package com.delcyon.capo.xml.cdom; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import com.delcyon.capo.xml.XPath; import com.delcyon.capo.xml.cdom.CNodeDefinition.NodeDefinitionType; public class CNodeValidator implements NodeValidationUtilitesFI { public enum NodeValidationResult { VALID, INVALID_CONTENT, MISSING_CONTENT } private boolean debug = true; private Vector<Object> path = new Vector<>(); private CElement currentContentDefNode = null; //private CNode currentChildNode = null; private CNode node = null; private CNodeDefinition nodeDefinition = null; private CElement nodeDefinitionTypeElement = null; private Boolean valid = null; private CElement bestMatch; private CNode invalidNode; private CNode nextPossibleNode; private NodeValidationResult nodeValidationResult = null; public CNodeValidator(CNode node, CNodeDefinition definition) { this.node = node; this.nodeDefinition = definition; } public CElement getBestMatch() { return bestMatch; } public CNode getInvalidNode() { return invalidNode; } public CNode getNextPossibleNode() { return nextPossibleNode; } public NodeValidationResult getNodeValidationResult() throws Exception { if(valid == null) { validate(); } if(valid == true) { return NodeValidationResult.VALID; } else if (getInvalidNode() != null) { return NodeValidationResult.INVALID_CONTENT; } else { return NodeValidationResult.MISSING_CONTENT; } } public void validate() throws Exception { switch(nodeDefinition.getNodeDefinitionType()) { case simpleType: valid = true; case complexType: validateComplexType(); } } public boolean isValid() throws Exception { if(valid == null) { validate(); } return valid; } /* * walk through */ private boolean validateComplexType() throws Exception { int deepestChildMatch = -1; int defNodeOfDeepestChildMatch = -1; //boolean keepNextNoMatch = false; CNode nextNoMatch = null; CNode nextNoMatchDef = null; CNode lastMatch = null; CElement m = nodeDefinition.getNodeDefinitionTypeElement(NodeDefinitionType.complexType); LinkedList<CElement> elementList =>node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE).map(node->(CElement)node).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedList::new));//.findFirst().orElse(null); // System.out.println("M="+m); //System.out.println("="+a); if(elementList.size() == 0) { return false; } //iterator stack for groups as well as some sort of depth multiplier Stack<Iterator<CElement>> groupIteratorStack = new Stack<>(); Stack<Integer> depthStack = new Stack<Integer>(); //push def stream iterator onto stack Stream<CElement> contentModelStream =>node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE).map(node->(CElement)node); groupIteratorStack.push(((Iterable<CElement>)contentModelStream::iterator).iterator()); contentModelStream = null; //get rid of content moden stream outside of stack to prevent coding errors depthStack.push(m.getDepth()); int definitionPathIndex = 0; //debuging only at the moment //int childNodeIndex = 0; //choice related info Stack<ChoiceStackItem> choiceStack = new Stack<>(); int returnDepth = -1; Stack<ChoiceStackItem> sequenceStack = new Stack<>(); //multiple node children will use the same def predicate for matching, so keep this up here OccurancePredicate predicate = null; boolean keepCurrentDef = false; int childNodeIndex = 0; boolean getOneExtraDef = true; for(; childNodeIndex < elementList.size()|| getOneExtraDef; childNodeIndex++) //for(CElement testChild : (Iterable<CElement>)>node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE).map(node->(CElement)node)::iterator) { CElement testChild = null; if(childNodeIndex == elementList.size() && getOneExtraDef) { getOneExtraDef = false; childNodeIndex--; if(groupIteratorStack.peek().hasNext() == false) { //keepCurrentDef = true; //currentContentDefNode = null; } } else { //childNodeIndex++; //filter out no element nodes if(elementList.get(childNodeIndex).getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { continue; } testChild = (CElement) elementList.get(childNodeIndex); //keep next possible match if(deepestChildMatch < childNodeIndex) { nextNoMatch = testChild; } } //==============START CONTENT DEF LOOP=============== search_loop: for(;groupIteratorStack.peek().hasNext() || keepCurrentDef ;definitionPathIndex++) { Integer depthOnLoopEntry = depthStack.peek(); if(keepCurrentDef == false) { currentContentDefNode = groupIteratorStack.peek().next(); predicate = null; //we have a new def, so clear out the current occurrence predicate //if we've reached the end of our group start poping things off the group stack until we reach something valid or the end of the stack while(groupIteratorStack.peek().hasNext() == false && groupIteratorStack.size() > 1) { if(debug) { System.out.println("popped group"); } groupIteratorStack.pop(); depthStack.pop(); } } else { keepCurrentDef = false; } if(debug) { System.out.println("node = "+childNodeIndex+" TESTING: "+(testChild != null ? XPath.getXPath(testChild) : testChild)); System.out.println("pos="+definitionPathIndex+" depth="+(currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthOnLoopEntry) +" choiceChildLevel= "+(choiceStack.isEmpty() ? "" : choiceStack.peek().levelDepth)+" "+currentContentDefNode); } //check to see if we've just popped up to our current choice level if(choiceStack.isEmpty() == false && (currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthOnLoopEntry) == choiceStack.peek().levelDepth+1) { //check to see if we're currently satisfied if (returnDepth < 0) { //check to see if not just the first child in a choice. if we're satisfied, we should have moved passed that point if(childNodeIndex != choiceStack.peek().currentChildNodeIndex) { //if so, popup a choice level since we have nothing left to choose //System.out.println("POPUP AT END OF SATISFIED CHOICE"); returnDepth = choiceStack.peek().levelDepth; nextNoMatchDef = null; } } } //figure out if we popped out of a satisfied sequence if(sequenceStack.isEmpty() == false && (currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthOnLoopEntry) <= sequenceStack.peek().levelDepth) {//XXX possible error in subsequences! if(debug) { System.out.println("popping out of seq stack: size = "+sequenceStack.size()+" sat? "+sequenceStack.peek().satified); } sequenceStack.pop(); } //check to see if walked above the current depth of our choices by reaching the end. if(choiceStack.isEmpty() == false && (currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthOnLoopEntry) <= choiceStack.peek().levelDepth) { //System.out.println("went so high, that we're above our last choice"); if(debug) { System.out.println("popping choice stack: size = "+choiceStack.size()+" sat? "+choiceStack.peek().satified); } childNodeIndex = choiceStack.pop().currentChildNodeIndex; } //going backup stack if(returnDepth >= 0) { //System.out.println("going back up tree to level "+(returnDepth+1)); if((returnDepth+1) < (currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthOnLoopEntry)) //XXX might should be peek at depthStack here { continue; //go to next item in path } else { //System.out.println("returned to level "+(currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthStack.peek())); returnDepth = -1; //done going backup, so reset flag if(choiceStack.isEmpty() == false) { if(testChild != null) { childNodeIndex = choiceStack.peek().currentChildNodeIndex; testChild = (CElement) elementList.get(childNodeIndex);//XXX possibly want to reset anything global at this level } } } } //======================START PUSHES================= if(currentContentDefNode.getLocalName().equals("group")) { if(currentContentDefNode.hasAttribute("ref")) //don't push the stack if this group isn't a reference, such as the next iteration where we've jump to our referenced group { //find model CElement groupElement = (CElement) XPath.selectNSNode(currentContentDefNode.getOwnerDocument(), "//xs:group[@name = '"+currentContentDefNode.getAttribute("ref")+"']","xs="+CDocument.XML_SCHEMA_NS); contentModelStream =>node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE).map(node->(CElement)node); //push new stream onto the stack groupIteratorStack.push(((Iterable<CElement>)contentModelStream::iterator).iterator()); contentModelStream = null; //get rid of stream ref outside of stack to prevent code errors //push new depth multiplier onto the stack depthStack.push((currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthStack.peek())); if(debug) { System.out.println("pushed group: "+(currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthStack.peek())); } } continue; } //if we're a sequence, we just need to move on to the next element if(currentContentDefNode.getLocalName().equals("sequence") && testChild != null) { sequenceStack.push(new ChoiceStackItem(currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthStack.peek(),childNodeIndex)); if(debug) { System.out.println("pushed sequence: "+(currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthStack.peek())); } continue; } if(currentContentDefNode.getLocalName().equals("choice") && testChild != null) { choiceStack.push(new ChoiceStackItem(currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthStack.peek(),childNodeIndex)); //System.out.println("pushed "+(currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthStack.peek())); continue; } //=============================START TESTS======================= if(currentContentDefNode.getLocalName().equals("element") || currentContentDefNode.getLocalName().equals("any")) { if(deepestChildMatch < childNodeIndex) { nextNoMatchDef = currentContentDefNode; } //do a node match test here //Occurrence predicates need to be saved until satisfied or moved beyond if (predicate == null) { if(currentContentDefNode.getLocalName().equals("element")) { predicate = new OccurancePredicate(currentContentDefNode,buildElementPredicateChain(null, currentContentDefNode)); } else if(currentContentDefNode.getLocalName().equals("any")) { predicate = new OccurancePredicate(currentContentDefNode,buildAnyElementPredicateChain(null,testChild,testChild.namespaceURI, currentContentDefNode)); } } switch (predicate.increment(testChild)) { case FULL: //This should probably never happen, as the match below should always cause the next def to be processed //System.err.println("FULL = "+definitionPathIndex+" "+testChild+" "+currentContentDefNode); continue search_loop; case NO_MATCH: if(debug) { System.out.println("NO_MATCH = "+definitionPathIndex+" "+testChild+":"+childNodeIndex+" "+currentContentDefNode+" "+(currentContentDefNode.getDepth()+depthStack.peek())); } if(predicate.isSatisfied()) { //if we're satisfied, we should check the next def if(debug) { System.out.println("IGNORE no match, but staisfied"); } continue search_loop; } else { //System.out.println("unstaisfied"); if(testChild == null) //this just means we walked one past to see if our sequence was satisfied { if(sequenceStack.isEmpty() == false) { sequenceStack.peek().satified = false; if(deepestChildMatch == childNodeIndex) { nextNoMatchDef = currentContentDefNode; nextNoMatch = null; } } break search_loop; } } if(choiceStack.isEmpty() == false) { //System.out.println("no match, but in a choice"); //XXX along with returning to the proper depth, we also need to roll back the currently tested node to the stream position at which we started processing the choice. returnDepth = choiceStack.peek().levelDepth; continue search_loop; } //Wow, we are invalid! break search_loop; default: if(debug) { System.out.println("MATCH = "+definitionPathIndex+" "+XPath.getXPath(testChild)+":"+childNodeIndex+" <===> "+XPath.getXPath(currentContentDefNode)); } if(childNodeIndex > deepestChildMatch) { deepestChildMatch = childNodeIndex; defNodeOfDeepestChildMatch = definitionPathIndex; lastMatch = currentContentDefNode; } //if our predicate isn't full, then we need to repeat the same def again if(predicate.isFull() == false) { keepCurrentDef = true; } else { definitionPathIndex++; } break search_loop; } } } } // if(sequenceStack.isEmpty() == false) // { // // System.out.println("seq satisfied = "+sequenceStack.peek().satified); // } // System.out.println("Satisfied: "+(predicate != null ? predicate.isSatisfied() : "")); boolean sequenceStaisfied = sequenceStack.isEmpty(); while(sequenceStack.isEmpty() == false) { sequenceStaisfied = sequenceStack.pop().satified; if(sequenceStaisfied == false) { break; } } if(deepestChildMatch < elementList.size()-1 || sequenceStaisfied == false) { //System.err.println("INVALID NODE: "+XPath.getXPath(testChild)); System.out.println("Best match was for "+XPath.getXPath(elementList.get(deepestChildMatch))); bestMatch = elementList.get(deepestChildMatch); System.out.println("real invalid node was "+nextNoMatch +(nextNoMatch != null ? XPath.getXPath(nextNoMatch)+"" : "")); invalidNode = nextNoMatch; System.out.println("next Possible node is "+nextNoMatchDef +(nextNoMatchDef != null ? XPath.getXPath(nextNoMatchDef)+"" : "")); nextPossibleNode = nextNoMatchDef; valid = false; return false; } else { // System.out.println("OK!"); valid = true; } // for (Node _childNode : node.nodeList) // { // //XXX fast-forward to current node // currentChildNode = (CNode) _childNode; // // if(_childNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) // { // CElement childElement = (CElement) _childNode; // // //walk child definition elements until we run off the end or we match. // //consume a def node by putting it/it's rules on the stack. // //rules can consit of occurence and choice attempt // // // for (CElement childDefinitionElement : (Iterable<CElement>)nodeDefinition.getNodeDefinitionTypeElement(NodeDefinitionType.complexType).nodeList // .stream() // .filter(node->node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) // .map(node->(CElement)node) // ::iterator) // { // System.out.println(childDefinitionElement); // switch (childDefinitionElement.getLocalName()) // { // case "annotation": // break; // case "simpleContent": // nodeInvalid("unspported definition ["+childDefinitionElement.getLocalName()+"]", node, exceptionVector); // break; // case "complexContent": // nodeInvalid("unspported definition ["+childDefinitionElement.getLocalName()+"]", node, exceptionVector); // break; // case "group": // nodeInvalid("unspported definition ["+childDefinitionElement.getLocalName()+"]", node, exceptionVector); // break; // case "all": // //validateNodeAgainstAll(node,(CNode) childDefNode, exceptionVector); // break; // case "choice": // nodeInvalid("unspported definition ["+childDefinitionElement.getLocalName()+"]", node, exceptionVector); // break; // case "sequence": // //validateNodeAgainstSequence(node,(CNode) childDefNode, exceptionVector); // break; // case "attribute": // // validateNodeAgainstAttribute(node,(CNode) childDefNode, exceptionVector); // break; // case "attributeGroup": // nodeInvalid("unspported definition ["+childDefinitionElement.getLocalName()+"]", node, exceptionVector); // break; // case "anyAttribute": // nodeInvalid("unspported definition ["+childDefinitionElement.getLocalName()+"]", node, exceptionVector); // break; // default: // break; // } // // } // // } // } // // // // //TODO verify/find elements and attributes NOT mentioned in schema // // for (Node attributeNode : node.attributeList) // { // if(attributeNode.getPrefix() == null && attributeNode.getLocalName().equals("xmlns")) // { // continue; // } // if(((CNode) attributeNode).getNodeDefinition() == null) // { // nodeInvalid("Attribute not allowed", (CNode) attributeNode, exceptionVector); // } // } return true; } private Predicate<CElement> buildAnyElementPredicateChain(Predicate<CElement> chain, CNode node,String namespaceURI,CElement def) { //add any element to end of test list //set default chain, must consist of whether or not it's a defined element TODO this is where lax comes in /* Specifies the validation constraint to be applied on the content that matched the wildcard. Possible values are skip - that means no validation lax - that means validation will be performed if a schema is available strict - that means validation is required The default is strict. */ chain = (_node)->{ String processContents = "strict"; ((CDocument)node.getOwnerDocument()).getNamespaceSchemaMap(); if(def.hasAttribute("processContents")) { processContents = def.getAttribute("processContents"); } switch (processContents) { case "skip": return true; case "lax": //make sure that we can find a definition for this element, if we have a schema for it's namespace if (((CDocument)node.getOwnerDocument()).getNamespaceSchemaMap().containsKey(_node.getNamespaceURI()) == false) { return true; } case "strict": //make sure that we can find a definition for this element default: if(CNodeDefinition.getDefinitionForNode(_node) == null) { return false; } } return true; }; chain = buildPredicate(chain, (_def)-> _def.hasAttribute("namespace"), _node -> { switch (def.getAttribute("namespace")) { case "##any": return true; case "##other": return (!_node.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespaceURI)); case "##targetNamespace": return (_node.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespaceURI)); case "##local": return (_node.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespaceURI)); case "": return (_node.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespaceURI)); default: return (_node.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespaceURI)); } }, def); chain = buildPredicate(chain, (_def)-> _def.hasAttribute("notNamespace"), _node -> { switch (def.getAttribute("notNamespace")) { case "##targetNamespace": return (!_node.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespaceURI)); case "##local": return (!_node.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespaceURI)); default: return (!_node.getNamespaceURI().equals(namespaceURI)); } }, def); if(def.hasAttribute("notQName")) { //nodeInvalid("unspported definition ["+childDefNode.getLocalName()+"]", node, exceptionVector); } return chain; } private Predicate<CElement> buildElementPredicateChain(Predicate<CElement> chain,CElement def) { //localname test chain = buildPredicate(chain, (_def)-> _def.hasAttribute("name"),_node -> _node.getLocalName().equals(def.getAttribute("name")), def); //refname test chain = buildPredicate(chain, (_def)-> _def.hasAttribute("ref"), _node -> _node.getLocalName().equals(def.getAttribute("ref")), def); return chain; } private <T> Predicate<T> buildPredicate(Predicate<T> chain,Predicate<T> additionTest, Predicate<T> predicateToAdd, T t) { if(additionTest.test(t)) { if(chain == null) { chain = predicateToAdd; } else { chain = chain.and(predicateToAdd); } } return chain; } private class ChoiceStackItem { private int levelDepth; private int currentChildNodeIndex; private boolean satified = true; public ChoiceStackItem(int levelDepth, int currentChildNodeIndex) { this.levelDepth = levelDepth; this.currentChildNodeIndex = currentChildNodeIndex; } } }