package com.couchbase.loadgen.client; import; import; import; import com.couchbase.loadgen.Config; import com.couchbase.loadgen.cluster.ClusterManager; import com.couchbase.loadgen.cluster.Message; import com.couchbase.loadgen.measurements.Measurements; import com.couchbase.loadgen.measurements.Stats; import com.couchbase.loadgen.measurements.StatsID; import com.couchbase.loadgen.measurements.exporter.MeasurementsExporter; import com.couchbase.loadgen.measurements.exporter.TextMeasurementsExporter; import; public class StatsManager extends Thread { private boolean done; public StatsManager() { done = false; } public void done() { done = true; } /** * Run and periodically report status. */ public void run() { long st = System.currentTimeMillis(); int seconds = 0; Stats current; do { try { sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} seconds++; /*int printstatsinterval = ((Integer)Config.getConfig().get(Config.PRINT_STATS_INTERVAL)).intValue(); if (seconds >= printstatsinterval) { Stats interval = Measurements.getMeasurements().getStats(StatsID.INTERVAL_STATS); int throughput = ((Integer)Config.getConfig().get(Config.TARGET)).intValue(); System.out.println(interval.encodeJson()); en = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(((System.currentTimeMillis() - st) / 1000) + " sec; " + throughput + " throughput; " + interval.getSummary() + "\n"); seconds = 0; }*/ current = Measurements.getMeasurements().getStats(StatsID.CURRENT_STATS); Message message = new Message(); message.setOpcode(Message.OP_STATS); message.setBody(current.encodeJson().getBytes()); try { ClusterManager.getManager().sendMessage(message); } catch (GMSException e) {} } while (!done && current.getOperations() != 0); try { exportMeasurements(System.currentTimeMillis() - st); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Could not export measurements, error: "+ e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Exports the measurements to either sysout or a file using the exporter * loaded from conf. * * @throws IOException * Either failed to write to output stream or failed to close * it. */ private void exportMeasurements(long runtime) throws IOException { MeasurementsExporter exporter = null; try { // if no destination file is provided the results will be written to stdout OutputStream out; String exportFile = (String)Config.getConfig().get(Config.EXPORT_FILE); Stats stats = Measurements.getMeasurements().getStats(StatsID.TOAL_STATS); long opcount = stats.getOperations(); if (exportFile.equals("")) { out = System.out; } else { out = new FileOutputStream(exportFile); } // if no exporter is provided the default text one will be used String exporterStr = (String)Config.getConfig().get(Config.EXPORTER); try { exporter = (MeasurementsExporter) Class.forName(exporterStr).getConstructor(OutputStream.class).newInstance(out); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Could not find exporter " + exporterStr + ", will use default text reporter."); e.printStackTrace(); exporter = new TextMeasurementsExporter(out); } exporter.write("OVERALL", "RunTime(ms)", runtime); double throughput = 1000.0 * ((double) opcount) / ((double) runtime); exporter.write("OVERALL", "Throughput(ops/sec)", throughput); stats.exportMeasurements(exporter); } finally { if (exporter != null) { exporter.close(); } } } }