/** * Licensed under the Artistic License; you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/license.html * * THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ package org.displaytag.render; import java.util.*; import java.text.MessageFormat; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFDataFormat; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRichTextString; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.CellRangeAddress; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.CellStyle; import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.IndexedColors; import org.displaytag.decorator.TableDecorator; import org.displaytag.decorator.hssf.DecoratesHssf; import org.displaytag.model.Column; import org.displaytag.model.HeaderCell; import org.displaytag.model.Row; import org.displaytag.model.TableModel; import org.displaytag.export.XmlTotalsWriter; import org.displaytag.export.excel.ExcelUtils; /** * A table writer that formats a table in Excel's spreadsheet format, and writes it to an HSSF workbook. * @author Jorge L. Barroso * @version $Revision$ ($Author$) * @see org.displaytag.render.TableWriterTemplate */ public class HssfTableWriter extends TableWriterAdapter { public static final HSSFRichTextString EMPTY_TEXT = new HSSFRichTextString(""); protected MessageFormat totalLabel = new MessageFormat("{0} Total"); protected boolean decorated = false; /** * The workbook to which the table is written. */ private HSSFWorkbook wb; /** * Generated sheet. */ protected HSSFSheet sheet; /** * Current row number. */ protected int sheetRowNum; /** * Current row. */ private HSSFRow currentRow; /** * Current column number. */ protected int colNum; /** * Current cell. */ protected HSSFCell currentCell; protected int currentGrouping = 0; /** * Percent Excel format. */ protected short intFormat = HSSFDataFormat.getBuiltinFormat("0"); /** * Some operations require the model. */ protected TableModel model; protected String sheetName = "-"; protected ExcelUtils utils; /** * This table writer uses an HSSF workbook to write the table. * @param wb The HSSF workbook to write the table. */ public HssfTableWriter(HSSFWorkbook wb) { this.wb = wb; utils = new ExcelUtils(wb); } /** * @see org.displaytag.render.TableWriterTemplate#writeTableOpener(org.displaytag.model.TableModel) */ protected void writeTableOpener(TableModel model) throws Exception { this.sheet = wb.createSheet(sheetName); setModel(model); init(model); this.sheetRowNum = 0; } /** * Override this to do local config, but you should call super() first so that this can set up the ExcelUtils. * @param model */ protected void init(TableModel model) { utils.initCellStyles(model.getProperties()); } /** * @see org.displaytag.render.TableWriterTemplate#writeCaption(org.displaytag.model.TableModel) */ protected void writeCaption(TableModel model) throws Exception { HSSFCellStyle style = this.wb.createCellStyle(); HSSFFont bold = this.wb.createFont(); bold.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); bold.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 14); style.setFont(bold); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); this.colNum = 0; this.currentRow = this.sheet.createRow(this.sheetRowNum++); this.currentCell = this.currentRow.createCell(this.colNum); this.currentCell.setCellStyle(style); String caption = model.getCaption(); this.currentCell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(caption)); this.rowSpanTable(model); } /** * Obtain the region over which to merge a cell. * @param first Column number of first cell from which to merge. * @param last Column number of last cell over which to merge. * @return The region over which to merge a cell. */ private CellRangeAddress getMergeCellsRegion(int first, int last) { return new CellRangeAddress(this.currentRow.getRowNum(), this.currentRow.getRowNum(), first, last); } /** * @see org.displaytag.render.TableWriterTemplate#writeTableHeader(org.displaytag.model.TableModel) */ protected void writeTableHeader(TableModel model) throws Exception { this.currentRow = this.sheet.createRow(this.sheetRowNum++); this.colNum = 0; HSSFCellStyle headerStyle = this.getHeaderFooterStyle(); for (HeaderCell headerCell : model.getHeaderCellList()) { String columnHeader = headerCell.getTitle(); if (columnHeader == null) { columnHeader = StringUtils.capitalize(headerCell.getBeanPropertyName()); } this.writeHeaderFooter(columnHeader, this.currentRow, headerStyle); } } /** * @see org.displaytag.render.TableWriterTemplate#writeDecoratedRowStart(org.displaytag.model.TableModel) */ protected void writeDecoratedRowStart(TableModel model) { model.getTableDecorator().startRow(); } /** */ protected void writeRowOpener(Row row) throws Exception { this.currentRow = this.sheet.createRow(sheetRowNum++); this.colNum = 0; } /** * Write a column's opening structure to a HSSF document. * @see org.displaytag.render.TableWriterTemplate#writeColumnOpener(org.displaytag.model.Column) */ protected void writeColumnOpener(Column column) throws Exception { if (column != null) { column.getOpenTag(); // has side effect, setting its stringValue, which affects grouping logic. } this.currentCell = this.currentRow.createCell(this.colNum++); } /** * @see org.displaytag.render.TableWriterTemplate#writeColumnValue(Object,org.displaytag.model.Column) */ @Override protected void writeColumnValue(Object value, Column column) throws Exception { // is this a detail row for a column that is currently grouped? int myGroup = column.getHeaderCell().getGroup(); Object cellValue = column.getValue(this.decorated); if (myGroup > 0) { cellValue = ""; } writeCellValue(cellValue); } /** * Override in subclasses to handle local data types. * @param value the value object to write */ protected void writeCellValue(Object value) { if (value instanceof Number) { Number num = (Number) value; // Percentage if (value.toString().indexOf("%") > -1) { this.currentCell.setCellValue(num.doubleValue() / 100); this.currentCell.setCellStyle(utils.getStyle(ExcelUtils.STYLE_PCT)); } else if (value instanceof Integer) { this.currentCell.setCellStyle(utils.getStyle(ExcelUtils.STYLE_INTEGER)); this.currentCell.setCellValue(num.intValue()); } else { this.currentCell.setCellValue(num.doubleValue()); } } else if (value instanceof Date ) { this.currentCell.setCellValue((Date) value); this.currentCell.setCellStyle(utils.getStyle(ExcelUtils.STYLE_DATE)); } else if (value instanceof Calendar) { Calendar c = (Calendar) value; this.currentCell.setCellValue(c); this.currentCell.setCellStyle(utils.getStyle(ExcelUtils.STYLE_DATE)); } else if (value == null) { this.currentCell.setCellValue(EMPTY_TEXT); } else { String v = value.toString(); if (v.length() > utils.getWrapAtLength()) { this.currentCell.getCellStyle().setWrapText(true); } this.currentCell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(ExcelUtils.escapeColumnValue(value))); } } /** * Decorators that help render the table to an HSSF table must implement DecoratesHssf. * @see org.displaytag.render.TableWriterTemplate#writeDecoratedRowFinish(org.displaytag.model.TableModel) */ protected void writeDecoratedRowFinish(TableModel model) throws Exception { TableDecorator decorator = model.getTableDecorator(); if (decorator instanceof DecoratesHssf) { DecoratesHssf hdecorator = (DecoratesHssf) decorator; hdecorator.setSheet(this.sheet); } decorator.finishRow(); this.sheetRowNum = this.sheet.getLastRowNum(); this.sheetRowNum++; } /** * @see org.displaytag.render.TableWriterTemplate#writePostBodyFooter(org.displaytag.model.TableModel) */ protected void writePostBodyFooter(TableModel model) throws Exception { this.colNum = 0; this.currentRow = this.sheet.createRow(this.sheetRowNum++); this.writeHeaderFooter(model.getFooter(), this.currentRow, this.getHeaderFooterStyle()); this.rowSpanTable(model); } /** * Make a row span the width of the table. * @param model The table model representing the rendered table. */ private void rowSpanTable(TableModel model) { this.sheet.addMergedRegion(this.getMergeCellsRegion(this.currentCell.getColumnIndex(), (model .getNumberOfColumns() - 1))); } /** * @see org.displaytag.render.TableWriterTemplate#writeDecoratedTableFinish(org.displaytag.model.TableModel) */ protected void writeDecoratedTableFinish(TableModel model) { model.getTableDecorator().finish(); } /** * Is this value numeric? You should probably override this method to handle your locale. * @param rawValue the object value * @return true if numeric */ protected boolean isNumber(String rawValue) { if (rawValue == null) { return false; } String rawV = rawValue; if (rawV.indexOf('%') > -1) { rawV = rawV.replace('%', ' ').trim(); } if (rawV.indexOf('$') > -1) { rawV = rawV.replace('$', ' ').trim(); } if (rawV.indexOf(',') > -1) { rawV = StringUtils.replace(rawV, ",", ""); } return NumberUtils.isNumber(rawV.trim()); } /** * Writes a table header or a footer. * @param value Header or footer value to be rendered. * @param row The row in which to write the header or footer. * @param style Style used to render the header or footer. */ private void writeHeaderFooter(String value, HSSFRow row, HSSFCellStyle style) { this.currentCell = row.createCell(this.colNum++); this.currentCell.setCellValue(new HSSFRichTextString(value)); this.currentCell.setCellStyle(style); } /** * Obtain the style used to render a header or footer. * @return The style used to render a header or footer. */ private HSSFCellStyle getHeaderFooterStyle() { HSSFCellStyle style = this.wb.createCellStyle(); // style.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.FINE_DOTS); // style.setFillBackgroundColor(HSSFColor.BLUE_GREY.index); HSSFFont bold = this.wb.createFont(); bold.setBoldweight(HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD); // bold.setColor(HSSFColor.WHITE.index); style.setBorderBottom(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); style.setBottomBorderColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex()); style.setFont(bold); return style; } /** * @see org.displaytag.render.TableWriterAdapter#writeBottomBanner(org.displaytag.model.TableModel) */ protected void writeBottomBanner(TableModel model) throws Exception { // adjust the column widths int colCount = 0; while (colCount <= colNum) { sheet.autoSizeColumn((short) colCount++); } } @Override protected void writeSubgroupStart(TableModel model) throws Exception { TableTotaler tt = model.getTotaler(); if (tt.howManyGroups == 0) { return; } // for each newly opened subgroup we need to output the opener, in order; // so we need to know somehow which groups are new since we last wrote out openers; how about we track a list of the // already opened groups, and ask the tt for a list of all known groups? for (int dtColumnNumber : tt.getOpenedColumns()) { currentGrouping++; writeRowOpener(null); // for each subgroup for (HeaderCell cell : model.getHeaderCellList()) { writeColumnOpener(null); int thisCellAsDtNumber = asDtColNumber(cell.getColumnNumber()); String columnValue = ( thisCellAsDtNumber != dtColumnNumber) ? "" : tt.getGroupingValue(dtColumnNumber); writeCellValue(columnValue); writeColumnCloser(null); } writeRowCloser(null); // Have to handle a case where this is a nested subgroup start; // put out the blanks for any column that has already exists // now write the label for the group that is opening } } /** * DT columns are 1 based, excel columns are 0 based. * @param cellColumnNumber * @return */ protected int asDtColNumber(int cellColumnNumber){ return cellColumnNumber + 1; } public String getTotalLabel(String groupingValue) { String gv = StringUtils.defaultString(groupingValue); return totalLabel.format( "{0} Total", gv ); } @Override protected void writeSubgroupStop(TableModel model) throws Exception { TableTotaler tt = model.getTotaler(); // for each newly opened subgroup we need to output the opener, in order; // so we need to know somehow which groups are new since we last wrote out openers; how about we track a list of the // already opened groups, and ask the tt for a list of all known groups? if (tt.howManyGroups == 0) { return; } List<Integer> closedColumns = tt.getClosedColumns(); Collections.reverse(closedColumns); for (int columnNumber : closedColumns) { writeRowOpener(null); // for each subgroup for (HeaderCell cell : model.getHeaderCellList()) { writeColumnOpener(null); Object columnValue; int cellColumnNumberAsDt = asDtColNumber(cell.getColumnNumber()); if (cellColumnNumberAsDt > columnNumber && cell.isTotaled()) { columnValue = tt.getTotalForColumn(cell.getColumnNumber(), currentGrouping); } else if (cellColumnNumberAsDt == columnNumber) { columnValue = getTotalLabel(tt.getGroupingValue(columnNumber)); } else { columnValue = null; } writeCellValue(columnValue); writeColumnCloser(null); } writeRowCloser(null); writeGroupExtraInfo(model); currentGrouping--; } assert currentGrouping > -1; super.writeSubgroupStop(model); } public void setModel(TableModel m) { m.setTableDecorator(XmlTotalsWriter.NOOP); if (m.getTotaler() == null || m.getTotaler() == TableTotaler.NULL) { TableTotaler tt = new TableTotaler(); tt.init(m); m.setTotaler(tt); } this.model = m; } public String getSheetName() { return sheetName; } public void setSetSheetName(String name) { this.sheetName = name; } public HSSFSheet getSheet() { return sheet; } @Override protected void writeTableBodyCloser(TableModel model) throws Exception { //write totals, if there are any boolean hasTotals = false; for (HeaderCell cell : model.getHeaderCellList()) { hasTotals = hasTotals || cell.isTotaled(); } if (!hasTotals) { return; } TableTotaler tt = model.getTotaler(); writeRowOpener(null); for (HeaderCell cell : model.getHeaderCellList()) { writeColumnOpener(null); Object columnValue = (cell.isTotaled()) ? tt.getTotalForColumn(cell.getColumnNumber(), 0) : null; writeCellValue(columnValue); CellStyle st = utils.getNewCellStyle(); st.cloneStyleFrom(currentCell.getCellStyle()); st.setBorderTop(CellStyle.BORDER_THIN); st.setTopBorderColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex()); currentCell.setCellStyle(st); writeColumnCloser(null); } writeRowCloser(null); } protected void writeGroupExtraInfo(TableModel model) throws Exception { } }