package de.asideas.crowdsource.domain.model; import de.asideas.crowdsource.domain.exception.InvalidRequestException; import de.asideas.crowdsource.domain.exception.NotAuthorizedException; import de.asideas.crowdsource.domain.exception.ResourceNotFoundException; import de.asideas.crowdsource.domain.shared.ProjectStatus; import de.asideas.crowdsource.presentation.Pledge; import de.asideas.crowdsource.presentation.project.Attachment; import de.asideas.crowdsource.presentation.project.Project; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import static; import static; // needed for serialization @Document(collection = "projects") public class ProjectEntity { @Id private String id; @DBRef private UserEntity creator; @DBRef private FinancingRoundEntity financingRound; private List<AttachmentValue> attachments; private String title; private String shortDescription; private String description; private ProjectStatus status; private int pledgeGoal; @Indexed // since we order by this field @CreatedDate private DateTime createdDate; @LastModifiedDate private DateTime lastModifiedDate; public ProjectEntity(UserEntity creator, Project project, FinancingRoundEntity financingRound) { this.creator = creator; this.financingRound = financingRound; this.title = project.getTitle(); this.shortDescription = project.getShortDescription(); this.description = project.getDescription(); this.pledgeGoal = project.getPledgeGoal(); this.status = ProjectStatus.PROPOSED; this.attachments = new ArrayList<>(); } @Deprecated /** * @deprecated DO NOT use this one, due to this causes problems in ATs, violating this model's constraints! */ public ProjectEntity() { this.attachments = new ArrayList<>(); this.status = ProjectStatus.PROPOSED; } /** * Allows pledging <code>this</code> project, using budget from the <code>pledgingUser</code> given. * Moreover negative pledges are supported by reducing investment for the project in which case the amount * is credited the <code>pledginUser</code>'s budget (only as much posssible as originally pledged by her). * * @param pledge The amount to (positively or negatively) pledge <code>this</code> * @param pledgingUser the user that wants to invest and whose balance is affected * @param pledgesAlreadyDone all investements that have been done so far for <code>this</code> * @return the value describing the [reduced] investment done */ public PledgeEntity pledge(Pledge pledge, UserEntity pledgingUser, List<PledgeEntity> pledgesAlreadyDone) { if (this.financingRound == null || ! { throw InvalidRequestException.noFinancingRoundCurrentlyActive(); } if (this.status == ProjectStatus.FULLY_PLEDGED) { throw InvalidRequestException.projectAlreadyFullyPledged(); } if (this.status != ProjectStatus.PUBLISHED) { throw InvalidRequestException.projectNotPublished(); } if (pledge.getAmount() == 0) { throw InvalidRequestException.zeroPledgeNotValid(); } if (pledge.getAmount() > pledgingUser.getBudget()) { throw InvalidRequestException.userBudgetExceeded(); } if (pledgedAmountOfUser(pledgesAlreadyDone, pledgingUser) + pledge.getAmount() < 0) { throw InvalidRequestException.reversePledgeExceeded(); } int newPledgedAmount = pledgedAmount(pledgesAlreadyDone) + pledge.getAmount(); if (newPledgedAmount > this.pledgeGoal) { throw InvalidRequestException.pledgeGoalExceeded(); } if (newPledgedAmount == this.pledgeGoal) { setStatus(ProjectStatus.FULLY_PLEDGED); } pledgingUser.accountPledge(pledge); return new PledgeEntity(this, pledgingUser, pledge, financingRound); } /** * Allows admin users to pledge <code>this</code> project after the last financing round using its remaining budget. * Thus, the user's budget is not debited or credited rather than <code>this</code>' financingRound's remaining budget. * Negative pledges are supported as well but only as much as was pledged by admin users on the terminated financing round. * * @param pledge the amount to [negatively] pledge * @param pledgingUser the admin user executing the pledge. * @param pledgesAlreadyDone all investements that have been done so far for <code>this</code> * @param postRoundPledgableBudgetAvailable how much budget is available from financing round to be used for investments * @return the value describing the [reduced] investment done using budget from <code>this</code>' financing round */ public PledgeEntity pledgeUsingPostRoundBudget(Pledge pledge, UserEntity pledgingUser, List<PledgeEntity> pledgesAlreadyDone, int postRoundPledgableBudgetAvailable) { Assert.isTrue(pledgingUser.getRoles().contains(Roles.ROLE_ADMIN), "pledgeUsingPostRoundBudget(..) called with non admin user: " + pledgingUser); Assert.notNull(this.financingRound, "FinancingRound must not be null; Project was: " + this); Assert.isTrue(this.financingRound.terminated(), "pledgeUsingPostRoundBudget(..) requires its financingRound to be terminated; Project was: " + this); if (!this.financingRound.getTerminationPostProcessingDone()) { throw InvalidRequestException.financingRoundNotPostProcessedYet(); } if (this.status == ProjectStatus.FULLY_PLEDGED) { throw InvalidRequestException.projectAlreadyFullyPledged(); } if (this.status != ProjectStatus.PUBLISHED) { throw InvalidRequestException.projectNotPublished(); } if (pledge.getAmount() == 0) { throw InvalidRequestException.zeroPledgeNotValid(); } if (pledge.getAmount() > postRoundPledgableBudgetAvailable) { throw InvalidRequestException.postRoundBudgetExceeded(); } if (pledgedAmountPostRound(pledgesAlreadyDone) + pledge.getAmount() < 0) { throw InvalidRequestException.reversePledgeExceeded(); } int newPledgedAmount = pledgedAmount(pledgesAlreadyDone) + pledge.getAmount(); if (newPledgedAmount > this.pledgeGoal) { throw InvalidRequestException.pledgeGoalExceeded(); } if (newPledgedAmount == this.pledgeGoal) { setStatus(ProjectStatus.FULLY_PLEDGED); } return new PledgeEntity(this, pledgingUser, pledge, financingRound); } /** * Modifies status of <code>this</code>. * * @param newStatus * @return whether an actual change of the status has taken place * @throws InvalidRequestException in case constraints are violated */ public boolean modifyStatus(ProjectStatus newStatus) throws InvalidRequestException { if (this.status == newStatus) { return false; } if (ProjectStatus.FULLY_PLEDGED == this.status) { throw InvalidRequestException.projectAlreadyFullyPledged(); } if (ProjectStatus.DEFERRED == newStatus) { if (this.financingRound != null && { throw InvalidRequestException.projectAlreadyInFinancingRound(); } if (ProjectStatus.REJECTED == this.status) { throw InvalidRequestException.setToDeferredNotPossibleOnRejected(); } } if (ProjectStatus.PUBLISHED_DEFERRED == newStatus) { if (this.financingRound != null && && this.status == ProjectStatus.PUBLISHED) { throw InvalidRequestException.projectAlreadyInFinancingRound(); } } setStatus(newStatus); return true; } public boolean modifyMasterdata(Project updatedProject, UserEntity requestingUser) { modificationsAllowedByUserAndState(requestingUser); if (!masterdataChanged(updatedProject)) { return false; } setTitle(updatedProject.getTitle()); setDescription(updatedProject.getDescription()); setShortDescription(updatedProject.getShortDescription()); setPledgeGoal(updatedProject.getPledgeGoal()); return true; } boolean masterdataModificationAllowed() { switch (this.status) { case FULLY_PLEDGED: return false; case PROPOSED: case DEFERRED: return true; default: break; } if (this.financingRound == null) { return true; } if ( { return false; } return true; } public void addAttachmentAllowed(UserEntity attachmentCreator) throws NotAuthorizedException, InvalidRequestException { modificationsAllowedByUserAndState(attachmentCreator); } public void deleteAttachmentAllowed(UserEntity attachmentCreator) throws NotAuthorizedException, InvalidRequestException { modificationsAllowedByUserAndState(attachmentCreator); } public void addAttachment(AttachmentValue attachment) { this.attachments.add(attachment); } public void deleteAttachment(AttachmentValue attachment2Delete) { attachments.remove(attachment2Delete); } /** * Retrieve the attachment file reference entry that allows association of actual binary data. * Currently fetching is only supported by file reference (<code></code>). * * @param attachment the query object * @return the attachment value if it exists * @throws ResourceNotFoundException in case the attachment couldn't be found */ public AttachmentValue findAttachmentByReference(Attachment attachment) throws ResourceNotFoundException { Assert.notNull(attachment.getId()); final Optional<AttachmentValue> res = -> a.getFileReference().equals(attachment.getId())).findFirst(); if (!res.isPresent()) { throw new ResourceNotFoundException(); } return res.get(); } boolean masterdataChanged(Project updatedProject) { boolean changed = false; changed |= !Objects.equals(updatedProject.getTitle(), this.title); changed |= !Objects.equals(updatedProject.getDescription(), this.description); changed |= !Objects.equals(updatedProject.getShortDescription(), this.shortDescription); changed |= updatedProject.getPledgeGoal() != this.pledgeGoal; return changed; } /** * Upon termination of its financing round the status is adapted accordingly as well as allocation of financing round. * * @param financingRound * @return whether something actually changed. */ public boolean onFinancingRoundTerminated(FinancingRoundEntity financingRound) { Assert.notNull(financingRound); if (this.financingRound == null || !this.financingRound.getId().equals(financingRound.getId())) { return false; } if (this.status == ProjectStatus.DEFERRED || this.status == ProjectStatus.PUBLISHED_DEFERRED) { modifyStatus(ProjectStatus.PUBLISHED); setFinancingRound(null); return true; } return false; } public boolean pledgeGoalAchieved() { return this.status == ProjectStatus.FULLY_PLEDGED; } public int pledgedAmount(List<PledgeEntity> pledges) { return; } public long countBackers(List<PledgeEntity> pledges) { Optional<Integer> backers = .collect(groupingBy(PledgeEntity::getUser, reducing(new PledgeEntity(), PledgeEntity::add))) .entrySet().stream() .map(pledgeSumByUser -> (pledgeSumByUser.getValue().getAmount() == 0 ? 0 : 1)).reduce((a, b) -> a + b); return backers.orElse(0); } public int pledgedAmountOfUser(List<PledgeEntity> pledges, UserEntity requestingUser) { if (requestingUser == null || pledges == null || pledges.isEmpty()) { return 0; } return -> requestingUser.getId().equals(p.getUser().getId())) .mapToInt(PledgeEntity::getAmount).sum(); } public int pledgedAmountPostRound(List<PledgeEntity> pledges) { if (pledges == null || pledges.isEmpty() || this.financingRound == null || !this.financingRound.terminated()) { return 0; } return .filter(p -> p.getCreatedDate() != null && p.getCreatedDate().isAfter(financingRound.getEndDate())) .mapToInt(PledgeEntity::getAmount) .sum(); } private void modificationsAllowedByUserAndState(UserEntity requestingUser) throws NotAuthorizedException, InvalidRequestException { if (!requestingUser.getRoles().contains(Roles.ROLE_ADMIN) && !requestingUser.equals(this.creator)) { throw new NotAuthorizedException("You are neither admin nor creator of that project"); } if (!masterdataModificationAllowed()) { throw InvalidRequestException.masterdataChangeNotAllowed(); } } public String getId() { return; } public UserEntity getCreator() { return this.creator; } public FinancingRoundEntity getFinancingRound() { return this.financingRound; } public String getTitle() { return this.title; } public String getShortDescription() { return this.shortDescription; } public String getDescription() { return this.description; } public ProjectStatus getStatus() { return this.status; } public int getPledgeGoal() { return this.pledgeGoal; } public DateTime getCreatedDate() { return this.createdDate; } public DateTime getLastModifiedDate() { return this.lastModifiedDate; } public List<AttachmentValue> getAttachments() { return attachments; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public void setCreator(UserEntity creator) { this.creator = creator; } public void setFinancingRound(FinancingRoundEntity financingRound) { this.financingRound = financingRound; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public void setShortDescription(String shortDescription) { this.shortDescription = shortDescription; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public void setStatus(ProjectStatus status) { this.status = status; } public void setPledgeGoal(int pledgeGoal) { this.pledgeGoal = pledgeGoal; } public void setCreatedDate(DateTime createdDate) { this.createdDate = createdDate; } public void setLastModifiedDate(DateTime lastModifiedDate) { this.lastModifiedDate = lastModifiedDate; } public void setAttachments(List<AttachmentValue> attachments) { this.attachments = attachments; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, o); } @Override public int hashCode() { return HashCodeBuilder.reflectionHashCode(this); } @Override public String toString() { return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this); } }