package com.dounine.corgi.jpa.dao; import com.dounine.corgi.jpa.dto.BaseDto; import com.dounine.corgi.jpa.dto.Condition; import com.dounine.corgi.jpa.entity.BaseEntity; import com.dounine.corgi.jpa.enums.RepExceptionType; import com.dounine.corgi.jpa.enums.RestrictionType; import com.dounine.corgi.jpa.exception.RepException; import com.dounine.corgi.jpa.utils.PrimitiveUtil; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import javax.persistence.criteria.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; /** * Created by lgq on 16-9-30. */ public class MySpecification<BE extends BaseEntity, BD extends BaseDto> implements Specification<BE> { private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\[[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\]"); private BD dto; public MySpecification(BD dto) { this.dto = dto; } @Override public Predicate toPredicate(Root<BE> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) { List<Predicate> preList = null; try { preList = initPredicates(dto, root, cb); } catch (RepException e) { throw e; } Predicate[] predicates = preList.toArray(new Predicate[preList.size()]); return query.where(predicates).getRestriction(); } private List<Predicate> initPredicates(BD dto, Root<BE> root, CriteriaBuilder cb) throws RepException { List<Predicate> preList = new ArrayList<>(0); //条件列表 List<Condition> conditions = dto.getConditions() != null ? dto.getConditions() : new ArrayList<>(0);//避免条件列表为空 Stream<Condition> stream =; stream.forEach(model -> { Predicate predicate = null; Class clazz = PrimitiveUtil.switchType(model.getFieldType()); //得到数据类型 String field = model.getField(); //字段 Method[] methods = cb.getClass().getDeclaredMethods(); Method method = null; try { for (Method m : methods) { Class<?>[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); String name = RestrictionType.getRestrict(model.getRestrict()); if (m.getName().equals(name) && types[types.length - 1] != Expression.class) { method = m; break; } } RestrictionType type = model.getRestrict(); if (type == RestrictionType.LIKE) { predicate =,"%"+model.getValues()[0]+ "%"); }else { Object[] values = PrimitiveUtil.convertValuesByType(model.getValues(), model.getFieldType()); if (type == RestrictionType.IN) { predicate = (Predicate) method.invoke(cb, root.get(field).as(clazz), values); } else { predicate = (Predicate) method.invoke(cb, ArrayUtils.add(values, 0, root.get(field).as(clazz))); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); exceptionHandler(e); } if (null != predicate) { preList.add(predicate); } }); return preList; } private RepException exceptionHandler(Exception e) { String msg = ""; RepExceptionType type = RepExceptionType.UNDEFINE; if (e instanceof IllegalArgumentException) { Matcher matcher = PATTERN.matcher(e.getMessage()); boolean isFind = matcher.find(); if (isFind) { //字段不匹配 msg = StringUtils.substring(, 1, -1); type = RepExceptionType.NOT_FIND_FIELD; } else if (e.getMessage().indexOf("wrong number of arguments") != -1) { //其他错误 msg = "wrong number of arguments"; type = RepExceptionType.ERROR_ARGUMENTS; } else if (e instanceof NumberFormatException) { msg = e.getMessage(); type = RepExceptionType.ERROR_NUMBER_FORMAT; } } else { if (e instanceof DateTimeParseException) { msg = e.getMessage(); type = RepExceptionType.ERROR_PARSE_DATE; } else { msg = e.getMessage(); type = RepExceptionType.UNDEFINE; } } throw new RepException(type, msg); } /** * 分页及排序 * * @param dto * @return */ public PageRequest getPageRequest(BD dto) { PageRequest pageRequest = null; if (dto.getSorts() != null && dto.getSorts().size() > 0) { Sort.Direction dct = Sort.Direction.ASC; if (dto.getOrder().equals("desc")) { dct = Sort.Direction.DESC; } pageRequest = new PageRequest(dto.getPage(), dto.getLimit(), new Sort(dct, dto.getSorts())); //分页带排序 } else { pageRequest = new PageRequest(dto.getPage(), dto.getLimit()); //分页不带排序 } return pageRequest; } }