package com.nfwork.dbfound.json; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class JSONArray { public static JSONArray fromArray(Object[] array) { return new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(array)); } public static JSONArray fromCollection(Collection collection) { return new JSONArray(collection); } public static JSONArray fromJSONTokener(JSONTokener tokener) { return new JSONArray(tokener); } public static JSONArray fromObject(Object object) { if (object instanceof Collection) { return fromCollection((Collection) object); } else if (object instanceof JSONTokener) { return fromJSONTokener((JSONTokener) object); } else if (object instanceof String) { return fromString((String) object); } else if (object != null && object.getClass().isArray()) { Class type = object.getClass().getComponentType(); if (!type.isPrimitive()) { return fromArray((Object[]) object); } else { if (type == Boolean.TYPE) { return new JSONArray((boolean[]) object); } else if (type == Byte.TYPE) { return new JSONArray((byte[]) object); } else if (type == Short.TYPE) { return new JSONArray((short[]) object); } else if (type == Integer.TYPE) { return new JSONArray((int[]) object); } else if (type == Long.TYPE) { return new JSONArray((long[]) object); } else if (type == Float.TYPE) { return new JSONArray((float[]) object); } else if (type == Double.TYPE) { return new JSONArray((double[]) object); } else if (type == Character.TYPE) { return new JSONArray((char[]) object); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type"); } } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type"); } } public static JSONArray fromString(String string) { return new JSONArray(string); } public static Object[] toArray(JSONArray jsonArray) { return toArray(jsonArray, null); } public static Object[] toArray(JSONArray jsonArray, Class objectClass) { Object[] array = new Object[jsonArray.length()]; int size = jsonArray.length(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Object value = jsonArray.get(i); if (JSONUtils.isNull(value)) { array[i] = null; } else { Class type = value.getClass(); if (JSONArray.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { array[i] = toArray((JSONArray) value, objectClass); } else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Short.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Float.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Double.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Character.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { array[i] = value; } else { if (objectClass != null) { array[i] = JSONObject.toBean((JSONObject) value, objectClass); } else { array[i] = JSONObject.toBean((JSONObject) value); } } } } return array; } /** * Creates a List from a JSONArray. */ public static List toList(JSONArray jsonArray) { return toList(jsonArray, null); } /** * Creates a List from a JSONArray. */ public static List toList(JSONArray jsonArray, Class objectClass) { List list = new ArrayList(); int size = jsonArray.length(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Object value = jsonArray.get(i); if (JSONUtils.isNull(value)) { list.add(null); } else { Class type = value.getClass(); if (JSONArray.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { list.add(toList((JSONArray) value, objectClass)); } else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Boolean.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Byte.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Short.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Integer.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Long.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Float.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Double.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Character.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { list.add(value); } else { if (objectClass != null) { list.add(JSONObject.toBean((JSONObject) value, objectClass)); } else { list.add(JSONObject.toBean((JSONObject) value)); } } } } return list; } // ------------------------------------------------------ /** * The arrayList where the JSONArray's properties are kept. */ private ArrayList myArrayList; /** * Construct an empty JSONArray. */ public JSONArray() { this.myArrayList = new ArrayList(); } /** * Construct a JSONArray from an boolean[].<br> * * @param array * An boolean[] array. */ public JSONArray(boolean[] array) { this.myArrayList = new ArrayList(); this.myArrayList.addAll(Arrays.asList(array)); } /** * Construct a JSONArray from an byte[].<br> * * @param array * An byte[] array. */ public JSONArray(byte[] array) { this.myArrayList = new ArrayList(); this.myArrayList.addAll(Arrays.asList(array)); } /** * Construct a JSONArray from an char[].<br> * * @param array * An char[] array. */ public JSONArray(char[] array) { this.myArrayList = new ArrayList(); this.myArrayList.addAll(Arrays.asList(JSONUtils.toObject(array))); } /** * Construct a JSONArray from a Collection. * * @param collection * A Collection. */ public JSONArray(Collection collection) { this.myArrayList = new ArrayList(); if (collection != null) { for (Iterator elements = collection.iterator(); elements.hasNext();) { Object element =; if (JSONUtils.isArray(element)) { this.myArrayList.add(fromObject(element)); } else if (JSONUtils.isObject(element)) { this.myArrayList.add(JSONObject.fromObject(element)); } else { this.myArrayList.add(element); } } } } /** * Construct a JSONArray from an double[].<br> * * @param array * An double[] array. */ public JSONArray(double[] array) { this.myArrayList = new ArrayList(); this.myArrayList.addAll(Arrays.asList(array)); } /** * Construct a JSONArray from an float[].<br> * * @param array * An float[] array. */ public JSONArray(float[] array) { this.myArrayList = new ArrayList(); this.myArrayList.addAll(Arrays.asList(array)); } /** * Construct a JSONArray from an int[].<br> * * @param array * An int[] array. */ public JSONArray(int[] array) { this.myArrayList = new ArrayList(); this.myArrayList.addAll(Arrays.asList(array)); } /** * Construct a JSONArray from a JSONTokener. * * @param x * A JSONTokener * @throws JSONException * If there is a syntax error. */ public JSONArray(JSONTokener x) { this(); if (x.nextClean() != '[') { throw x.syntaxError("A JSONArray text must start with '['"); } if (x.nextClean() == ']') { return; } x.back(); for (;;) { if (x.nextClean() == ',') { x.back(); this.myArrayList.add(null); } else { x.back(); Object v = x.nextValue(); this.myArrayList.add(v); } switch (x.nextClean()) { case ';': case ',': if (x.nextClean() == ']') { return; } x.back(); break; case ']': return; default: throw x.syntaxError("Expected a ',' or ']'"); } } } /** * Construct a JSONArray from an long[].<br> * * @param array * An long[] array. */ public JSONArray(long[] array) { this.myArrayList = new ArrayList(); this.myArrayList.addAll(Arrays.asList(array)); } /** * Construct a JSONArray from an Object[].<br> * Assumes the object hierarchy is acyclical. * * @param array * An Object[] array. */ public JSONArray(Object[] array) { this.myArrayList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { Object element = array[i]; if (JSONUtils.isArray(element)) { this.myArrayList.add(fromObject(element)); } else if (JSONUtils.isObject(element)) { this.myArrayList.add(JSONObject.fromObject(element)); } else { this.myArrayList.add(element); } } } /** * Construct a JSONArray from an short[].<br> * * @param array * An short[] array. */ public JSONArray(short[] array) { this.myArrayList = new ArrayList(); this.myArrayList.addAll(Arrays.asList(array)); } /** * Construct a JSONArray from a source JSON text. * * @param string * A string that begins with <code>[</code> <small>(left * bracket)</small> and ends with <code>]</code> *  <small>(right bracket)</small>. * @throws JSONException * If there is a syntax error. */ public JSONArray(String string) { this(new JSONTokener(string)); } /** * Get the object value associated with an index. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return An object value. * @throws JSONException * If there is no value for the index. */ public Object get(int index) { Object o = opt(index); if (o == null) { throw new JSONException("JSONArray[" + index + "] not found."); } return o; } /** * Get the boolean value associated with an index. The string values "true" * and "false" are converted to boolean. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return The truth. * @throws JSONException * If there is no value for the index or if the value is not * convertable to boolean. */ public boolean getBoolean(int index) { Object o = get(index); if (o.equals(Boolean.FALSE) || (o instanceof String && ((String) o) .equalsIgnoreCase("false"))) { return false; } else if (o.equals(Boolean.TRUE) || (o instanceof String && ((String) o) .equalsIgnoreCase("true"))) { return true; } throw new JSONException("JSONArray[" + index + "] is not a Boolean."); } /** * Get the double value associated with an index. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return The value. * @throws JSONException * If the key is not found or if the value cannot be converted * to a number. */ public double getDouble(int index) { Object o = get(index); try { return o instanceof Number ? ((Number) o).doubleValue() : Double .parseDouble((String) o); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JSONException("JSONArray[" + index + "] is not a number."); } } /** * Get the int value associated with an index. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return The value. * @throws JSONException * If the key is not found or if the value cannot be converted * to a number. if the value cannot be converted to a number. */ public int getInt(int index) { Object o = get(index); return o instanceof Number ? ((Number) o).intValue() : (int) getDouble(index); } /** * Get the JSONArray associated with an index. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return A JSONArray value. * @throws JSONException * If there is no value for the index. or if the value is not a * JSONArray */ public JSONArray getJSONArray(int index) { Object o = get(index); if (o instanceof JSONArray) { return (JSONArray) o; } throw new JSONException("JSONArray[" + index + "] is not a JSONArray."); } /** * Get the JSONObject associated with an index. * * @param index * subscript * @return A JSONObject value. * @throws JSONException * If there is no value for the index or if the value is not a * JSONObject */ public JSONObject getJSONObject(int index) { Object o = get(index); if (o instanceof JSONObject) { return (JSONObject) o; } throw new JSONException("JSONArray[" + index + "] is not a JSONObject."); } /** * Get the long value associated with an index. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return The value. * @throws JSONException * If the key is not found or if the value cannot be converted * to a number. */ public long getLong(int index) { Object o = get(index); return o instanceof Number ? ((Number) o).longValue() : (long) getDouble(index); } /** * Get the string associated with an index. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return A string value. * @throws JSONException * If there is no value for the index. */ public String getString(int index) { return get(index).toString(); } /** * Make a string from the contents of this JSONArray. The * <code>separator</code> string is inserted between each element. Warning: * This method assumes that the data structure is acyclical. * * @param separator * A string that will be inserted between the elements. * @return a string. * @throws JSONException * If the array contains an invalid number. */ public String join(String separator) { int len = length(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(separator); } sb.append(JSONUtils.valueToString(this.myArrayList.get(i))); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Get the number of elements in the JSONArray, included nulls. * * @return The length (or size). */ public int length() { return this.myArrayList.size(); } /** * Get the optional object value associated with an index. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return An object value, or null if there is no object at that index. */ public Object opt(int index) { return (index < 0 || index >= length()) ? null : this.myArrayList .get(index); } /** * Get the optional boolean value associated with an index. It returns false * if there is no value at that index, or if the value is not Boolean.TRUE * or the String "true". * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return The truth. */ public boolean optBoolean(int index) { return optBoolean(index, false); } /** * Get the optional boolean value associated with an index. It returns the * defaultValue if there is no value at that index or if it is not a Boolean * or the String "true" or "false" (case insensitive). * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @param defaultValue * A boolean default. * @return The truth. */ public boolean optBoolean(int index, boolean defaultValue) { try { return getBoolean(index); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Get the optional double value associated with an index. NaN is returned * if there is no value for the index, or if the value is not a number and * cannot be converted to a number. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return The value. */ public double optDouble(int index) { return optDouble(index, Double.NaN); } /** * Get the optional double value associated with an index. The defaultValue * is returned if there is no value for the index, or if the value is not a * number and cannot be converted to a number. * * @param index * subscript * @param defaultValue * The default value. * @return The value. */ public double optDouble(int index, double defaultValue) { try { return getDouble(index); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Get the optional int value associated with an index. Zero is returned if * there is no value for the index, or if the value is not a number and * cannot be converted to a number. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return The value. */ public int optInt(int index) { return optInt(index, 0); } /** * Get the optional int value associated with an index. The defaultValue is * returned if there is no value for the index, or if the value is not a * number and cannot be converted to a number. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @param defaultValue * The default value. * @return The value. */ public int optInt(int index, int defaultValue) { try { return getInt(index); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Get the optional JSONArray associated with an index. * * @param index * subscript * @return A JSONArray value, or null if the index has no value, or if the * value is not a JSONArray. */ public JSONArray optJSONArray(int index) { Object o = opt(index); return o instanceof JSONArray ? (JSONArray) o : null; } /** * Get the optional JSONObject associated with an index. Null is returned if * the key is not found, or null if the index has no value, or if the value * is not a JSONObject. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return A JSONObject value. */ public JSONObject optJSONObject(int index) { Object o = opt(index); return o instanceof JSONObject ? (JSONObject) o : null; } /** * Get the optional long value associated with an index. Zero is returned if * there is no value for the index, or if the value is not a number and * cannot be converted to a number. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return The value. */ public long optLong(int index) { return optLong(index, 0); } /** * Get the optional long value associated with an index. The defaultValue is * returned if there is no value for the index, or if the value is not a * number and cannot be converted to a number. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @param defaultValue * The default value. * @return The value. */ public long optLong(int index, long defaultValue) { try { return getLong(index); } catch (Exception e) { return defaultValue; } } /** * Get the optional string value associated with an index. It returns an * empty string if there is no value at that index. If the value is not a * string and is not null, then it is coverted to a string. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @return A String value. */ public String optString(int index) { return optString(index, ""); } /** * Get the optional string associated with an index. The defaultValue is * returned if the key is not found. * * @param index * The index must be between 0 and length() - 1. * @param defaultValue * The default value. * @return A String value. */ public String optString(int index, String defaultValue) { Object o = opt(index); return o != null ? o.toString() : defaultValue; } /** * Append a boolean value. This increases the array's length by one. * * @param value * A boolean value. * @return this. */ public JSONArray put(boolean value) { put(value ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); return this; } /** * Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONArray which * is produced from a Collection. * * @param value * A Collection value. * @return this. */ public JSONArray put(Collection value) { put(fromCollection(value)); return this; } /** * Append a double value. This increases the array's length by one. * * @param value * A double value. * @throws JSONException * if the value is not finite. * @return this. */ public JSONArray put(double value) { Double d = new Double(value); JSONUtils.testValidity(d); put(d); return this; } /** * Append an int value. This increases the array's length by one. * * @param value * An int value. * @return this. */ public JSONArray put(int value) { put(new Integer(value)); return this; } /** * Put or replace a boolean value in the JSONArray. If the index is greater * than the length of the JSONArray, then null elements will be added as * necessary to pad it out. * * @param index * The subscript. * @param value * A boolean value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the index is negative. */ public JSONArray put(int index, boolean value) { put(index, value ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); return this; } /** * Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONArray which * is produced from a Collection. * * @param index * The subscript. * @param value * A Collection value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the index is negative or if the value is not finite. */ public JSONArray put(int index, Collection value) { put(index, new JSONArray(value)); return this; } /** * Put or replace a double value. If the index is greater than the length of * the JSONArray, then null elements will be added as necessary to pad it * out. * * @param index * The subscript. * @param value * A double value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the index is negative or if the value is not finite. */ public JSONArray put(int index, double value) { put(index, new Double(value)); return this; } /** * Put or replace an int value. If the index is greater than the length of * the JSONArray, then null elements will be added as necessary to pad it * out. * * @param index * The subscript. * @param value * An int value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the index is negative. */ public JSONArray put(int index, int value) { put(index, new Integer(value)); return this; } /** * Put or replace a long value. If the index is greater than the length of * the JSONArray, then null elements will be added as necessary to pad it * out. * * @param index * The subscript. * @param value * A long value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the index is negative. */ public JSONArray put(int index, long value) { put(index, new Long(value)); return this; } /** * Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONObject which * is produced from a Map. * * @param index * The subscript. * @param value * The Map value. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the index is negative or if the the value is an invalid * number. */ public JSONArray put(int index, Map value) { put(index, new JSONObject(value)); return this; } /** * Put or replace an object value in the JSONArray. If the index is greater * than the length of the JSONArray, then null elements will be added as * necessary to pad it out. * * @param index * The subscript. * @param value * The value to put into the array. The value should be a * Boolean, Double, Integer, JSONArray, JSONObject, Long, or * String, or the JSONObject.NULL object. * @return this. * @throws JSONException * If the index is negative or if the the value is an invalid * number. */ public JSONArray put(int index, Object value) { JSONUtils.testValidity(value); if (index < 0) { throw new JSONException("JSONArray[" + index + "] not found."); } if (index < length()) { this.myArrayList.set(index, value); } else { while (index != length()) { put(JSONNull.getInstance()); } put(value); } return this; } /** * Append an long value. This increases the array's length by one. * * @param value * A long value. * @return this. */ public JSONArray put(long value) { put(new Long(value)); return this; } /** * Put a value in the JSONArray, where the value will be a JSONObject which * is produced from a Map. * * @param value * A Map value. * @return this. */ public JSONArray put(Map value) { put(new JSONObject(value)); return this; } /** * Append an object value. This increases the array's length by one. * * @param value * An object value. The value should be a Boolean, Double, * Integer, JSONArray, JSONObject, JSONFunction, Long, or String, * or the JSONObject.NULL object. * @return this. */ public JSONArray put(Object value) { this.myArrayList.add(value); return this; } /** * Produce an Object[] with the contents of this JSONArray. */ public Object[] toArray() { return this.myArrayList.toArray(); } /** * Produce a JSONObject by combining a JSONArray of names with the values of * this JSONArray. * * @param names * A JSONArray containing a list of key strings. These will be * paired with the values. * @return A JSONObject, or null if there are no names or if this JSONArray * has no values. * @throws JSONException * If any of the names are null. */ public JSONObject toJSONObject(JSONArray names) { if (names == null || names.length() == 0 || length() == 0) { return null; } JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(); for (int i = 0; i < names.length(); i += 1) { jo.put(names.getString(i), this.opt(i)); } return jo; } /** * Make a JSON text of this JSONArray. For compactness, no unnecessary * whitespace is added. If it is not possible to produce a syntactically * correct JSON text then null will be returned instead. This could occur if * the array contains an invalid number. * <p> * Warning: This method assumes that the data structure is acyclical. * * @return a printable, displayable, transmittable representation of the * array. */ public String toString() { try { return '[' + join(",") + ']'; } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } /** * Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONArray. Warning: This method * assumes that the data structure is acyclical. * * @param indentFactor * The number of spaces to add to each level of indentation. * @return a printable, displayable, transmittable representation of the * object, beginning with <code>[</code> <small>(left * bracket)</small> and ending with <code>]</code> *  <small>(right bracket)</small>. * @throws JSONException */ public String toString(int indentFactor) { return toString(indentFactor, 0); } /** * Write the contents of the JSONArray as JSON text to a writer. For * compactness, no whitespace is added. * <p> * Warning: This method assumes that the data structure is acyclical. * * @return The writer. * @throws JSONException */ public Writer write(Writer writer) { try { boolean b = false; int len = length(); writer.write('['); for (int i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { if (b) { writer.write(','); } Object v = this.myArrayList.get(i); if (v instanceof JSONObject) { ((JSONObject) v).write(writer); } else if (v instanceof JSONArray) { ((JSONArray) v).write(writer); } else { writer.write(JSONUtils.valueToString(v)); } b = true; } writer.write(']'); return writer; } catch (IOException e) { throw new JSONException(e); } } /** * Make a prettyprinted JSON text of this JSONArray. Warning: This method * assumes that the data structure is acyclical. * * @param indentFactor * The number of spaces to add to each level of indentation. * @param indent * The indention of the top level. * @return a printable, displayable, transmittable representation of the * array. * @throws JSONException */ String toString(int indentFactor, int indent) { int len = length(); if (len == 0) { return "[]"; } int i; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("["); if (len == 1) { sb.append(JSONUtils.valueToString(this.myArrayList.get(0), indentFactor, indent)); } else { int newindent = indent + indentFactor; sb.append('\n'); for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(",\n"); } for (int j = 0; j < newindent; j += 1) { sb.append(' '); } sb.append(JSONUtils.valueToString(this.myArrayList.get(i), indentFactor, newindent)); } sb.append('\n'); for (i = 0; i < indent; i += 1) { sb.append(' '); } } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } }