/* This file is part of Cyclos (www.cyclos.org). A project of the Social Trade Organisation (www.socialtrade.org). Cyclos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Cyclos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Cyclos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package nl.strohalm.cyclos.dao.accounts; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.dao.BaseDAOImpl; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.dao.accounts.transactions.TransferTypeDAO; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.Relationship; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.AccountType; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.AccountTypeQuery; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.MemberAccountType; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.MemberGroupAccountSettings; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.SystemAccountType; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.accounts.fees.account.AccountFee; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.exceptions.EntityNotFoundException; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.groups.AdminGroup; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.groups.MemberGroup; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.members.Element; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.entities.members.Member; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.services.accounts.MemberAccountTypeQuery; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.services.accounts.SystemAccountTypeQuery; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.BigDecimalHelper; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.EntityHelper; import nl.strohalm.cyclos.utils.hibernate.HibernateHelper; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; /** * Implementation dao for account types * @author rafael */ public class AccountTypeDAOImpl extends BaseDAOImpl<AccountType> implements AccountTypeDAO { private TransferTypeDAO transferTypeDao; public AccountTypeDAOImpl() { super(AccountType.class); } @Override public int delete(final boolean flush, final Long... ids) { // We must remove the many-to-many inverse relationships manually int rows = 0; for (final Long id : ids) { try { final AccountType accountType = load(id, AccountType.Relationships.FROM_TRANSFER_TYPES, AccountType.Relationships.TO_TRANSFER_TYPES); // Delete the transfer types manually final Long[] ttIds = (Long[]) ArrayUtils.addAll(EntityHelper.toIds(accountType.getFromTransferTypes()), EntityHelper.toIds(accountType.getToTransferTypes())); transferTypeDao.delete(ttIds); // Remove the relationship with admin groups if (accountType instanceof SystemAccountType) { final SystemAccountType systemAccountType = (SystemAccountType) accountType; for (final AdminGroup group : systemAccountType.getViewedByGroups()) { group.getViewInformationOf().remove(systemAccountType); } } // Delete the transaction fees if (accountType instanceof MemberAccountType) { Map<String, AccountType> params = Collections.singletonMap("type", accountType); bulkUpdate("delete from " + AccountFee.class.getName() + " e where e.accountType = :type", params); } getHibernateTemplate().refresh(accountType); getHibernateTemplate().delete(accountType); rows++; } catch (final EntityNotFoundException e) { // Ignore } } return rows; } @Override public BigDecimal getBalance(final MemberAccountType accountType, final Collection<MemberGroup> groups, final Calendar timePoint) { return doGetBalance(accountType, groups, timePoint); } @Override public BigDecimal getBalance(final SystemAccountType accountType, final Calendar timePoint) { return doGetBalance(accountType, null, timePoint); } @Override public List<? extends AccountType> listAll() { return list("from AccountType at order by at.name", null); } @Override public List<AccountType> search(final AccountTypeQuery query) { final Class<? extends AccountType> entityType = (query instanceof SystemAccountTypeQuery) ? SystemAccountType.class : MemberAccountType.class; final Map<String, Object> namedParameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); final Set<Relationship> fetch = query.getFetch(); final StringBuilder hql = HibernateHelper.getInitialQuery(entityType, "at", fetch); HibernateHelper.addLikeParameterToQuery(hql, namedParameters, "at.description", query.getDescription()); HibernateHelper.addLikeParameterToQuery(hql, namedParameters, "at.name", query.getName()); HibernateHelper.addParameterToQuery(hql, namedParameters, "at.currency", query.getCurrency()); // Handle nature-specific parameters if (query instanceof SystemAccountTypeQuery) { // System accounts final SystemAccountTypeQuery systemQuery = (SystemAccountTypeQuery) query; if (systemQuery.getLimited() != null) { if (systemQuery.getLimited()) { hql.append(" and at.account.creditLimit is not null "); } else { hql.append(" and at.account.creditLimit is null "); } } } else { // Member accounts final MemberAccountTypeQuery memberQuery = (MemberAccountTypeQuery) query; if (memberQuery.getOwner() != null) { final Member member = getFetchDao().fetch(memberQuery.getOwner(), Element.Relationships.GROUP); memberQuery.setRelatedToGroup(member.getMemberGroup()); } if (memberQuery.getRelatedToGroups() != null && !memberQuery.getRelatedToGroups().isEmpty()) { hql.append(" and exists (select mgaso.id from " + MemberGroupAccountSettings.class.getName() + " mgaso where mgaso.group in (:relatedGroups) and mgaso.accountType = at)"); namedParameters.put("relatedGroups", memberQuery.getRelatedToGroups()); } if (memberQuery.getNotRelatedToGroups() != null && !memberQuery.getNotRelatedToGroups().isEmpty()) { hql.append(" and not exists (select mgaso.id from " + MemberGroupAccountSettings.class.getName() + " mgaso where mgaso.group in (:notRelatedGroups) and mgaso.accountType = at)"); namedParameters.put("notRelatedGroups", memberQuery.getNotRelatedToGroups()); } } HibernateHelper.appendOrder(hql, "at.class", "at.name"); return list(query, hql.toString(), namedParameters); } public void setTransferTypeDao(final TransferTypeDAO transferTypeDao) { this.transferTypeDao = transferTypeDao; } private BigDecimal doGetBalance(final AccountType accountType, final Collection<MemberGroup> groups, final Calendar timePoint) { final BigDecimal credits = getSum(accountType, timePoint, groups, true); final BigDecimal debits = getSum(accountType, timePoint, groups, false); return credits.subtract(debits); } private BigDecimal getSum(final AccountType accountType, final Calendar timePoint, final Collection<MemberGroup> groups, final boolean credits) { final StringBuilder hql = new StringBuilder(); final Map<String, Object> namedParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); hql.append(" select sum(abs(t.amount))"); hql.append(" from Transfer t"); hql.append(" where ((t.chargebackOf.id is null and t.").append(credits ? "to" : "from").append(".type = :accountType )"); hql.append(" or (t.chargebackOf.id is not null and t.").append(!credits ? "to" : "from").append(".type = :accountType ))"); if (timePoint == null) { hql.append(" and t.processDate is not null"); } else { hql.append(" and t.processDate <= :timePoint"); namedParams.put("timePoint", timePoint); } if (groups != null) { hql.append(" and exists ("); hql.append(" select 1"); hql.append(" from MemberAccount ma"); hql.append(" where ma.member.group in (:groups)"); hql.append(" and (ma = t.from or ma = t.to)"); hql.append(" )"); namedParams.put("groups", groups); } namedParams.put("accountType", accountType); final BigDecimal result = uniqueResult(hql.toString(), namedParams); return BigDecimalHelper.nvl(result); } }