Re-init last save position pos_X0 = 0; pos_X1 = 0; //Move to right } else if (pos_X0 - pos_X1 > screen_width / 2) { if (currentFile != 0) currentFile--; else currentFile = files.size() - 1; canvasMap = null; canvasWidget = null; System.gc(); //refresh the map initMap(); //Re-init last save position pos_X0 = 0; pos_X1 = 0; //Display widget } else if (!longclic) { boolean widgetActiv = false; //Switch if it's a map for (Entity_Map switchesMap : listMapSwitches) { //Correct +20 by dip if ((int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) > switchesMap.getPosx() - dip20 && (int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) < switchesMap.getPosx() + dip20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) > switchesMap.getPosy() - dip20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) < switchesMap.getPosy() + dip20) { //That seems to be this switch map widget clicked ! int new_map = switchesMap.getId() - 99999; if (new_map < files.size() && new_map >= 0) { currentFile = new_map; } canvasMap = null; canvasWidget = null; System.gc(); initMap(); panel_widget.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); widgetActiv = true; postInvalidate(); return true; } } widgetActiv = false; //get widgets for (Entity_Map featureMap : listFeatureMap) { //Correct +20 by dip if ((int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) > featureMap.getPosx() - dip20 && (int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) < featureMap.getPosx() + dip20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) > featureMap.getPosy() - dip20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) < featureMap.getPosy() + dip20) { //Launch directly the command try { // #2009 action directly if binary or trigger // via the asynctask new CommandeThread() //TODO 0.4 should add bool because it could also be add here // problem is to know is real state before sending it switch (featureMap.getValue_type()) { case "trigger": //#51 change widget for 0.4 if it's not a command if (featureMap.getParameters().contains("command")) { Tracer.d(mytag, "This is a Trigger launching it"); this.Address = featureMap.getAddress(); if (api_version >= 0.7f) { try { JSONObject jparam = new JSONObject(featureMap.getParameters()); command_id = jparam.getString("command_id"); command_type = jparam.getString("command_type1"); state_progress = "1"; //send_command.send_it(Tracer, URL, command_id, command_type, state_progress, login, password, SSL, api_version); send_command.send_it(activity, Tracer, command_id, command_type, state_progress, api_version); } catch (JSONException e) { Tracer.d(mytag, "No command_id or command_type for this device"); } } else { //send_command.send_it(Tracer, URL, command_id, command_type, state_progress, login, password, SSL, api_version); send_command.send_it(activity, Tracer, command_id, command_type, state_progress, api_version); } } break; case "binary": Tracer.d(mytag, "This is a binary try to change is state"); Tracer.d(mytag, "State is " + featureMap.getCurrentState()); switch (featureMap.getCurrentState()) { case "true": featureMap.setCurrentState("false"); break; case "false": featureMap.setCurrentState("true"); break; case "on": featureMap.setCurrentState("off"); break; case "off": featureMap.setCurrentState("on"); break; case "1": featureMap.setCurrentState("0"); break; case "0": featureMap.setCurrentState("1"); break; } this.Address = featureMap.getAddress(); String[] model = featureMap.getDevice_type_id().split("\\."); this.type = model[0]; this.state_progress = featureMap.getCurrentState(); if (api_version >= 0.7f) { try { JSONObject jparam = new JSONObject(parameters); command_id = jparam.getString("command_id"); command_type = jparam.getString("command_type1"); //send_command.send_it(Tracer, URL, command_id, command_type, state_progress, login, password, SSL, api_version); send_command.send_it(activity, Tracer, command_id, command_type, state_progress, api_version); } catch (JSONException e) { Tracer.d(mytag, "No command_id or command_type for this device"); } } else { //send_command.send_it(Tracer, URL, command_id, command_type, state_progress, login, password, SSL, api_version); send_command.send_it(activity, Tracer, command_id, command_type, state_progress, api_version); } break; default: //Show the top widgets Tracer.d(mytag, "Launch showtopwidgets"); try { showTopWidget(featureMap); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } panel_widget.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); if (!top_drawer.isOpen()) top_drawer.setOpen(true, true); widgetActiv = true; break; } } catch (Exception e) { Tracer.d(mytag, "on action up crash " + e.toString()); } } } //hide it if (!widgetActiv && moves < 5) { Tracer.d(mytag, "Launch HIDE top widgets"); top_drawer.setOpen(false, true); } } } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: Tracer.d(mytag, "ACTION_POINTER_UP"); handler_longclic.removeCallbacks(mLongPressed); mat.matrix.getValues(value); currentScale *= value[0]; //Save current zoom scale prefEditor = params.edit(); prefEditor.putFloat("Mapscale", currentScale); prefEditor.commit(); //To save it really ! value[0] = 1; value[4] = 1; mat.matrix.setValues(value); refreshMap(); break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: Tracer.d(mytag, "ACTION_MOVE"); moves++; mat.currentScale = currentScale; mat.actionMove(nbPointers, event); break; } postInvalidate(); return true; } public final Runnable mLongPressed = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!params.getBoolean("map_menu_disable", false)) { longclic = true; //Code for long click Tracer.v(mytag, "Long press :)"); Builder list_type_choice = new Builder(getContext()); //hide top widgets top_drawer.setOpen(false, false); List<String> list_choice = new ArrayList<>(); list_choice.add(activity.getString(R.string.house_add_widget)); //Check if clicked on a widget for (final Entity_Map featureMap : listFeatureMap) { if ((int) ((event1.getX() - valuelongclic[2]) / currentScale) > featureMap.getPosx() - dip20 && (int) ((event1.getX() - valuelongclic[2]) / currentScale) < featureMap.getPosx() + dip20 && (int) ((event1.getY() - valuelongclic[5]) / currentScale) > featureMap.getPosy() - dip20 && (int) ((event1.getY() - valuelongclic[5]) / currentScale) < featureMap.getPosy() + dip20) { //Clear list and add new item list_choice.clear(); list_choice.add(activity.getString(R.string.map_moveTitle)); list_choice.add(activity.getString(R.string.change_icon)); list_choice.add(activity.getString(R.string.map_button2)); } } //Check if clicked on a map shortcut for (final Entity_Map switchesMap : listMapSwitches) { if ((int) ((event1.getX() - valuelongclic[2]) / currentScale) > switchesMap.getPosx() - dip20 && (int) ((event1.getX() - valuelongclic[2]) / currentScale) < switchesMap.getPosx() + dip20 && (int) ((event1.getY() - valuelongclic[5]) / currentScale) > switchesMap.getPosy() - dip20 && (int) ((event1.getY() - valuelongclic[5]) / currentScale) < switchesMap.getPosy() + dip20) { //Clear list and add new item list_choice.clear(); list_choice.add(activity.getString(R.string.map_moveTitle)); list_choice.add(activity.getString(R.string.change_icon)); list_choice.add(activity.getString(R.string.map_button2)); } } final CharSequence[] char_list = list_choice.toArray(new String[list_choice.size()]); //list_type_choice.setTitle(R.string.What_to_do_message); list_type_choice.setSingleChoiceItems(char_list, -1, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item) { ListView lw = ((AlertDialog) dialog).getListView(); Object checkedItem = lw.getAdapter().getItem(lw.getCheckedItemPosition()); if (checkedItem.toString().equals(activity.getString(R.string.house_add_widget))) {; } do_action(checkedItem.toString(), event1, valuelongclic); Tracer.d(mytag, "do_action " + checkedItem.toString() + " at X=" + event1.getX() + "at Y=" + event1.getY()); dialog.dismiss(); } } );; } } }; private void do_action(String action, MotionEvent event, float[] value) { if (action.equals(activity.getString(R.string.change_icon))) { Tracer.d(mytag, "Change icon"); for (final Entity_Map featureMap : listFeatureMap) { if ((int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) > featureMap.getPosx() - dip20 && (int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) < featureMap.getPosx() + dip20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) > featureMap.getPosy() - dip20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) < featureMap.getPosy() + dip20) { Tracer.d(mytag, "Change icon of a feature"); final AlertDialog.Builder list_icon_choice = new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()); List<String> list_icon = new ArrayList<>(); String[] fiilliste; fiilliste = activity.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.icon_area_array); Collections.addAll(list_icon, fiilliste); final CharSequence[] char_list_icon = list_icon.toArray(new String[list_icon.size()]); list_icon_choice.setTitle(activity.getString(R.string.Wich_ICON_message) + " " + featureMap.getName() + "-" + featureMap.getState_key()); List_Icon_Adapter adapter = new List_Icon_Adapter(Tracer, getContext(), fiilliste, fiilliste); list_icon_choice.setAdapter(adapter, null); list_icon_choice.setSingleChoiceItems(char_list_icon, -1, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int item) { ListView lw = ((AlertDialog) dialog).getListView(); Object checkedItem = lw.getAdapter().getItem(lw.getCheckedItemPosition()); String icon = checkedItem.toString(); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); //type = area, room, feature values.put("name", "feature"); //icon is the name of the icon wich will be select values.put("value", icon); //reference is the id of the area, room, or feature int reference = 0; reference = featureMap.getId(); values.put("reference", reference); activity.getContentResolver().insert(DmdContentProvider.CONTENT_URI_UPDATE_ICON_NAME, values); initMap(); dialog.cancel(); } } ); AlertDialog alert_list_icon = list_icon_choice.create();; } } } else if (action.equals(activity.getString(R.string.map_moveTitle))) { Tracer.d(mytag, "Move"); for (Entity_Map featureMap : listFeatureMap) { if ((int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) > featureMap.getPosx() - dip20 && (int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) < featureMap.getPosx() + dip20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) > featureMap.getPosy() - dip20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) < featureMap.getPosy() + dip20) { Tracer.d(mytag, "Move find a feature"); //remove entry Tracer.get_engine().remove_one_FeatureMap(featureMap.getId(), (int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale), (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale), files.elementAt(currentFile)); moveMode = false; //new UpdateThread().execute(); //return to add mode on next click //refresh the map initMap(); temp_id = featureMap.getId(); addMode = true; } } for (final Entity_Map switchesMap : listMapSwitches) { if ((int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) > switchesMap.getPosx() - dip20 && (int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) < switchesMap.getPosx() + dip20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) > switchesMap.getPosy() - dip20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) < switchesMap.getPosy() + dip20) { //remove entry Tracer.get_engine().remove_one_FeatureMap(switchesMap.getId(), (int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale), (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale), files.elementAt(currentFile)); moveMode = false; //new UpdateThread().execute(); //return to add mode on next click //refresh the map initMap(); temp_id = switchesMap.getId(); addMode = true; } } } else if (action.equals(activity.getString(R.string.map_button2))) { Tracer.d(mytag, "Delete"); for (final Entity_Map featureMap : listFeatureMap) { if ((int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) > featureMap.getPosx() - dip20 && (int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) < featureMap.getPosx() + dip20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) > featureMap.getPosy() - dip20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) < featureMap.getPosy() + dip20) { //remove entry Tracer.d(mytag, "Delete a feature"); Tracer.get_engine().remove_one_FeatureMap(featureMap.getId(), (int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale), (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale), files.elementAt(currentFile)); //A device on this map as been delete re-check the cache URL Cache_management.checkcache(Tracer, activity); removeMode = false; //new UpdateThread().execute(); //refresh the map initMap(); } } for (final Entity_Map switchesMap : listMapSwitches) { if ((int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) > switchesMap.getPosx() - 20 && (int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale) < switchesMap.getPosx() + 20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) > switchesMap.getPosy() - 20 && (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale) < switchesMap.getPosy() + 20) { //remove entry Tracer.get_engine().remove_one_FeatureMap(switchesMap.getId(), (int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale), (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale), files.elementAt(currentFile)); removeMode = false; //new UpdateThread().execute(); //refresh the map initMap(); } } } else if (action.equals(activity.getString(R.string.house_add_widget))) { int db_id = 0; if (temp_id != -1) { //insert in the database feature map the device id, its position and map name. db_id = temp_id; } else { if (map_id != -1) { db_id = map_id; // a map switch has been selected from list of widgets } } if (db_id != 0) { Tracer.get_engine().insertFeatureMap(db_id, (int) ((event.getX() - value[2]) / currentScale), (int) ((event.getY() - value[5]) / currentScale), files.elementAt(currentFile)); //Re-check the cache URL Cache_management.checkcache(Tracer, activity); } map_id = -1; temp_id = -1; addMode = false; //refresh the map initMap(); } } private String getFileAsString(File file) { FileInputStream fis = null; BufferedInputStream bis = null; DataInputStream dis = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); dis = new DataInputStream(bis); while (dis.available() != 0) { sb.append(dis.readLine()).append("\n"); } fis.close(); bis.close(); dis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return sb.toString(); } private float autoscale(int image_width, int image_height) { TypedValue tv = new TypedValue(); activity.getTheme().resolveAttribute(, tv, true); int actionBarHeight = getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(tv.resourceId); currentScalewidth = (float) screenwidth / (float) image_width; currentScaleheight = (float) (screenheight - actionBarHeight) / (float) image_height; //select witch scale is the best if (currentScaleheight < currentScalewidth) { currentScale = currentScaleheight; } else { currentScale = currentScalewidth; } //Save current zoom scale prefEditor = params.edit(); prefEditor.putFloat("Mapscale", currentScale); prefEditor.commit(); //To save it really ! return currentScale; } public boolean isAddMode() { return addMode; } public void setAddMode(boolean addMode) { this.addMode = addMode; } public boolean isRemoveMode() { return removeMode; } public void setRemoveMode(boolean removeMode) { this.removeMode = removeMode; } public int getUpdate() { return update; } public void setUpdate(int update) { this.update = update; } public void setParams(SharedPreferences params) { this.params = params; } public void setPanel_widget(ViewGroup panel_widget) { this.panel_widget = panel_widget; } public void setTopDrawer(Sliding_Drawer top_drawer) { this.top_drawer = top_drawer; } public void setFiles(Vector<String> files) { this.files = files; } public int getMode() { return mode; } public void setMode(int mode) { this.mode = mode; } public int getCurrentFile() { return currentFile; } public void setCurrentFile(int currentFile) { this.currentFile = currentFile; } public boolean isMoveMode() { return moveMode; } public void setMoveMode(boolean moveMode) { this.moveMode = moveMode; } public void set_navigationdraweropen(boolean navigationdraweropen) { this.navigationdraweropen = navigationdraweropen; } }