package context.core.task.sentiment; /** * Revised by Ming Jiang Now can be used for N-grams; * */ import context.core.entity.CorpusData; import context.core.entity.FileData; import context.core.entity.TabularData; import context.core.task.pos.POSTagger; import context.core.util.CorpusAggregator; import context.core.util.JavaIO; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.TaggedWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.Annotation; import edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP; import edu.stanford.nlp.util.CoreMap; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * * @author Aale */ public class SentimentBody { private SentimentTaskInstance instance; private CorpusData input; private List<TabularData> tabularOutput; private FileData sentimentFile; private String log; private ArrayList<Formatter> allOuts; private List<String> ToCSV;// output for html parsing of sentiment private List<String> ToHumanCSV;// output for human readability to be displayed in ConText private StanfordCoreNLP pipeline; String SentimentString; /** * * @param instance */ public SentimentBody(SentimentTaskInstance instance) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub this.instance = instance; // String path to a file containing the list of sentiment init(); } private void init() { this.input = (CorpusData) instance.getInput(); this.tabularOutput = instance.getTabularOutput(); this.pipeline = instance.getPipeline(); this.sentimentFile = instance.getSentimentFile(); } /** * * @return @throws IOException */ public boolean RunSentimentAnalysis() throws IOException { SentimentString = sentimentFile.readFileIntoString(); SentimentString = SentimentString.toLowerCase(); //read csv file (Sentiment_Dictionary) String[] SentimentWords = SentimentString.split("\n"); HashMap sentiMap1 = new HashMap(); Map<String, String[]> sentiMap_nwords = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); Map<String, String[]> sentiMap_swords = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); List<String> Ngrams = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String line : SentimentWords) { if (line.contains("Word,POS")) { continue; } String[] line_temp = line.split(","); String line_word = line_temp[0]; String line_pol = line_temp[3]; String line_pos = "NA"; String line_subj = "NA"; if (!line_temp[1].matches("")) { line_pos = line_temp[1]; } if (line_temp.length == 5 && !line_temp[4].matches("")) { line_subj = line_temp[4]; } String[] line_val = {line_pol, line_subj}; if (!line_pos.matches("NA")) { String[] line_key = {line_word, line_pos}; SentimentObj SObj = new SentimentObj(line_key.clone()); sentiMap1.put(SObj, line_val); } else if (line_word.contains(" ")) { String temp = line_word.replaceAll(" ", "_"); sentiMap_nwords.put(temp, line_val); //n-grams without completed info Ngrams.add(line_word); } else { sentiMap_swords.put(line_word, line_val); //single-grams without completed info } //SentimentObj SObj = new SentimentObj(line_key.clone()); }// using a hashmap to store the sentiment values of the words for faster access //String lenOfSentWord = (SentimentWords[0].split("word1=")[1].split(" ")[0]); ToCSV = new ArrayList<String>(); ToHumanCSV = new ArrayList<String>(); List<List<String[]>> toAggregate = new ArrayList<List<String[]>>(); List<FileData> files = input.getFiles(); try { for (FileData docData : files) { File documentFile = docData.getFile(); List<String[]> SentimentTags = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String documentString = null; try { documentString = JavaIO.readFile(documentFile); documentString = documentString.toLowerCase(); for (int j = 0; j < Ngrams.size(); j++) { if (documentString.contains(Ngrams.get(j))) { //Label = "T"; //Find_P.add(Ngrams.get(j).split(" ")); String temp = Ngrams.get(j).replaceAll(" ", "_"); documentString = documentString.replaceAll(Ngrams.get(j), temp); } } } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return false; } Annotation document = new Annotation(documentString); pipeline.annotate(document); List<CoreMap> sentences = document.get(SentencesAnnotation.class); List<String[]> docWords = new ArrayList<String[]>(); String[] wordPOS = new String[3]; for (CoreMap sentence : sentences) { // traversing the words in the current sentence // a CoreLabel is a CoreMap with additional token-specific methods final List<CoreLabel> sent = sentence.get(TokensAnnotation.class); final List<TaggedWord> taggedWords = POSTagger.tag(sent, "en"); for (TaggedWord token : taggedWords) { // this is the text of the token String word = token.word(); // this is the POS tag of the token if (word.matches("\\W")) { if (!word.matches("[0-9a-zA-Z.;:\'\"]*")) { continue; } } if (word.matches("[;.\'\"]")) { continue; } // this is the POS tag of the token String pos = token.tag(); wordPOS[0] = word; if (pos.contains("JJ")) { wordPOS[1] = "adj"; } else if (pos.contains("NN")) { wordPOS[1] = "noun"; } else if (pos.contains("VB")) { wordPOS[1] = "verb"; } else if (pos.contains("RB")) { wordPOS[1] = "adverb"; } else { wordPOS[1] = "anypos"; } wordPOS[2] = pos; docWords.add(wordPOS.clone()); } } // documentString = documentString.replaceAll(",",","); ArrayList<String[]> outputList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); for (String[] word_and_pos : docWords) { String[] word_temp = {word_and_pos[0], word_and_pos[1]}; SentimentObj word_pos_obj = new SentimentObj(word_temp); //System.out.println (word_temp[0]); if (sentiMap1.containsKey(word_pos_obj)) { //System.out.println (word_temp[0]); String polarity = ((String[]) sentiMap1.get(word_pos_obj))[0]; String color = "000000"; if (polarity.equals("positive")) { color = "(0,230,0)"; } if (polarity.equals("neutral")) { color = "(0,0,230)"; } if (polarity.equals("negative")) { color = "(230,0,0)"; } String[] sentiTag = {word_and_pos[0], word_and_pos[2], polarity, Integer.toString(1)}; SentimentTags.add(sentiTag.clone()); //System.out.println(SentimentTags.size()); String[] tempArray = {"<span style=\"color:rgb" + color + "\">" + String.valueOf(word_and_pos[0]) + " </span>", color}; outputList.add(tempArray); } else if (sentiMap_swords.containsKey(word_temp[0])) { //System.out.println (word_temp[0]); String polarity = ((String[]) sentiMap_swords.get(word_temp[0]))[0]; String color = "000000"; if (polarity.equals("positive")) { color = "(0,230,0)"; } if (polarity.equals("neutral")) { color = "(0,0,230)"; } if (polarity.equals("negative")) { color = "(230,0,0)"; } String[] sentiTag = {word_and_pos[0], word_and_pos[2], polarity, Integer.toString(1)}; //System.out.println(SentimentTags.size()); SentimentTags.add(sentiTag.clone()); String[] tempArray = {"<span style=\"color:rgb" + color + "\">" + String.valueOf(word_and_pos[0]) + " </span>", color}; outputList.add(tempArray); //System.out.println(SentimentTags.size()); } else if (sentiMap_nwords.containsKey(word_temp[0])) { //System.out.println (word_temp[0]); String polarity = ((String[]) sentiMap_nwords.get(word_temp[0]))[0]; String color = "000000"; if (polarity.equals("positive")) { color = "(0,230,0)"; } if (polarity.equals("neutral")) { color = "(0,0,230)"; } if (polarity.equals("negative")) { color = "(230,0,0)"; } String phrase = word_and_pos[0].replaceAll("_", " "); String[] sentiTag = {phrase, word_and_pos[2], polarity, Integer.toString(1)}; //System.out.println(SentimentTags.size()); SentimentTags.add(sentiTag.clone()); String[] tempArray = {"<span style=\"color:rgb" + color + "\">" + String.valueOf(phrase) + " </span>", color}; outputList.add(tempArray); //System.out.println(SentimentTags.size()); } else { String[] tempArray = {word_and_pos[0], null}; outputList.add(tempArray); } } if (SentimentTags.size() > 0) { //System.out.println (SentimentTags.size()); toAggregate.add(SentimentTags);// Adding the list of words from text with sentiment } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } List<String[]> ToHumanCSVArray = new CorpusAggregator().CorpusAggregate(toAggregate); // collate the list of words/POSs with sentiment so that // each word-POS pair has the proper count. ToHumanCSV.add("Term,Part Of Speech,Sentiment,Frequency"); for (String[] HumanArray : ToHumanCSVArray) { String HumanTemp = HumanArray[0] + "," + HumanArray[1] + "," + HumanArray[2] + "," + HumanArray[3]; //System.out.println (HumanTemp); ToHumanCSV.add(HumanTemp); } return true; } /** * * @return */ public List<String> GetCSV() { return ToCSV; } /** * * @return */ public List<String> GetHumanCSV() { return ToHumanCSV; } /** * * @param filepath */ public void writeOutput(String filepath) { this.writeCsv(GetHumanCSV(), filepath); } private void writeCsv(List<String> ToHumanCSV, String filepath) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String toWrite = ""; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < ToHumanCSV.size(); i1++) { toWrite = ToHumanCSV.get(i1) + "\n"; sb.append(toWrite); } // 2016.03 Add this code to delete existing file File toDelete = new File(filepath); if (toDelete.exists()) { toDelete.delete(); } // FileData.writeDataIntoFile(sb.toString(), filepath); } }