package org.deegree.securityproxy.wfs.request; import org.deegree.securityproxy.request.OwsServiceVersion; import org.deegree.securityproxy.request.UnsupportedRequestTypeException; import org.deegree.securityproxy.request.parser.OwsRequestParser; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static org.deegree.securityproxy.request.parser.OwsRequestParserUtils.checkSingleRequiredParameter; import static org.deegree.securityproxy.request.parser.OwsRequestParserUtils.evaluateVersion; import static org.deegree.securityproxy.request.KvpNormalizer.normalizeKvpMap; /** * Parses an incoming HTTP GET request into a {@link WfsRequest}. Currently WFS version 1.1.0 is supported. * * @author <a href="">Dirk Stenger</a> * @author last edited by: $Author: stenger $ * @version $Revision: $, $Date: $ */ public class WfsGetRequestParser implements OwsRequestParser { public static final OwsServiceVersion VERSION_110 = new OwsServiceVersion( 1, 1, 0 ); public static final String WFS_SERVICE = "wfs"; public static final String GETCAPABILITIES = "GetCapabilities"; public static final String DESCRIBEFEATURETYPE = "DescribeFeatureType"; public static final String GETFEATURE = "GetFeature"; private static final String REQUEST = "request"; private static final String SERVICE = "service"; private static final String VERSION = "version"; private List<OwsServiceVersion> supportedVersion = Collections.singletonList( VERSION_110 ); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public WfsRequest parse( HttpServletRequest request ) throws UnsupportedRequestTypeException { checkIfRequestIsNotNull( request ); checkIfRequestMethodIsGet( request ); Map<String, String[]> normalizedParameterMap = normalizeKvpMap( request.getParameterMap() ); checkParameters( normalizedParameterMap ); String type = normalizedParameterMap.get( REQUEST )[0]; if ( GETCAPABILITIES.equalsIgnoreCase( type ) ) return parseGetCapabilitiesRequest( normalizedParameterMap ); if ( GETFEATURE.equalsIgnoreCase( type ) ) return parseGetFeatureRequest( normalizedParameterMap ); if ( DESCRIBEFEATURETYPE.equalsIgnoreCase( type ) ) return parseDescribeFeatureRequest( normalizedParameterMap ); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unrecognized operation type: " + type ); } private WfsRequest parseGetCapabilitiesRequest( Map<String, String[]> normalizedParameterMap ) throws UnsupportedRequestTypeException { checkServiceParameter( normalizedParameterMap ); OwsServiceVersion version = evaluateVersion( VERSION, normalizedParameterMap, supportedVersion ); return new WfsRequest( GETCAPABILITIES, version ); } private WfsRequest parseGetFeatureRequest( Map<String, String[]> normalizedParameterMap ) throws UnsupportedRequestTypeException { checkServiceParameter( normalizedParameterMap ); OwsServiceVersion version = evaluateVersion( VERSION, normalizedParameterMap, supportedVersion ); return new WfsRequest( GETFEATURE, version ); } private WfsRequest parseDescribeFeatureRequest( Map<String, String[]> normalizedParameterMap ) throws UnsupportedRequestTypeException { checkServiceParameter( normalizedParameterMap ); OwsServiceVersion version = evaluateVersion( VERSION, normalizedParameterMap, supportedVersion ); return new WfsRequest( DESCRIBEFEATURETYPE, version ); } private void checkServiceParameter( Map<String, String[]> normalizedParameterMap ) throws UnsupportedRequestTypeException { String serviceType = checkSingleRequiredParameter( normalizedParameterMap, SERVICE ); if ( !WFS_SERVICE.equalsIgnoreCase( serviceType ) ) { String msg = "Request must contain a 'service' parameter with value 'wfs'"; throw new UnsupportedRequestTypeException( msg ); } } private void checkParameters( Map<String, String[]> normalizedParameterMap ) { checkSingleRequiredParameter( normalizedParameterMap, REQUEST ); } private void checkIfRequestIsNotNull( HttpServletRequest request ) { if ( request == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Request must not be null!" ); } private void checkIfRequestMethodIsGet( HttpServletRequest request ) { if ( !"GET".equals( request.getMethod() ) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Request method must be GET!" ); } }