package; import android.content.Context; import com.codepath.oauth.OAuthBaseClient; import com.example.twitterclient.models.Tweet; import com.example.twitterclient.models.User; import; import; import org.scribe.builder.api.Api; import org.scribe.builder.api.TwitterApi; /** * Created on 10/18/13. */ public class TwitterClient extends OAuthBaseClient { public static final Class<? extends Api> REST_API_CLASS = TwitterApi.class; // Change this public static final String REST_URL = ""; // Change this, base API URL public static final String REST_CONSUMER_KEY = "IAyNXfHb8xLcZgGKjhH1JA"; // Change this public static final String REST_CONSUMER_SECRET = "BwhB1M7pxwRstuyK55Z9987PwXqDNo357YBJLgT4"; // Change this public static final String REST_CALLBACK_URL = "oauth://twitterclient"; // Change this (here and in manifest) public TwitterClient(Context context) { super(context, REST_API_CLASS, REST_URL, REST_CONSUMER_KEY, REST_CONSUMER_SECRET, REST_CALLBACK_URL); } public void getHomeTimeline(Integer count, Tweet before, Tweet after, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { getTimeline("home", count, null, before, after, handler); } public void getMentionsTimeline(Integer count, Tweet before, Tweet after, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { getTimeline("mentions", count, null, before, after, handler); } public void getUserTimeline(Integer count, User user, Tweet before, Tweet after, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { getTimeline("user", count, user, before, after, handler); } private void getTimeline(String timeline, Integer count, User user, Tweet before, Tweet after, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { String url = getApiUrl(String.format("statuses/%s_timeline.json", timeline)); RequestParams params = new RequestParams(); params.put("count", count.toString()); if (user != null) { params.put("user_id", user.user_id.toString()); } if (before != null) { params.put("since_id", before.tweet_id.toString()); } if (after != null) { Long maxId = after.tweet_id - 1; params.put("max_id", maxId.toString()); } client.get(url, params, handler); } public void updateStatus(String status, JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { String url = getApiUrl("statuses/update.json"); RequestParams params = new RequestParams(); params.put("status", status);, params, handler); } public void verifyCredentials(JsonHttpResponseHandler handler) { String url = getApiUrl("account/verify_credentials.json"); client.get(url, handler); } public static TwitterClient getInstance(Context context) { return (TwitterClient) OAuthBaseClient.getInstance(TwitterClient.class, context); } /* 1. Define the endpoint URL with getApiUrl and pass a relative path to the endpoint * i.e getApiUrl("statuses/home_timeline.json"); * 2. Define the parameters to pass to the request (query or body) * i.e RequestParams params = new RequestParams("foo", "bar"); * 3. Define the request method and make a call to the client * i.e client.get(apiUrl, params, handler); * i.e client.postTweet(apiUrl, params, handler); */ }