package com.miguelfonseca.completely.text.index; import com.miguelfonseca.completely.common.Strings; import; import com.miguelfonseca.completely.text.match.Automaton; import com.miguelfonseca.completely.text.match.EqualityAutomaton; import com.miguelfonseca.completely.util.ArraySet; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import static com.miguelfonseca.completely.common.Precondition.checkPointer; /** * Trie based implementation of the {@link FuzzyIndex} interface. * * <p>Note that this implementation is not synchronized. */ public class PatriciaTrie<V> extends AbstractIndex<V> implements FuzzyIndex<V> { private Node root; /** * Constructs a new {@link PatriciaTrie}. */ public PatriciaTrie() { root = new Node(); } @Override public void clear() { root = new Node(); } @Override public Set<V> getAll(String key) { checkPointer(key != null); Node node = find(root, key); if (node != null) { return new HashSet<>(node.values()); } return new HashSet<>(); } @Override public Set<ScoredObject<V>> getAny(String fragment) { checkPointer(fragment != null); Set<ScoredObject<V>> result = new HashSet<>(); for (FuzzyMatch match : findAll(root, new EqualityAutomaton(fragment), "")) { result.addAll(values(match.getNode(), match.getMatcher())); } return result; } @Override public Set<ScoredObject<V>> getAny(Automaton matcher) { checkPointer(matcher != null); Set<ScoredObject<V>> result = new HashSet<>(); for (FuzzyMatch match : findAll(root, matcher, "")) { result.addAll(values(match.getNode(), match.getMatcher())); } return result; } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return root.isEmpty(); } @Override public boolean putAll(String key, Collection<V> values) { checkPointer(key != null); checkPointer(values != null); return putAll(root, key, values); } @Override public boolean removeAll(Collection<V> values) { checkPointer(values != null); return removeAll(root, values); } @Override public Set<V> removeAll(String key) { checkPointer(key != null); return removeAll(root, key); } @Override public boolean removeAll(String key, Collection<V> values) { checkPointer(key != null); checkPointer(values != null); return removeAll(root, key, values); } @Override public int size() { return size(root); } private Node find(Node node, String key) { assert node != null; assert key != null; if (key.length() <= 0) { return node; } else { for (Entry<String, Node> entry : node.childEntries()) { String edge = entry.getKey(); Node child = entry.getValue(); int commonPrefixLength = Strings.getCommonPrefixLength(edge, key); // Exact match if (commonPrefixLength >= edge.length()) { return find(child, key.substring(commonPrefixLength)); } } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:parameterassignment") private Collection<FuzzyMatch> findAll(Node node, Automaton matcher, String word) { assert node != null; assert matcher != null; assert word != null; if (matcher.isWordAccepted()) { // Resume partial match if (matcher.getWord().length() < word.length()) { String suffix = word.substring(matcher.getWord().length()); matcher = matcher.step(suffix); } return Arrays.asList(new FuzzyMatch(node, matcher)); } else if (!matcher.isWordRejected()) { List<FuzzyMatch> result = new LinkedList<>(); for (Entry<String, Node> entry : node.childEntries()) { String edge = entry.getKey(); Node child = entry.getValue(); result.addAll(findAll(child, matcher.stepUntilWordAccepted(edge), word + edge)); } return result; } return Collections.emptyList(); } private boolean putAll(Node node, String key, Collection<V> values) { assert node != null; assert key != null; assert values != null; if (key.length() <= 0) { return node.addAllValues(values); } else { Node child = null; int commonPrefixLength = 0; for (Entry<String, Node> entry : node.childEntries()) { String edge = entry.getKey(); commonPrefixLength = Strings.getCommonPrefixLength(edge, key); // Exact match if (commonPrefixLength >= edge.length()) { child = entry.getValue(); break; } // Prefix match else if (commonPrefixLength > 0) { child = node.bisect(edge, commonPrefixLength); break; } } if (child == null) { child = new Node(); commonPrefixLength = key.length(); node.putChild(key, child); } return putAll(child, key.substring(commonPrefixLength), values); } } private boolean removeAll(Node node, Collection<V> values) { assert node != null; assert values != null; boolean result = node.removeAllValues(values); List<String> legacyEdges = new LinkedList<>(); Iterator<Entry<String, Node>> iterator = node.childEntries().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Node> entry =; String edge = entry.getKey(); Node child = entry.getValue(); if (removeAll(child, values)) { result = true; } if (child.isEmpty()) { iterator.remove(); } else if (child.isUnary()) { legacyEdges.add(edge); } } for (String edge : legacyEdges) { node.squash(edge); } return result; } private Set<V> removeAll(Node node, String key) { assert node != null; assert key != null; if (key.length() <= 0) { return node.removeAllValues(); } else { for (Entry<String, Node> entry : node.childEntries()) { String edge = entry.getKey(); int commonPrefixLength = Strings.getCommonPrefixLength(edge, key); // Exact match if (commonPrefixLength >= edge.length()) { Node child = entry.getValue(); Set<V> result = removeAll(child, key.substring(commonPrefixLength)); if (child.isEmpty()) { node.removeChild(edge); } else if (child.isUnary()) { node.squash(edge); } return result; } } } return Collections.emptySet(); } private boolean removeAll(Node node, String key, Collection<V> values) { assert node != null; assert key != null; assert values != null; if (key.length() <= 0) { return node.removeAllValues(values); } else { for (Entry<String, Node> entry : node.childEntries()) { String edge = entry.getKey(); int commonPrefixLength = Strings.getCommonPrefixLength(edge, key); // Exact match if (commonPrefixLength >= edge.length()) { Node child = entry.getValue(); boolean result = removeAll(child, key.substring(commonPrefixLength), values); if (child.isEmpty()) { node.removeChild(edge); } else if (child.isUnary()) { node.squash(edge); } return result; } } } return false; } private int size(Node node) { assert node != null; int result = node.values().size(); for (Node child : node.childNodes()) { result += size(child); } return result; } private Set<ScoredObject<V>> values(Node node, Automaton matcher) { assert node != null; assert matcher != null; Set<ScoredObject<V>> result = new HashSet<>(); for (V value : node.values()) { result.add(new ScoredObject<>(value, matcher.getScore())); } for (Entry<String, Node> entry : node.childEntries()) { result.addAll(values(entry.getValue(), matcher.step(entry.getKey()))); } return result; } private class Node { private Map<String, Node> children; private Set<V> values; @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:hiddenfield") boolean addAllValues(Collection<V> values) { assert values != null; if (this.values == null) { this.values = new ArraySet<>(); } return this.values.addAll(values); } Node bisect(String key, int pivot) { assert key != null; assert pivot >= 0; String prefix = key.substring(0, pivot); String suffix = key.substring(pivot); Node child = new Node(); child.putChild(suffix, removeChild(key)); putChild(prefix, child); return child; } Collection<Entry<String, Node>> childEntries() { if (children == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return children.entrySet(); } Collection<Node> childNodes() { if (children == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return children.values(); } boolean isEmpty() { return (children == null || children.isEmpty()) && (values == null || values.isEmpty()); } boolean isUnary() { return (values == null || values.isEmpty()) && children != null && children.size() == 1; } Node putChild(String key, Node value) { assert key != null; assert value != null; if (children == null) { children = new HashMap<>(4); } return children.put(key, value); } Set<V> removeAllValues() { if (values == null) { return new ArraySet<>(); } Set<V> result = values; values = null; return result; } @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:hiddenfield") boolean removeAllValues(Collection<V> values) { assert values != null; if (this.values == null) { return false; } return this.values.removeAll(values); } Node removeChild(String key) { assert key != null; if (children == null) { return null; } return children.remove(key); } Node squash(String key) { assert key != null; Node child = removeChild(key); for (Entry<String, Node> entry : child.childEntries()) { String edge = entry.getKey(); putChild(key.concat(edge), child.removeChild(edge)); } return child; } Set<V> values() { if (values == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return values; } } private class FuzzyMatch { private Node node; private Automaton matcher; FuzzyMatch(Node node, Automaton matcher) { assert node != null; assert matcher != null; this.node = node; this.matcher = matcher; } Node getNode() { return node; } Automaton getMatcher() { return matcher; } } }