/*! * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * program; if not, you can obtain a copy at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html * or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2015 Pentaho Corporation.. All rights reserved. */ package org.pentaho.platform.dataaccess.datasource.api.resources; import static javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON; import static javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType.APPLICATION_XML; import static javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType.WILDCARD; import static javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status.*; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.ws.rs.Consumes; import javax.ws.rs.DELETE; import javax.ws.rs.GET; import javax.ws.rs.POST; import javax.ws.rs.PUT; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.PathParam; import javax.ws.rs.Produces; import javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException; import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType; import javax.ws.rs.core.Response; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.codehaus.enunciate.Facet; import org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.ResponseCode; import org.codehaus.enunciate.jaxrs.StatusCodes; import org.pentaho.metadata.repository.IMetadataDomainRepository; import org.pentaho.platform.api.engine.PentahoAccessControlException; import org.pentaho.platform.dataaccess.datasource.api.DatasourceService; import org.pentaho.platform.dataaccess.datasource.api.MetadataService; import org.pentaho.platform.dataaccess.datasource.wizard.service.messages.Messages; import org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.system.PentahoSessionHolder; import org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.system.PentahoSystem; import org.pentaho.platform.plugin.services.importer.PlatformImportException; import org.pentaho.platform.plugin.services.metadata.IPentahoMetadataDomainRepositoryExporter; import org.pentaho.platform.repository2.unified.webservices.RepositoryFileAclDto; import org.pentaho.platform.web.http.api.resources.FileResource; import org.pentaho.platform.web.http.api.resources.JaxbList; import com.sun.jersey.core.header.FormDataContentDisposition; import com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataBodyPart; import com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataParam; /** * This service allows for listing, download, and removal of Metadata data sources in the BA Platform. */ @Path( "/data-access/api/datasource/metadata" ) public class MetadataResource { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog( MetadataResource.class ); protected static final String OVERWRITE_IN_REPOS = "overwrite"; private static final String SUCCESS = "3"; private static final String DATASOURCE_ACL = "acl"; protected MetadataService service; protected IMetadataDomainRepository metadataDomainRepository; protected ResourceUtil resourceUtil; public MetadataResource() { service = createMetadataService(); resourceUtil = new ResourceUtil(); metadataDomainRepository = PentahoSystem.get( IMetadataDomainRepository.class, PentahoSessionHolder.getSession() ); } protected MetadataService createMetadataService() { return new MetadataService(); } /** * Export a metadata datasource. * * <p><b>Example Request:</b><br /> * GET pentaho/plugin/data-access/api/datasource/metadata/domain/SampleData2 * </p> * * @param domainId The id of the Metadata datasource to export * * @return A Response object containing the metadata xmi file. * * <p><b>Example Response:</b></p> * <pre function="syntax.xml"> * <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8' ?><XMI xmi.version = '1.2' xmlns:CWM = 'org.omg.xmi.namespace.CWM' xmlns:CWMTFM = 'org.omg.xmi.namespace.CWMTFM' xmlns:CWMMDB = 'org.omg.xmi.namespace.CWMMDB' xmlns:CWMRDB = 'org.omg.xmi.namespace.CWMRDB' xmlns:CWMOLAP = 'org.omg.xmi.namespace.CWMOLAP' timestamp = 'Thu Jul 25 15:04:46 EDT 2013'> <XMI.header> <XMI.documentation> <XMI.exporter>Netbeans XMI Writer</XMI.exporter> <XMI.exporterVersion>1.0</XMI.exporterVersion> </XMI.documentation> </XMI.header> <XMI.content> <CWM:Class xmi.id = 'a1' name = 'Date' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a2' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Class> <CWM:Class xmi.id = 'a3' name = 'US_Currency' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a4' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Number'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Class> <CWM:Class xmi.id = 'a5' name = 'SurrogateKey' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a6' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'ID'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Class> <CWM:Class xmi.id = 'a7' name = 'ID' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a8' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Number'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Class> <CWM:Class xmi.id = 'a9' name = 'Number' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a10' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Class> <CWM:Class xmi.id = 'a11' name = 'Base' isAbstract = 'false'/> <CWMOLAP:Schema xmi.id = 'a12' name = 'BV_HUMAN_RESOURCES'/> <CWMOLAP:Schema xmi.id = 'a13' name = 'BV_INVENTORY'/> <CWMOLAP:Schema xmi.id = 'a14' name = 'BV_ORDERS'/> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.id = 'a15' name = 'BV_HUMAN_RESOURCES'> <CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWM:KeyRelationship xmi.id = 'a16'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a17' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_TABLENAME_PARENT' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a18' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_TABLENAME_CHILD' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a19' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_FIELDNAME_PARENT' value = 'BC_OFFICES_OFFICECODE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a20' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_FIELDNAME_CHILD' value = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_OFFICECODE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a21' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_TYPE' value = '1:N'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a22' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_JOIN_ORDER_KEY'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a23' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_DESCRIPTION'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:KeyRelationship> <CWM:Extent xmi.id = 'a24' name = 'BC_OFFICES_'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a25' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_ROOT' value = 'Y'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a26' name = 'BC_OFFICES_TERRITORY'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a27' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a28' name = 'BC_OFFICES_POSTALCODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a29' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a30' name = 'BC_OFFICES_COUNTRY'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a31' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a32' name = 'BC_OFFICES_STATE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a33' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a34' name = 'BC_OFFICES_ADDRESSLINE2'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a35' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a36' name = 'BC_OFFICES_ADDRESSLINE1'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a37' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a38' name = 'BC_OFFICES_PHONE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a39' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a40' name = 'BC_OFFICES_CITY'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a41' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a42' name = 'BC_OFFICES_OFFICECODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a43' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> </CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> </CWM:Extent> <CWM:Extent xmi.id = 'a44' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a45' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_ROOT' value = 'Y'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a46' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_JOBTITLE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a47' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a48' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_REPORTSTO'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a49' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a50' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_EMAIL'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a51' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a52' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_EXTENSION'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a53' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a54' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_FIRSTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a55' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a56' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_LASTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a57' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a58' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEENUMBER'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a59' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> </CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> </CWM:Extent> </CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWMMDB:Schema.dimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a60' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEENUMBER'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a61' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'EMPLOYEENUMBER'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a62' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a63' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'ID'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a65' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_LASTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a66' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'LASTNAME'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a67' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a68' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_FIRSTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a69' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'FIRSTNAME'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a70' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a71' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_EXTENSION'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a72' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'EXTENSION'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a73' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a74' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_EMAIL'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a75' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'EMAIL'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a76' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a77' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_OFFICECODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a78' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'OFFICECODE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a79' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a80' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_REPORTSTO'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a81' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'REPORTSTO'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a82' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a83' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_JOBTITLE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a84' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'JOBTITLE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a85' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a86' name = 'BC_OFFICES_OFFICECODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a87' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'OFFICECODE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a88' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a90' name = 'BC_OFFICES_CITY'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a91' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'CITY'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a92' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a93' name = 'BC_OFFICES_PHONE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a94' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'PHONE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a95' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a96' name = 'BC_OFFICES_ADDRESSLINE1'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a97' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'ADDRESSLINE1'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a98' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a99' name = 'BC_OFFICES_ADDRESSLINE2'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a100' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'ADDRESSLINE2'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a101' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a102' name = 'BC_OFFICES_STATE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a103' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'STATE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a104' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a105' name = 'BC_OFFICES_COUNTRY'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a106' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'COUNTRY'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a107' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a108' name = 'BC_OFFICES_POSTALCODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a109' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'POSTALCODE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a110' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a111' name = 'BC_OFFICES_TERRITORY'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a112' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'TERRITORY'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a113' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> </CWMMDB:Schema.dimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:Schema.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.id = 'a64' name = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a114' tag = 'BUSINESS_TABLE_PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME' value = 'PT_EMPLOYEES'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a115' tag = 'TAG_POSITION_X' value = '213'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a116' tag = 'TAG_POSITION_Y' value = '151'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a117' tag = 'TABLE_IS_DRAWN' value = 'Y'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:Dimension.dimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a60'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a65'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a68'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a71'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a74'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a77'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a80'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a83'/> </CWMMDB:Dimension.dimensionedObject> </CWMMDB:Dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.id = 'a89' name = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a118' tag = 'BUSINESS_TABLE_PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME' value = 'PT_OFFICES'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a119' tag = 'TAG_POSITION_X' value = '114'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a120' tag = 'TAG_POSITION_Y' value = '151'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a121' tag = 'TABLE_IS_DRAWN' value = 'Y'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:Dimension.dimensionedObject> 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name = 'BC_PRODUCTS_MSRP'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a280' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> </CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> </CWM:Extent> <CWM:Extent xmi.id = 'a281' name = 'CAT_PAYMENTS'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a282' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_ROOT' value = 'Y'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a283' name = 'BC_PAYMENTS_CHECKNUMBER'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a284' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a285' name = 'BC_PAYMENTS_PAYMENTDATE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a286' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a287' name = 'BC_PAYMENTS_AMOUNT'> 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'a355' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_ORDERDETAILS_ORDERDETAILS'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a356' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'US_Currency'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a338'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a357' name = 'BC_ORDERS_ORDERNUMBER'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a358' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'ORDERNUMBER'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a359' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_ORDERS_ORDERS'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a360' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'ID'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a361'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a362' name = 'BC_ORDERS_ORDERDATE'> 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name = 'PT_PRODUCTS' isAbstract = 'false' isTemporary = 'false' isSystem = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a498' tag = 'TABLE_TARGET_DATABASE_NAME' value = 'SampleData'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a499' name = 'MSRP'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a500' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a501' name = 'BUYPRICE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a502' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a503' name = 'QUANTITYINSTOCK'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a504' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a505' name = 'PRODUCTDESCRIPTION'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> 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'a515' name = 'PRODUCTCODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a516' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> </CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> </CWMRDB:Table> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.id = 'a517' name = 'PT_PAYMENTS' isAbstract = 'false' isTemporary = 'false' isSystem = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a518' tag = 'TABLE_TARGET_DATABASE_NAME' value = 'SampleData'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a519' name = 'AMOUNT'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a520' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a521' name = 'PAYMENTDATE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a522' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a523' name = 'CHECKNUMBER'> 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'a549' name = 'MONTH_ID'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a550' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'ID'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a551' name = 'QTR_ID'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a552' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'ID'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a553' name = 'TIME_ID'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a554' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'ID'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a555' name = 'CUSTOMERNUMBER'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a556' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a557' name = 'COMMENTS'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a558' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> 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'QUANTITYORDERED'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a587' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a588' name = 'PRODUCTCODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a589' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a590' name = 'ORDERNUMBER'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a591' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> </CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> </CWMRDB:Table> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.id = 'a592' name = 'PT_OFFICES' isAbstract = 'false' isTemporary = 'false' isSystem = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a593' tag = 'TABLE_TARGET_DATABASE_NAME' value = 'SampleData'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a594' name = 'TERRITORY'> 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xmi.id = 'a684' name = 'ADDRESSLINE2'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a685' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a686' name = 'ADDRESSLINE1'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a687' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a688' name = 'PHONE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a689' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a690' name = 'CONTACTFIRSTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a691' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a692' name = 'CONTACTLASTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a693' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> 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'#,###.##' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Class xmi.idref = 'a9'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a721' name = 'font' body = 'Arial-10' type = 'Font'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Class xmi.idref = 'a11'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a722' name = 'name' body = 'Trial Balance' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a451'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a723' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Other' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a451'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a724' name = 'target_table' body = 'TRIAL_BALANCE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a451'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 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name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a459'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a754' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a459'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a755' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a459'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a756' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a459'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a757' name = 'name' body = 'Account Num' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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'name' body = 'Qtr Desc' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a777' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a778' name = 'formula' body = 'QTR_DESC' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a779' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a780' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a781' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a782' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a783' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a784' name = 'name' body = 'Qtr Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a785' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a786' name = 'formula' body = 'QTR_NAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a787' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a788' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a789' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a790' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a791' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a792' name = 'name' body = 'Month Desc' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a793' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a794' name = 'formula' body = 'MONTH_DESC' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a795' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a796' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a797' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a798' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a799' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a800' name = 'name' body = 'Month Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a801' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a802' name = 'formula' body = 'MONTH_NAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a803' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a804' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a805' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a806' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a807' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a808' name = 'name' body = 'Year Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a809' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a810' name = 'formula' body = 'YEAR_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a811' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a812' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a813' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a814' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a815' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a816' name = 'name' body = 'Qtr Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a817' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a818' name = 'formula' body = 'QTR_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a819' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a820' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a821' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a822' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a823' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a824' name = 'name' body = 'Month Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a825' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a826' name = 'formula' body = 'MONTH_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a827' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a828' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a829' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a830' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a831' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a832' name = 'name' body = 'Time Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a833' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a834' name = 'formula' body = 'TIME_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a835' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a836' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a837' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a838' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a839' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a840' name = 'name' body = 'Quadrant Actuals' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a483'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a841' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Other' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a483'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a842' name = 'target_table' body = 'QUADRANT_ACTUALS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a483'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a843' name = 'name' body = 'Variance' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a844' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a845' name = 'formula' body = 'VARIANCE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a846' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a847' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a848' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a849' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a850' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a851' name = 'name' body = 'Budget' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a852' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a853' name = 'formula' body = 'BUDGET' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a854' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a855' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a856' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a857' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a858' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a859' name = 'name' body = 'Actual' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a860' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a861' name = 'formula' body = 'ACTUAL' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a862' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a863' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a864' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a865' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a866' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a867' name = 'name' body = 'Positiontitle' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a868' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a869' name = 'formula' body = 'POSITIONTITLE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a870' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a871' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a872' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a873' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a507'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a930' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a507'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a931' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a507'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a932' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a507'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a933' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a507'/> 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xmi.id = 'a957' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a513'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a958' name = 'name' body = 'Product Code' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a515'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a959' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a515'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a960' name = 'formula' body = 'PRODUCTCODE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a515'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a961' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a980' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a521'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a981' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a521'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a982' name = 'datatype' body = 'Date,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a521'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a983' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a521'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a984' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a521'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a985' name = 'name' body = 'Check Number' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a986' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a987' name = 'formula' body = 'CHECKNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a988' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a989' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a990' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a991' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a992' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a993' name = 'name' body = 'Customernumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1003' name = 'target_table' body = 'ORDERS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a527'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1004' name = 'name' body = 'Customernumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a529'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1005' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a529'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1006' name = 'formula' body = 'CUSTOMERNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a529'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1007' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> 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</CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1012' name = 'name' body = 'Comments' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1013' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1014' name = 'formula' body = 'COMMENTS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1015' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1016' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1017' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1018' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1019' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1020' name = 'name' body = 'Status' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1021' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1022' name = 'formula' body = 'STATUS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1023' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1024' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1025' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1026' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1027' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1028' name = 'name' body = 'Shipped Date' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a535'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1029' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a535'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1030' name = 'formula' body = 'SHIPPEDDATE' type = 'String'> 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'&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a535'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1036' name = 'name' body = 'Required Date' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1037' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1038' name = 'formula' body = 'REQUIREDDATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1039' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1040' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1041' name = 'datatype' body = 'Date,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1042' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1043' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1044' name = 'name' body = 'Order Date' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1045' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1046' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERDATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1047' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1048' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1049' name = 'datatype' body = 'Date,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1050' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1051' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1052' name = 'name' body = 'Order Number' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1053' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1054' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1055' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1056' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1057' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1058' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1059' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;count&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;count_distinct&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1060' name = 'name' body = 'Order Month' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1061' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1062' name = 'formula' body = 'MONTH([ORDERDATE])&amp;&quot;-&quot;&amp;YEAR([ORDERDATE])' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1063' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1064' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1065' name = 'datatype' body = 'Date,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1066' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Other' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1067' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1068' name = 'name' body = 'Orderfact' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a545'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1069' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Fact' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a545'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1070' name = 'target_table' body = 'ORDERFACT' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a545'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1071' name = 'name' body = 'Year Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a547'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1072' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a547'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1073' name = 'formula' body = 'YEAR_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a547'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1074' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a547'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1075' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a547'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a549'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1086' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a549'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1087' name = 'name' body = 'Qtr Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1088' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1089' name = 'formula' body = 'QTR_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1090' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1091' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1092' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1093' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1094' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1095' name = 'name' body = 'Time Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1096' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1097' name = 'formula' body = 'TIME_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1098' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1099' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1100' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1101' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1102' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1103' name = 'name' body = 'Customernumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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<CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a555'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1109' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a555'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1110' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a555'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1111' name = 'name' body = 'Comments' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1112' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1113' name = 'formula' body = 'COMMENTS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1114' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1115' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1116' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1117' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1118' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1119' name = 'name' body = 'Status' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1120' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1121' name = 'formula' body = 'STATUS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1122' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1123' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1124' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1125' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1126' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1127' name = 'name' body = 'Shippeddate' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a561'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1128' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a561'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1129' name = 'formula' body = 'SHIPPEDDATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a561'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1130' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a561'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1131' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1136' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1137' name = 'formula' body = 'REQUIREDDATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1138' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1139' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1140' name = 'datatype' body = 'Date,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1141' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1142' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1143' name = 'name' body = 'Orderdate' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1144' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1145' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERDATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1146' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1147' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1148' name = 'datatype' body = 'Date,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1149' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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</CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1159' name = 'name' body = 'Orderlinenumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1160' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1161' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERLINENUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1162' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1163' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1164' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1165' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1166' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1167' name = 'name' body = 'Priceeach' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1168' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1169' name = 'formula' body = 'PRICEEACH' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1170' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1171' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1172' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1173' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1174' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1175' name = 'name' body = 'Quantityordered' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1176' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1177' name = 'formula' body = 'QUANTITYORDERED' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1178' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1179' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1180' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1181' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1182' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1183' name = 'name' body = 'Productcode' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1184' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1185' name = 'formula' body = 'PRODUCTCODE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1186' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1187' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1188' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1189' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1190' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1191' name = 'name' body = 'Ordernumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1192' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1193' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1194' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1195' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1196' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1197' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1198' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1199' name = 'name' body = 'Orderdetails' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a579'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1200' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Other' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a579'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1201' name = 'target_table' body = 'ORDERDETAILS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a579'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1202' name = 'name' body = 'Total' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1203' name = 'aggregation' body = 'sum' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1204' name = 'formula' body = '[QUANTITYORDERED]*[PRICEEACH]' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1205' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1206' name = 'exact' body = 'Y' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1207' name = 'datatype' body = 'Unknown,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1208' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1209' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;sum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;average&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;minimum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;maximum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1210' name = 'name' body = 'Orderlinenumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1211' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1212' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERLINENUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1213' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1214' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1215' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1216' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1217' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1218' name = 'name' body = 'Price Each' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1219' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1220' name = 'formula' body = 'PRICEEACH' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1221' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1222' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1223' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1224' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1225' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1226' name = 'name' body = 'Quantity Ordered' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1227' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1228' name = 'formula' body = 'QUANTITYORDERED' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1229' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1230' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1231' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1232' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1233' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1234' name = 'name' body = 'Productcode' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1235' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1236' name = 'formula' body = 'PRODUCTCODE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1237' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1238' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1239' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1240' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1241' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1242' name = 'name' body = 'Ordernumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1243' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1244' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1245' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1246' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1247' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1248' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1249' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;count&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;count_distinct&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1250' name = 'name' body = 'Offices' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a592'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1251' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Other' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a592'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1252' name = 'target_table' body = 'OFFICES' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a592'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1253' name = 'name' body = 'Territory' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1254' name = 'name' body = 'Territorio' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1255' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1256' name = 'formula' body = 'TERRITORY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1257' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1258' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1259' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1260' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1261' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1262' name = 'name' body = 'Postal code' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a596'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1263' name = 'name' body = 'Código postal' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1273' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1274' name = 'formula' body = 'COUNTRY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1275' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1276' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1277' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1278' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1279' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1280' name = 'name' body = 'State' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a600'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1281' name = 'name' body = 'Estado' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a600'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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</CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1287' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a600'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1288' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a600'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1289' name = 'name' body = 'Address Line 2' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1290' name = 'name' body = 'Dirección 2' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1291' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1292' name = 'formula' body = 'ADDRESSLINE2' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1293' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1294' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1295' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1296' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1297' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1298' name = 'name' body = 'Address Line 1' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1299' name = 'name' body = 'Dirección 1' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1300' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1301' name = 'formula' body = 'ADDRESSLINE1' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1302' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1303' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1304' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1305' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1306' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1307' name = 'name' body = 'Phone Number' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a606'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1308' name = 'name' body = 'Número De Teléfono' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a606'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1309' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> 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= 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a606'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1315' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a606'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1316' name = 'name' body = 'City' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1317' name = 'name' body = 'Ciudad' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1318' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1319' name = 'formula' body = 'CITY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1320' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1321' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1322' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1323' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1324' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1325' name = 'name' body = 'Office Code' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a610'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1326' name = 'name' body = 'Código De la Oficina' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a610'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1327' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a610'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> 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'name' body = 'Job Title' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1338' name = 'name' body = 'Título Del Trabajo' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1339' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1340' name = 'formula' body = 'JOBTITLE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1341' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1342' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1343' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1344' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1345' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1346' name = 'name' body = 'Manager' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1347' name = 'name' body = 'Encargado' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1348' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1349' name = 'formula' body = 'REPORTSTO' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1350' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1351' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1352' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1353' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1354' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1355' name = 'name' body = 'Officecode' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> 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type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a618'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1361' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a618'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1362' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a618'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1363' name = 'name' body = 'Email' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1364' name = 'name' body = 'Email' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1365' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1366' name = 'formula' body = 'EMAIL' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1367' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1368' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1369' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1370' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1371' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1372' name = 'name' body = 'Extension' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1373' name = 'name' body = 'Extensión' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1374' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1375' name = 'formula' body = 'EXTENSION' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1376' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1377' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1378' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1379' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1380' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1381' name = 'name' body = 'First Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1382' name = 'name' body = 'Nombre' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1383' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1384' name = 'formula' body = 'FIRSTNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1385' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1386' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1387' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1388' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1389' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement></CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1390' name = 'name' body = 'Last Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1391' name = 'name' body = 'Nombre Pasado' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1392' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1393' name = 'formula' body = 'LASTNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1394' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1395' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1396' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1397' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1398' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1399' name = 'name' body = 'Employee ID' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1400' name = 'name' body = 'Identificación Del Empleado' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1401' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1402' name = 'formula' body = 'EMPLOYEENUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1403' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1404' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1405' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1406' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1407' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1408' name = 'name' body = 'Department Managers' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a630'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1409' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Other' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a630'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1410' name = 'target_table' body = 'DEPARTMENT_MANAGERS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a630'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1411' name = 'name' body = 'Email' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a632'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1412' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a632'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1413' name = 'formula' body = 'EMAIL' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a632'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1414' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a632'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1415' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1420' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1421' name = 'formula' body = 'MANAGER_NAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1422' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1423' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1424' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1425' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1426' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1427' name = 'name' body = 'Region' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1428' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1429' name = 'formula' body = 'REGION' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1430' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1431' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1432' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1433' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1439' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1440' name = 'formula' body = 'TERRITORY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1441' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1442' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1443' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1444' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1445' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1446' name = 'name' body = 'Credit Limit' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a642'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1447' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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<CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a642'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1453' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a642'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1454' name = 'name' body = 'Employee Number' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1455' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1456' name = 'formula' body = 'EMPLOYEENUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1457' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1458' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1459' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1460' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1461' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1462' name = 'name' body = 'Country' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1463' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1464' name = 'formula' body = 'COUNTRY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1465' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1466' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1467' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1468' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1469' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1470' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1471' name = 'name' body = 'Postalcode' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a648'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1472' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a648'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1473' name = 'formula' body = 'POSTALCODE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a648'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1474' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a648'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1475' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1480' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1481' name = 'formula' body = 'STATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1482' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1483' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1484' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1485' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1486' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1487' name = 'name' body = 'City' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1488' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1489' name = 'formula' body = 'CITY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1490' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1491' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1492' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1493' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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<CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a654'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1499' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a654'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1500' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a654'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1501' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a654'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1502' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a654'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1503' name = 'name' body = 'Addressline1' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1504' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1505' name = 'formula' body = 'ADDRESSLINE1' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1506' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1507' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1508' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1509' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1510' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1511' name = 'name' body = 'Phone' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a658'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1512' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a658'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1513' name = 'formula' body = 'PHONE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a658'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1514' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a658'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1515' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a658'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1516' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a658'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a660'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1522' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a660'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1523' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a660'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1524' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a660'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1525' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a660'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1526' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a660'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1527' name = 'name' body = 'Contact Last Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a662'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1528' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a662'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1529' name = 'formula' body = 'CONTACTLASTNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a662'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1530' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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'a1535' name = 'name' body = 'Customer Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1536' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1537' name = 'formula' body = 'CUSTOMERNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1538' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1539' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1540' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1541' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1542' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1543' name = 'name' body = 'Customer Number' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1544' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1545' name = 'formula' body = 'CUSTOMERNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1546' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1547' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1548' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1549' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1550' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1551' name = 'name' body = 'Contact Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1552' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1553' name = 'formula' body = '[CONTACTLASTNAME]+&quot;, &quot;+[CONTACTFIRSTNAME]' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1554' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1555' name = 'exact' body = 'Y' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1556' name = 'datatype' body = 'Unknown,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1557' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Other' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1558' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1559' name = 'name' body = 'Customers' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a670'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1560' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Other' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a670'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1561' name = 'target_table' body = 'CUSTOMERS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a670'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1562' name = 'name' body = 'Creditlimit' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a672'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1563' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a672'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1564' name = 'formula' body = 'CREDITLIMIT' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a672'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1565' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a672'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1566' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a672'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1567' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1572' name = 'formula' body = 'SALESREPEMPLOYEENUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a674'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1573' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a674'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1574' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a674'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1575' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a674'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1576' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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<CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a676'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1586' name = 'name' body = 'Zip' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a678'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1587' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a678'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1588' name = 'formula' body = 'POSTALCODE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a678'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1589' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a678'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1590' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1595' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1596' name = 'formula' body = 'STATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1597' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1598' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1599' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1600' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1601' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1602' name = 'name' body = 'City' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1603' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1604' name = 'formula' body = 'CITY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1605' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1606' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1607' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1608' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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</CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1618' name = 'name' body = 'Address Line 1' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1619' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1620' name = 'formula' body = 'ADDRESSLINE1' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1621' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1622' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1623' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1624' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1625' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1626' name = 'name' body = 'Phone' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1627' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1628' name = 'formula' body = 'PHONE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1629' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1630' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1631' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1632' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1633' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1634' name = 'name' body = 'Contactfirstname' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1635' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1636' name = 'formula' body = 'CONTACTFIRSTNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1637' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1638' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1639' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1640' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1641' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1642' name = 'name' body = 'Contactlastname' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1643' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1644' name = 'formula' body = 'CONTACTLASTNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1645' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1646' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1647' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1648' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1649' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1650' name = 'name' body = 'Customer Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1651' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1652' name = 'formula' body = 'CUSTOMERNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1653' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1654' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1655' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1656' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1657' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1658' name = 'name' body = 'Customer Number' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1659' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1660' name = 'formula' body = 'CUSTOMERNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1661' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1662' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1663' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1664' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1665' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1666' name = 'name' body = 'Human Resources' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a15'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1667' name = 'name' body = 'Recursos Humanos' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a15'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1668' name = 'description' body = 'This model contains information about Employees.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a15'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1669' name = 'description' body = 'Este modelo contiene la información sobre empleados.' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a15'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1670' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a15'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1671' name = 'row_level_security' body = '&lt;row-level-security type=&quot;none&quot;&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;entries&gt;&lt;/entries&gt;&lt;/row-level-security&gt;' type = 'RowLevelSecurity'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a15'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1672' name = 'name' body = 'Employees' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1673' name = 'name' body = 'Offices' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1674' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a105'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1675' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a108'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1676' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a111'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1677' name = 'name' body = 'Offices' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a24'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1678' name = 'name' body = 'Oficinas' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a24'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1679' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;user&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;suzy&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a24'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1680' name = 'name' body = 'Employees' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a44'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1681' name = 'name' body = 'Empleados' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a44'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1682' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;user&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;suzy&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a44'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1683' name = 'name' body = 'Inventory' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a122'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1684' name = 'description' body = 'This model contains information about products and product inventory.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a122'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1685' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;user&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;suzy&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a122'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1686' name = 'row_level_security' body = '&lt;row-level-security type=&quot;none&quot;&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;entries&gt;&lt;/entries&gt;&lt;/row-level-security&gt;' type = 'RowLevelSecurity'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a122'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1687' name = 'name' body = 'Products' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a148'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1688' name = 'name' body = 'Products' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a123'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1689' name = 'description' body = 'This category contains information about current products.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a123'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1690' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;user&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;suzy&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a123'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1691' name = 'name' body = 'Inventory and Cost' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a137'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1692' name = 'description' body = 'This category contains details on product costs, MSRP and quantity in stock.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a137'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1693' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;user&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;suzy&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a137'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1694' name = 'name' body = 'Orders' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a180'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1695' name = 'description' body = 'This model contains information about customers and their orders.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a180'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1696' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Power User&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;1&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;user&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;suzy&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a180'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1697' name = 'row_level_security' body = '&lt;row-level-security type=&quot;role-based&quot;&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;entries&gt;&lt;entry&gt;&lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Viewer&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[TRUE()]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;/entry&gt;&lt;entry&gt;&lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Anonymous&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[TRUE()]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;/entry&gt;&lt;entry&gt;&lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[TRUE()]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;/entry&gt;&lt;entry&gt;&lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Report Author&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[TRUE()]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;/entry&gt;&lt;entry&gt;&lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Business Analyst&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[TRUE()]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;/entry&gt;&lt;entry&gt;&lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Power User&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[[BT_CUSTOMER_W_TER_CUSTOMER_W_TER.BC_CUSTOMER_W_TER_TERRITORY]=&quot;NA&quot;]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;/entry&gt;&lt;/entries&gt;&lt;/row-level-security&gt;' type = 'RowLevelSecurity'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a180'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1698' name = 'name' body = 'Payments' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a292'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1699' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a293'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1700' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a297'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1701' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a301'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1702' name = 'name' body = 'Products' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a308'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1703' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a305'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1704' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a312'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1705' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a315'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1706' name = 'column_width' body = '1,18' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a318'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1707' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a324'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1708' name = 'aggregation' body = 'sum' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a327'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1709' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a327'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1710' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;sum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;average&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;minimum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;maximum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a327'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1711' name = 'aggregation' body = 'average' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a331'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1712' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a331'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1713' name = 'name' body = 'Orderdetails' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a338'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1714' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a335'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1715' name = 'alignment' body = 'left' type = 'Alignment'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a335'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1716' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a335'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1717' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a339'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1718' name = 'aggregation' body = 'sum' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a342'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1719' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a342'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1720' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;sum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;average&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;minimum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;maximum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a342'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1721' name = 'name' body = 'Price Sold' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a346'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1722' name = 'aggregation' body = 'sum' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a346'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1723' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a346'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1724' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;sum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;average&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;minimum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;maximum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a346'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1725' name = 'comments' body = 'This field is computed as Quantity Ordered times Price Sold' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a353'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1726' name = 'aggregation' body = 'sum' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a353'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1727' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a353'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1728' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a353'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1729' name = 'name' body = 'Orders' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a361'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1730' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a357'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1731' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a362'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1732' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a362'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1733' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a366'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1734' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a370'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1735' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a377'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1736' name = 'foreground_color' body = '0,0,160' type = 'Color'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a377'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1737' name = 'font' body = 'Arial-10-italic' type = 'Font'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a377'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1738' name = 'column_width' body = '1,35' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a377'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1739' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a380'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1740' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a380'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1741' name = 'name' body = 'Customer W Ter' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a387'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1742' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a383'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1743' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a383'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1744' name = 'foreground_color' body = '255,0,0' type = 'Color'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a388'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1745' name = 'column_width' body = '1,8' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a388'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1746' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a391'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1747' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a395'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1748' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a401'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1749' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a404'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1750' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a413'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1751' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a416'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1752' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a419'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1753' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a422'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1754' name = 'column_width' body = '1,22' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a422'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1755' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a425'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1756' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a425'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1757' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a428'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1758' name = 'column_width' body = '1,20' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a428'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1759' name = 'name' body = 'Customer' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a213'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1760' name = 'name' body = 'Orders' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a241'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1761' name = 'description' body = 'This category contains information about orders including ordernumber, order date, required date, shipping status, etc.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a241'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1762' name = 'name' body = 'Products' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a261'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1763' name = 'description' body = 'This category contains inforamtion about products.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a261'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1764' name = 'name' body = 'Payments' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a281'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1765' name = 'description' body = 'This category contains details about customer payments.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a281'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Event xmi.id = 'a1766' name = 'SECURITY_SERVICE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1767' tag = 'SECURITY_SERVICE_URL' value = 'http://localhost:8080/pentaho/ServiceAction'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1768' tag = 'SECURITY_DETAILS_NAME' value = 'SecurityDetails'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1769' tag = 'SECURITY_DETAIL_NAME' value = 'details'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1770' tag = 'SECURITY_DETAIL_TYPE' value = 'All'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1771' tag = 'SECURITY_USERNAME' value = 'admin'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1772' tag = 'SECURITY_PASSWORD' value = 'password'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1773' tag = 'SECURITY_PROXY_HOST' value = ''/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1774' tag = 'SECURITY_PROXY_PORT' value = ''/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1775' tag = 'SECURITY_NON_PROXY_HOSTS'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1776' tag = 'SECURITY_FILENAME' value = ''/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1777' tag = 'SECURITY_URL' value = 'http://localhost:8080/pentaho/ServiceAction?action=SecurityDetails&amp;details=all'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Event> <CWM:Parameter xmi.id = 'a1778' name = 'en_US'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1779' tag = 'LOCALE_DESCRIPTION' value = 'English (American)'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1780' tag = 'LOCALE_ORDER' value = '1'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1781' tag = 'LOCALE_IS_DEFAULT' value = 'Y'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Parameter> <CWM:Parameter xmi.id = 'a1782' name = 'es'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1783' tag = 'LOCALE_DESCRIPTION' value = 'Spanish'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1784' tag = 'LOCALE_ORDER' value = '2'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1785' tag = 'LOCALE_IS_DEFAULT' value = 'N'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Parameter> </XMI.content></XMI> * </pre> */ @GET @Path( "/domain/{domainId : .+}" ) @Produces( WILDCARD ) @StatusCodes( { @ResponseCode( code = 200, condition = "Metadata datasource export succeeded." ), @ResponseCode( code = 401, condition = "User is not authorized to export Metadata datasource." ), @ResponseCode( code = 500, condition = "Failure to export Metadata datasource." ) } ) public Response downloadMetadata( @PathParam( "domainId" ) String domainId ) { if ( !canAdminister() ) { throw new WebApplicationException( Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED ); } if ( !isInstanceOfIPentahoMetadataDomainRepositoryExporter( metadataDomainRepository ) ) { throw new WebApplicationException( Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } Map<String, InputStream> fileData = getDomainFilesData( domainId ); return createAttachment( fileData, domainId ); } /** * Remove the metadata for a given metadata ID. * * <p><b>Example Request:</b><br /> * DELETE pentaho/plugin/data-access/api/datasource/metadata/domain/SampleData2 * * @param domainId The id of the Metadata datasource to remove * * @return A 200 response code representing the successful removal of the Metadata datasource. * * <p><b>Example Response:</b></p> * <pre function="syntax.xml"> * This response does not contain data. * </pre> */ @DELETE @Path( "/domain/{domainId : .+}" ) @Produces( WILDCARD ) @StatusCodes( { @ResponseCode( code = 200, condition = "Metadata datasource removed." ), @ResponseCode( code = 401, condition = "User is not authorized to delete the Metadata datasource." ) } ) public Response deleteMetadata( @PathParam( "domainId" ) String domainId ) { try { service.removeMetadata( domainId ); return buildOkResponse(); } catch ( PentahoAccessControlException e ) { throw new WebApplicationException( Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED ); } } /** * Get the Metadata datasource IDs. * * <p><b>Example Request:</b><br /> * GET pentaho/plugin/data-access/api/datasource/metadata/domain * </p> * * @return JaxbList<String> of Metadata datasource IDs. * * <p><b>Example Response:</b></p> * <pre function="syntax.xml"> * {"Item":[{"@type":"xs:string","$":"steel-wheels"},{"@type":"xs:string","$":"ba-pom"},{"@type":"xs:string","$":"PDI Operations Mart Sample Reports/metadata.xmi"},{"@type":"xs:string","$":"SampleData2"}]} * </pre> */ @GET @Path( "/domain" ) @Produces( { APPLICATION_XML, APPLICATION_JSON } ) @StatusCodes( { @ResponseCode( code = 200, condition = "Successfully retrieved the list of existing metadata IDs" ) } ) public JaxbList<String> listDomains() { return createNewJaxbList( service.getMetadataDatasourceIds() ); } public Response importMetadataDatasourceLegacy( @PathParam("domainId") String domainId, @FormDataParam("metadataFile") InputStream metadataFile, @FormDataParam("metadataFile") FormDataContentDisposition metadataFileInfo, @FormDataParam(OVERWRITE_IN_REPOS) String overwrite, @FormDataParam("localeFiles") List<FormDataBodyPart> localeFiles, @FormDataParam("localeFiles") List<FormDataContentDisposition> localeFilesInfo, @FormDataParam( DATASOURCE_ACL ) RepositoryFileAclDto acl ) { try { boolean overWriteInRepository = "True".equalsIgnoreCase( overwrite ) ? true : false; service.importMetadataDatasource( domainId, metadataFile, metadataFileInfo, overWriteInRepository, localeFiles, localeFilesInfo, acl ); return Response.ok().status( new Integer( SUCCESS ) ).type( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN ).build(); } catch ( PentahoAccessControlException e ) { return buildServerErrorResponse( e ); } catch ( PlatformImportException e ) { if ( e.getErrorStatus() == PlatformImportException.PUBLISH_PROHIBITED_SYMBOLS_ERROR ) { FileResource fr = createFileResource(); return buildServerError003Response( domainId, fr ); } else { String msg = e.getMessage(); logger.error( "Error import metadata: " + msg + " status = " + e.getErrorStatus() ); Throwable throwable = e.getCause(); if ( throwable != null ) { msg = throwable.getMessage(); logger.error( "Root cause: " + msg ); } return buildOkResponse( String.valueOf( e.getErrorStatus() ) ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.error( e ); return buildServerError001Response(); } } /** * Import a Metadata datasource. * * <p><b>Example Request:</b><br /> * PUT pentaho/plugin/data-access/api/datasource/metadata/domain/SampleData * <br /><b>PUT data:</b> * <pre function="syntax.xml"> * ------WebKitFormBoundaryNLNb246RTFIn1elY * Content-Disposition: form-data; name="metadataFile"; filename="SampleData2.xmi" * Content-Type: text/xml * * <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8' ?><XMI xmi.version = '1.2' xmlns:CWM = 'org.omg.xmi.namespace.CWM' xmlns:CWMTFM = 'org.omg.xmi.namespace.CWMTFM' xmlns:CWMMDB = 'org.omg.xmi.namespace.CWMMDB' xmlns:CWMRDB = 'org.omg.xmi.namespace.CWMRDB' xmlns:CWMOLAP = 'org.omg.xmi.namespace.CWMOLAP' timestamp = 'Thu Jul 25 15:04:46 EDT 2013'> <XMI.header> <XMI.documentation> <XMI.exporter>Netbeans XMI Writer</XMI.exporter> <XMI.exporterVersion>1.0</XMI.exporterVersion> </XMI.documentation> </XMI.header> <XMI.content> <CWM:Class xmi.id = 'a1' name = 'Date' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a2' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Class> <CWM:Class xmi.id = 'a3' name = 'US_Currency' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a4' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Number'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Class> <CWM:Class xmi.id = 'a5' name = 'SurrogateKey' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a6' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'ID'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Class> <CWM:Class xmi.id = 'a7' name = 'ID' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a8' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Number'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Class> <CWM:Class xmi.id = 'a9' name = 'Number' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a10' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Class> <CWM:Class xmi.id = 'a11' name = 'Base' isAbstract = 'false'/> <CWMOLAP:Schema xmi.id = 'a12' name = 'BV_HUMAN_RESOURCES'/> <CWMOLAP:Schema xmi.id = 'a13' name = 'BV_INVENTORY'/> <CWMOLAP:Schema xmi.id = 'a14' name = 'BV_ORDERS'/> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.id = 'a15' name = 'BV_HUMAN_RESOURCES'> <CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWM:KeyRelationship xmi.id = 'a16'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a17' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_TABLENAME_PARENT' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a18' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_TABLENAME_CHILD' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a19' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_FIELDNAME_PARENT' value = 'BC_OFFICES_OFFICECODE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a20' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_FIELDNAME_CHILD' value = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_OFFICECODE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a21' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_TYPE' value = '1:N'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a22' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_JOIN_ORDER_KEY'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a23' tag = 'RELATIONSHIP_DESCRIPTION'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:KeyRelationship> <CWM:Extent xmi.id = 'a24' name = 'BC_OFFICES_'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a25' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_ROOT' value = 'Y'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a26' name = 'BC_OFFICES_TERRITORY'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a27' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a28' name = 'BC_OFFICES_POSTALCODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a29' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a30' name = 'BC_OFFICES_COUNTRY'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a31' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a32' name = 'BC_OFFICES_STATE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a33' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a34' name = 'BC_OFFICES_ADDRESSLINE2'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a35' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a36' name = 'BC_OFFICES_ADDRESSLINE1'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a37' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a38' name = 'BC_OFFICES_PHONE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a39' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a40' name = 'BC_OFFICES_CITY'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a41' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a42' name = 'BC_OFFICES_OFFICECODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a43' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> </CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> </CWM:Extent> <CWM:Extent xmi.id = 'a44' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a45' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_ROOT' value = 'Y'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a46' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_JOBTITLE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a47' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a48' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_REPORTSTO'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a49' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a50' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_EMAIL'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a51' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a52' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_EXTENSION'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a53' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a54' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_FIRSTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a55' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a56' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_LASTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a57' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a58' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEENUMBER'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a59' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> </CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> </CWM:Extent> </CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWMMDB:Schema.dimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a60' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEENUMBER'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a61' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'EMPLOYEENUMBER'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a62' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a63' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'ID'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a65' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_LASTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a66' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'LASTNAME'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a67' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> 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<CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a74' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_EMAIL'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a75' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'EMAIL'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a76' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a77' name = 'BC_EMPLOYEES_OFFICECODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a78' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'OFFICECODE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a79' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_EMPLOYEES_EMPLOYEES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> 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'a64'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a86' name = 'BC_OFFICES_OFFICECODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a87' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'OFFICECODE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a88' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a90' name = 'BC_OFFICES_CITY'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a91' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'CITY'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a92' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a93' name = 'BC_OFFICES_PHONE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a94' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'PHONE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a95' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a96' name = 'BC_OFFICES_ADDRESSLINE1'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a97' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'ADDRESSLINE1'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a98' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a99' name = 'BC_OFFICES_ADDRESSLINE2'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a100' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'ADDRESSLINE2'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a101' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a102' name = 'BC_OFFICES_STATE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a103' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'STATE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a104' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a105' name = 'BC_OFFICES_COUNTRY'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a106' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'COUNTRY'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a107' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a108' name = 'BC_OFFICES_POSTALCODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a109' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'POSTALCODE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a110' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a111' name = 'BC_OFFICES_TERRITORY'> 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xmi.idref = 'a60'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a65'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a68'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a71'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a74'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a77'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a80'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a83'/> </CWMMDB:Dimension.dimensionedObject> </CWMMDB:Dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.id = 'a89' name = 'BT_OFFICES_OFFICES' isAbstract = 'false'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a118' tag = 'BUSINESS_TABLE_PHYSICAL_TABLE_NAME' value = 'PT_OFFICES'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a119' tag = 'TAG_POSITION_X' value = '114'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a120' tag = 'TAG_POSITION_Y' value = '151'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a121' tag = 'TABLE_IS_DRAWN' value = 'Y'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:Dimension.dimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a86'/> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a90'/> 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'BC_ORDERS_ORDERDATE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a246' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a247' name = 'BC_ORDERS_REQUIREDDATE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a248' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a249' name = 'BC_ORDERS_SHIPPEDDATE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a250' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a251' name = 'BC_ORDERS_STATUS'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a252' tag = 'BUSINESS_CATEGORY_TYPE' value = 'Column'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Attribute> <CWM:Attribute xmi.id = 'a253' name = 'BC_ORDERS_COMMENTS'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a254' tag = 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value = 'ORDERDATE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a364' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_ORDERS_ORDERS'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a365' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Date'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a361'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a366' name = 'BC_ORDERS_REQUIREDDATE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a367' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_PHYSICAL_COLUMN_NAME' value = 'REQUIREDDATE'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a368' tag = 'BUSINESS_COLUMN_BUSINESS_TABLE' value = 'BT_ORDERS_ORDERS'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a369' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Date'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a361'/> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject.dimension> </CWMMDB:DimensionedObject> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.id = 'a370' name = 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'a613' tag = 'TABLE_TARGET_DATABASE_NAME' value = 'SampleData'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a614' name = 'JOBTITLE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a615' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a616' name = 'REPORTSTO'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a617' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a618' name = 'OFFICECODE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a619' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a620' name = 'EMAIL'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a621' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a622' name = 'EXTENSION'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a623' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a624' name = 'FIRSTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a625' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a626' name = 'LASTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a627' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a628' name = 'EMPLOYEENUMBER'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a629' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> </CWM:Namespace.ownedElement> </CWMRDB:Table> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.id = 'a630' name = 'PT_DEPARTMENT_MANAGERS' isAbstract = 'false' isTemporary = 'false' isSystem = 'false'> 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xmi.id = 'a684' name = 'ADDRESSLINE2'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a685' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a686' name = 'ADDRESSLINE1'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a687' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a688' name = 'PHONE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a689' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a690' name = 'CONTACTFIRSTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a691' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWMRDB:Column> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.id = 'a692' name = 'CONTACTLASTNAME'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a693' tag = 'CONCEPT_PARENT_NAME' value = 'Base'/> 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'#,###.##' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Class xmi.idref = 'a9'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a721' name = 'font' body = 'Arial-10' type = 'Font'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Class xmi.idref = 'a11'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a722' name = 'name' body = 'Trial Balance' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a451'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a723' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Other' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a451'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a724' name = 'target_table' body = 'TRIAL_BALANCE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a451'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 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name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a459'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a754' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a459'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a755' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a459'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a756' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a459'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a757' name = 'name' body = 'Account Num' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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'name' body = 'Qtr Desc' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a777' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a778' name = 'formula' body = 'QTR_DESC' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a779' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a780' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a781' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a782' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a783' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a467'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a784' name = 'name' body = 'Qtr Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a785' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a786' name = 'formula' body = 'QTR_NAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a787' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a788' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a789' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a790' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a791' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a469'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a792' name = 'name' body = 'Month Desc' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a793' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a794' name = 'formula' body = 'MONTH_DESC' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a795' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a796' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a797' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a798' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a799' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a471'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a800' name = 'name' body = 'Month Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a801' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a802' name = 'formula' body = 'MONTH_NAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a803' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a804' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a805' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a806' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a807' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a473'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a808' name = 'name' body = 'Year Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a809' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a810' name = 'formula' body = 'YEAR_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a811' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a812' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a813' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a814' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a815' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a475'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a816' name = 'name' body = 'Qtr Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a817' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a818' name = 'formula' body = 'QTR_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a819' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a820' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a821' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a822' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a823' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a477'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a824' name = 'name' body = 'Month Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a825' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a826' name = 'formula' body = 'MONTH_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a827' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a828' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a829' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a830' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a831' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a479'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a832' name = 'name' body = 'Time Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a833' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a834' name = 'formula' body = 'TIME_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a835' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a836' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a837' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a838' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a839' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a481'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a840' name = 'name' body = 'Quadrant Actuals' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a483'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a841' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Other' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a483'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a842' name = 'target_table' body = 'QUADRANT_ACTUALS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a483'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a843' name = 'name' body = 'Variance' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a844' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a845' name = 'formula' body = 'VARIANCE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a846' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a847' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a848' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a849' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a850' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a485'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a851' name = 'name' body = 'Budget' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a852' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a853' name = 'formula' body = 'BUDGET' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a854' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a855' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a856' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a857' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a858' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a487'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a859' name = 'name' body = 'Actual' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a860' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a861' name = 'formula' body = 'ACTUAL' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a862' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a863' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a864' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a865' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a866' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a489'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a867' name = 'name' body = 'Positiontitle' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a868' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a869' name = 'formula' body = 'POSITIONTITLE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a870' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a871' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a872' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a873' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a491'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a507'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a930' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a507'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a931' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a507'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a932' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a507'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a933' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a507'/> 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xmi.id = 'a957' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a513'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a958' name = 'name' body = 'Product Code' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a515'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a959' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a515'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a960' name = 'formula' body = 'PRODUCTCODE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a515'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a961' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a980' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a521'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a981' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a521'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a982' name = 'datatype' body = 'Date,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a521'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a983' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a521'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a984' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a521'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a985' name = 'name' body = 'Check Number' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a986' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a987' name = 'formula' body = 'CHECKNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a988' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a989' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a990' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a991' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a992' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a523'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a993' name = 'name' body = 'Customernumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1003' name = 'target_table' body = 'ORDERS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a527'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1004' name = 'name' body = 'Customernumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a529'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1005' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a529'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1006' name = 'formula' body = 'CUSTOMERNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a529'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1007' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> 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</CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1012' name = 'name' body = 'Comments' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1013' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1014' name = 'formula' body = 'COMMENTS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1015' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1016' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1017' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1018' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1019' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a531'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1020' name = 'name' body = 'Status' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1021' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1022' name = 'formula' body = 'STATUS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1023' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1024' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1025' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1026' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1027' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a533'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1028' name = 'name' body = 'Shipped Date' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a535'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1029' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a535'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1030' name = 'formula' body = 'SHIPPEDDATE' type = 'String'> 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'&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a535'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1036' name = 'name' body = 'Required Date' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1037' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1038' name = 'formula' body = 'REQUIREDDATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1039' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1040' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1041' name = 'datatype' body = 'Date,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1042' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1043' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a537'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1044' name = 'name' body = 'Order Date' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1045' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1046' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERDATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1047' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1048' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1049' name = 'datatype' body = 'Date,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1050' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1051' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a539'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1052' name = 'name' body = 'Order Number' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1053' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1054' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1055' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1056' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1057' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1058' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1059' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;count&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;count_distinct&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a541'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1060' name = 'name' body = 'Order Month' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1061' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1062' name = 'formula' body = 'MONTH([ORDERDATE])&amp;&quot;-&quot;&amp;YEAR([ORDERDATE])' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1063' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1064' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1065' name = 'datatype' body = 'Date,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1066' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Other' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1067' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a543'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1068' name = 'name' body = 'Orderfact' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a545'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1069' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Fact' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a545'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1070' name = 'target_table' body = 'ORDERFACT' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a545'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1071' name = 'name' body = 'Year Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a547'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1072' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a547'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1073' name = 'formula' body = 'YEAR_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a547'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1074' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a547'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1075' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a547'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a549'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1086' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a549'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1087' name = 'name' body = 'Qtr Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1088' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1089' name = 'formula' body = 'QTR_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1090' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1091' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1092' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1093' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1094' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a551'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1095' name = 'name' body = 'Time Id' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1096' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1097' name = 'formula' body = 'TIME_ID' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1098' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1099' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1100' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1101' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1102' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a553'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1103' name = 'name' body = 'Customernumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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<CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a555'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1109' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a555'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1110' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a555'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1111' name = 'name' body = 'Comments' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1112' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1113' name = 'formula' body = 'COMMENTS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1114' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1115' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1116' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1117' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1118' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a557'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1119' name = 'name' body = 'Status' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1120' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1121' name = 'formula' body = 'STATUS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1122' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1123' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1124' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1125' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1126' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a559'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1127' name = 'name' body = 'Shippeddate' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a561'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1128' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a561'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1129' name = 'formula' body = 'SHIPPEDDATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a561'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1130' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a561'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1131' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1136' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1137' name = 'formula' body = 'REQUIREDDATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1138' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1139' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1140' name = 'datatype' body = 'Date,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1141' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1142' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a563'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1143' name = 'name' body = 'Orderdate' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1144' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1145' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERDATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1146' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1147' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1148' name = 'datatype' body = 'Date,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1149' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a565'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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</CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1159' name = 'name' body = 'Orderlinenumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1160' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1161' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERLINENUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1162' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1163' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1164' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1165' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1166' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a569'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1167' name = 'name' body = 'Priceeach' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1168' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1169' name = 'formula' body = 'PRICEEACH' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1170' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1171' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1172' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1173' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1174' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a571'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1175' name = 'name' body = 'Quantityordered' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1176' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1177' name = 'formula' body = 'QUANTITYORDERED' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1178' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1179' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1180' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1181' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1182' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a573'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1183' name = 'name' body = 'Productcode' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1184' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1185' name = 'formula' body = 'PRODUCTCODE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1186' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1187' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1188' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1189' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1190' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a575'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1191' name = 'name' body = 'Ordernumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1192' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1193' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1194' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1195' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1196' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1197' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1198' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a577'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1199' name = 'name' body = 'Orderdetails' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a579'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1200' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Other' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a579'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1201' name = 'target_table' body = 'ORDERDETAILS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a579'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1202' name = 'name' body = 'Total' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1203' name = 'aggregation' body = 'sum' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1204' name = 'formula' body = '[QUANTITYORDERED]*[PRICEEACH]' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1205' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1206' name = 'exact' body = 'Y' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1207' name = 'datatype' body = 'Unknown,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1208' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1209' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;sum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;average&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;minimum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;maximum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a581'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1210' name = 'name' body = 'Orderlinenumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1211' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1212' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERLINENUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1213' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1214' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1215' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1216' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1217' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a582'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1218' name = 'name' body = 'Price Each' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1219' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1220' name = 'formula' body = 'PRICEEACH' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1221' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1222' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1223' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1224' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1225' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a584'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1226' name = 'name' body = 'Quantity Ordered' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1227' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1228' name = 'formula' body = 'QUANTITYORDERED' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1229' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1230' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1231' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1232' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Fact' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1233' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a586'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1234' name = 'name' body = 'Productcode' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1235' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1236' name = 'formula' body = 'PRODUCTCODE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1237' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1238' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1239' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1240' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1241' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a588'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1242' name = 'name' body = 'Ordernumber' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1243' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1244' name = 'formula' body = 'ORDERNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1245' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1246' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1247' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1248' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1249' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;count&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;count_distinct&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a590'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1250' name = 'name' body = 'Offices' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a592'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1251' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Other' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a592'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1252' name = 'target_table' body = 'OFFICES' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a592'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1253' name = 'name' body = 'Territory' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1254' name = 'name' body = 'Territorio' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1255' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1256' name = 'formula' body = 'TERRITORY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1257' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1258' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1259' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1260' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1261' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a594'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1262' name = 'name' body = 'Postal code' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a596'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1263' name = 'name' body = 'Código postal' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1273' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1274' name = 'formula' body = 'COUNTRY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1275' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1276' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1277' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1278' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1279' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a598'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1280' name = 'name' body = 'State' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a600'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1281' name = 'name' body = 'Estado' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a600'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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</CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1287' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a600'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1288' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a600'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1289' name = 'name' body = 'Address Line 2' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1290' name = 'name' body = 'Dirección 2' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1291' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1292' name = 'formula' body = 'ADDRESSLINE2' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1293' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1294' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1295' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1296' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1297' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a602'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1298' name = 'name' body = 'Address Line 1' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1299' name = 'name' body = 'Dirección 1' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1300' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1301' name = 'formula' body = 'ADDRESSLINE1' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1302' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1303' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1304' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1305' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1306' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a604'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1307' name = 'name' body = 'Phone Number' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a606'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1308' name = 'name' body = 'Número De Teléfono' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a606'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1309' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> 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= 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a606'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1315' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a606'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1316' name = 'name' body = 'City' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1317' name = 'name' body = 'Ciudad' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1318' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1319' name = 'formula' body = 'CITY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1320' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1321' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1322' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1323' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1324' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a608'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1325' name = 'name' body = 'Office Code' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a610'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1326' name = 'name' body = 'Código De la Oficina' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a610'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1327' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a610'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> 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'name' body = 'Job Title' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1338' name = 'name' body = 'Título Del Trabajo' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1339' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1340' name = 'formula' body = 'JOBTITLE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1341' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1342' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1343' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1344' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1345' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a614'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1346' name = 'name' body = 'Manager' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1347' name = 'name' body = 'Encargado' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1348' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1349' name = 'formula' body = 'REPORTSTO' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1350' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1351' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1352' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1353' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1354' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a616'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1355' name = 'name' body = 'Officecode' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> 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type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a618'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1361' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a618'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1362' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a618'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1363' name = 'name' body = 'Email' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1364' name = 'name' body = 'Email' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1365' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1366' name = 'formula' body = 'EMAIL' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1367' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1368' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1369' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1370' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1371' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a620'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1372' name = 'name' body = 'Extension' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1373' name = 'name' body = 'Extensión' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1374' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1375' name = 'formula' body = 'EXTENSION' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1376' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1377' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1378' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1379' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1380' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a622'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1381' name = 'name' body = 'First Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1382' name = 'name' body = 'Nombre' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1383' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1384' name = 'formula' body = 'FIRSTNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1385' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1386' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1387' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1388' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1389' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a624'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement></CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1390' name = 'name' body = 'Last Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1391' name = 'name' body = 'Nombre Pasado' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1392' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1393' name = 'formula' body = 'LASTNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1394' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1395' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1396' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1397' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1398' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a626'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1399' name = 'name' body = 'Employee ID' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1400' name = 'name' body = 'Identificación Del Empleado' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1401' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1402' name = 'formula' body = 'EMPLOYEENUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1403' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1404' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1405' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1406' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1407' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a628'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1408' name = 'name' body = 'Department Managers' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a630'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1409' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Other' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a630'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1410' name = 'target_table' body = 'DEPARTMENT_MANAGERS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a630'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1411' name = 'name' body = 'Email' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a632'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1412' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a632'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1413' name = 'formula' body = 'EMAIL' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a632'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1414' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a632'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1415' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1420' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1421' name = 'formula' body = 'MANAGER_NAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1422' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1423' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1424' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1425' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1426' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a634'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1427' name = 'name' body = 'Region' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1428' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1429' name = 'formula' body = 'REGION' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1430' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1431' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1432' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1433' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a636'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1439' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1440' name = 'formula' body = 'TERRITORY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1441' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1442' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1443' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1444' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1445' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a640'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1446' name = 'name' body = 'Credit Limit' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a642'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1447' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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<CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a642'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1453' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a642'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1454' name = 'name' body = 'Employee Number' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1455' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1456' name = 'formula' body = 'EMPLOYEENUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1457' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1458' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1459' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1460' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1461' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a644'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1462' name = 'name' body = 'Country' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1463' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1464' name = 'formula' body = 'COUNTRY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1465' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1466' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1467' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1468' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1469' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1470' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a646'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1471' name = 'name' body = 'Postalcode' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a648'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1472' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a648'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1473' name = 'formula' body = 'POSTALCODE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a648'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1474' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a648'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1475' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1480' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1481' name = 'formula' body = 'STATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1482' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1483' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1484' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1485' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1486' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a650'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1487' name = 'name' body = 'City' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1488' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1489' name = 'formula' body = 'CITY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1490' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1491' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1492' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1493' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a652'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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<CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a654'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1499' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a654'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1500' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a654'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1501' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a654'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1502' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a654'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1503' name = 'name' body = 'Addressline1' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1504' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1505' name = 'formula' body = 'ADDRESSLINE1' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1506' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1507' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1508' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1509' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1510' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a656'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1511' name = 'name' body = 'Phone' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a658'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1512' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a658'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1513' name = 'formula' body = 'PHONE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a658'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1514' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a658'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1515' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a658'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1516' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a658'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a660'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1522' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a660'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1523' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a660'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1524' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a660'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1525' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a660'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1526' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a660'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1527' name = 'name' body = 'Contact Last Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a662'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1528' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a662'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1529' name = 'formula' body = 'CONTACTLASTNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a662'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1530' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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'a1535' name = 'name' body = 'Customer Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1536' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1537' name = 'formula' body = 'CUSTOMERNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1538' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1539' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1540' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1541' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1542' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a664'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1543' name = 'name' body = 'Customer Number' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1544' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1545' name = 'formula' body = 'CUSTOMERNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1546' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1547' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1548' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1549' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1550' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a666'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1551' name = 'name' body = 'Contact Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1552' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1553' name = 'formula' body = '[CONTACTLASTNAME]+&quot;, &quot;+[CONTACTFIRSTNAME]' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1554' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1555' name = 'exact' body = 'Y' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1556' name = 'datatype' body = 'Unknown,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1557' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Other' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1558' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a668'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1559' name = 'name' body = 'Customers' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a670'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1560' name = 'tabletype' body = 'Other' type = 'TableType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a670'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1561' name = 'target_table' body = 'CUSTOMERS' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Table xmi.idref = 'a670'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1562' name = 'name' body = 'Creditlimit' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a672'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1563' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a672'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1564' name = 'formula' body = 'CREDITLIMIT' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a672'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1565' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a672'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1566' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a672'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1567' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1572' name = 'formula' body = 'SALESREPEMPLOYEENUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a674'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1573' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a674'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1574' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a674'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1575' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a674'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1576' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Key' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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<CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a676'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1586' name = 'name' body = 'Zip' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a678'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1587' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a678'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1588' name = 'formula' body = 'POSTALCODE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a678'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1589' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a678'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1590' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> 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</CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1595' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1596' name = 'formula' body = 'STATE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1597' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1598' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1599' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1600' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1601' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a680'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1602' name = 'name' body = 'City' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1603' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1604' name = 'formula' body = 'CITY' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1605' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1606' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1607' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1608' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a682'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> 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</CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1618' name = 'name' body = 'Address Line 1' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1619' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1620' name = 'formula' body = 'ADDRESSLINE1' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1621' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1622' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1623' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1624' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1625' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a686'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1626' name = 'name' body = 'Phone' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1627' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1628' name = 'formula' body = 'PHONE' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1629' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1630' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1631' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1632' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Attribute' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1633' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a688'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1634' name = 'name' body = 'Contactfirstname' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1635' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1636' name = 'formula' body = 'CONTACTFIRSTNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1637' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1638' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1639' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1640' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1641' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a690'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1642' name = 'name' body = 'Contactlastname' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1643' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1644' name = 'formula' body = 'CONTACTLASTNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1645' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1646' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1647' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1648' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1649' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a692'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1650' name = 'name' body = 'Customer Name' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1651' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1652' name = 'formula' body = 'CUSTOMERNAME' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1653' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1654' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1655' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1656' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1657' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a694'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1658' name = 'name' body = 'Customer Number' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1659' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1660' name = 'formula' body = 'CUSTOMERNUMBER' type = 'String'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1661' name = 'hidden' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1662' name = 'exact' body = 'N' type = 'Boolean'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1663' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1664' name = 'fieldtype' body = 'Dimension' type = 'FieldType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1665' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMRDB:Column xmi.idref = 'a696'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1666' name = 'name' body = 'Human Resources' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a15'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1667' name = 'name' body = 'Recursos Humanos' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a15'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1668' name = 'description' body = 'This model contains information about Employees.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a15'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1669' name = 'description' body = 'Este modelo contiene la información sobre empleados.' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a15'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1670' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a15'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1671' name = 'row_level_security' body = '&lt;row-level-security type=&quot;none&quot;&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;entries&gt;&lt;/entries&gt;&lt;/row-level-security&gt;' type = 'RowLevelSecurity'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a15'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1672' name = 'name' body = 'Employees' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a64'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1673' name = 'name' body = 'Offices' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a89'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1674' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a105'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1675' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a108'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1676' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a111'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1677' name = 'name' body = 'Offices' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a24'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1678' name = 'name' body = 'Oficinas' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a24'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1679' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;user&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;suzy&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a24'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1680' name = 'name' body = 'Employees' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a44'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1681' name = 'name' body = 'Empleados' language = 'es' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a44'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1682' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;user&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;suzy&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a44'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1683' name = 'name' body = 'Inventory' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a122'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1684' name = 'description' body = 'This model contains information about products and product inventory.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a122'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1685' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;user&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;suzy&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a122'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1686' name = 'row_level_security' body = '&lt;row-level-security type=&quot;none&quot;&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;entries&gt;&lt;/entries&gt;&lt;/row-level-security&gt;' type = 'RowLevelSecurity'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a122'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1687' name = 'name' body = 'Products' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a148'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1688' name = 'name' body = 'Products' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a123'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1689' name = 'description' body = 'This category contains information about current products.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a123'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1690' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;user&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;suzy&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a123'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1691' name = 'name' body = 'Inventory and Cost' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a137'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1692' name = 'description' body = 'This category contains details on product costs, MSRP and quantity in stock.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a137'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1693' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;user&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;suzy&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a137'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1694' name = 'name' body = 'Orders' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a180'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1695' name = 'description' body = 'This model contains information about customers and their orders.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a180'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1696' name = 'security' body = '&lt;security&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Power User&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;1&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner-rights&gt;&#10; &lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;user&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;suzy&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt; &lt;rights&gt;31&lt;/rights&gt;&#10; &lt;/owner-rights&gt;&#10;&lt;/security&gt;&#10;' type = 'Security'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a180'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1697' name = 'row_level_security' body = '&lt;row-level-security type=&quot;role-based&quot;&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;entries&gt;&lt;entry&gt;&lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Viewer&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[TRUE()]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;/entry&gt;&lt;entry&gt;&lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Anonymous&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[TRUE()]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;/entry&gt;&lt;entry&gt;&lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Administrator&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[TRUE()]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;/entry&gt;&lt;entry&gt;&lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Report Author&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[TRUE()]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;/entry&gt;&lt;entry&gt;&lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Business Analyst&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[TRUE()]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;/entry&gt;&lt;entry&gt;&lt;owner&gt;&lt;type&gt;role&lt;/type&gt;&lt;name&gt;Power User&lt;/name&gt;&lt;/owner&gt;&lt;formula&gt;&lt;![CDATA[[BT_CUSTOMER_W_TER_CUSTOMER_W_TER.BC_CUSTOMER_W_TER_TERRITORY]=&quot;NA&quot;]]&gt;&lt;/formula&gt;&lt;/entry&gt;&lt;/entries&gt;&lt;/row-level-security&gt;' type = 'RowLevelSecurity'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Schema xmi.idref = 'a180'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1698' name = 'name' body = 'Payments' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a292'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1699' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a293'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1700' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a297'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1701' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a301'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1702' name = 'name' body = 'Products' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a308'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1703' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a305'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1704' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> 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xmi.id = 'a1709' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a327'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1710' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;sum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;average&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;minimum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;maximum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a327'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1711' name = 'aggregation' body = 'average' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a331'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1712' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a331'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1713' name = 'name' body = 'Orderdetails' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a338'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1714' name = 'datatype' body = 'String,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a335'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1715' name = 'alignment' body = 'left' type = 'Alignment'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a335'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1716' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a335'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1717' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a339'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1718' name = 'aggregation' body = 'sum' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a342'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1719' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a342'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1720' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;sum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;average&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;minimum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;maximum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a342'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1721' name = 'name' body = 'Price Sold' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a346'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1722' name = 'aggregation' body = 'sum' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a346'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1723' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a346'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1724' name = 'aggregation_list' body = '&lt;aggregationlist&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;sum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;average&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;minimum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10; &lt;aggregation&gt;maximum&lt;/aggregation&gt;&#10;&lt;/aggregationlist&gt;&#10;' type = 'AggregationList'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a346'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1725' name = 'comments' body = 'This field is computed as Quantity Ordered times Price Sold' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a353'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1726' name = 'aggregation' body = 'sum' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a353'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1727' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a353'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1728' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a353'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1729' name = 'name' body = 'Orders' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a361'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1730' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a357'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1731' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a362'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1732' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a362'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1733' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a366'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1734' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a370'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1735' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a377'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1736' name = 'foreground_color' body = '0,0,160' type = 'Color'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a377'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1737' name = 'font' body = 'Arial-10-italic' type = 'Font'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a377'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1738' name = 'column_width' body = '1,35' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a377'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1739' name = 'datatype' body = 'Numeric,-1,-1' type = 'DataType'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a380'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1740' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a380'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1741' name = 'name' body = 'Customer W Ter' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:Dimension xmi.idref = 'a387'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1742' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a383'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1743' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a383'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1744' name = 'foreground_color' body = '255,0,0' type = 'Color'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a388'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1745' name = 'column_width' body = '1,8' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a388'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1746' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a391'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1747' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a395'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1748' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a401'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1749' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a404'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1750' name = 'column_width' body = '1,10' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a413'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1751' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a416'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1752' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a419'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1753' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a422'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1754' name = 'column_width' body = '1,22' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a422'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1755' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a425'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1756' name = 'column_width' body = '1,12' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a425'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1757' name = 'aggregation' body = 'none' type = 'Aggregation'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a428'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1758' name = 'column_width' body = '1,20' type = 'ColumnWidth'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWMMDB:DimensionedObject xmi.idref = 'a428'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1759' name = 'name' body = 'Customer' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a213'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1760' name = 'name' body = 'Orders' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a241'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1761' name = 'description' body = 'This category contains information about orders including ordernumber, order date, required date, shipping status, etc.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a241'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1762' name = 'name' body = 'Products' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a261'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1763' name = 'description' body = 'This category contains inforamtion about products.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a261'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1764' name = 'name' body = 'Payments' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a281'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Description xmi.id = 'a1765' name = 'description' body = 'This category contains details about customer payments.' language = 'en_US' type = 'LocString'> <CWM:Description.modelElement> <CWM:Extent xmi.idref = 'a281'/> </CWM:Description.modelElement> </CWM:Description> <CWM:Event xmi.id = 'a1766' name = 'SECURITY_SERVICE'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1767' tag = 'SECURITY_SERVICE_URL' value = 'http://localhost:8080/pentaho/ServiceAction'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1768' tag = 'SECURITY_DETAILS_NAME' value = 'SecurityDetails'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1769' tag = 'SECURITY_DETAIL_NAME' value = 'details'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1770' tag = 'SECURITY_DETAIL_TYPE' value = 'All'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1771' tag = 'SECURITY_USERNAME' value = 'admin'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1772' tag = 'SECURITY_PASSWORD' value = 'password'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1773' tag = 'SECURITY_PROXY_HOST' value = ''/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1774' tag = 'SECURITY_PROXY_PORT' value = ''/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1775' tag = 'SECURITY_NON_PROXY_HOSTS'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1776' tag = 'SECURITY_FILENAME' value = ''/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1777' tag = 'SECURITY_URL' value = 'http://localhost:8080/pentaho/ServiceAction?action=SecurityDetails&amp;details=all'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Event> <CWM:Parameter xmi.id = 'a1778' name = 'en_US'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1779' tag = 'LOCALE_DESCRIPTION' value = 'English (American)'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1780' tag = 'LOCALE_ORDER' value = '1'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1781' tag = 'LOCALE_IS_DEFAULT' value = 'Y'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Parameter> <CWM:Parameter xmi.id = 'a1782' name = 'es'> <CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1783' tag = 'LOCALE_DESCRIPTION' value = 'Spanish'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1784' tag = 'LOCALE_ORDER' value = '2'/> <CWM:TaggedValue xmi.id = 'a1785' tag = 'LOCALE_IS_DEFAULT' value = 'N'/> </CWM:ModelElement.taggedValue> </CWM:Parameter> </XMI.content></XMI> * * ------WebKitFormBoundaryNLNb246RTFIn1elY * Content-Disposition: form-data; name="domainId" * * SampleData2 * ------WebKitFormBoundaryNLNb246RTFIn1elY * Content-Disposition: form-data; name="overwrite" * * true * ------WebKitFormBoundaryNLNb246RTFIn1elY-- * </pre> * </p> * * @param domainId Unique identifier for the metadata datasource * @param metadataFile Input stream for the metadata.xmi * @param metadataFileInfo User selected name for the file * @param localeFiles List of local files * @param localeFilesInfo List of information for each local file * @param overwrite Flag for overwriting existing version of the file * @param acl acl information for the data source. This parameter is optional. * * @return Text response containing the status of the call. * * <p><b>Example Response:</b></p> * <pre function="syntax.xml"> * 200 * </pre> */ @PUT @Path( "/domain/{domainId : .+}" ) @Consumes( MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA ) @Produces( "text/plain" ) @StatusCodes( { @ResponseCode( code = 409, condition = "Content already exists (use overwrite flag to force)" ), @ResponseCode( code = 401, condition = "Import failed because publish is prohibited" ), @ResponseCode( code = 500, condition = "Unspecified general error has occurred" ), @ResponseCode( code = 412, condition = "Metadata datasource import failed. Error code or message included in response entity" ), @ResponseCode( code = 403, condition = "Access Control Forbidden" ), @ResponseCode( code = 201, condition = "Indicates successful import" ) } ) public Response importMetadata( @PathParam( "domainId" ) String domainId, @FormDataParam( "metadataFile" ) InputStream metadataFile, @FormDataParam( "metadataFile" ) FormDataContentDisposition metadataFileInfo, @FormDataParam( OVERWRITE_IN_REPOS ) Boolean overwrite, @FormDataParam( "localeFiles" ) List<FormDataBodyPart> localeFiles, @FormDataParam( "localeFiles" ) List<FormDataContentDisposition> localeFilesInfo, @FormDataParam( DATASOURCE_ACL ) RepositoryFileAclDto acl ) { try { service.importMetadataDatasource( domainId, metadataFile, metadataFileInfo, overwrite, localeFiles, localeFilesInfo, acl ); return Response.status( CREATED ).build(); } catch ( PentahoAccessControlException e ) { throw new WebApplicationException( Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED ); } catch ( PlatformImportException e ) { if ( e.getErrorStatus() == PlatformImportException.PUBLISH_PROHIBITED_SYMBOLS_ERROR ) { throw new ResourceUtil.PublishProhibitedException( e.getMessage() ); } else { String msg = e.getMessage(); logger.error( "Error import metadata: " + msg + " status = " + e.getErrorStatus() ); Throwable throwable = e.getCause(); if ( throwable != null ) { msg = throwable.getMessage(); logger.error( "Root cause: " + msg ); } int status = e.getErrorStatus(); if ( status == 8 ) { throw new ResourceUtil.ContentAlreadyExistsException( msg ); } else { throw new ResourceUtil.ImportFailedException( msg ); } } } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.error( e ); throw new ResourceUtil.UnspecifiedErrorException( e.getMessage() ); } } /** * This exists to support the legacy import only * @param domainId * @param metadataFile * @param metadataFileInfo * @param overwrite * @param localeFiles * @param localeFilesInfo * @param acl acl information for the data source. This parameter is optional. * @return */ protected Response importMetadataDatasource( @FormDataParam( "domainId" ) String domainId, @FormDataParam( "metadataFile" ) InputStream metadataFile, @FormDataParam( "metadataFile" ) FormDataContentDisposition metadataFileInfo, @FormDataParam( OVERWRITE_IN_REPOS ) String overwrite, @FormDataParam( "localeFiles" ) List<FormDataBodyPart> localeFiles, @FormDataParam( "localeFiles" ) List<FormDataContentDisposition> localeFilesInfo, @FormDataParam( DATASOURCE_ACL ) RepositoryFileAclDto acl) { try { boolean overWriteInRepository = "True".equalsIgnoreCase( overwrite ) ? true : false; service.importMetadataDatasource( domainId, metadataFile, metadataFileInfo, overWriteInRepository, localeFiles, localeFilesInfo, acl ); return Response.ok().status( new Integer( SUCCESS ) ).type( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN ).build(); } catch ( PentahoAccessControlException e ) { return buildServerErrorResponse( e ); } catch ( PlatformImportException e ) { if ( e.getErrorStatus() == PlatformImportException.PUBLISH_PROHIBITED_SYMBOLS_ERROR ) { FileResource fr = createFileResource(); return buildServerError003Response( domainId, fr ); } else { String msg = e.getMessage(); logger.error( "Error import metadata: " + msg + " status = " + e.getErrorStatus() ); Throwable throwable = e.getCause(); if ( throwable != null ) { msg = throwable.getMessage(); logger.error( "Root cause: " + msg ); } return buildOkResponse( String.valueOf( e.getErrorStatus() ) ); } } catch ( Exception e ) { logger.error( e ); return buildServerError001Response(); } } protected Response buildOkResponse( String statusCode ) { return Response.ok().status( new Integer( statusCode) ).type( MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN ).build(); } protected Response buildOkResponse() { return Response.ok().build(); } protected Response buildUnauthorizedResponse() { return Response.status( UNAUTHORIZED ).build(); } protected Response buildServerErrorResponse( PentahoAccessControlException e ) { return Response.serverError().entity( e.toString() ).build(); } protected Response buildServerErrorResponse() { return Response.serverError().build(); } protected Response buildServerError001Response() { return Response.serverError().entity( Messages.getString( "MetadataDatasourceService.ERROR_001_METADATA_DATASOURCE_ERROR" ) ).build(); } protected Response buildServerError003Response( String domainId, FileResource fr ) { return Response.status( PlatformImportException.PUBLISH_PROHIBITED_SYMBOLS_ERROR ).entity( Messages.getString( "MetadataDatasourceService.ERROR_003_PROHIBITED_SYMBOLS_ERROR", domainId, (String) fr .doGetReservedCharactersDisplay().getEntity() ) ).build(); } protected boolean canAdminister() { return DatasourceService.canAdminister(); } protected Response createAttachment( Map<String, InputStream> fileData, String dswId ) { return resourceUtil.createAttachment( fileData, dswId ); } protected JaxbList<String> createNewJaxbList( List<String> DSWDatasources ) { return new JaxbList<String>( DSWDatasources ); } protected Map<String, InputStream> getDomainFilesData( String domainId ) { return ( (IPentahoMetadataDomainRepositoryExporter) metadataDomainRepository ).getDomainFilesData( domainId ); } protected boolean isInstanceOfIPentahoMetadataDomainRepositoryExporter( IMetadataDomainRepository obj ) { return obj instanceof IPentahoMetadataDomainRepositoryExporter; } protected FileResource createFileResource() { return new FileResource(); } /** * Get the Metadata datasource IDs * * @return JaxbList<String> of metadata IDs */ @GET @Path( "/ids" ) @Produces( { APPLICATION_XML, APPLICATION_JSON } ) @Facet( name = "Unsupported" ) public JaxbList<String> getMetadataDatasourceIds() { return listDomains(); } @GET @Path( "/{domainId : .+}/download" ) @Produces( WILDCARD ) @StatusCodes( { @ResponseCode( code = 200, condition = "Metadata datasource export succeeded." ), @ResponseCode( code = 401, condition = "User is not authorized to export Metadata datasource." ), @ResponseCode( code = 500, condition = "Failure to export Metadata datasource." ) } ) public Response doGetMetadataFilesAsDownload( @PathParam( "domainId" ) String domainId ) { return downloadMetadata( domainId ); } @POST @Path( "/{domainId : .+}/remove" ) @Produces( WILDCARD ) @StatusCodes( { @ResponseCode( code = 200, condition = "Metadata datasource removed." ), @ResponseCode( code = 401, condition = "User is not authorized to delete the Metadata datasource." ) } ) public Response doRemoveMetadata( @PathParam( "domainId" ) String domainId ) { return deleteMetadata( domainId ); } @PUT @Path( "/import" ) @Consumes( MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA ) @Produces( "text/plain" ) @StatusCodes( { @ResponseCode( code = 200, condition = "Metadata datasource import succeeded. A response of:\n" + " * 2: Unspecified general error has occurred\n" + " * 3: Indicates successful import\n" + " * 9: Content already exists (use overwrite flag to force)\n" + " * 10: Import failed because publish is prohibited" ), @ResponseCode( code = 500, condition = "Metadata datasource import failed. Error code or message included in response entity" ) } ) public Response doImportMetadataDatasource( @FormDataParam( "domainId" ) String domainId, @FormDataParam( "metadataFile" ) InputStream metadataFile, @FormDataParam( "metadataFile" ) FormDataContentDisposition metadataFileInfo, @FormDataParam( OVERWRITE_IN_REPOS ) String overwrite, @FormDataParam( "localeFiles" ) List<FormDataBodyPart> localeFiles, @FormDataParam( "localeFiles" ) List<FormDataContentDisposition> localeFilesInfo, @FormDataParam( DATASOURCE_ACL ) RepositoryFileAclDto acl) { return importMetadataDatasource( domainId, metadataFile, metadataFileInfo, overwrite, localeFiles, localeFilesInfo, acl ); } /** * Get ACL for the metadata data source by name * * @param domainId metadata data source name * @return ACL or null if the data source doesn't have it */ @GET @Path( "/{domainId : .+}/acl" ) @Produces ( { APPLICATION_XML, APPLICATION_JSON } ) @StatusCodes( { @ResponseCode( code = 200, condition = "Successfully got the ACL" ), @ResponseCode( code = 401, condition = "Unauthorized" ), @ResponseCode( code = 404, condition = "ACL doesn't exist" ), @ResponseCode( code = 409, condition = "Metadata DS doesn't exist" ), @ResponseCode( code = 500, condition = "ACL failed to be retrieved. This could be caused by an invalid path, or the file does not exist." ) } ) public RepositoryFileAclDto doGetMetadataAcl( @PathParam( "domainId" ) String domainId ) { try { final RepositoryFileAclDto acl = service.getMetadataAcl( domainId ); if ( acl == null ) { throw new WebApplicationException( NOT_FOUND ); } return acl; } catch ( PentahoAccessControlException e ) { throw new WebApplicationException( UNAUTHORIZED ); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e) { throw new WebApplicationException( CONFLICT ); } } /** * Set ACL for the metadata data source * * @param domainId metadata data source name * @param acl ACL to set * @return response * @throws PentahoAccessControlException if the user doesn't have access */ @PUT @Path( "/{domainId : .+}/acl" ) @Produces ( { APPLICATION_XML, APPLICATION_JSON } ) @StatusCodes( { @ResponseCode( code = 200, condition = "Successfully updated the ACL" ), @ResponseCode( code = 401, condition = "Unauthorized" ), @ResponseCode( code = 409, condition = "Metadata DS doesn't exist" ), @ResponseCode( code = 500, condition = "Failed to save acls due to another error." ) } ) public Response doSetMetadataAcl( @PathParam( "domainId" ) String domainId, RepositoryFileAclDto acl ) { try { service.setMetadataAcl( domainId, acl ); return buildOkResponse(); } catch ( PentahoAccessControlException e ) { return buildUnauthorizedResponse(); } catch ( FileNotFoundException e) { return Response.status( CONFLICT ).build(); } catch ( Exception e ) { return buildServerErrorResponse(); } } }