package com.dgrid.test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import junit.framework.TestCase; import com.dgrid.gen.Constants; import com.dgrid.gen.Host; import com.dgrid.gen.JOB_CALLBACK_TYPES; import com.dgrid.gen.JOB_STATUS; import com.dgrid.gen.Job; import com.dgrid.gen.JobService; import com.dgrid.gen.Joblet; import com.dgrid.gen.JobletResult; import; import com.facebook.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol; import com.facebook.thrift.protocol.TProtocol; import com.facebook.thrift.transport.TFramedTransport; import com.facebook.thrift.transport.TSocket; import com.facebook.thrift.transport.TTransport; public class JobServiceTestCase extends TestCase { private static final String apiKey = "changeme"; private static final String submitter = "sam"; private String hostname = HostnameDiscovery.getHostname(); private JobService.Iface jobService; private TTransport transport; private Host host; public void setUp() throws Exception { TSocket socket = new TSocket("localhost", Constants.DEFAULT_PORT); this.transport = new TFramedTransport(socket); TProtocol protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); this.jobService = new JobService.Client(protocol);; = jobService.registerHost(apiKey, HostnameDiscovery .getHostname()); } public void tearDown() throws Exception { transport.close(); } public void testHostFacts() throws Exception { Host host1 = jobService.registerHost(apiKey, hostname); assertNotNull(host1.getId()); Host host2 = jobService.getHostByName(apiKey, hostname); assertEquals(host1.getId(), host2.getId()); // set some facts Map<String, String> facts = new HashMap<String, String>(); facts.put("test.fact.1", "test.value.1"); facts.put("test.fact.2", "test.value.2"); facts.put("test.fact.3", "test.value.3"); jobService.setHostFacts(apiKey, host2.getId(), facts); Host host3 = jobService.getHostByName(apiKey, hostname); Map<String, String> hostFacts = host3.getFacts(); assertTrue(hostFacts.size() >= 3); for (String key : facts.keySet()) { assertEquals(facts.get(key), hostFacts.get(key)); } } public void testSettings() throws Exception { String setting = "abc.123"; String defaultValue = "xyz"; String x = jobService.getSetting(apiKey, setting, defaultValue); assertEquals(x, defaultValue); x = jobService.getSetting(apiKey, setting, "what up gangsta"); assertEquals(x, defaultValue); Host host = jobService.registerHost(apiKey, hostname); x = jobService.getHostSetting(apiKey, host.getId(), setting, defaultValue); assertEquals(x, defaultValue); x = jobService.getHostSetting(apiKey, host.getId(), setting, "what up gangsta"); assertEquals(x, defaultValue); } public void testSubmitJoblet() throws Exception { Joblet joblet = createJoblet(); int jobletId = jobService.submitJoblet(apiKey, joblet, 0, JOB_CALLBACK_TYPES.NONE, null, null).getId(); joblet = jobService.getWork(apiKey, host.getId()); assertEquals(joblet.getId(), jobletId); assertEquals(joblet.getStatus(), JOB_STATUS.QUEUED); JobletResult result = new JobletResult(0, 0l, 0, 1, JOB_STATUS.COMPLETED, "Details", joblet); jobService.completeJoblet(apiKey, host.getId(), jobletId, result, "Completed"); } public void testSubmitJob() throws Exception { List<Joblet> joblets = new ArrayList<Joblet>(1); Joblet joblet1 = createJoblet(); joblets.add(joblet1); Job job = new Job(0, 0l, submitter, "My first job", joblets, JOB_CALLBACK_TYPES.NONE, "", "", JOB_STATUS.RECEIVED); int jobId = jobService.submitJob(apiKey, job).getId(); // sleep to guarantee second job comes after first Thread.sleep(500); // submit a single joblet to same job id Joblet joblet2 = createJoblet(); jobService.submitJoblet(apiKey, joblet2, jobId, JOB_CALLBACK_TYPES.NONE, "", ""); // get work Joblet work1 = jobService.getWork(apiKey, host.getId()); // log that we have it jobService.log(apiKey, host.getId(), work1.getId(), JOB_STATUS.PROCESSING, String.format( "Processing joblet %1$d on %2$s", work1.getId(), host .getHostname())); // complete it JobletResult result = new JobletResult(0, 0l, 1, 100, JOB_STATUS.COMPLETED, work1.getContent(), work1); jobService.completeJoblet(apiKey, host.getId(), work1.getId(), result, "Completed dude"); // complete it again Joblet work2 = jobService.getWork(apiKey, host.getId()); // log that we have it jobService.log(apiKey, host.getId(), work2.getId(), JOB_STATUS.PROCESSING, String.format( "Processing joblet %1$d on %2$s", work2.getId(), host .getHostname())); result = new JobletResult(0, 0l, 1, 100, JOB_STATUS.COMPLETED, work2 .getContent(), work2); jobService.completeJoblet(apiKey, host.getId(), work2.getId(), result, "Completed dude"); // get last job back JobletResult completedJobletResult = jobService.getJobletResult(apiKey, work2.getId()); // assert equals assertEquals(completedJobletResult.getDetails(), joblet1.getContent()); // get queue size int queueSize = jobService.getJobletQueueSize(apiKey); assertEquals(queueSize, 0); } private Joblet createJoblet() { Joblet joblet = new Joblet(); joblet.setDescription("Echo joblet"); joblet.setContent("Hello world"); joblet.setJobletType("java"); joblet.setParameters(new HashMap<String, String>()); joblet.getParameters().put("class", getClass().getName()); joblet.setStatus(JOB_STATUS.RECEIVED); joblet.setSubmitter(submitter); return joblet; } }