package; import android.database.Cursor; import com.androiddata.DBColumn; import com.androiddata.DBObject; import com.androiddata.DBTable; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; /** * Created by kurtguenther on 6/6/13. */ @DBTable(tableName = "Performance") public class Performance extends DBObject { @DBColumn(columnName = "id", dataType = DBColumn.DataType.INTEGER) public int id; @DBColumn(columnName = "show_id", dataType = DBColumn.DataType.INTEGER) public int show_id; @DBColumn(columnName = "venue_id", dataType = DBColumn.DataType.INTEGER) public int venue_id; @DBColumn(columnName = "start_date", dataType = DBColumn.DataType.INTEGER) public int start_date; @DBColumn(columnName = "end_date", dataType = DBColumn.DataType.INTEGER) public int end_date; @DBColumn(columnName = "minutes", dataType = DBColumn.DataType.INTEGER) public int minutes; public Performance(){ } public Performance(Cursor c){ super(c); } public static Performance fromJson(JSONObject json) throws JSONException { Performance retVal = new Performance(); = json.getInt("id"); retVal.show_id = json.getInt("show_id"); retVal.venue_id = json.getInt("venue_id"); retVal.start_date = json.getInt("starttime"); retVal.end_date = json.getInt("endtime"); retVal.minutes = json.getInt("minutes"); return retVal; } public static ArrayList<NowPerformance> getUpcomingShows (Date now) { ArrayList<NowPerformance> retVal = new ArrayList<NowPerformance>(); ArrayList<Venue> venues = Venue.getAll(DBHelper.getSharedService().getReadableDatabase(), "id"); long start_date = now.getTime() / (long) 1000; for(Venue v : venues){ Cursor c = DBHelper.getSharedService().getReadableDatabase().rawQuery("SELECT * FROM performance p LEFT JOIN show s on p.show_id = where venue_id = ? and end_date > ? ORDER BY end_date LIMIT 2", new String[]{Integer.toString(, Long.toString(start_date)}); while(c.moveToNext()){ NowPerformance np = new NowPerformance(); np.show_name = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("")); np.venue_name =; np.start_date = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex("p.start_date")); np.show_id = c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex("show_id")); retVal.add(np); } } return retVal; // String query = "select _id, start_date, venue_id, show_id " + // "FROM performance " + // "WHERE (" + // " SELECT count(*) from PERFORMANCE as p" + // " where p.venue_id = performance.venue_id and p.start_date <= performance.start_date" + // ") <= 2;"; // // String old_q = "SELECT p.startdate, as venue_name, as show_name from performance p LEFT JOIN show s on p.show_id = LEFT JOIN venue v on p.venue_id = order by p.start_date"; // // return DBHelper.getSharedService().getWritableDatabase().rawQuery(query, null); } }