package; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import; import; /** * Poll {@link Notification}s from given devices starting from given timestamp. * This request returns immediately if there have been any notifications since * given timestamp. In the case when no notifications were found, the method * blocks until new notification is received. The blocking period is limited * (currently 30 seconds). As a result returns list of {@link Notification}. */ public class PollMultipleDeviceNotificationsCommand extends PollNotificationsCommand { protected final List<String> deviceIds; /** * Construct command for given device and last received notification * timestamp. * * @param deviceIds * List of device identifiers. * @param lastNotificationPollTimestamp * Last received notification timestamp. */ public PollMultipleDeviceNotificationsCommand(List<String> deviceIds, String lastNotificationPollTimestamp) { this(deviceIds, lastNotificationPollTimestamp, null); } /** * Construct a new command. * * @param deviceIds * List of device identifiers. * @param lastNotificationPollTimestamp * Timestamp which defines starting point in the past for * notifications. * @param waitTimeout * Waiting timeout in seconds. */ public PollMultipleDeviceNotificationsCommand(List<String> deviceIds, String lastNotificationPollTimestamp, Integer waitTimeout) { super(lastNotificationPollTimestamp, waitTimeout); this.deviceIds = deviceIds; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeStringList(deviceIds); super.writeToParcel(dest, flags); } public static Parcelable.Creator<PollMultipleDeviceNotificationsCommand> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<PollMultipleDeviceNotificationsCommand>() { @Override public PollMultipleDeviceNotificationsCommand[] newArray(int size) { return new PollMultipleDeviceNotificationsCommand[size]; } @Override public PollMultipleDeviceNotificationsCommand createFromParcel( Parcel source) { List<String> deviceIds = new LinkedList<String>(); source.readStringList(deviceIds); return new PollMultipleDeviceNotificationsCommand(deviceIds, source.readString(), (Integer) source.readValue(CLASS_LOADER)); } }; @Override protected String getRequestPath() { String requestPath = "device/notification/poll"; if (isDeviceGuidsPresent()) { requestPath += String.format("?deviceGuids=%s", prepareGuidsString(deviceIds)); } if (lastNotificationPollTimestamp != null) { requestPath += isDeviceGuidsPresent() ? "&" : "?"; requestPath += "timestamp=" + encodedString(lastNotificationPollTimestamp); } if (waitTimeout != null) { requestPath += (isDeviceGuidsPresent() || lastNotificationPollTimestamp != null) ? "&" : "?"; requestPath += "waitTimeout=" + waitTimeout; } return requestPath; } private boolean isDeviceGuidsPresent() { return deviceIds != null && !deviceIds.isEmpty(); } private String prepareGuidsString(List<String> guids) { if (deviceIds == null || deviceIds.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(""); String separator = ""; for (String guid : guids) { builder.append(separator).append(guid); separator = ","; } return builder.toString(); } } public static class DeviceNotification extends Notification { private String deviceGuid; public String getDeviceGuid() { return deviceGuid; } /* package */DeviceNotification(int id, String name, String timestamp, Serializable parameters) { super(id, name, timestamp, parameters); } /* package */DeviceNotification(String deviceGuid, Notification notification) { super(notification.getId(), notification.getName(), notification .getTimestamp(), notification.getParameters()); this.deviceGuid = deviceGuid; } } private static class DeviceGuidNotification { String deviceGuid; Notification notification; } @Override protected int fromJson(final String response, final Gson gson, final Bundle resultData) { Type listType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<DeviceGuidNotification>>() { }.getType(); ArrayList<DeviceGuidNotification> notifications = gson.fromJson( response, listType); resultData.putParcelableArrayList(NOTIFICATIONS_KEY, asDeviceNotificationList(notifications)); return DeviceHiveResultReceiver.MSG_HANDLED_RESPONSE; } private static ArrayList<DeviceNotification> asDeviceNotificationList( List<DeviceGuidNotification> notifications) { ArrayList<DeviceNotification> result = new ArrayList<DeviceNotification>( notifications.size()); for (DeviceGuidNotification guidNotification : notifications) { result.add(new DeviceNotification(guidNotification.deviceGuid, guidNotification.notification)); } return result; } }