/* * Copyright (C) 2012 eXo Platform SAS. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.crsh.command; import groovy.lang.Closure; import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader; import groovy.lang.GroovyShell; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration; import org.crsh.AbstractTestCase; import org.crsh.cli.impl.SyntaxException; import test.command.TestInvocationContext; import org.crsh.lang.impl.groovy.command.GroovyScriptCommand; import org.crsh.shell.impl.command.spi.CommandException; import java.util.Arrays; public class InvocationContextTestCase extends AbstractTestCase { /** . */ private GroovyClassLoader loader; /** . */ private GroovyShell shell; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { CompilerConfiguration config = new CompilerConfiguration(); config.setScriptBaseClass(GroovyScriptCommand.class.getName()); // loader = new GroovyClassLoader(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), config); shell = new GroovyShell(loader); } public void testOut() throws Exception { Class<? extends BaseCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("class foo { " + "@Command\n" + "public void main() {" + "out.print(\"abc\");" + "}" + "}"); // Assert.assertEquals("abc", new TestInvocationContext().execute(clazz)); } public void testOptionInjectionInCommandClassCmdLine() throws Exception { Class<? extends BaseCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("class foo { " + "@Option(names=\"s\") @Required def String str = 'default value';" + "@Command\n" + "public Object main() {" + "return str;" + "}" + "}"); // TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); ctx.execute(clazz, "-s", "abc"); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("abc"), ctx.getProducedItems()); try { new TestInvocationContext().execute(clazz); fail(); } catch (CommandException e) { assertInstance(SyntaxException.class, e.getCause()); } } public void testContextAccessFromCommandClassCmdLine() throws Exception { Class<? extends BaseCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("class foo { " + "@Command\n" + "public Object main() {" + "return juu;" + "}" + "}"); // TestInvocationContext<Void> ctx = new TestInvocationContext<Void>(); ctx.getSession().put("juu", "daa"); ctx.execute(clazz); assertEquals(Arrays.<Object>asList("daa"), ctx.getProducedItems()); } public void testArgumentInjectionInCommandCmdLine() throws Exception { Class<? extends BaseCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("class foo { " + "@Command\n" + "public Object main(@Argument String str) {" + "return str;" + "}" + "}"); // TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); ctx.execute(clazz, "b"); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("b"), ctx.getProducedItems()); } public void testMainInCommandCmdLine() throws Exception { Class<? extends BaseCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("class foo { " + "@Command\n" + "public Object main() {" + "return 'foo';" + "}" + "}"); // TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); ctx.execute(clazz); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("foo"), ctx.getProducedItems()); } public void testContextAccessInCommandClass() throws Exception { Class<? extends BaseCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("class foo { " + "@Command\n" + "public Object main() {" + "return bar;" + "}" + "}"); // TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); ctx.getSession().put("bar", "bar_value"); // Execute directly ctx.execute(clazz); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("bar_value"), ctx.getProducedItems()); } public void testClosureInvocationInClass() throws Exception { Class<? extends BaseCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("class foo { " + "@Command\n" + "public Object main() {" + "return bar();" + "}" + "}"); // TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); Closure closure = (Closure)shell.evaluate("{ -> return 'from_closure'; }"); ctx.getSession().put("bar", closure); // Execute directly ctx.execute(clazz); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("from_closure"), ctx.getProducedItems()); } public void testArgumentQuoteInClass() throws Exception { Class<? extends BaseCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("class foo {\n" + "@Command\n" + "public Object main(@org.crsh.cli.Argument List<String> arguments) {\n" + "return arguments;\n" + "}\n" + "}\n"); // Execute directly TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); ctx.execute(clazz, "'foo'"); assertEquals(Arrays.<Object>asList(Arrays.asList("foo")), ctx.getProducedItems()); } public void testArgumentQuoteInClass2() throws Exception { Class<? extends BaseCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("class foo {\n" + "@Command\n" + "public Object main(@org.crsh.cli.Argument(unquote = false) List<String> arguments) {\n" + "return arguments;\n" + "}\n" + "}\n"); // Execute directly TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); ctx.execute(clazz, "'foo'"); assertEquals(Arrays.<Object>asList(Arrays.asList("'foo'")), ctx.getProducedItems()); } public void testContextAccessInScript() throws Exception { Class<? extends GroovyScriptCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("System.out.println('bar:' + bar) ; return bar;"); TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); ctx.getSession().put("bar", "bar_value"); ctx.execute2(clazz); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("bar_value"), ctx.getProducedItems()); } public void testArgumentAccessInScript() throws Exception { Class<? extends GroovyScriptCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("return args[0];"); TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); ctx.execute2(clazz, "arg_value"); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("arg_value"), ctx.getProducedItems()); } public void testArgumentAccessInClosure() throws Exception { Class<? extends GroovyScriptCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("{ arg -> context.provide(arg) };"); TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); ctx.execute2(clazz, "arg_value"); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("arg_value"), ctx.getProducedItems()); } public void testResolveContext() throws Exception { Class<? extends BaseCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("class foo {\n" + "@Command\n" + "public Object main() {\n" + "return context;\n" + "}\n" + "}\n"); // Execute directly TestInvocationContext context = new TestInvocationContext(); context.execute(clazz); assertEquals(1, context.getProducedItems().size()); assertInstance(InvocationContext.class, context.getProducedItems().get(0)); } public void testResolveContextInScript() throws Exception { Class<? extends GroovyScriptCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("return context"); TestInvocationContext context = new TestInvocationContext(); context.execute2(clazz); assertEquals(1, context.getProducedItems().size()); assertInstance(InvocationContext.class, context.getProducedItems().get(0)); } public void testScriptUseReturnValue() throws Exception { Class<? extends GroovyScriptCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("return 'def'"); TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); ctx.execute2(clazz); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("def"), ctx.getProducedItems()); } public void testScriptDiscardImplicitReturnValue() throws Exception { Class<? extends GroovyScriptCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("def a = 'def'"); TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); ctx.execute2(clazz); assertEquals(0, ctx.getProducedItems().size()); } public void testScriptReturnExplicitReturnValue() throws Exception { Class<? extends GroovyScriptCommand> clazz = loader.parseClass("return 'def'"); TestInvocationContext ctx = new TestInvocationContext(); ctx.execute2(clazz); assertEquals(Arrays.asList("def"), ctx.getProducedItems()); } }