package net.sourceforge.cobertura.test.util; import groovy.util.AntBuilder; import groovy.util.Node; import groovy.util.XmlParser; import net.sourceforge.cobertura.ant.InstrumentTask; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class TestUtils { private static final String SRC_DIR = "src/main/java"; static File coberturaClassDir; public static final AntBuilder antBuilder = new AntBuilder(); public static final Project project = new Project(); public static final String SIMPLE_SOURCE_PATHNAME = "a/mypackage/"; public static final String SOURCE_TEXT = "\n package a.mypackage;" + "\n " + "\n public class SimpleSource {" + "\n public void aSimpleMethod() { " + "\n }" + "\n }"; static { DefaultLogger consoleLogger = new DefaultLogger(); consoleLogger.setErrorPrintStream(System.err); consoleLogger.setOutputPrintStream(System.out); consoleLogger.setMessageOutputLevel(Project.MSG_INFO); project.addBuildListener(consoleLogger); } public synchronized static File getCoberturaClassDir() { if (coberturaClassDir == null) { coberturaClassDir = new File("target/test/cobertura_classes"); coberturaClassDir.mkdirs(); Javac javac = new Javac(); javac.setProject(project); javac.setSrcdir(new Path(project, SRC_DIR)); javac.setDestdir(coberturaClassDir); javac.setDebug(true); javac.setTarget("1.5"); javac.execute(); } return coberturaClassDir; } public static DirSet getCoberturaClassDirSet() { DirSet dirSet = new DirSet(); dirSet.setDir(getCoberturaClassDir()); return dirSet; } public static AntBuilder getCoberturaAntBuilder(File coberturaClassdir) { Project project = new Project(); project.addTaskDefinition("groovyc", org.codehaus.groovy.ant.Groovyc.class); AntBuilder antBuilder = new AntBuilder(project); return antBuilder; } public static File getTempDir() { return new File("target/tmp", "cobertura"); } public static Node getXMLReportDOM(File xmlReport) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException { return getXMLReportDOM(xmlReport.getAbsolutePath()); } public static Node getXMLReportDOM(String xmlReport) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException { XmlParser parser = new XmlParser(); parser .setFeature( "", false); return parser.parse(xmlReport); } public static int getHitCount(Node dom, String className, String methodName) { for (Iterator<Node> packagesIterator = dom.iterator(); packagesIterator .hasNext();) { Node packagesNode =; if ("packages".equals( { for (Iterator<Node> packageIterator = packagesNode.iterator(); packageIterator .hasNext();) { Node packageNode =; if ("package".equals( { for (Iterator<Node> classesIterator = packageNode .iterator(); classesIterator.hasNext();) { Node classesNode =; if ("classes".equals( { for (Iterator<Node> classIterator = classesNode .iterator(); classIterator.hasNext();) { Node classNode =; if ("class".equals( { if (className.equals(classNode .attribute("name"))) { for (Iterator<Node> methodsIterator = classNode .iterator(); methodsIterator .hasNext();) { Node methodsNode = methodsIterator .next(); if ("methods" .equals(methodsNode .name())) { for (Iterator<Node> methodIterator = methodsNode .iterator(); methodIterator .hasNext();) { Node methodNode = methodIterator .next(); if ("method" .equals(methodNode .name())) { if (methodName .equals(methodNode .attribute("name"))) { for (Iterator<Node> linesIterator = methodNode .iterator(); linesIterator .hasNext();) { Node linesNode = linesIterator .next(); if ("lines" .equals(linesNode .name())) { for (Iterator<Node> lineIterator = linesNode .iterator(); lineIterator .hasNext();) { Node lineNode = lineIterator .next(); if ("line" .equals(lineNode .name())) { return Integer .valueOf((String) lineNode .attribute("hits")); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return 0; } public static int getTotalHitCount(Node dom, String className, String methodName) { int sum = 0; for (Iterator<Node> packagesIterator = dom.iterator(); packagesIterator .hasNext();) { Node packagesNode =; if ("packages".equals( { for (Iterator<Node> packageIterator = packagesNode.iterator(); packageIterator .hasNext();) { Node packageNode =; if ("package".equals( { for (Iterator<Node> classesIterator = packageNode .iterator(); classesIterator.hasNext();) { Node classesNode =; if ("classes".equals( { for (Iterator<Node> classIterator = classesNode .iterator(); classIterator.hasNext();) { Node classNode =; if ("class".equals( { if (className.equals(classNode .attribute("name"))) { for (Iterator<Node> methodsIterator = classNode .iterator(); methodsIterator .hasNext();) { Node methodsNode = methodsIterator .next(); if ("methods" .equals(methodsNode .name())) { for (Iterator<Node> methodIterator = methodsNode .iterator(); methodIterator .hasNext();) { Node methodNode = methodIterator .next(); if ("method" .equals(methodNode .name())) { if (methodName .equals(methodNode .attribute("name"))) { for (Iterator<Node> linesIterator = methodNode .iterator(); linesIterator .hasNext();) { Node linesNode = linesIterator .next(); if ("lines" .equals(linesNode .name())) { for (Iterator<Node> lineIterator = linesNode .iterator(); lineIterator .hasNext();) { Node lineNode = lineIterator .next(); if ("line" .equals(lineNode .name())) { sum += Integer .valueOf((String) lineNode .attribute("hits")); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return sum; } public static void instrumentClasses(AntBuilder ant, File srcDir, File datafile, File instrumentDir, Map arguments) { FileSet fileSet = new FileSet(); fileSet.setDir(srcDir); fileSet.setIncludes("**/*.class"); InstrumentTask instrumentTask = new InstrumentTask(); instrumentTask.setProject(project); instrumentTask.addFileset(fileSet); instrumentTask.createIncludeClasses().setRegex("mypackage.*"); instrumentTask.setDataFile(datafile.getAbsolutePath()); instrumentTask.setToDir(instrumentDir); instrumentTask.setThreadsafeRigorous(arguments != null && arguments.containsKey("threadsafeRigorous") ? (Boolean) arguments.get("threadsafeRigorous") : false); instrumentTask.setIgnoreTrivial(arguments != null && arguments.containsKey("ignoretrivial") ? (Boolean) arguments .get("ignoretrivial") : false); if (arguments != null && arguments.containsKey("ignoreAnnotationNames")) { List<String> ignoreAnnotations = (List<String>) arguments .get("ignoreAnnotationNames"); for (String annotation : ignoreAnnotations) { instrumentTask.createIgnoreMethodAnnotation() .setAnnotationName(annotation); } } if (arguments != null && arguments.containsKey("excludeClassesRegexList")) { instrumentTask.createExcludeClasses().setRegex( (String) arguments.get("excludeClassesRegexList")); } instrumentTask.execute(); } public static void compileSource(AntBuilder ant, File srcDir) { compileSource(ant, srcDir, "1.7"); } public static void compileSource(AntBuilder ant, File srcDir, String jdkVersion) { Javac javac = new Javac(); javac.setDebug(true); javac.setSource(jdkVersion); javac.setTarget(jdkVersion); javac.setProject(project); javac.setSrcdir(new Path(project, srcDir.getAbsolutePath())); javac.setDestdir(srcDir); javac.execute(); } public static void compileGroovy(AntBuilder ant, File srcDir) { Javac javac = new Javac(); javac.setDebug(true); Groovyc groovyc = new Groovyc(); groovyc.setProject(project); groovyc.setSrcdir(new Path(project, srcDir.getAbsolutePath())); groovyc.setDestdir(srcDir); groovyc.addConfiguredJavac(javac); groovyc.execute(); } public static List<Node> getLineCounts(Node dom, String className, String methodName, String signature) { List<Node> returnList = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (Iterator<Node> packagesIterator = dom.iterator(); packagesIterator .hasNext();) { Node packagesNode =; if ("packages".equals( { for (Iterator<Node> packageIterator = packagesNode.iterator(); packageIterator .hasNext();) { Node packageNode =; if ("package".equals( { for (Iterator<Node> classesIterator = packageNode .iterator(); classesIterator.hasNext();) { Node classesNode =; if ("classes".equals( { for (Iterator<Node> classIterator = classesNode .iterator(); classIterator.hasNext();) { Node classNode =; if ("class".equals( { if (className.equals(classNode .attribute("name"))) { for (Iterator<Node> methodsIterator = classNode .iterator(); methodsIterator .hasNext();) { Node methodsNode = methodsIterator .next(); if ("methods" .equals(methodsNode .name())) { for (Iterator<Node> methodIterator = methodsNode .iterator(); methodIterator .hasNext();) { Node methodNode = methodIterator .next(); if ("method" .equals(methodNode .name())) { if (methodName .equals(methodNode .attribute("name"))) { if (signature != null) { returnList .clear(); } // Keep clearing if signature isn't null for (Iterator<Node> linesIterator = methodNode .iterator(); linesIterator .hasNext();) { Node linesNode = linesIterator .next(); if ("lines" .equals(linesNode .name())) { for (Iterator<Node> lineIterator = linesNode .iterator(); lineIterator .hasNext();) { Node lineNode = lineIterator .next(); if ("line" .equals(lineNode .name())) { returnList .add(lineNode); } } } } if (signature != null) { if (signature .equals(methodNode .attribute("signature"))) { return returnList; } else { returnList .clear(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } return returnList; } public static File createSourceArchive(File dir) throws IOException { File sourceDir = new File(dir, SRC_DIR); File sourceFile = new File(sourceDir, SIMPLE_SOURCE_PATHNAME); sourceFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); BufferedWriter bw = null; try { bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(sourceFile)); bw.write(SOURCE_TEXT); } finally { if (bw != null) bw.close(); } File zipDir = new File(dir, "zip"); zipDir.mkdirs(); File zipFile = new File(zipDir, ""); Zip zip = new Zip(); zip.setProject(project); zip.setDestFile(zipFile); zip.setBasedir(sourceDir); zip.execute(); assertTrue(sourceFile.delete()); return zipFile; } public static void instrumentClasses(AntBuilder ant, File srcDir, File datafile, File instrumentDir) { instrumentClasses(ant, srcDir, datafile, instrumentDir, null); } public static void checkFrameSummaryHtmlFile(File frameSummaryFile) throws Exception { XmlParser parser = new XmlParser(); // the next line is to suppress loading the dtd parser .setFeature( "", false); Node doc = parser.parse(frameSummaryFile); List<Node> list = doc.depthFirst(); int totalClasses = 0; int expectedTotalNumberOfClasses = 0; for (Iterator<Node> tableIterator = list.iterator(); tableIterator .hasNext();) { Node tableNode =; if ("table".equals( { if ("report".equals(tableNode.attribute("class"))) { for (Iterator<Node> tbodyIterator = tableNode.iterator(); tbodyIterator .hasNext();) { Node tbodyNode =; if ("tbody".equals( { for (Iterator<Node> trIterator = tbodyNode .iterator(); trIterator.hasNext();) { Node trNode =; if ("tr".equals( { String tdClassString = "td[attributes={class=value}; value=["; int tdClassLength = tdClassString.length(); String value = trNode.value().toString(); int tdClassFirstOccurance = value .indexOf(tdClassString); String tdClassStart = value .substring(tdClassFirstOccurance); int tdClassElement = Integer .valueOf(tdClassStart .substring( tdClassString .length(), tdClassStart .indexOf("]],"))); if (trNode.value().toString().contains( "All Packages")) { expectedTotalNumberOfClasses = tdClassElement; } else { totalClasses += tdClassElement; } } } } } } } } assertFalse("All classes should not be 0.", 0 == expectedTotalNumberOfClasses); assertEquals( "Class count in All Packages of frame-summary.html does not match the sum of the package class counts", expectedTotalNumberOfClasses, totalClasses); } public static Path getCoberturaDefaultClasspath() { Path classpath = new Path(TestUtils.project); DirSet dirSetInstrumentDir = new DirSet(); DirSet dirSetSrcDir = new DirSet(); dirSetInstrumentDir.setDir(new File(getTempDir(), "instrument")); dirSetSrcDir.setDir(new File(getTempDir(), "src")); classpath.addDirset(dirSetInstrumentDir); classpath.addDirset(dirSetSrcDir); classpath.addDirset(TestUtils.getCoberturaClassDirSet()); return classpath; } /** * Run Ant's junit task. Typical usage: * * testUtil.junit( Types * testClass : 'mypackage.MyTest', String * ant : ant, AntBuilder * buildDir : buildDir, File * instrumentDir : instrumentDir, File * reportDir : reportDir, File * ) * * 'ant' is the AntBuilder that is used. Instrumented classes are in * instrumentDir; The remaining classes are in buildDir. * An XML report is created in reportDir. * * @param hashMap * @return * @throws Exception */ public static void junit(HashMap hashMap) throws Exception { Path classpath = new Path(project); PathElement instDirPathElement = PathElement(); PathElement buildDirPathElement = PathElement(); PathElement coberturaClassDirPathElement = PathElement(); PathElement computerClasspath = PathElement(); FileSet fileSet = new FileSet(); instDirPathElement.setLocation((File) hashMap.get("instrumentDir")); buildDirPathElement.setLocation((File) hashMap.get("buildDir")); coberturaClassDirPathElement.setLocation(getCoberturaClassDir()); computerClasspath.setPath(System.getProperty("java.class.path")); fileSet.setDir(new File("src/test/resources/antLibrary/common/groovy")); fileSet.setIncludes("*.jar"); classpath.add(instDirPathElement); classpath.add(buildDirPathElement); classpath.add(coberturaClassDirPathElement); classpath.add(computerClasspath); classpath.addFileset(fileSet); // Create junitTask JUnitTask junit = new JUnitTask(); junit.setProject(project); junit.setHaltonfailure(true); junit.setDir((File) hashMap.get("buildDir")); junit.setFork(true); // Add formatter to junitTask FormatterElement formatter = new FormatterElement(); TypeAttribute type = new TypeAttribute(); type.setValue("xml"); formatter.setType(type); junit.addFormatter(formatter); // Add test to junitTask JUnitTest test = new JUnitTest((String) hashMap.get("testClass")); test.setTodir((File) hashMap.get("reportDir")); junit.addTest(test); junit.setShowOutput(true); // Add classpath to junitTask junit.createClasspath().add(classpath); System.out.println(classpath); // Finally execute junitTask junit.execute(); } public static List<Node> getLineCounts(Node dom, String className, String methodName) { return getLineCounts(dom, className, methodName, null); } public static void waitForLiveServer(String webContainerHostname, int webContainerPort, int timeoutMin) { InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(webContainerHostname, webContainerPort); System.out.println("Waiting " + timeoutMin + " min for web server..."); long beginTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (timeoutMin * 60 * 1000); boolean portOpened = false; while ((!portOpened) && (System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime)) { portOpened = trySocket(address); if (portOpened) { System.out.println("Web server has opened the port in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - beginTime) / 1000.0 / 60.0 + " min."); } else { try { Thread.sleep(2000); // 2 seconds } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (!portOpened) { throw new RuntimeException( "Timed out waiting for webapp server to initialize"); } } private static boolean trySocket(InetSocketAddress address) { boolean success = false; Socket socket = null; try { socket = new Socket(); socket.connect(address); success = true; } catch (ConnectException e) { // this is expected } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (socket != null && !socket.isClosed()) { try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return success; } public static boolean isMethodHit(Node dom, String className, String methodName) { List<Node> methods = TestUtils .getLineCounts(dom, className, methodName); assertNotNull(methods); assertTrue(!methods.isEmpty()); return Integer.valueOf((String) methods.get(0).attribute("hits")) >= 1; } }