package; import java.util.Arrays; public class ClientCommand { private String command; private String[] args; public ClientCommand(String command) { if(command.startsWith(".") && command.length() > 0) command = command.substring(1); this.command = command; formatCommandString(); execute(this.command, args); } private void execute(String command, String[] args) { if("help".equals(command)) { Message.log("Help", "These are client commands, send server commands with the \'!\' prefix."); Message.log("Help Commands", "Help, Info, Password, Version, Disconnect, Quit"); } else if("info".equals(command)) { Message.logInfo("Client Version: " + Client.getVersion().toString()); Message.logInfo("Connected to " + Connections.address + ":" + Connections.port); } else if("password".equals(command) || "pswd".equals(command)) { if(args.length > 0) { Client.getDimcrypt().setPassword(args[0]); Message.log("Encryption", "Changed encryption password."); } else { Message.log("Encryption", "Cleared encryption password."); } } else if("version".equals(command) || "ver".equals(command)) { Message.log("Version", Client.getVersion().toString()); } else if("disconnect".equals(command)) { Message.logInfo("Disconnecting."); Client.newConnection(); } else if("quit".equals(command)) { System.exit(0); } else { Message.logError("Bad client command! Type \'.help\' for help."); } } private void formatCommandString() { if(command.length() > 1) { if(command.charAt(0) == '!') command = command.substring(1); } processArguments(); command = command.toLowerCase(); } private void processArguments() { command = command.replace("\\s+", ""); String[] argsWithCmd = command.split(" "); //arguments that contain command command = argsWithCmd[0]; args = Arrays.copyOfRange(argsWithCmd, 1, argsWithCmd.length); //remove command from args } }