package; import org.constretto.exception.ConstrettoException; import javax.naming.InvalidNameException; import javax.naming.Name; import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration; import javax.naming.NamingException; import*; import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName; /** * Builder used to build an LdapConfigurationStore by reading LDAP entries from an DirContext * * @author <a>Sondre Eikanger Kvalø</a> * @link * @see LdapConfigurationStore */ public class LdapConfigurationStoreBuilder { public static final String NULL_ARGUMENT = "The \"%1$s\" argument can not be null"; private DirContext dirContext; private LdapConfigurationStore ldapConfigurationStore = new LdapConfigurationStore(); private LdapConfigurationStoreBuilder(final DirContext dirContext) { this.dirContext = dirContext; } /** * Creates the LdapConfigurationStoreBuilder * * @param dirContext the Ldap context to be used for reading configuration entries. * This class will never ever close or change the DirContext instance provided to it * @return a LdapConfigurationStoreBuilder to be used for fluently defining the LDAP entries to read */ public static LdapConfigurationStoreBuilder usingDirContext(final DirContext dirContext) { return new LdapConfigurationStoreBuilder(dirContext); } private Attributes readAttributesFromLdap(String distinguishedName) { try { return dirContext.getAttributes(createName(distinguishedName)); } catch (NamingException e) { throw new ConstrettoException(String.format("Could not find LDAP attributes for DSN \"%1$s\"", distinguishedName), e); } } /** * Add the given LDAP entry identified the DSN (distinguishedName). * * @param key an prefix that will be applied as an prefix for all settings from the LDAP entry * @param distinguishedName the DSN of the LDAP entry * @param tags the Constretto tags the entry should be valid for * @return */ public LdapConfigurationStoreBuilder addDsnWithKey(final String key, final String distinguishedName, String... tags) { checkStringArgument("distinguishedName", distinguishedName); ldapConfigurationStore = new LdapConfigurationStore(ldapConfigurationStore, key, readAttributesFromLdap(distinguishedName), tags); return this; } /** * Add the given LDAP entry identified the DSN (distinguishedName). * * @param distinguishedName the DSN of the LDAP entry * @param tags the Constretto tags the entry should be valid for * @return */ public LdapConfigurationStoreBuilder addDsn(final String distinguishedName, final String... tags) { checkStringArgument("distinguishedName", distinguishedName); ldapConfigurationStore = new LdapConfigurationStore(ldapConfigurationStore, readAttributesFromLdap(distinguishedName), tags); return this; } /** * Used to do an search in the Ldap and may thus return multiple entries that will be made available * as configuration entries * * @param searchBase a valid LDAP id to search from (ex.: "dc=constretto,dc=org") * @param filter a LDAP filter to be applied to the matching entries * (ex.: "(&(cn=John*)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))") * @param keyAttribute name of an attribute that will be used to prefix the configuration settings (ex.: "uid") * @param tags the tags the returned settings will be made available for in the ConstrettoConfiguration * @return */ public LdapConfigurationStoreBuilder addUsingSearch(final String searchBase, final String filter, final String keyAttribute, final String... tags) { SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls(); searchControls.setSearchScope(SearchControls.SUBTREE_SCOPE); try { final NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> searchResultNamingEnumeration = searchBase), filter, searchControls); while (searchResultNamingEnumeration.hasMore()) { final SearchResult result =; final Attributes attributes = result.getAttributes(); final Attribute attribute = attributes.get(keyAttribute); if (attribute == null) { throw new ConstrettoException(String.format( "The LDAP object \"%1$s\" has no attribute value for attribute \"%2$s\"", result.getName(), keyAttribute)); } final String key = attribute.get().toString(); ldapConfigurationStore = new LdapConfigurationStore(ldapConfigurationStore, key, attributes, tags); } } catch (NamingException e) { throw new ConstrettoException( String.format("An error occurred while searching LDAP using searchBase \"%1$s\" and filter \"%2$s\"", searchBase, filter), e); } return this; } public LdapConfigurationStore done() { return ldapConfigurationStore; } private Name createName(final String distinguishedName) { try { return new LdapName(distinguishedName); } catch (InvalidNameException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Provided value \"%1$s\" is not a valid LDAP DSN", distinguishedName)); } } private void checkStringArgument(final String fieldName, final String value) { if (value == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(NULL_ARGUMENT, fieldName)); } } }