package dgm.degraphmalizr.recompute; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import; import; import com.tinkerpop.blueprints.*; import dgm.*; import dgm.configuration.*; import dgm.exceptions.*; import dgm.modules.elasticsearch.QueryFunction; import dgm.modules.elasticsearch.ResolvedPathElement; import dgm.GraphUtilities; import dgm.modules.bindingannotations.Fetches; import dgm.modules.bindingannotations.Recomputes; import dgm.trees.*; import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse; import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; import org.nnsoft.guice.sli4j.core.InjectLogger; import org.slf4j.Logger; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import static dgm.GraphUtilities.toJSON; public class RecomputerFactoryImpl implements Recomputer { @InjectLogger Logger log; protected final Client client; protected final Graph graph; protected final ExecutorService recomputeQueue; protected final ExecutorService fetchQueue; protected final QueryFunction queryFn; protected final ObjectMapper objectMapper; @Inject public RecomputerFactoryImpl(Client client, Graph graph, @Fetches ExecutorService fetchQueue, @Recomputes ExecutorService recomputeQueue, ObjectMapper objectMapper, QueryFunction queryFunction) { this.fetchQueue = fetchQueue; this.recomputeQueue = recomputeQueue; this.graph = graph; this.client = client; this.queryFn = queryFunction; this.objectMapper = objectMapper; } class Recomputer { protected final RecomputeRequest request; protected final RecomputeCallback callback; public Recomputer(RecomputeRequest request, RecomputeCallback callback) { this.request = request; this.callback = callback; } private HashMap<String,JsonNode> walkResults() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException { final HashMap<String, JsonNode> walkResults = new HashMap<String, JsonNode>(); if (request.config.walks().entrySet().isEmpty()) return walkResults; boolean isAbsent = false; for (Map.Entry<String, WalkConfig> walkCfg : request.config.walks().entrySet()) { // walk graph, and fetch all the children in the opposite direction of the walk final Tree<Pair<Edge, Vertex>> tree = GraphUtilities.childrenFrom(request.root.vertex(), walkCfg.getValue().direction()); // write size information to log if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { final int size = Iterables.size(Trees.bfsWalk(tree)); log.debug("Retrieving {} documents from ES", size); } // get all documents in the tree from Elasticsearch (in parallel) final Tree<Optional<ResolvedPathElement>> docTree = Trees.pmap(fetchQueue, queryFn, tree); // if some value is absent from the tree, abort the computation final Optional<Tree<ResolvedPathElement>> fullTree = Trees.optional(docTree); // TODO split various failure modes if (!fullTree.isPresent()) { isAbsent = true; break; } // reduce each property to a value based on the walk result for (final Map.Entry<String, ? extends PropertyConfig> propertyCfg : walkCfg.getValue().properties().entrySet()) walkResults.put(propertyCfg.getKey(), propertyCfg.getValue().reduce(fullTree.get())); } // something failed, so we abort the whole re-computation if (isAbsent) { log.debug("Some results were absent, aborting re-computation for {}",; // TODO return list of expired nodes/IDs //return factory.recomputeExpired(request, Collections.<ID>emptyList()); return null; } return walkResults; } private IndexResponse writeToES(ObjectNode document) { final TypeConfig conf = request.config; final ID sourceID =; final ID targetID = sourceID.index(conf.targetIndex()).type(conf.targetType()); // write the source version to the document document.put("_fromSource", toJSON(objectMapper, sourceID)); final String documentSource = document.toString(); // write document to Elasticsearch final IndexResponse ir = client.prepareIndex(targetID.index(), targetID.type(), .setSource(documentSource).execute().actionGet(); // log some stuff final Object[] args = new Object[]{targetID.index(), targetID.type(),, ir.version()}; log.debug("Written /{}/{}/{}, version={}", args); log.debug("Content: {}", documentSource); return ir; } private JsonNode getFromES() throws IOException { // TODO oops this doesn't work at the moment, we have the REDUCE results in walkResults :( // // we are always on the root node of a walk result, so use that if it's there // if(walkResults != null && !walkResults.isEmpty()) // return walkResults.values().iterator().next(); // when no walks are defined, we just get the document ourselves. // TODO handle this properly... //todo: what if Optional.absent?? //todo: queryFn.apply may produce null // retrieve the raw document from ES final Optional<ResolvedPathElement> r = queryFn.apply(new Pair<Edge, Vertex>(null, request.root.vertex())); if(!r.isPresent() || !r.get().getResponse().isPresent()) throw new SourceMissingException(); return objectMapper.readTree(r.get().getResponse().get().sourceAsString()); } public RecomputeResult recompute() throws IOException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {"Recompute {} started",; // ideally, this is handled in a monad, but with this boolean we keep track of failures boolean isAbsent = false; // Now we are going to: // - fetch the current ElasticSearch document, final JsonNode rawDocument = getFromES(); // - Return when this document does not need to be processed. if (!request.config.filter(rawDocument)) {"Aborted recompute for {} because filter=false for this document",; throw new DocumentFiltered(); } // Now we are going to iterate over all the walks configured for this input document. For each walk: // - We fetch a tree of children non-recursively from our document in the inverted direction of the walk, as Graph vertices // - We convert the tree of vertices to a tree of ElasticSearch documents // - We call the reduce() method for this walk, with the tree of documents as argument. // - We collect the result. final HashMap<String, JsonNode> walkResults = walkResults(); if(walkResults == null) {"Aborted recompute for {} because graph is expired for this node",; throw new ExpiredException(Collections.<ID>emptyList()); } // Now we are going to: // - Transform it, if transformation is required // - Add the walk properties // - Add a reference to the source document. // - And store it as target document type in target index. // pre-process document using javascript final JsonNode transformed = request.config.transform(rawDocument); if (!transformed.isObject()) {"Aborted recompute for {} because the source document is not a JSON object",; throw new SourceNotObjectException(); } final ObjectNode document = (ObjectNode) transformed; // add the results to the document for (Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> e : walkResults.entrySet()) document.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); // write the result document to the target index final IndexResponse ir = writeToES(document);"Recompute completed for {}, wrote /{}/{}/{}/{}", new Object[]{, ir.index(), ir.type(),, ir.version()}); return new RecomputeResult(ir, rawDocument, document, walkResults); } } /** * This procuedure actually performes the recompute of individual documents. It performs transformation, * applies walks and inserts/updates the target document. * * @param request represents the source document and recompute configuration. * @return the ES IndexRespons to the insert of the target document. */ @Override public RecomputeResult recompute(final RecomputeRequest request, RecomputeCallback callback) { final Recomputer recomputer = new Recomputer(request, callback); try { return recomputer.recompute(); } catch (DegraphmalizerException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new WrappedException(e); } } }