/********************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2007 Andy Jefferson and others. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Contributors: ... **********************************************************************/ package org.datanucleus.store.types.wrappers; import java.io.ObjectStreamException; import java.util.AbstractSet; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Spliterator; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.stream.Stream; import org.datanucleus.FetchPlanState; import org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionAddOperation; import org.datanucleus.flush.CollectionRemoveOperation; import org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData; import org.datanucleus.state.ObjectProvider; import org.datanucleus.state.RelationshipManager; import org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOCollection; import org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOCollectionIterator; import org.datanucleus.store.types.SCOUtils; import org.datanucleus.util.Localiser; import org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger; /** * A mutable second-class Set object. * This is the simplified form that intercepts mutators and marks the field as dirty. * It also handles cascade-delete triggering for persistable elements. */ public class Set<E> extends AbstractSet<E> implements SCOCollection<java.util.Set<E>, E>, Cloneable, java.io.Serializable { protected transient ObjectProvider ownerOP; protected transient AbstractMemberMetaData ownerMmd; /** The internal "delegate". */ protected java.util.Set<E> delegate; /** * Constructor, using the ObjectProvider of the "owner" and the field name. * @param ownerOP The owner ObjectProvider * @param mmd Metadata for the member */ public Set(ObjectProvider ownerOP, AbstractMemberMetaData mmd) { this.ownerOP = ownerOP; this.ownerMmd = mmd; } public void initialise(java.util.Set<E> newValue, Object oldValue) { initialise(newValue); } public void initialise(java.util.Set c) { if (c != null) { delegate = new java.util.HashSet(c); // Make copy of container rather than using same memory } else { delegate = new java.util.HashSet(); } if (NucleusLogger.PERSISTENCE.isDebugEnabled()) { NucleusLogger.PERSISTENCE.debug(Localiser.msg("023003", this.getClass().getName(), ownerOP.getObjectAsPrintable(), ownerMmd.getName(), "" + size(), SCOUtils.getSCOWrapperOptionsMessage(true, false, true, false))); } } public void initialise() { initialise(null); } // ----------------------- Implementation of SCO methods ------------------- /** * Accessor for the unwrapped value that we are wrapping. * @return The unwrapped value */ public java.util.Set<E> getValue() { return delegate; } public void setValue(java.util.Set<E> value) { this.delegate = value; } /** * Method to effect the load of the data in the SCO. * Used when the SCO supports lazy-loading to tell it to load all now. */ public void load() { // Always loaded } /** * Method to return if the SCO has its contents loaded. Returns true. * @return Whether it is loaded */ public boolean isLoaded() { return true; } /** * Method to update an embedded element in this collection. * @param element The element * @param fieldNumber Number of field in the element * @param value New value for this field * @param makeDirty Whether to make the SCO field dirty. */ public void updateEmbeddedElement(E element, int fieldNumber, Object value, boolean makeDirty) { if (makeDirty) { // Just mark field in embedded owners as dirty makeDirty(); } } /** * Accessor for the field name. * @return The field name */ public String getFieldName() { return ownerMmd.getName(); } /** * Accessor for the owner object. * @return The owner object */ public Object getOwner() { return ownerOP != null ? ownerOP.getObject() : null; } /** * Method to unset the owner and field information. */ public synchronized void unsetOwner() { if (ownerOP != null) { ownerOP = null; ownerMmd = null; } } /** * Utility to mark the object as dirty **/ public void makeDirty() { if (ownerOP != null) { ownerOP.makeDirty(ownerMmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber()); } } /** * Method to return a detached copy of the container. * Recurses through the elements so that they are likewise detached. * @param state State for detachment process * @return The detached container */ public java.util.Set detachCopy(FetchPlanState state) { java.util.Set detached = new java.util.HashSet(); SCOUtils.detachCopyForCollection(ownerOP, toArray(), state, detached); return detached; } /** * Method to return an attached copy of the passed (detached) value. The returned attached copy * is a SCO wrapper. Goes through the existing elements in the store for this owner field and * removes ones no longer present, and adds new elements. All elements in the (detached) * value are attached. * @param value The new (collection) value */ public void attachCopy(java.util.Set value) { boolean elementsWithoutIdentity = SCOUtils.collectionHasElementsWithoutIdentity(ownerMmd); SCOUtils.attachCopyElements(ownerOP, this, value, elementsWithoutIdentity); /* // Remove any no-longer-needed elements from this collection SCOUtils.attachRemoveDeletedElements(ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getApiAdapter(), this, c, elementsWithoutIdentity); // Persist any new elements and form the attached elements collection java.util.Collection attachedElements = new java.util.HashSet(c.size()); SCOUtils.attachCopyForCollection(ownerOP, c.toArray(), attachedElements, elementsWithoutIdentity); // Add any new elements to this collection SCOUtils.attachAddNewElements(ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getApiAdapter(), this, attachedElements, elementsWithoutIdentity);*/ } // ---------------- Implementation of Collection methods ------------------- /** * Creates and returns a copy of this object. * <P>Mutable second-class Objects are required to provide a public clone method in order to allow for copying persistable objects. * In contrast to Object.clone(), this method must not throw a CloneNotSupportedException. * @return A clone of the object */ public Object clone() { return ((java.util.HashSet)delegate).clone(); } /** * Accessor for whether an element is contained in the Collection. * @param element The element * @return Whether the element is contained here **/ public synchronized boolean contains(Object element) { return delegate.contains(element); } /** * Accessor for whether a collection of elements are contained here. * @param c The collection of elements. * @return Whether they are contained. **/ public synchronized boolean containsAll(java.util.Collection c) { return delegate.containsAll(c); } /** * Equality operator. * @param o The object to compare against. * @return Whether this object is the same. **/ public synchronized boolean equals(Object o) { return delegate.equals(o); } /** * Hashcode operator. * @return The Hash code. **/ public synchronized int hashCode() { return delegate.hashCode(); } /** * Accessor for whether the Collection is empty. * @return Whether it is empty. **/ public synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return delegate.isEmpty(); } /** * Accessor for an iterator for the Collection. * @return The iterator **/ public synchronized Iterator<E> iterator() { return new SCOCollectionIterator(this, ownerOP, delegate, null, true); } /** * Accessor for the size of the Collection. * @return The size **/ public synchronized int size() { return delegate.size(); } /** * Method to return the Collection as an array. * @return The array **/ public synchronized Object[] toArray() { return delegate.toArray(); } /** * Method to return the Collection as an array. * @param a The array to write the results to * @return The array **/ public synchronized <T> T[] toArray(T a[]) { return delegate.toArray(a); } /** * Method to add an element to the Collection. * @param element The element to add * @return Whether it was added successfully. **/ public synchronized boolean add(E element) { boolean success = delegate.add(element); if (ownerOP != null && ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getManageRelations()) { // Relationship management ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getRelationshipManager(ownerOP).relationAdd(ownerMmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), element); } if (success) { if (SCOUtils.useQueuedUpdate(ownerOP)) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().addOperationToQueue(new CollectionAddOperation(ownerOP, ownerMmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), element)); } makeDirty(); if (ownerOP != null && !ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getTransaction().isActive()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().processNontransactionalUpdate(); } } return success; } /** * Method to add a collection of elements. * @param c The collection of elements to add. * @return Whether they were added successfully. **/ public synchronized boolean addAll(java.util.Collection<? extends E> c) { boolean success = delegate.addAll(c); if (ownerOP != null && ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getManageRelations()) { // Relationship management Iterator iter = c.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getRelationshipManager(ownerOP).relationAdd(ownerMmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), iter.next()); } } if (success) { if (SCOUtils.useQueuedUpdate(ownerOP)) { for (Object element : c) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().addOperationToQueue(new CollectionAddOperation(ownerOP, ownerMmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), element)); } } makeDirty(); if (ownerOP != null && !ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getTransaction().isActive()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().processNontransactionalUpdate(); } } return success; } /** * Method to clear the Collection. **/ public synchronized void clear() { if (ownerOP != null && ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getManageRelations()) { // Relationship management Iterator iter = delegate.iterator(); RelationshipManager relMgr = ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getRelationshipManager(ownerOP); while (iter.hasNext()) { relMgr.relationRemove(ownerMmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), iter.next()); } } if (ownerOP != null && !delegate.isEmpty()) { // Cascade delete if (SCOUtils.useQueuedUpdate(ownerOP)) { // Queue the cascade delete Iterator iter = delegate.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().addOperationToQueue(new CollectionRemoveOperation(ownerOP, ownerMmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), iter.next(), true)); } } else if (SCOUtils.hasDependentElement(ownerMmd)) { // Perform the cascade delete Iterator iter = delegate.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().deleteObjectInternal(iter.next()); } } } delegate.clear(); makeDirty(); if (ownerOP != null && !ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getTransaction().isActive()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().processNontransactionalUpdate(); } } /** * Method to remove an element from the List * @param element The Element to remove * @return Whether it was removed successfully. **/ public synchronized boolean remove(Object element) { return remove(element, true); } /** * Method to remove an element from the List * @param element The Element to remove * @return Whether it was removed successfully. **/ public synchronized boolean remove(Object element, boolean allowCascadeDelete) { boolean success = delegate.remove(element); if (ownerOP != null && ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getManageRelations()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getRelationshipManager(ownerOP).relationRemove(ownerMmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), element); } if (ownerOP != null && allowCascadeDelete) { // Cascade delete if (SCOUtils.useQueuedUpdate(ownerOP)) { // Queue the cascade delete ownerOP.getExecutionContext().addOperationToQueue(new CollectionRemoveOperation(ownerOP, ownerMmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), element, allowCascadeDelete)); } else if (SCOUtils.hasDependentElement(ownerMmd)) { // Perform the cascade delete ownerOP.getExecutionContext().deleteObjectInternal(element); } } if (success) { makeDirty(); if (ownerOP != null && !ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getTransaction().isActive()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().processNontransactionalUpdate(); } } return success; } /** * Method to remove a Collection of elements. * @param elements The collection to remove * @return Whether they were removed successfully. */ public synchronized boolean removeAll(java.util.Collection elements) { boolean success = delegate.removeAll(elements); if (ownerOP != null && ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getManageRelations()) { // Relationship management Iterator iter = elements.iterator(); RelationshipManager relMgr = ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getRelationshipManager(ownerOP); while (iter.hasNext()) { relMgr.relationRemove(ownerMmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), iter.next()); } } if (ownerOP != null && elements != null && !elements.isEmpty()) { // Cascade delete if (SCOUtils.useQueuedUpdate(ownerOP)) { // Queue the cascade delete Iterator iter = elements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().addOperationToQueue(new CollectionRemoveOperation(ownerOP, ownerMmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), iter.next(), true)); } } else if (SCOUtils.hasDependentElement(ownerMmd)) { // Perform the cascade delete Iterator iter = elements.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().deleteObjectInternal(iter.next()); } } } if (success) { makeDirty(); if (ownerOP != null && !ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getTransaction().isActive()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().processNontransactionalUpdate(); } } return success; } /** * Method to retain a Collection of elements (and remove all others). * @param c The collection to retain * @return Whether they were retained successfully. **/ public synchronized boolean retainAll(java.util.Collection c) { if (c == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Input collection was null"); } Collection collToRemove = new java.util.HashSet(); for (Object o : delegate) { if (!c.contains(o)) { collToRemove.add(o); } } boolean success = delegate.retainAll(c); if (success) { makeDirty(); if (SCOUtils.useQueuedUpdate(ownerOP)) { // Queue any cascade delete Iterator iter = collToRemove.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().addOperationToQueue(new CollectionRemoveOperation(ownerOP, ownerMmd.getAbsoluteFieldNumber(), iter.next(), true)); } } else if (SCOUtils.hasDependentElement(ownerMmd)) { // Perform the cascade delete Iterator iter = collToRemove.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().deleteObjectInternal(iter.next()); } } if (ownerOP != null && !ownerOP.getExecutionContext().getTransaction().isActive()) { ownerOP.getExecutionContext().processNontransactionalUpdate(); } } return success; } /** * The writeReplace method is called when ObjectOutputStream is preparing * to write the object to the stream. The ObjectOutputStream checks whether * the class defines the writeReplace method. If the method is defined, the * writeReplace method is called to allow the object to designate its * replacement in the stream. The object returned should be either of the * same type as the object passed in or an object that when read and * resolved will result in an object of a type that is compatible with all * references to the object. * @return the replaced object * @throws ObjectStreamException if an error occurs */ protected Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException { return new java.util.HashSet(delegate); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.Collection#stream() */ @Override public Stream stream() { return delegate.stream(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.Collection#parallelStream() */ @Override public Stream parallelStream() { return delegate.parallelStream(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.Iterable#forEach(java.util.function.Consumer) */ @Override public void forEach(Consumer action) { delegate.forEach(action); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.Set#spliterator() */ @Override public Spliterator spliterator() { return delegate.spliterator(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.util.Collection#removeIf(java.util.function.Predicate) */ @Override public boolean removeIf(Predicate filter) { return delegate.removeIf(filter); } }