package nl.oose.dea.orderservice.withsrp; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public class ReservationServiceTest { private ReservationService reservationService; @Before public void setUp() { /** * TIP: * - create a new class CafetariaReservationService that implements a new interface ReservationService * - implement a reserveInventory method using the code from the 'old' Order class. */ reservationService = new CafetariaReservationService(); } @Test public void buyAllFrikandellen() throws Exception { reservationService.reserveInventory(createCartWithSufficientInventory()); assertTrue(reservationService.isOnStock("Frikandel", 0)); } private Cart createCartWithSufficientInventory() { return new Cart("OOSE","", new Item[] { new Item("Frikandel", 20) }, 50); } private Cart createCartWithInsufficientInventory() { return new Cart("OOSE","", new Item[] { new Item("Frikandel", 21) }, 50); } @Test(expected = OrderException.class) public void youCannotBuyMoreThanAvailableInTheInventory() throws Exception { reservationService.reserveInventory(createCartWithInsufficientInventory()); } }