// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one // or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file // distributed with this work for additional information // regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file // to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the // "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance // with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. package com.cloud.network; import java.net.Inet6Address; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.URI; import java.net.UnknownHostException; import java.security.InvalidParameterException; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.UUID; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.naming.ConfigurationException; import com.cloud.network.router.VirtualRouter; import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.ControlledEntity.ACLType; import org.apache.cloudstack.acl.SecurityChecker.AccessType; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.ApiConstants; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.admin.network.CreateNetworkCmdByAdmin; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.admin.network.DedicateGuestVlanRangeCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.admin.network.ListDedicatedGuestVlanRangesCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.admin.usage.ListTrafficTypeImplementorsCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.network.CreateNetworkCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.network.ListNetworksCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.network.RestartNetworkCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.user.vm.ListNicsCmd; import org.apache.cloudstack.context.CallContext; import org.apache.cloudstack.engine.orchestration.service.NetworkOrchestrationService; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.config.dao.ConfigurationDao; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.messagebus.MessageBus; import org.apache.cloudstack.framework.messagebus.PublishScope; import org.apache.cloudstack.network.element.InternalLoadBalancerElementService; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.cloud.api.ApiDBUtils; import com.cloud.configuration.Config; import com.cloud.configuration.ConfigurationManager; import com.cloud.configuration.Resource; import com.cloud.dc.DataCenter; import com.cloud.dc.DataCenter.NetworkType; import com.cloud.dc.DataCenterVO; import com.cloud.dc.DataCenterVnetVO; import com.cloud.dc.Vlan.VlanType; import com.cloud.dc.VlanVO; import com.cloud.dc.dao.AccountVlanMapDao; import com.cloud.dc.dao.DataCenterDao; import com.cloud.dc.dao.DataCenterVnetDao; import com.cloud.dc.dao.HostPodDao; import com.cloud.dc.dao.VlanDao; import com.cloud.deploy.DeployDestination; import com.cloud.domain.Domain; import com.cloud.domain.DomainVO; import com.cloud.domain.dao.DomainDao; import com.cloud.event.ActionEvent; import com.cloud.event.EventTypes; import com.cloud.event.UsageEventUtils; import com.cloud.event.dao.EventDao; import com.cloud.event.dao.UsageEventDao; import com.cloud.exception.ConcurrentOperationException; import com.cloud.exception.InsufficientAddressCapacityException; import com.cloud.exception.InsufficientCapacityException; import com.cloud.exception.InvalidParameterValueException; import com.cloud.exception.PermissionDeniedException; import com.cloud.exception.ResourceAllocationException; import com.cloud.exception.ResourceUnavailableException; import com.cloud.exception.UnsupportedServiceException; import com.cloud.host.dao.HostDao; import com.cloud.network.IpAddress.State; import com.cloud.network.Network.Capability; import com.cloud.network.Network.GuestType; import com.cloud.network.Network.Provider; import com.cloud.network.Network.Service; import com.cloud.network.Networks.BroadcastDomainType; import com.cloud.network.Networks.TrafficType; import com.cloud.network.PhysicalNetwork.BroadcastDomainRange; import com.cloud.network.VirtualRouterProvider.Type; import com.cloud.network.addr.PublicIp; import com.cloud.network.dao.AccountGuestVlanMapDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.AccountGuestVlanMapVO; import com.cloud.network.dao.FirewallRulesDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.IPAddressDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.IPAddressVO; import com.cloud.network.dao.LoadBalancerVMMapDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.NetworkDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.NetworkDetailVO; import com.cloud.network.dao.NetworkDetailsDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.NetworkDomainDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.NetworkDomainVO; import com.cloud.network.dao.NetworkServiceMapDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.NetworkVO; import com.cloud.network.dao.OvsProviderDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.PhysicalNetworkDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO; import com.cloud.network.dao.PhysicalNetworkTrafficTypeDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.PhysicalNetworkTrafficTypeVO; import com.cloud.network.dao.PhysicalNetworkVO; import com.cloud.network.element.NetworkElement; import com.cloud.network.element.OvsProviderVO; import com.cloud.network.element.VirtualRouterElement; import com.cloud.network.element.VpcVirtualRouterElement; import com.cloud.network.guru.NetworkGuru; import com.cloud.network.lb.LoadBalancingRulesService; import com.cloud.network.rules.FirewallRule.Purpose; import com.cloud.network.rules.FirewallRuleVO; import com.cloud.network.rules.RulesManager; import com.cloud.network.rules.dao.PortForwardingRulesDao; import com.cloud.network.security.SecurityGroupService; import com.cloud.network.vpc.NetworkACL; import com.cloud.network.vpc.PrivateIpVO; import com.cloud.network.vpc.Vpc; import com.cloud.network.vpc.VpcManager; import com.cloud.network.vpc.dao.NetworkACLDao; import com.cloud.network.vpc.dao.PrivateIpDao; import com.cloud.network.vpc.dao.VpcDao; import com.cloud.offering.NetworkOffering; import com.cloud.offerings.NetworkOfferingVO; import com.cloud.offerings.dao.NetworkOfferingDao; import com.cloud.offerings.dao.NetworkOfferingServiceMapDao; import com.cloud.org.Grouping; import com.cloud.projects.Project; import com.cloud.projects.ProjectManager; import com.cloud.server.ResourceTag.ResourceObjectType; import com.cloud.tags.ResourceTagVO; import com.cloud.tags.dao.ResourceTagDao; import com.cloud.user.Account; import com.cloud.user.AccountManager; import com.cloud.user.AccountVO; import com.cloud.user.DomainManager; import com.cloud.user.ResourceLimitService; import com.cloud.user.User; import com.cloud.user.UserVO; import com.cloud.user.dao.AccountDao; import com.cloud.user.dao.UserDao; import com.cloud.utils.Journal; import com.cloud.utils.NumbersUtil; import com.cloud.utils.Pair; import com.cloud.utils.StringUtils; import com.cloud.utils.component.ManagerBase; import com.cloud.utils.db.DB; import com.cloud.utils.db.EntityManager; import com.cloud.utils.db.Filter; import com.cloud.utils.db.JoinBuilder; import com.cloud.utils.db.QueryBuilder; import com.cloud.utils.db.SearchBuilder; import com.cloud.utils.db.SearchCriteria; import com.cloud.utils.db.SearchCriteria.Op; import com.cloud.utils.db.Transaction; import com.cloud.utils.db.TransactionCallback; import com.cloud.utils.db.TransactionCallbackNoReturn; import com.cloud.utils.db.TransactionCallbackWithException; import com.cloud.utils.db.TransactionLegacy; import com.cloud.utils.db.TransactionStatus; import com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException; import com.cloud.utils.exception.ExceptionUtil; import com.cloud.utils.net.NetUtils; import com.cloud.vm.DomainRouterVO; import com.cloud.vm.Nic; import com.cloud.vm.NicSecondaryIp; import com.cloud.vm.NicVO; import com.cloud.vm.ReservationContext; import com.cloud.vm.ReservationContextImpl; import com.cloud.vm.SecondaryStorageVmVO; import com.cloud.vm.UserVmVO; import com.cloud.vm.VMInstanceVO; import com.cloud.vm.VirtualMachine; import com.cloud.vm.dao.DomainRouterDao; import com.cloud.vm.dao.NicDao; import com.cloud.vm.dao.NicSecondaryIpDao; import com.cloud.vm.dao.NicSecondaryIpVO; import com.cloud.vm.dao.UserVmDao; import com.cloud.vm.dao.VMInstanceDao; import com.cloud.network.dao.LoadBalancerDao; /** * NetworkServiceImpl implements NetworkService. */ public class NetworkServiceImpl extends ManagerBase implements NetworkService { private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(NetworkServiceImpl.class); private static final long MIN_VLAN_ID = 0L; private static final long MAX_VLAN_ID = 4095L; // 2^12 - 1 private static final long MIN_GRE_KEY = 0L; private static final long MAX_GRE_KEY = 4294967295L; // 2^32 -1 private static final long MIN_VXLAN_VNI = 0L; private static final long MAX_VXLAN_VNI = 16777214L; // 2^24 -2 // MAX_VXLAN_VNI should be 16777215L (2^24-1), but Linux vxlan interface doesn't accept VNI:2^24-1 now. // It seems a bug. @Inject DataCenterDao _dcDao = null; @Inject VlanDao _vlanDao = null; @Inject IPAddressDao _ipAddressDao = null; @Inject AccountDao _accountDao = null; @Inject DomainDao _domainDao = null; @Inject UserDao _userDao = null; @Inject EventDao _eventDao = null; @Inject ConfigurationDao _configDao; @Inject UserVmDao _userVmDao = null; @Inject AccountManager _accountMgr; @Inject ConfigurationManager _configMgr; @Inject AccountVlanMapDao _accountVlanMapDao; @Inject NetworkOfferingDao _networkOfferingDao = null; @Inject NetworkDao _networksDao = null; @Inject NicDao _nicDao = null; @Inject RulesManager _rulesMgr; @Inject UsageEventDao _usageEventDao; List<NetworkGuru> _networkGurus; @Inject NetworkDomainDao _networkDomainDao; @Inject VMInstanceDao _vmDao; @Inject FirewallRulesDao _firewallDao; @Inject ResourceLimitService _resourceLimitMgr; @Inject DomainManager _domainMgr; @Inject ProjectManager _projectMgr; @Inject NetworkOfferingServiceMapDao _ntwkOfferingSrvcDao; @Inject PhysicalNetworkDao _physicalNetworkDao; @Inject PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderDao _pNSPDao; @Inject PhysicalNetworkTrafficTypeDao _pNTrafficTypeDao; @Inject NetworkServiceMapDao _ntwkSrvcDao; @Inject StorageNetworkManager _stnwMgr; @Inject VpcManager _vpcMgr; @Inject PrivateIpDao _privateIpDao; @Inject ResourceTagDao _resourceTagDao; @Inject NetworkOrchestrationService _networkMgr; @Inject NetworkModel _networkModel; @Inject NicSecondaryIpDao _nicSecondaryIpDao; @Inject PortForwardingRulesDao _portForwardingDao; @Inject HostDao _hostDao; @Inject HostPodDao _hostPodDao; @Inject InternalLoadBalancerElementService _internalLbElementSvc; @Inject DataCenterVnetDao _datacneterVnet; @Inject AccountGuestVlanMapDao _accountGuestVlanMapDao; @Inject VpcDao _vpcDao; @Inject NetworkACLDao _networkACLDao; @Inject OvsProviderDao _ovsProviderDao; @Inject IpAddressManager _ipAddrMgr; @Inject EntityManager _entityMgr; @Inject LoadBalancerVMMapDao _lbVmMapDao; @Inject LoadBalancingRulesService _lbService; @Inject public SecurityGroupService _securityGroupService; @Inject MessageBus _messageBus; @Inject DomainRouterDao _routerDao; @Inject NetworkDetailsDao _networkDetailsDao; @Inject LoadBalancerDao _loadBalancerDao; int _cidrLimit; boolean _allowSubdomainNetworkAccess; private Map<String, String> _configs; /* Get a list of IPs, classify them by service */ protected Map<PublicIp, Set<Service>> getIpToServices(List<PublicIp> publicIps, boolean rulesRevoked, boolean includingFirewall) { Map<PublicIp, Set<Service>> ipToServices = new HashMap<PublicIp, Set<Service>>(); if (publicIps != null && !publicIps.isEmpty()) { Set<Long> networkSNAT = new HashSet<Long>(); for (PublicIp ip : publicIps) { Set<Service> services = ipToServices.get(ip); if (services == null) { services = new HashSet<Service>(); } if (ip.isSourceNat()) { if (!networkSNAT.contains(ip.getAssociatedWithNetworkId())) { services.add(Service.SourceNat); networkSNAT.add(ip.getAssociatedWithNetworkId()); } else { CloudRuntimeException ex = new CloudRuntimeException("Multiple generic soure NAT IPs provided for network"); // see the IPAddressVO.java class. IPAddressVO ipAddr = ApiDBUtils.findIpAddressById(ip.getAssociatedWithNetworkId()); String ipAddrUuid = ip.getAssociatedWithNetworkId().toString(); if (ipAddr != null) { ipAddrUuid = ipAddr.getUuid(); } ex.addProxyObject(ipAddrUuid, "networkId"); throw ex; } } ipToServices.put(ip, services); // if IP in allocating state then it will not have any rules attached so skip IPAssoc to network service // provider if (ip.getState() == State.Allocating) { continue; } // check if any active rules are applied on the public IP Set<Purpose> purposes = getPublicIpPurposeInRules(ip, false, includingFirewall); // Firewall rules didn't cover static NAT if (ip.isOneToOneNat() && ip.getAssociatedWithVmId() != null) { if (purposes == null) { purposes = new HashSet<Purpose>(); } purposes.add(Purpose.StaticNat); } if (purposes == null || purposes.isEmpty()) { // since no active rules are there check if any rules are applied on the public IP but are in // revoking state purposes = getPublicIpPurposeInRules(ip, true, includingFirewall); if (ip.isOneToOneNat()) { if (purposes == null) { purposes = new HashSet<Purpose>(); } purposes.add(Purpose.StaticNat); } if (purposes == null || purposes.isEmpty()) { // IP is not being used for any purpose so skip IPAssoc to network service provider continue; } else { if (rulesRevoked) { // no active rules/revoked rules are associated with this public IP, so remove the // association with the provider ip.setState(State.Releasing); } else { if (ip.getState() == State.Releasing) { // rules are not revoked yet, so don't let the network service provider revoke the IP // association // mark IP is allocated so that IP association will not be removed from the provider ip.setState(State.Allocated); } } } } if (purposes.contains(Purpose.StaticNat)) { services.add(Service.StaticNat); } if (purposes.contains(Purpose.LoadBalancing)) { services.add(Service.Lb); } if (purposes.contains(Purpose.PortForwarding)) { services.add(Service.PortForwarding); } if (purposes.contains(Purpose.Vpn)) { services.add(Service.Vpn); } if (purposes.contains(Purpose.Firewall)) { services.add(Service.Firewall); } if (services.isEmpty()) { continue; } ipToServices.put(ip, services); } } return ipToServices; } protected boolean canIpUsedForNonConserveService(PublicIp ip, Service service) { // If it's non-conserve mode, then the new ip should not be used by any other services List<PublicIp> ipList = new ArrayList<PublicIp>(); ipList.add(ip); Map<PublicIp, Set<Service>> ipToServices = getIpToServices(ipList, false, false); Set<Service> services = ipToServices.get(ip); // Not used currently, safe if (services == null || services.isEmpty()) { return true; } // Since it's non-conserve mode, only one service should used for IP if (services.size() != 1) { throw new InvalidParameterException("There are multiple services used ip " + ip.getAddress() + "."); } if (service != null && !((Service)services.toArray()[0] == service || service.equals(Service.Firewall))) { throw new InvalidParameterException("The IP " + ip.getAddress() + " is already used as " + ((Service)services.toArray()[0]).getName() + " rather than " + service.getName()); } return true; } protected boolean canIpsUsedForNonConserve(List<PublicIp> publicIps) { boolean result = true; for (PublicIp ip : publicIps) { result = canIpUsedForNonConserveService(ip, null); if (!result) { break; } } return result; } private boolean canIpsUseOffering(List<PublicIp> publicIps, long offeringId) { Map<PublicIp, Set<Service>> ipToServices = getIpToServices(publicIps, false, true); Map<Service, Set<Provider>> serviceToProviders = _networkModel.getNetworkOfferingServiceProvidersMap(offeringId); NetworkOfferingVO offering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(offeringId); //For inline mode checking, using firewall provider for LB instead, because public ip would apply on firewall provider if (offering.isInline()) { Provider firewallProvider = null; if (serviceToProviders.containsKey(Service.Firewall)) { firewallProvider = (Provider)serviceToProviders.get(Service.Firewall).toArray()[0]; } Set<Provider> p = new HashSet<Provider>(); p.add(firewallProvider); serviceToProviders.remove(Service.Lb); serviceToProviders.put(Service.Lb, p); } for (PublicIp ip : ipToServices.keySet()) { Set<Service> services = ipToServices.get(ip); Provider provider = null; for (Service service : services) { Set<Provider> curProviders = serviceToProviders.get(service); if (curProviders == null || curProviders.isEmpty()) { continue; } Provider curProvider = (Provider)curProviders.toArray()[0]; if (provider == null) { provider = curProvider; continue; } // We don't support multiple providers for one service now if (!provider.equals(curProvider)) { throw new InvalidParameterException("There would be multiple providers for IP " + ip.getAddress() + " with the new network offering!"); } } } return true; } private Set<Purpose> getPublicIpPurposeInRules(PublicIp ip, boolean includeRevoked, boolean includingFirewall) { Set<Purpose> result = new HashSet<Purpose>(); List<FirewallRuleVO> rules = null; if (includeRevoked) { rules = _firewallDao.listByIp(ip.getId()); } else { rules = _firewallDao.listByIpAndNotRevoked(ip.getId()); } if (rules == null || rules.isEmpty()) { return null; } for (FirewallRuleVO rule : rules) { if (rule.getPurpose() != Purpose.Firewall || includingFirewall) { result.add(rule.getPurpose()); } } return result; } @Override public List<? extends Network> getIsolatedNetworksOwnedByAccountInZone(long zoneId, Account owner) { return _networksDao.listByZoneAndGuestType(owner.getId(), zoneId, Network.GuestType.Isolated, false); } @Override public List<? extends Network> getIsolatedNetworksWithSourceNATOwnedByAccountInZone(long zoneId, Account owner) { return _networksDao.listSourceNATEnabledNetworks(owner.getId(), zoneId, Network.GuestType.Isolated); } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NET_IP_ASSIGN, eventDescription = "allocating Ip", create = true) public IpAddress allocateIP(Account ipOwner, long zoneId, Long networkId, Boolean displayIp) throws ResourceAllocationException, InsufficientAddressCapacityException, ConcurrentOperationException { Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount(); long callerUserId = CallContext.current().getCallingUserId(); DataCenter zone = _entityMgr.findById(DataCenter.class, zoneId); if (networkId != null) { Network network = _networksDao.findById(networkId); if (network == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid network id is given"); } if (network.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Shared) { if (zone == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid zone Id is given"); } // if shared network in the advanced zone, then check the caller against the network for 'AccessType.UseNetwork' if (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced) { if (isSharedNetworkOfferingWithServices(network.getNetworkOfferingId())) { _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, AccessType.UseEntry, false, network); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Associate IP address called by the user " + callerUserId + " account " + ipOwner.getId()); } return _ipAddrMgr.allocateIp(ipOwner, false, caller, callerUserId, zone, displayIp); } else { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Associate IP address can only be called on the shared networks in the advanced zone" + " with Firewall/Source Nat/Static Nat/Port Forwarding/Load balancing services enabled"); } } } } else { _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, false, ipOwner); } return _ipAddrMgr.allocateIp(ipOwner, false, caller, callerUserId, zone, displayIp); } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_PORTABLE_IP_ASSIGN, eventDescription = "allocating portable public Ip", create = true) public IpAddress allocatePortableIP(Account ipOwner, int regionId, Long zoneId, Long networkId, Long vpcId) throws ResourceAllocationException, InsufficientAddressCapacityException, ConcurrentOperationException { Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount(); long callerUserId = CallContext.current().getCallingUserId(); DataCenter zone = _entityMgr.findById(DataCenter.class, zoneId); if ((networkId == null && vpcId == null) || (networkId != null && vpcId != null)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("One of Network id or VPC is should be passed"); } if (networkId != null) { Network network = _networksDao.findById(networkId); if (network == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid network id is given"); } if (network.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Shared) { if (zone == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid zone Id is given"); } // if shared network in the advanced zone, then check the caller against the network for 'AccessType.UseNetwork' if (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced) { if (isSharedNetworkOfferingWithServices(network.getNetworkOfferingId())) { _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, AccessType.UseEntry, false, network); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Associate IP address called by the user " + callerUserId + " account " + ipOwner.getId()); } return _ipAddrMgr.allocatePortableIp(ipOwner, caller, zoneId, networkId, null); } else { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Associate IP address can only be called on the shared networks in the advanced zone" + " with Firewall/Source Nat/Static Nat/Port Forwarding/Load balancing services enabled"); } } } } if (vpcId != null) { Vpc vpc = _vpcDao.findById(vpcId); if (vpc == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid vpc id is given"); } } _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, false, ipOwner); return _ipAddrMgr.allocatePortableIp(ipOwner, caller, zoneId, null, null); } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_PORTABLE_IP_RELEASE, eventDescription = "disassociating portable Ip", async = true) public boolean releasePortableIpAddress(long ipAddressId) { try { return releaseIpAddressInternal(ipAddressId); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } @Override @DB public boolean configure(final String name, final Map<String, Object> params) throws ConfigurationException { _configs = _configDao.getConfiguration("Network", params); _cidrLimit = NumbersUtil.parseInt(_configs.get(Config.NetworkGuestCidrLimit.key()), 22); _allowSubdomainNetworkAccess = Boolean.valueOf(_configs.get(Config.SubDomainNetworkAccess.key())); s_logger.info("Network Service is configured."); return true; } @Override public boolean start() { return true; } @Override public boolean stop() { return true; } protected NetworkServiceImpl() { } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NIC_SECONDARY_IP_CONFIGURE, eventDescription = "Configuring secondary ip " + "rules", async = true) public boolean configureNicSecondaryIp(NicSecondaryIp secIp, boolean isZoneSgEnabled) { boolean success = false; if (isZoneSgEnabled) { success = _securityGroupService.securityGroupRulesForVmSecIp(secIp.getNicId(), secIp.getIp4Address(), true); s_logger.info("Associated ip address to NIC : " + secIp.getIp4Address()); } else { success = true; } return success; } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NIC_SECONDARY_IP_ASSIGN, eventDescription = "assigning secondary ip to nic", create = true) public NicSecondaryIp allocateSecondaryGuestIP(final long nicId, String requestedIp) throws InsufficientAddressCapacityException { Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount(); //check whether the nic belongs to user vm. final NicVO nicVO = _nicDao.findById(nicId); if (nicVO == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("There is no nic for the " + nicId); } if (nicVO.getVmType() != VirtualMachine.Type.User) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The nic is not belongs to user vm"); } VirtualMachine vm = _userVmDao.findById(nicVO.getInstanceId()); if (vm == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("There is no vm with the nic"); } final long networkId = nicVO.getNetworkId(); final Account ipOwner = _accountMgr.getAccount(vm.getAccountId()); // verify permissions _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, vm); Network network = _networksDao.findById(networkId); if (network == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid network id is given"); } int maxAllowedIpsPerNic = NumbersUtil.parseInt(_configDao.getValue(Config.MaxNumberOfSecondaryIPsPerNIC.key()), 10); Long nicWiseIpCount = _nicSecondaryIpDao.countByNicId(nicId); if(nicWiseIpCount.intValue() >= maxAllowedIpsPerNic) { s_logger.error("Maximum Number of Ips \"vm.network.nic.max.secondary.ipaddresses = \"" + maxAllowedIpsPerNic + " per Nic has been crossed for the nic " + nicId + "."); throw new InsufficientAddressCapacityException("Maximum Number of Ips per Nic has been crossed.", Nic.class, nicId); } s_logger.debug("Calling the ip allocation ..."); String ipaddr = null; //Isolated network can exist in Basic zone only, so no need to verify the zone type if (network.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Isolated) { try { ipaddr = _ipAddrMgr.allocateGuestIP(network, requestedIp); } catch (InsufficientAddressCapacityException e) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Allocating guest ip for nic failed"); } } else if (network.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Shared) { //for basic zone, need to provide the podId to ensure proper ip alloation Long podId = null; DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId()); if (dc.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic) { VMInstanceVO vmi = (VMInstanceVO)vm; podId = vmi.getPodIdToDeployIn(); if (podId == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("vm pod id is null in Basic zone; can't decide the range for ip allocation"); } } try { ipaddr = _ipAddrMgr.allocatePublicIpForGuestNic(network, podId, ipOwner, requestedIp); if (ipaddr == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Allocating ip to guest nic " + nicId + " failed"); } } catch (InsufficientAddressCapacityException e) { s_logger.error("Allocating ip to guest nic " + nicId + " failed"); return null; } } else { s_logger.error("AddIpToVMNic is not supported in this network..."); return null; } if (ipaddr != null) { // we got the ip addr so up the nics table and secodary ip final String addrFinal = ipaddr; long id = Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<Long>() { @Override public Long doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) { boolean nicSecondaryIpSet = nicVO.getSecondaryIp(); if (!nicSecondaryIpSet) { nicVO.setSecondaryIp(true); // commit when previously set ?? s_logger.debug("Setting nics table ..."); _nicDao.update(nicId, nicVO); } s_logger.debug("Setting nic_secondary_ip table ..."); Long vmId = nicVO.getInstanceId(); NicSecondaryIpVO secondaryIpVO = new NicSecondaryIpVO(nicId, addrFinal, vmId, ipOwner.getId(), ipOwner.getDomainId(), networkId); _nicSecondaryIpDao.persist(secondaryIpVO); return secondaryIpVO.getId(); } }); return getNicSecondaryIp(id); } else { return null; } } @Override @DB @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NIC_SECONDARY_IP_UNASSIGN, eventDescription = "Removing secondary ip " + "from nic", async = true) public boolean releaseSecondaryIpFromNic(long ipAddressId) { Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount(); boolean success = false; // Verify input parameters NicSecondaryIpVO secIpVO = _nicSecondaryIpDao.findById(ipAddressId); if (secIpVO == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find secondary ip address by id"); } VirtualMachine vm = _userVmDao.findById(secIpVO.getVmId()); if (vm == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("There is no vm with the given secondary ip"); } // verify permissions _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, vm); Network network = _networksDao.findById(secIpVO.getNetworkId()); if (network == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid network id is given"); } // Validate network offering NetworkOfferingVO ntwkOff = _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId()); Long nicId = secIpVO.getNicId(); s_logger.debug("ip id = " + ipAddressId + " nic id = " + nicId); //check is this the last secondary ip for NIC List<NicSecondaryIpVO> ipList = _nicSecondaryIpDao.listByNicId(nicId); boolean lastIp = false; if (ipList.size() == 1) { // this is the last secondary ip to nic lastIp = true; } DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId()); if (dc == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid zone Id is given"); } s_logger.debug("Calling secondary ip " + secIpVO.getIp4Address() + " release "); if (dc.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced && network.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Isolated) { //check PF or static NAT is configured on this ip address String secondaryIp = secIpVO.getIp4Address(); List<FirewallRuleVO> fwRulesList = _firewallDao.listByNetworkAndPurpose(network.getId(), Purpose.PortForwarding); if (fwRulesList.size() != 0) { for (FirewallRuleVO rule : fwRulesList) { if (_portForwardingDao.findByIdAndIp(rule.getId(), secondaryIp) != null) { s_logger.debug("VM nic IP " + secondaryIp + " is associated with the port forwarding rule"); throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't remove the secondary ip " + secondaryIp + " is associate with the port forwarding rule"); } } } //check if the secondary ip associated with any static nat rule IPAddressVO publicIpVO = _ipAddressDao.findByIpAndNetworkId(secIpVO.getNetworkId(), secondaryIp); if (publicIpVO != null) { s_logger.debug("VM nic IP " + secondaryIp + " is associated with the static NAT rule public IP address id " + publicIpVO.getId()); throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can' remove the ip " + secondaryIp + "is associate with static NAT rule public IP address id " + publicIpVO.getId()); } if (_loadBalancerDao.isLoadBalancerRulesMappedToVmGuestIp(vm.getId(), secondaryIp, network.getId())) { s_logger.debug("VM nic IP " + secondaryIp + " is mapped to load balancing rule"); throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't remove the secondary ip " + secondaryIp + " is mapped to load balancing rule"); } } else if (dc.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic || ntwkOff.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Shared) { final IPAddressVO ip = _ipAddressDao.findByIpAndSourceNetworkId(secIpVO.getNetworkId(), secIpVO.getIp4Address()); if (ip != null) { Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() { @Override public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) { _ipAddrMgr.markIpAsUnavailable(ip.getId()); _ipAddressDao.unassignIpAddress(ip.getId()); } }); } } else { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Not supported for this network now"); } success = removeNicSecondaryIP(secIpVO, lastIp); return success; } boolean removeNicSecondaryIP(final NicSecondaryIpVO ipVO, final boolean lastIp) { final long nicId = ipVO.getNicId(); final NicVO nic = _nicDao.findById(nicId); Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() { @Override public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) { if (lastIp) { nic.setSecondaryIp(false); s_logger.debug("Setting nics secondary ip to false ..."); _nicDao.update(nicId, nic); } s_logger.debug("Revoving nic secondary ip entry ..."); _nicSecondaryIpDao.remove(ipVO.getId()); } }); return true; } NicSecondaryIp getNicSecondaryIp(long id) { NicSecondaryIp nicSecIp = _nicSecondaryIpDao.findById(id); if (nicSecIp == null) { return null; } return nicSecIp; } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NET_IP_RELEASE, eventDescription = "disassociating Ip", async = true) public boolean releaseIpAddress(long ipAddressId) throws InsufficientAddressCapacityException { return releaseIpAddressInternal(ipAddressId); } @DB private boolean releaseIpAddressInternal(long ipAddressId) throws InsufficientAddressCapacityException { Long userId = CallContext.current().getCallingUserId(); Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount(); // Verify input parameters IPAddressVO ipVO = _ipAddressDao.findById(ipAddressId); if (ipVO == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find ip address by id"); } if (ipVO.getAllocatedTime() == null) { s_logger.debug("Ip Address id= " + ipAddressId + " is not allocated, so do nothing."); return true; } // verify permissions if (ipVO.getAllocatedToAccountId() != null) { _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, ipVO); } if (ipVO.isSourceNat()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ip address is used for source nat purposes and can not be disassociated."); } VlanVO vlan = _vlanDao.findById(ipVO.getVlanId()); if (!vlan.getVlanType().equals(VlanType.VirtualNetwork)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("only ip addresses that belong to a virtual network may be disassociated."); } // don't allow releasing system ip address if (ipVO.getSystem()) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't release system IP address with specified id"); ex.addProxyObject(ipVO.getUuid(), "systemIpAddrId"); throw ex; } boolean success = _ipAddrMgr.disassociatePublicIpAddress(ipAddressId, userId, caller); if (success) { Long networkId = ipVO.getAssociatedWithNetworkId(); if (networkId != null) { Network guestNetwork = getNetwork(networkId); NetworkOffering offering = _entityMgr.findById(NetworkOffering.class, guestNetwork.getNetworkOfferingId()); Long vmId = ipVO.getAssociatedWithVmId(); if (offering.getElasticIp() && vmId != null) { _rulesMgr.getSystemIpAndEnableStaticNatForVm(_userVmDao.findById(vmId), true); return true; } } } else { s_logger.warn("Failed to release public ip address id=" + ipAddressId); } return success; } @Override @DB public Network getNetwork(long id) { return _networksDao.findById(id); } private void checkSharedNetworkCidrOverlap(Long zoneId, long physicalNetworkId, String cidr) { if (zoneId == null || cidr == null) { return; } DataCenter zone = _dcDao.findById(zoneId); List<NetworkVO> networks = _networksDao.listByZone(zoneId); Map<Long, String> networkToCidr = new HashMap<Long, String>(); // check for CIDR overlap with all possible CIDR for isolated guest networks // in the zone when using external networking PhysicalNetworkVO pNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId); if (pNetwork.getVnet() != null) { List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> vlanList = pNetwork.getVnet(); for (Pair<Integer, Integer> vlanRange : vlanList) { Integer lowestVlanTag = vlanRange.first(); Integer highestVlanTag = vlanRange.second(); for (int vlan = lowestVlanTag; vlan <= highestVlanTag; ++vlan) { int offset = vlan - lowestVlanTag; String globalVlanBits = _configDao.getValue(Config.GuestVlanBits.key()); int cidrSize = 8 + Integer.parseInt(globalVlanBits); String guestNetworkCidr = zone.getGuestNetworkCidr(); String[] cidrTuple = guestNetworkCidr.split("\\/"); long newCidrAddress = (NetUtils.ip2Long(cidrTuple[0]) & 0xff000000) | (offset << (32 - cidrSize)); if (NetUtils.isNetworksOverlap(NetUtils.long2Ip(newCidrAddress), cidr)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified CIDR for shared network conflict with CIDR that is reserved for zone vlan " + vlan); } } } } // check for CIDR overlap with all CIDR's of the shared networks in the zone for (NetworkVO network : networks) { if (network.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated) { continue; } if (network.getCidr() != null) { networkToCidr.put(network.getId(), network.getCidr()); } } if (networkToCidr != null && !networkToCidr.isEmpty()) { for (long networkId : networkToCidr.keySet()) { String ntwkCidr = networkToCidr.get(networkId); if (NetUtils.isNetworksOverlap(ntwkCidr, cidr)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified CIDR for shared network conflict with CIDR of a shared network in the zone."); } } } } @Override @DB @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_CREATE, eventDescription = "creating network") public Network createGuestNetwork(CreateNetworkCmd cmd) throws InsufficientCapacityException, ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceAllocationException { Long networkOfferingId = cmd.getNetworkOfferingId(); String gateway = cmd.getGateway(); String startIP = cmd.getStartIp(); String endIP = cmd.getEndIp(); String netmask = cmd.getNetmask(); String networkDomain = cmd.getNetworkDomain(); String vlanId = null; if (cmd instanceof CreateNetworkCmdByAdmin) { vlanId = ((CreateNetworkCmdByAdmin)cmd).getVlan(); } String name = cmd.getNetworkName(); String displayText = cmd.getDisplayText(); Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount(); Long physicalNetworkId = cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId(); Long zoneId = cmd.getZoneId(); String aclTypeStr = cmd.getAclType(); Long domainId = cmd.getDomainId(); boolean isDomainSpecific = false; Boolean subdomainAccess = cmd.getSubdomainAccess(); Long vpcId = cmd.getVpcId(); String startIPv6 = cmd.getStartIpv6(); String endIPv6 = cmd.getEndIpv6(); String ip6Gateway = cmd.getIp6Gateway(); String ip6Cidr = cmd.getIp6Cidr(); Boolean displayNetwork = cmd.getDisplayNetwork(); Long aclId = cmd.getAclId(); String isolatedPvlan = cmd.getIsolatedPvlan(); // Validate network offering NetworkOfferingVO ntwkOff = _networkOfferingDao.findById(networkOfferingId); if (ntwkOff == null || ntwkOff.isSystemOnly()) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find network offering by specified id"); if (ntwkOff != null) { ex.addProxyObject(ntwkOff.getUuid(), "networkOfferingId"); } throw ex; } // validate physical network and zone // Check if physical network exists PhysicalNetwork pNtwk = null; if (physicalNetworkId != null) { pNtwk = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId); if (pNtwk == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find a physical network having the specified physical network id"); } } if (zoneId == null) { zoneId = pNtwk.getDataCenterId(); } if (displayNetwork == null) { displayNetwork = true; } DataCenter zone = _dcDao.findById(zoneId); if (zone == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified zone id was not found"); } if (Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled == zone.getAllocationState() && !_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(caller.getId())) { // See DataCenterVO.java PermissionDeniedException ex = new PermissionDeniedException("Cannot perform this operation since specified Zone is currently disabled"); ex.addProxyObject(zone.getUuid(), "zoneId"); throw ex; } // Only domain and account ACL types are supported in Acton. ACLType aclType = null; if (aclTypeStr != null) { if (aclTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase(ACLType.Account.toString())) { aclType = ACLType.Account; } else if (aclTypeStr.equalsIgnoreCase(ACLType.Domain.toString())) { aclType = ACLType.Domain; } else { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Incorrect aclType specified. Check the API documentation for supported types"); } // In 3.0 all Shared networks should have aclType == Domain, all Isolated networks aclType==Account if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated) { if (aclType != ACLType.Account) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("AclType should be " + ACLType.Account + " for network of type " + Network.GuestType.Isolated); } } else if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared) { if (!(aclType == ACLType.Domain || aclType == ACLType.Account)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("AclType should be " + ACLType.Domain + " or " + ACLType.Account + " for network of type " + Network.GuestType.Shared); } } } else { if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated) { aclType = ACLType.Account; } else if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared) { aclType = ACLType.Domain; } } // Only Admin can create Shared networks if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared && !_accountMgr.isAdmin(caller.getId())) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only Admins can create network with guest type " + GuestType.Shared); } // Check if the network is domain specific if (aclType == ACLType.Domain) { // only Admin can create domain with aclType=Domain if (!_accountMgr.isAdmin(caller.getId())) { throw new PermissionDeniedException("Only admin can create networks with aclType=Domain"); } // only shared networks can be Domain specific if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() != GuestType.Shared) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only " + GuestType.Shared + " networks can have aclType=" + ACLType.Domain); } if (domainId != null) { if (ntwkOff.getTrafficType() != TrafficType.Guest || ntwkOff.getGuestType() != Network.GuestType.Shared) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Domain level networks are supported just for traffic type " + TrafficType.Guest + " and guest type " + Network.GuestType.Shared); } DomainVO domain = _domainDao.findById(domainId); if (domain == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find domain by specified id"); } _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, domain); } isDomainSpecific = true; } else if (subdomainAccess != null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Parameter subDomainAccess can be specified only with aclType=Domain"); } Account owner = null; if ((cmd.getAccountName() != null && domainId != null) || cmd.getProjectId() != null) { owner = _accountMgr.finalizeOwner(caller, cmd.getAccountName(), domainId, cmd.getProjectId()); } else { owner = caller; } boolean ipv4 = true, ipv6 = false; if (startIP != null) { ipv4 = true; } if (startIPv6 != null) { ipv6 = true; } if (gateway != null) { try { // getByName on a literal representation will only check validity of the address // http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/net/InetAddress.html#getByName(java.lang.String) InetAddress gatewayAddress = InetAddress.getByName(gateway); if (gatewayAddress instanceof Inet6Address) { ipv6 = true; } else { ipv4 = true; } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { s_logger.error("Unable to convert gateway IP to a InetAddress", e); throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Gateway parameter is invalid"); } } String cidr = null; if (ipv4) { // if end ip is not specified, default it to startIp if (startIP != null) { if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(startIP)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format for the startIp parameter"); } if (endIP == null) { endIP = startIP; } else if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(endIP)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format for the endIp parameter"); } } if (startIP != null && endIP != null) { if (!(gateway != null && netmask != null)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("gateway and netmask should be defined when startIP/endIP are passed in"); } } if (gateway != null && netmask != null) { if(NetUtils.isNetworkorBroadcastIP(gateway,netmask)) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("The gateway IP provided is " + gateway + " and netmask is " + netmask + ". The IP is either broadcast or network IP."); } throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid gateway IP provided. Either the IP is broadcast or network IP."); } if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(gateway)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid gateway"); } if (!NetUtils.isValidNetmask(netmask)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid netmask"); } cidr = NetUtils.ipAndNetMaskToCidr(gateway, netmask); } } if (ipv6) { if (endIPv6 == null) { endIPv6 = startIPv6; } _networkModel.checkIp6Parameters(startIPv6, endIPv6, ip6Gateway, ip6Cidr); if (zone.getNetworkType() != NetworkType.Advanced || ntwkOff.getGuestType() != Network.GuestType.Shared) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can only support create IPv6 network with advance shared network!"); } } if (isolatedPvlan != null && (zone.getNetworkType() != NetworkType.Advanced || ntwkOff.getGuestType() != Network.GuestType.Shared)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can only support create Private VLAN network with advance shared network!"); } if (isolatedPvlan != null && ipv6) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can only support create Private VLAN network with IPv4!"); } // Regular user can create Guest Isolated Source Nat enabled network only if (_accountMgr.isNormalUser(caller.getId()) && (ntwkOff.getTrafficType() != TrafficType.Guest || ntwkOff.getGuestType() != Network.GuestType.Isolated && areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(ntwkOff.getId(), Service.SourceNat))) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Regular user can create a network only from the network" + " offering having traffic type " + TrafficType.Guest + " and network type " + Network.GuestType.Isolated + " with a service " + Service.SourceNat.getName() + " enabled"); } // Don't allow to specify vlan if the caller is not ROOT admin if (!_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(caller.getId()) && (ntwkOff.getSpecifyVlan() || vlanId != null)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only ROOT admin is allowed to specify vlanId"); } if (ipv4) { // For non-root admins check cidr limit - if it's allowed by global config value if (!_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(caller.getId()) && cidr != null) { String[] cidrPair = cidr.split("\\/"); int cidrSize = Integer.parseInt(cidrPair[1]); if (cidrSize < _cidrLimit) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cidr size can't be less than " + _cidrLimit); } } } Collection<String> ntwkProviders = _networkMgr.finalizeServicesAndProvidersForNetwork(ntwkOff, physicalNetworkId).values(); if (ipv6 && providersConfiguredForExternalNetworking(ntwkProviders)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot support IPv6 on network offering with external devices!"); } if (isolatedPvlan != null && providersConfiguredForExternalNetworking(ntwkProviders)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot support private vlan on network offering with external devices!"); } if (cidr != null && providersConfiguredForExternalNetworking(ntwkProviders)) { if (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared && (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced) && isSharedNetworkOfferingWithServices(networkOfferingId)) { // validate if CIDR specified overlaps with any of the CIDR's allocated for isolated networks and shared networks in the zone checkSharedNetworkCidrOverlap(zoneId, pNtwk.getId(), cidr); } else { // if the guest network is for the VPC, if any External Provider are supported in VPC // cidr will not be null as it is generated from the super cidr of vpc. // if cidr is not null and network is not part of vpc then throw the exception if (vpcId == null) throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot specify CIDR when using network offering with external devices!"); } } // Vlan is created in 1 cases - works in Advance zone only: // 1) GuestType is Shared boolean createVlan = (startIP != null && endIP != null && zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced && ((ntwkOff.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Shared) || (ntwkOff.getGuestType() == GuestType.Isolated && !areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(ntwkOff.getId(), Service.SourceNat)))); if (!createVlan) { // Only support advance shared network in IPv6, which means createVlan is a must if (ipv6) { createVlan = true; } } // Can add vlan range only to the network which allows it if (createVlan && !ntwkOff.getSpecifyIpRanges()) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Network offering with specified id doesn't support adding multiple ip ranges"); ex.addProxyObject(ntwkOff.getUuid(), "networkOfferingId"); throw ex; } Network network = commitNetwork(networkOfferingId, gateway, startIP, endIP, netmask, networkDomain, vlanId, name, displayText, caller, physicalNetworkId, zoneId, domainId, isDomainSpecific, subdomainAccess, vpcId, startIPv6, endIPv6, ip6Gateway, ip6Cidr, displayNetwork, aclId, isolatedPvlan, ntwkOff, pNtwk, aclType, owner, cidr, createVlan); // if the network offering has persistent set to true, implement the network if (ntwkOff.getIsPersistent()) { try { if (network.getState() == Network.State.Setup) { s_logger.debug("Network id=" + network.getId() + " is already provisioned"); return network; } DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(zone, null, null, null); UserVO callerUser = _userDao.findById(CallContext.current().getCallingUserId()); Journal journal = new Journal.LogJournal("Implementing " + network, s_logger); ReservationContext context = new ReservationContextImpl(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), journal, callerUser, caller); s_logger.debug("Implementing network " + network + " as a part of network provision for persistent network"); Pair<? extends NetworkGuru, ? extends Network> implementedNetwork = _networkMgr.implementNetwork(network.getId(), dest, context); if (implementedNetwork == null || implementedNetwork.first() == null) { s_logger.warn("Failed to provision the network " + network); } network = implementedNetwork.second(); } catch (ResourceUnavailableException ex) { s_logger.warn("Failed to implement persistent guest network " + network + "due to ", ex); CloudRuntimeException e = new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to implement persistent guest network"); e.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId"); throw e; } } return network; } private Network commitNetwork(final Long networkOfferingId, final String gateway, final String startIP, final String endIP, final String netmask, final String networkDomain, final String vlanId, final String name, final String displayText, final Account caller, final Long physicalNetworkId, final Long zoneId, final Long domainId, final boolean isDomainSpecific, final Boolean subdomainAccessFinal, final Long vpcId, final String startIPv6, final String endIPv6, final String ip6Gateway, final String ip6Cidr, final Boolean displayNetwork, final Long aclId, final String isolatedPvlan, final NetworkOfferingVO ntwkOff, final PhysicalNetwork pNtwk, final ACLType aclType, final Account ownerFinal, final String cidr, final boolean createVlan) throws InsufficientCapacityException, ResourceAllocationException { try { Network network = Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithException<Network, Exception>() { @Override public Network doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) throws InsufficientCapacityException, ResourceAllocationException { Account owner = ownerFinal; Boolean subdomainAccess = subdomainAccessFinal; Long sharedDomainId = null; if (isDomainSpecific) { if (domainId != null) { sharedDomainId = domainId; } else { sharedDomainId = _domainMgr.getDomain(Domain.ROOT_DOMAIN).getId(); subdomainAccess = true; } } // default owner to system if network has aclType=Domain if (aclType == ACLType.Domain) { owner = _accountMgr.getAccount(Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM); } // Create guest network Network network = null; if (vpcId != null) { if (!_configMgr.isOfferingForVpc(ntwkOff)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Network offering can't be used for VPC networks"); } if (aclId != null) { NetworkACL acl = _networkACLDao.findById(aclId); if (acl == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find specified NetworkACL"); } if (aclId != NetworkACL.DEFAULT_DENY && aclId != NetworkACL.DEFAULT_ALLOW) { // ACL is not default DENY/ALLOW // ACL should be associated with a VPC if (!vpcId.equals(acl.getVpcId())) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("ACL: " + aclId + " do not belong to the VPC"); } } } network = _vpcMgr.createVpcGuestNetwork(networkOfferingId, name, displayText, gateway, cidr, vlanId, networkDomain, owner, sharedDomainId, pNtwk, zoneId, aclType, subdomainAccess, vpcId, aclId, caller, displayNetwork); } else { if (_configMgr.isOfferingForVpc(ntwkOff)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Network offering can be used for VPC networks only"); } if (ntwkOff.getInternalLb()) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Internal Lb can be enabled on vpc networks only"); } network = _networkMgr.createGuestNetwork(networkOfferingId, name, displayText, gateway, cidr, vlanId, networkDomain, owner, sharedDomainId, pNtwk, zoneId, aclType, subdomainAccess, vpcId, ip6Gateway, ip6Cidr, displayNetwork, isolatedPvlan); } if (_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(caller.getId()) && createVlan && network != null) { // Create vlan ip range _configMgr.createVlanAndPublicIpRange(pNtwk.getDataCenterId(), network.getId(), physicalNetworkId, false, null, startIP, endIP, gateway, netmask, vlanId, null, null, startIPv6, endIPv6, ip6Gateway, ip6Cidr); } return network; } }); if (domainId != null && aclType == ACLType.Domain) { // send event for storing the domain wide resource access Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put(ApiConstants.ENTITY_TYPE, Network.class); params.put(ApiConstants.ENTITY_ID, network.getId()); params.put(ApiConstants.DOMAIN_ID, domainId); params.put(ApiConstants.SUBDOMAIN_ACCESS, subdomainAccessFinal == null ? Boolean.TRUE : subdomainAccessFinal); _messageBus.publish(_name, EntityManager.MESSAGE_ADD_DOMAIN_WIDE_ENTITY_EVENT, PublishScope.LOCAL, params); } return network; } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionUtil.rethrowRuntime(e); ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e, InsufficientCapacityException.class); ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e, ResourceAllocationException.class); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } @Override public Pair<List<? extends Network>, Integer> searchForNetworks(ListNetworksCmd cmd) { Long id = cmd.getId(); String keyword = cmd.getKeyword(); Long zoneId = cmd.getZoneId(); Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount(); Long domainId = cmd.getDomainId(); String accountName = cmd.getAccountName(); String guestIpType = cmd.getGuestIpType(); String trafficType = cmd.getTrafficType(); Boolean isSystem = cmd.getIsSystem(); String aclType = cmd.getAclType(); Long projectId = cmd.getProjectId(); List<Long> permittedAccounts = new ArrayList<Long>(); String path = null; Long physicalNetworkId = cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId(); List<String> supportedServicesStr = cmd.getSupportedServices(); Boolean restartRequired = cmd.getRestartRequired(); boolean listAll = cmd.listAll(); boolean isRecursive = cmd.isRecursive(); Boolean specifyIpRanges = cmd.getSpecifyIpRanges(); Long vpcId = cmd.getVpcId(); Boolean canUseForDeploy = cmd.canUseForDeploy(); Map<String, String> tags = cmd.getTags(); Boolean forVpc = cmd.getForVpc(); Boolean display = cmd.getDisplay(); // 1) default is system to false if not specified // 2) reset parameter to false if it's specified by the regular user if ((isSystem == null || _accountMgr.isNormalUser(caller.getId())) && id == null) { isSystem = false; } // Account/domainId parameters and isSystem are mutually exclusive if (isSystem != null && isSystem && (accountName != null || domainId != null)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("System network belongs to system, account and domainId parameters can't be specified"); } if (domainId != null) { DomainVO domain = _domainDao.findById(domainId); if (domain == null) { // see DomainVO.java throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified domain id doesn't exist in the system"); } _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, domain); if (accountName != null) { Account owner = _accountMgr.getActiveAccountByName(accountName, domainId); if (owner == null) { // see DomainVO.java throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find account " + accountName + " in specified domain"); } _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, owner); permittedAccounts.add(owner.getId()); } } if (!_accountMgr.isAdmin(caller.getId()) || (projectId != null && projectId.longValue() != -1 && domainId == null)) { permittedAccounts.add(caller.getId()); domainId = caller.getDomainId(); } // set project information boolean skipProjectNetworks = true; if (projectId != null) { if (projectId.longValue() == -1) { if (!_accountMgr.isAdmin(caller.getId())) { permittedAccounts.addAll(_projectMgr.listPermittedProjectAccounts(caller.getId())); } } else { permittedAccounts.clear(); Project project = _projectMgr.getProject(projectId); if (project == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find project by specified id"); } if (!_projectMgr.canAccessProjectAccount(caller, project.getProjectAccountId())) { // getProject() returns type ProjectVO. InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Account " + caller + " cannot access specified project id"); ex.addProxyObject(project.getUuid(), "projectId"); throw ex; } //add project account permittedAccounts.add(project.getProjectAccountId()); //add caller account (if admin) if (_accountMgr.isAdmin(caller.getId())) { permittedAccounts.add(caller.getId()); } } skipProjectNetworks = false; } if (domainId != null) { path = _domainDao.findById(domainId).getPath(); } else { path = _domainDao.findById(caller.getDomainId()).getPath(); } if (listAll && domainId == null) { isRecursive = true; } Filter searchFilter = new Filter(NetworkVO.class, "id", false, null, null); SearchBuilder<NetworkVO> sb = _networksDao.createSearchBuilder(); if (forVpc != null) { if (forVpc) { sb.and("vpc", sb.entity().getVpcId(), Op.NNULL); } else { sb.and("vpc", sb.entity().getVpcId(), Op.NULL); } } // Don't display networks created of system network offerings SearchBuilder<NetworkOfferingVO> networkOfferingSearch = _networkOfferingDao.createSearchBuilder(); networkOfferingSearch.and("systemOnly", networkOfferingSearch.entity().isSystemOnly(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ); if (isSystem != null && isSystem) { networkOfferingSearch.and("trafficType", networkOfferingSearch.entity().getTrafficType(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ); } sb.join("networkOfferingSearch", networkOfferingSearch, sb.entity().getNetworkOfferingId(), networkOfferingSearch.entity().getId(), JoinBuilder.JoinType.INNER); SearchBuilder<DataCenterVO> zoneSearch = _dcDao.createSearchBuilder(); zoneSearch.and("networkType", zoneSearch.entity().getNetworkType(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ); sb.join("zoneSearch", zoneSearch, sb.entity().getDataCenterId(), zoneSearch.entity().getId(), JoinBuilder.JoinType.INNER); sb.and("removed", sb.entity().getRemoved(), Op.NULL); if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { SearchBuilder<ResourceTagVO> tagSearch = _resourceTagDao.createSearchBuilder(); for (int count = 0; count < tags.size(); count++) { tagSearch.or().op("key" + String.valueOf(count), tagSearch.entity().getKey(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ); tagSearch.and("value" + String.valueOf(count), tagSearch.entity().getValue(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ); tagSearch.cp(); } tagSearch.and("resourceType", tagSearch.entity().getResourceType(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ); sb.groupBy(sb.entity().getId()); sb.join("tagSearch", tagSearch, sb.entity().getId(), tagSearch.entity().getResourceId(), JoinBuilder.JoinType.INNER); } if (permittedAccounts.isEmpty()) { SearchBuilder<DomainVO> domainSearch = _domainDao.createSearchBuilder(); domainSearch.and("path", domainSearch.entity().getPath(), SearchCriteria.Op.LIKE); sb.join("domainSearch", domainSearch, sb.entity().getDomainId(), domainSearch.entity().getId(), JoinBuilder.JoinType.INNER); } SearchBuilder<AccountVO> accountSearch = _accountDao.createSearchBuilder(); accountSearch.and("typeNEQ", accountSearch.entity().getType(), SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ); accountSearch.and("typeEQ", accountSearch.entity().getType(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ); sb.join("accountSearch", accountSearch, sb.entity().getAccountId(), accountSearch.entity().getId(), JoinBuilder.JoinType.INNER); List<NetworkVO> networksToReturn = new ArrayList<NetworkVO>(); if (isSystem == null || !isSystem) { if (!permittedAccounts.isEmpty()) { //get account level networks networksToReturn.addAll(listAccountSpecificNetworks( buildNetworkSearchCriteria(sb, keyword, id, isSystem, zoneId, guestIpType, trafficType, physicalNetworkId, aclType, skipProjectNetworks, restartRequired, specifyIpRanges, vpcId, tags, display), searchFilter, permittedAccounts)); //get domain level networks if (domainId != null) { networksToReturn.addAll(listDomainLevelNetworks( buildNetworkSearchCriteria(sb, keyword, id, isSystem, zoneId, guestIpType, trafficType, physicalNetworkId, aclType, true, restartRequired, specifyIpRanges, vpcId, tags, display), searchFilter, domainId, false)); } } else { //add account specific networks networksToReturn.addAll(listAccountSpecificNetworksByDomainPath( buildNetworkSearchCriteria(sb, keyword, id, isSystem, zoneId, guestIpType, trafficType, physicalNetworkId, aclType, skipProjectNetworks, restartRequired, specifyIpRanges, vpcId, tags, display), searchFilter, path, isRecursive)); //add domain specific networks of domain + parent domains networksToReturn.addAll(listDomainSpecificNetworksByDomainPath( buildNetworkSearchCriteria(sb, keyword, id, isSystem, zoneId, guestIpType, trafficType, physicalNetworkId, aclType, skipProjectNetworks, restartRequired, specifyIpRanges, vpcId, tags, display), searchFilter, path, isRecursive)); //add networks of subdomains if (domainId == null) { networksToReturn.addAll(listDomainLevelNetworks( buildNetworkSearchCriteria(sb, keyword, id, isSystem, zoneId, guestIpType, trafficType, physicalNetworkId, aclType, true, restartRequired, specifyIpRanges, vpcId, tags, display), searchFilter, caller.getDomainId(), true)); } } } else { networksToReturn = _networksDao.search( buildNetworkSearchCriteria(sb, keyword, id, isSystem, zoneId, guestIpType, trafficType, physicalNetworkId, null, skipProjectNetworks, restartRequired, specifyIpRanges, vpcId, tags, display), searchFilter); } if (supportedServicesStr != null && !supportedServicesStr.isEmpty() && !networksToReturn.isEmpty()) { List<NetworkVO> supportedNetworks = new ArrayList<NetworkVO>(); Service[] suppportedServices = new Service[supportedServicesStr.size()]; int i = 0; for (String supportedServiceStr : supportedServicesStr) { Service service = Service.getService(supportedServiceStr); if (service == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid service specified " + supportedServiceStr); } else { suppportedServices[i] = service; } i++; } for (NetworkVO network : networksToReturn) { if (areServicesSupportedInNetwork(network.getId(), suppportedServices)) { supportedNetworks.add(network); } } networksToReturn = supportedNetworks; } if (canUseForDeploy != null) { List<NetworkVO> networksForDeploy = new ArrayList<NetworkVO>(); for (NetworkVO network : networksToReturn) { if (_networkModel.canUseForDeploy(network) == canUseForDeploy) { networksForDeploy.add(network); } } networksToReturn = networksForDeploy; } //Now apply pagination List<? extends Network> wPagination = StringUtils.applyPagination(networksToReturn, cmd.getStartIndex(), cmd.getPageSizeVal()); if (wPagination != null) { Pair<List<? extends Network>, Integer> listWPagination = new Pair<List<? extends Network>, Integer>(wPagination, networksToReturn.size()); return listWPagination; } return new Pair<List<? extends Network>, Integer>(networksToReturn, networksToReturn.size()); } private SearchCriteria<NetworkVO> buildNetworkSearchCriteria(SearchBuilder<NetworkVO> sb, String keyword, Long id, Boolean isSystem, Long zoneId, String guestIpType, String trafficType, Long physicalNetworkId, String aclType, boolean skipProjectNetworks, Boolean restartRequired, Boolean specifyIpRanges, Long vpcId, Map<String, String> tags, Boolean display) { SearchCriteria<NetworkVO> sc = sb.create(); if (isSystem != null) { sc.setJoinParameters("networkOfferingSearch", "systemOnly", isSystem); } if (keyword != null) { SearchCriteria<NetworkVO> ssc = _networksDao.createSearchCriteria(); ssc.addOr("name", SearchCriteria.Op.LIKE, "%" + keyword + "%"); sc.addAnd("name", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, ssc); } if (display != null) { sc.addAnd("displayNetwork", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, display); } if (id != null) { sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, id); } if (zoneId != null) { sc.addAnd("dataCenterId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, zoneId); } if (guestIpType != null) { sc.addAnd("guestType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, guestIpType); } if (trafficType != null) { sc.addAnd("trafficType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, trafficType); } if (aclType != null) { sc.addAnd("aclType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, aclType.toString()); } if (physicalNetworkId != null) { sc.addAnd("physicalNetworkId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, physicalNetworkId); } if (skipProjectNetworks) { sc.setJoinParameters("accountSearch", "typeNEQ", Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT); } else { sc.setJoinParameters("accountSearch", "typeEQ", Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_PROJECT); } if (restartRequired != null) { sc.addAnd("restartRequired", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, restartRequired); } if (specifyIpRanges != null) { sc.addAnd("specifyIpRanges", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, specifyIpRanges); } if (vpcId != null) { sc.addAnd("vpcId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, vpcId); } if (tags != null && !tags.isEmpty()) { int count = 0; sc.setJoinParameters("tagSearch", "resourceType", ResourceObjectType.Network.toString()); for ( Map.Entry<String,String> entry: tags.entrySet()) { sc.setJoinParameters("tagSearch", "key" + String.valueOf(count), entry.getKey()); sc.setJoinParameters("tagSearch", "value" + String.valueOf(count), entry.getValue()); count++; } } return sc; } private List<NetworkVO> listDomainLevelNetworks(SearchCriteria<NetworkVO> sc, Filter searchFilter, long domainId, boolean parentDomainsOnly) { List<Long> networkIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); Set<Long> allowedDomains = _domainMgr.getDomainParentIds(domainId); List<NetworkDomainVO> maps = _networkDomainDao.listDomainNetworkMapByDomain(allowedDomains.toArray()); for (NetworkDomainVO map : maps) { if (map.getDomainId() == domainId && parentDomainsOnly) { continue; } boolean subdomainAccess = (map.isSubdomainAccess() != null) ? map.isSubdomainAccess() : getAllowSubdomainAccessGlobal(); if (map.getDomainId() == domainId || subdomainAccess) { networkIds.add(map.getNetworkId()); } } if (!networkIds.isEmpty()) { SearchCriteria<NetworkVO> domainSC = _networksDao.createSearchCriteria(); domainSC.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, networkIds.toArray()); domainSC.addAnd("aclType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, ACLType.Domain.toString()); sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, domainSC); return _networksDao.search(sc, searchFilter); } else { return new ArrayList<NetworkVO>(); } } private List<NetworkVO> listAccountSpecificNetworks(SearchCriteria<NetworkVO> sc, Filter searchFilter, List<Long> permittedAccounts) { SearchCriteria<NetworkVO> accountSC = _networksDao.createSearchCriteria(); if (!permittedAccounts.isEmpty()) { accountSC.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, permittedAccounts.toArray()); } accountSC.addAnd("aclType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, ACLType.Account.toString()); sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, accountSC); return _networksDao.search(sc, searchFilter); } private List<NetworkVO> listAccountSpecificNetworksByDomainPath(SearchCriteria<NetworkVO> sc, Filter searchFilter, String path, boolean isRecursive) { SearchCriteria<NetworkVO> accountSC = _networksDao.createSearchCriteria(); accountSC.addAnd("aclType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, ACLType.Account.toString()); if (path != null) { if (isRecursive) { sc.setJoinParameters("domainSearch", "path", path + "%"); } else { sc.setJoinParameters("domainSearch", "path", path); } } sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, accountSC); return _networksDao.search(sc, searchFilter); } private List<NetworkVO> listDomainSpecificNetworksByDomainPath(SearchCriteria<NetworkVO> sc, Filter searchFilter, String path, boolean isRecursive) { Set<Long> allowedDomains = new HashSet<Long>(); if (path != null) { if (isRecursive) { allowedDomains = _domainMgr.getDomainChildrenIds(path); } else { Domain domain = _domainDao.findDomainByPath(path); allowedDomains.add(domain.getId()); } } List<Long> networkIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); List<NetworkDomainVO> maps = _networkDomainDao.listDomainNetworkMapByDomain(allowedDomains.toArray()); for (NetworkDomainVO map : maps) { networkIds.add(map.getNetworkId()); } if (!networkIds.isEmpty()) { SearchCriteria<NetworkVO> domainSC = _networksDao.createSearchCriteria(); domainSC.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, networkIds.toArray()); domainSC.addAnd("aclType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, ACLType.Domain.toString()); sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, domainSC); return _networksDao.search(sc, searchFilter); } else { return new ArrayList<NetworkVO>(); } } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_DELETE, eventDescription = "deleting network", async = true) public boolean deleteNetwork(long networkId, boolean forced) { Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount(); // Verify network id NetworkVO network = _networksDao.findById(networkId); if (network == null) { // see NetworkVO.java InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("unable to find network with specified id"); ex.addProxyObject(String.valueOf(networkId), "networkId"); throw ex; } // don't allow to delete system network if (isNetworkSystem(network)) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Network with specified id is system and can't be removed"); ex.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId"); throw ex; } Account owner = _accountMgr.getAccount(network.getAccountId()); // Only Admin can delete Shared networks if (network.getGuestType() == GuestType.Shared && !_accountMgr.isAdmin(caller.getId())) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only Admins can delete network with guest type " + GuestType.Shared); } // Perform permission check _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, network); if (forced && !_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(caller.getId())) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Delete network with 'forced' option can only be called by root admins"); } User callerUser = _accountMgr.getActiveUser(CallContext.current().getCallingUserId()); ReservationContext context = new ReservationContextImpl(null, null, callerUser, owner); return _networkMgr.destroyNetwork(networkId, context, forced); } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_RESTART, eventDescription = "restarting network", async = true) public boolean restartNetwork(RestartNetworkCmd cmd, boolean cleanup) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException { // This method restarts all network elements belonging to the network and re-applies all the rules Long networkId = cmd.getNetworkId(); User callerUser = _accountMgr.getActiveUser(CallContext.current().getCallingUserId()); Account callerAccount = _accountMgr.getActiveAccountById(callerUser.getAccountId()); // Check if network exists NetworkVO network = _networksDao.findById(networkId); if (network == null) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Network with specified id doesn't exist"); ex.addProxyObject(networkId.toString(), "networkId"); throw ex; } // Don't allow to restart network if it's not in Implemented/Setup state if (!(network.getState() == Network.State.Implemented || network.getState() == Network.State.Setup)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Network is not in the right state to be restarted. Correct states are: " + Network.State.Implemented + ", " + Network.State.Setup); } if (network.getBroadcastDomainType() == BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch) { /** * Unable to restart these networks now. * TODO Restarting a SDN based network requires updating the nics and the configuration * in the controller. This requires a non-trivial rewrite of the restart procedure. */ throw new InvalidParameterException("Unable to restart a running SDN network."); } _accountMgr.checkAccess(callerAccount, null, true, network); boolean success = _networkMgr.restartNetwork(networkId, callerAccount, callerUser, cleanup); if (success) { s_logger.debug("Network id=" + networkId + " is restarted successfully."); } else { s_logger.warn("Network id=" + networkId + " failed to restart."); } return success; } @Override public int getActiveNicsInNetwork(long networkId) { return _networksDao.getActiveNicsIn(networkId); } @Override public Map<Capability, String> getNetworkOfferingServiceCapabilities(NetworkOffering offering, Service service) { if (!areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(offering.getId(), service)) { // TBD: We should be sending networkOfferingId and not the offering object itself. throw new UnsupportedServiceException("Service " + service.getName() + " is not supported by the network offering " + offering); } Map<Capability, String> serviceCapabilities = new HashMap<Capability, String>(); // get the Provider for this Service for this offering List<String> providers = _ntwkOfferingSrvcDao.listProvidersForServiceForNetworkOffering(offering.getId(), service); if (providers.isEmpty()) { // TBD: We should be sending networkOfferingId and not the offering object itself. throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Service " + service.getName() + " is not supported by the network offering " + offering); } // FIXME - in post 3.0 we are going to support multiple providers for the same service per network offering, so // we have to calculate capabilities for all of them String provider = providers.get(0); // FIXME we return the capabilities of the first provider of the service - what if we have multiple providers // for same Service? NetworkElement element = _networkModel.getElementImplementingProvider(provider); if (element != null) { Map<Service, Map<Capability, String>> elementCapabilities = element.getCapabilities(); ; if (elementCapabilities == null || !elementCapabilities.containsKey(service)) { // TBD: We should be sending providerId and not the offering object itself. throw new UnsupportedServiceException("Service " + service.getName() + " is not supported by the element=" + element.getName() + " implementing Provider=" + provider); } serviceCapabilities = elementCapabilities.get(service); } return serviceCapabilities; } @Override public IpAddress getIp(long ipAddressId) { return _ipAddressDao.findById(ipAddressId); } protected boolean providersConfiguredForExternalNetworking(Collection<String> providers) { for (String providerStr : providers) { Provider provider = Network.Provider.getProvider(providerStr); if (provider.isExternal()) { return true; } } return false; } protected boolean isSharedNetworkOfferingWithServices(long networkOfferingId) { NetworkOfferingVO networkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(networkOfferingId); if ((networkOffering.getGuestType() == Network.GuestType.Shared) && (areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(networkOfferingId, Service.SourceNat) || areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(networkOfferingId, Service.StaticNat) || areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(networkOfferingId, Service.Firewall) || areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(networkOfferingId, Service.PortForwarding) || areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(networkOfferingId, Service.Lb))) { return true; } return false; } protected boolean areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(long networkOfferingId, Service... services) { return (_ntwkOfferingSrvcDao.areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(networkOfferingId, services)); } protected boolean areServicesSupportedInNetwork(long networkId, Service... services) { return (_ntwkSrvcDao.areServicesSupportedInNetwork(networkId, services)); } private boolean checkForNonStoppedVmInNetwork(long networkId) { List<UserVmVO> vms = _userVmDao.listByNetworkIdAndStates(networkId, VirtualMachine.State.Starting, VirtualMachine.State.Running, VirtualMachine.State.Migrating, VirtualMachine.State.Stopping); return vms.isEmpty(); } @Override @DB @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_UPDATE, eventDescription = "updating network", async = true) public Network updateGuestNetwork(final long networkId, String name, String displayText, Account callerAccount, User callerUser, String domainSuffix, final Long networkOfferingId, Boolean changeCidr, String guestVmCidr, Boolean displayNetwork, String customId, boolean updateInSequence, boolean forced) { boolean restartNetwork = false; // verify input parameters final NetworkVO network = _networksDao.findById(networkId); if (network == null) { // see NetworkVO.java InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Specified network id doesn't exist in the system"); ex.addProxyObject(String.valueOf(networkId), "networkId"); throw ex; } //perform below validation if the network is vpc network if (network.getVpcId() != null && networkOfferingId != null) { Vpc vpc = _entityMgr.findById(Vpc.class, network.getVpcId()); _vpcMgr.validateNtwkOffForNtwkInVpc(networkId, networkOfferingId, null, null, vpc, null, _accountMgr.getAccount(network.getAccountId()), network.getNetworkACLId()); } // don't allow to update network in Destroy state if (network.getState() == Network.State.Destroy) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Don't allow to update network in state " + Network.State.Destroy); } // Don't allow to update system network NetworkOffering offering = _networkOfferingDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(network.getNetworkOfferingId()); if (offering.isSystemOnly()) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't update system networks"); } // allow to upgrade only Guest networks if (network.getTrafficType() != Networks.TrafficType.Guest) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't allow networks which traffic type is not " + TrafficType.Guest); } _accountMgr.checkAccess(callerAccount, null, true, network); if (name != null) { network.setName(name); } if (displayText != null) { network.setDisplayText(displayText); } if (customId != null) { network.setUuid(customId); } // display flag is not null and has changed if (displayNetwork != null && displayNetwork != network.getDisplayNetwork()) { // Update resource count if it needs to be updated NetworkOffering networkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId()); if (_networkMgr.resourceCountNeedsUpdate(networkOffering, network.getAclType())) { _resourceLimitMgr.changeResourceCount(network.getAccountId(), Resource.ResourceType.network, displayNetwork); } network.setDisplayNetwork(displayNetwork); } // network offering and domain suffix can be updated for Isolated networks only in 3.0 if ((networkOfferingId != null || domainSuffix != null) && network.getGuestType() != GuestType.Isolated) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("NetworkOffering and domain suffix upgrade can be perfomed for Isolated networks only"); } boolean networkOfferingChanged = false; final long oldNetworkOfferingId = network.getNetworkOfferingId(); NetworkOffering oldNtwkOff = _networkOfferingDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(oldNetworkOfferingId); NetworkOfferingVO networkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(networkOfferingId); if (networkOfferingId != null) { if (networkOffering == null || networkOffering.isSystemOnly()) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find network offering with specified id"); ex.addProxyObject(networkOfferingId.toString(), "networkOfferingId"); throw ex; } // network offering should be in Enabled state if (networkOffering.getState() != NetworkOffering.State.Enabled) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Network offering with specified id is not in " + NetworkOffering.State.Enabled + " state, can't upgrade to it"); ex.addProxyObject(networkOffering.getUuid(), "networkOfferingId"); throw ex; } //can't update from vpc to non-vpc network offering boolean forVpcNew = _configMgr.isOfferingForVpc(networkOffering); boolean vorVpcOriginal = _configMgr.isOfferingForVpc(_entityMgr.findById(NetworkOffering.class, oldNetworkOfferingId)); if (forVpcNew != vorVpcOriginal) { String errMsg = forVpcNew ? "a vpc offering " : "not a vpc offering"; throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't update as the new offering is " + errMsg); } if (networkOfferingId != oldNetworkOfferingId) { Collection<String> newProviders = _networkMgr.finalizeServicesAndProvidersForNetwork(networkOffering, network.getPhysicalNetworkId()).values(); Collection<String> oldProviders = _networkMgr.finalizeServicesAndProvidersForNetwork(oldNtwkOff, network.getPhysicalNetworkId()).values(); if (providersConfiguredForExternalNetworking(newProviders) != providersConfiguredForExternalNetworking(oldProviders) && !changeCidr) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Updating network failed since guest CIDR needs to be changed!"); } if (changeCidr) { if (!checkForNonStoppedVmInNetwork(network.getId())) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("All user vm of network of specified id should be stopped before changing CIDR!"); ex.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId"); throw ex; } } // check if the network is upgradable if (!canUpgrade(network, oldNetworkOfferingId, networkOfferingId)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't upgrade from network offering " + oldNtwkOff.getUuid() + " to " + networkOffering.getUuid() + "; check logs for more information"); } restartNetwork = true; networkOfferingChanged = true; //Setting the new network's isReduntant to the new network offering's RedundantRouter. network.setIsReduntant(_networkOfferingDao.findById(networkOfferingId).getRedundantRouter()); } } final Map<String, String> newSvcProviders = networkOfferingChanged ? _networkMgr.finalizeServicesAndProvidersForNetwork( _entityMgr.findById(NetworkOffering.class, networkOfferingId), network.getPhysicalNetworkId()) : new HashMap<String, String>(); // don't allow to modify network domain if the service is not supported if (domainSuffix != null) { // validate network domain if (!NetUtils.verifyDomainName(domainSuffix)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException( "Invalid network domain. Total length shouldn't exceed 190 chars. Each domain label must be between 1 and 63 characters long, can contain ASCII letters 'a' through 'z', the digits '0' through '9', " + "and the hyphen ('-'); can't start or end with \"-\""); } long offeringId = oldNetworkOfferingId; if (networkOfferingId != null) { offeringId = networkOfferingId; } Map<Network.Capability, String> dnsCapabilities = getNetworkOfferingServiceCapabilities(_entityMgr.findById(NetworkOffering.class, offeringId), Service.Dns); String isUpdateDnsSupported = dnsCapabilities.get(Capability.AllowDnsSuffixModification); if (isUpdateDnsSupported == null || !Boolean.valueOf(isUpdateDnsSupported)) { // TBD: use uuid instead of networkOfferingId. May need to hardcode tablename in call to addProxyObject(). throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Domain name change is not supported by the network offering id=" + networkOfferingId); } network.setNetworkDomain(domainSuffix); // have to restart the network restartNetwork = true; } //IP reservation checks // allow reservation only to Isolated Guest networks DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId()); String networkCidr = network.getNetworkCidr(); if (guestVmCidr != null) { if (dc.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Guest VM CIDR can't be specified for zone with " + NetworkType.Basic + " networking"); } if (network.getGuestType() != GuestType.Isolated) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can only allow IP Reservation in networks with guest type " + GuestType.Isolated); } if (networkOfferingChanged == true) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot specify this nework offering change and guestVmCidr at same time. Specify only one."); } if (!(network.getState() == Network.State.Implemented)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The network must be in " + Network.State.Implemented + " state. IP Reservation cannot be applied in " + network.getState() + " state"); } if (!NetUtils.isValidCIDR(guestVmCidr)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format of Guest VM CIDR."); } if (!NetUtils.validateGuestCidr(guestVmCidr)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format of Guest VM CIDR. Make sure it is RFC1918 compliant. "); } // If networkCidr is null it implies that there was no prior IP reservation, so the network cidr is network.getCidr() // But in case networkCidr is a non null value (IP reservation already exists), it implies network cidr is networkCidr if (networkCidr != null) { if (!NetUtils.isNetworkAWithinNetworkB(guestVmCidr, networkCidr)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid value of Guest VM CIDR. For IP Reservation, Guest VM CIDR should be a subset of network CIDR : " + networkCidr); } } else { if (!NetUtils.isNetworkAWithinNetworkB(guestVmCidr, network.getCidr())) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid value of Guest VM CIDR. For IP Reservation, Guest VM CIDR should be a subset of network CIDR : " + network.getCidr()); } } // This check makes sure there are no active IPs existing outside the guestVmCidr in the network String[] guestVmCidrPair = guestVmCidr.split("\\/"); Long size = Long.valueOf(guestVmCidrPair[1]); List<NicVO> nicsPresent = _nicDao.listByNetworkId(networkId); String cidrIpRange[] = NetUtils.getIpRangeFromCidr(guestVmCidrPair[0], size); s_logger.info("The start IP of the specified guest vm cidr is: " + cidrIpRange[0] + " and end IP is: " + cidrIpRange[1]); long startIp = NetUtils.ip2Long(cidrIpRange[0]); long endIp = NetUtils.ip2Long(cidrIpRange[1]); long range = endIp - startIp + 1; s_logger.info("The specified guest vm cidr has " + range + " IPs"); for (NicVO nic : nicsPresent) { long nicIp = NetUtils.ip2Long(nic.getIPv4Address()); //check if nic IP is outside the guest vm cidr if (nicIp < startIp || nicIp > endIp) { if (!(nic.getState() == Nic.State.Deallocating)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Active IPs like " + nic.getIPv4Address() + " exist outside the Guest VM CIDR. Cannot apply reservation "); } } } // In some scenarios even though guesVmCidr and network CIDR do not appear similar but // the IP ranges exactly matches, in these special cases make sure no Reservation gets applied if (network.getNetworkCidr() == null) { if (NetUtils.isSameIpRange(guestVmCidr, network.getCidr()) && !guestVmCidr.equals(network.getCidr())) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The Start IP and End IP of guestvmcidr: " + guestVmCidr + " and CIDR: " + network.getCidr() + " are same, " + "even though both the cidrs appear to be different. As a precaution no IP Reservation will be applied."); } } else { if (NetUtils.isSameIpRange(guestVmCidr, network.getNetworkCidr()) && !guestVmCidr.equals(network.getNetworkCidr())) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("The Start IP and End IP of guestvmcidr: " + guestVmCidr + " and Network CIDR: " + network.getNetworkCidr() + " are same, " + "even though both the cidrs appear to be different. As a precaution IP Reservation will not be affected. If you want to reset IP Reservation, " + "specify guestVmCidr to be: " + network.getNetworkCidr()); } } // When reservation is applied for the first time, network_cidr will be null // Populate it with the actual network cidr if (network.getNetworkCidr() == null) { network.setNetworkCidr(network.getCidr()); } // Condition for IP Reservation reset : guestVmCidr and network CIDR are same if (network.getNetworkCidr().equals(guestVmCidr)) { s_logger.warn("Guest VM CIDR and Network CIDR both are same, reservation will reset."); network.setNetworkCidr(null); } // Finally update "cidr" with the guestVmCidr // which becomes the effective address space for CloudStack guest VMs network.setCidr(guestVmCidr); _networksDao.update(networkId, network); s_logger.info("IP Reservation has been applied. The new CIDR for Guests Vms is " + guestVmCidr); } ReservationContext context = new ReservationContextImpl(null, null, callerUser, callerAccount); // 1) Shutdown all the elements and cleanup all the rules. Don't allow to shutdown network in intermediate // states - Shutdown and Implementing int resourceCount=1; if(updateInSequence && restartNetwork && _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId()).getRedundantRouter() && (networkOfferingId==null || _networkOfferingDao.findById(networkOfferingId).getRedundantRouter()) && network.getVpcId()==null) { _networkMgr.canUpdateInSequence(network); NetworkDetailVO networkDetail =new NetworkDetailVO(network.getId(),Network.updatingInSequence,"true",true); _networkDetailsDao.persist(networkDetail); _networkMgr.configureUpdateInSequence(network); resourceCount=_networkMgr.getResourceCount(network); //check if routers are in correct state before proceeding with the update List<DomainRouterVO> routers=_routerDao.listByNetworkAndRole(networkId, VirtualRouter.Role.VIRTUAL_ROUTER); for(DomainRouterVO router :routers){ if(router.getRedundantState()== VirtualRouter.RedundantState.UNKNOWN){ if(!forced){ throw new CloudRuntimeException("Domain router: "+router.getInstanceName()+" is in unknown state, Cannot update network. set parameter forced to true for forcing an update"); } } } } List<String > servicesNotInNewOffering = null; if(networkOfferingId != null) servicesNotInNewOffering = _networkMgr.getServicesNotSupportedInNewOffering(network,networkOfferingId); if(!forced && servicesNotInNewOffering != null && !servicesNotInNewOffering.isEmpty()){ NetworkOfferingVO newOffering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(networkOfferingId); throw new CloudRuntimeException("The new offering:"+newOffering.getUniqueName() +" will remove the following services "+servicesNotInNewOffering +"along with all the related configuration currently in use. will not proceed with the network update." + "set forced parameter to true for forcing an update."); } try{ if(servicesNotInNewOffering!=null && !servicesNotInNewOffering.isEmpty()){ _networkMgr.cleanupConfigForServicesInNetwork(servicesNotInNewOffering,network); } }catch (Throwable e){ s_logger.debug("failed to cleanup config related to unused services error:"+e.getMessage()); } boolean validStateToShutdown = (network.getState() == Network.State.Implemented || network.getState() == Network.State.Setup || network.getState() == Network.State.Allocated); try { do { if (restartNetwork) { if (validStateToShutdown) { if (!changeCidr) { s_logger.debug("Shutting down elements and resources for network id=" + networkId + " as a part of network update"); if (!_networkMgr.shutdownNetworkElementsAndResources(context, true, network)) { s_logger.warn("Failed to shutdown the network elements and resources as a part of network restart: " + network); CloudRuntimeException ex = new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to shutdown the network elements and resources as a part of update to network of specified id"); ex.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId"); throw ex; } } else { // We need to shutdown the network, since we want to re-implement the network. s_logger.debug("Shutting down network id=" + networkId + " as a part of network update"); //check if network has reservation if (NetUtils.isNetworkAWithinNetworkB(network.getCidr(), network.getNetworkCidr())) { s_logger.warn("Existing IP reservation will become ineffective for the network with id = " + networkId + " You need to reapply reservation after network reimplementation."); //set cidr to the newtork cidr network.setCidr(network.getNetworkCidr()); //set networkCidr to null to bring network back to no IP reservation state network.setNetworkCidr(null); } if (!_networkMgr.shutdownNetwork(network.getId(), context, true)) { s_logger.warn("Failed to shutdown the network as a part of update to network with specified id"); CloudRuntimeException ex = new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to shutdown the network as a part of update of specified network id"); ex.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId"); throw ex; } } } else { CloudRuntimeException ex = new CloudRuntimeException( "Failed to shutdown the network elements and resources as a part of update to network with specified id; network is in wrong state: " + network.getState()); ex.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId"); throw ex; } } // 2) Only after all the elements and rules are shutdown properly, update the network VO // get updated network Network.State networkState = _networksDao.findById(networkId).getState(); boolean validStateToImplement = (networkState == Network.State.Implemented || networkState == Network.State.Setup || networkState == Network.State.Allocated); if (restartNetwork && !validStateToImplement) { CloudRuntimeException ex = new CloudRuntimeException( "Failed to implement the network elements and resources as a part of update to network with specified id; network is in wrong state: " + networkState); ex.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId"); throw ex; } if (networkOfferingId != null) { if (networkOfferingChanged) { Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() { @Override public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) { network.setNetworkOfferingId(networkOfferingId); _networksDao.update(networkId, network, newSvcProviders); // get all nics using this network // log remove usage events for old offering // log assign usage events for new offering List<NicVO> nics = _nicDao.listByNetworkId(networkId); for (NicVO nic : nics) { long vmId = nic.getInstanceId(); VMInstanceVO vm = _vmDao.findById(vmId); if (vm == null) { s_logger.error("Vm for nic " + nic.getId() + " not found with Vm Id:" + vmId); continue; } long isDefault = (nic.isDefaultNic()) ? 1 : 0; String nicIdString = Long.toString(nic.getId()); UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_REMOVE, vm.getAccountId(), vm.getDataCenterId(), vm.getId(), nicIdString, oldNetworkOfferingId, null, isDefault, VirtualMachine.class.getName(), vm.getUuid(), vm.isDisplay()); UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_NETWORK_OFFERING_ASSIGN, vm.getAccountId(), vm.getDataCenterId(), vm.getId(), nicIdString, networkOfferingId, null, isDefault, VirtualMachine.class.getName(), vm.getUuid(), vm.isDisplay()); } } }); } else { network.setNetworkOfferingId(networkOfferingId); _networksDao.update(networkId, network, _networkMgr.finalizeServicesAndProvidersForNetwork(_entityMgr.findById(NetworkOffering.class, networkOfferingId), network.getPhysicalNetworkId())); } } else { _networksDao.update(networkId, network); } // 3) Implement the elements and rules again if (restartNetwork) { if (network.getState() != Network.State.Allocated) { DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(_dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId()), null, null, null); s_logger.debug("Implementing the network " + network + " elements and resources as a part of network update"); try { if (!changeCidr) { _networkMgr.implementNetworkElementsAndResources(dest, context, network, _networkOfferingDao.findById(network.getNetworkOfferingId())); } else { _networkMgr.implementNetwork(network.getId(), dest, context); } } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.warn("Failed to implement network " + network + " elements and resources as a part of network update due to ", ex); CloudRuntimeException e = new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to implement network (with specified id) elements and resources as a part of network update"); e.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId"); throw e; } } } // 4) if network has been upgraded from a non persistent ntwk offering to a persistent ntwk offering, // implement the network if its not already if (networkOfferingChanged && !oldNtwkOff.getIsPersistent() && networkOffering.getIsPersistent()) { if (network.getState() == Network.State.Allocated) { try { DeployDestination dest = new DeployDestination(_dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId()), null, null, null); _networkMgr.implementNetwork(network.getId(), dest, context); } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.warn("Failed to implement network " + network + " elements and resources as a part o" + "f network update due to ", ex); CloudRuntimeException e = new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to implement network (with specified" + " id) elements and resources as a part of network update"); e.addProxyObject(network.getUuid(), "networkId"); throw e; } } } resourceCount--; } while(updateInSequence && resourceCount>0); }catch (Exception exception){ throw new CloudRuntimeException("failed to update network "+network.getUuid()+"due to "+exception.getMessage()); }finally { if(updateInSequence){ if( _networkDetailsDao.findDetail(networkId,Network.updatingInSequence)!=null){ _networkDetailsDao.removeDetail(networkId,Network.updatingInSequence); } } } return getNetwork(network.getId()); } protected Set<Long> getAvailableIps(Network network, String requestedIp) { String[] cidr = network.getCidr().split("/"); List<String> ips = _nicDao.listIpAddressInNetwork(network.getId()); Set<Long> usedIps = new TreeSet<Long>(); for (String ip : ips) { if (requestedIp != null && requestedIp.equals(ip)) { s_logger.warn("Requested ip address " + requestedIp + " is already in use in network" + network); return null; } usedIps.add(NetUtils.ip2Long(ip)); } Set<Long> allPossibleIps = NetUtils.getAllIpsFromCidr(cidr[0], Integer.parseInt(cidr[1]), usedIps); String gateway = network.getGateway(); if ((gateway != null) && (allPossibleIps.contains(NetUtils.ip2Long(gateway)))) allPossibleIps.remove(NetUtils.ip2Long(gateway)); return allPossibleIps; } protected boolean canUpgrade(Network network, long oldNetworkOfferingId, long newNetworkOfferingId) { NetworkOffering oldNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(oldNetworkOfferingId); NetworkOffering newNetworkOffering = _networkOfferingDao.findById(newNetworkOfferingId); // can upgrade only Isolated networks if (oldNetworkOffering.getGuestType() != GuestType.Isolated) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("NetworkOfferingId can be upgraded only for the network of type " + GuestType.Isolated); } // security group service should be the same if (areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(oldNetworkOfferingId, Service.SecurityGroup) != areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(newNetworkOfferingId, Service.SecurityGroup)) { s_logger.debug("Offerings " + newNetworkOfferingId + " and " + oldNetworkOfferingId + " have different securityGroupProperty, can't upgrade"); return false; } // Type of the network should be the same if (oldNetworkOffering.getGuestType() != newNetworkOffering.getGuestType()) { s_logger.debug("Network offerings " + newNetworkOfferingId + " and " + oldNetworkOfferingId + " are of different types, can't upgrade"); return false; } // tags should be the same if (newNetworkOffering.getTags() != null) { if (oldNetworkOffering.getTags() == null) { s_logger.debug("New network offering id=" + newNetworkOfferingId + " has tags and old network offering id=" + oldNetworkOfferingId + " doesn't, can't upgrade"); return false; } if (!StringUtils.areTagsEqual(oldNetworkOffering.getTags(), newNetworkOffering.getTags())) { s_logger.debug("Network offerings " + newNetworkOffering.getUuid() + " and " + oldNetworkOffering.getUuid() + " have different tags, can't upgrade"); return false; } } // Traffic types should be the same if (oldNetworkOffering.getTrafficType() != newNetworkOffering.getTrafficType()) { s_logger.debug("Network offerings " + newNetworkOfferingId + " and " + oldNetworkOfferingId + " have different traffic types, can't upgrade"); return false; } // specify vlan should be the same if (oldNetworkOffering.getSpecifyVlan() != newNetworkOffering.getSpecifyVlan()) { s_logger.debug("Network offerings " + newNetworkOfferingId + " and " + oldNetworkOfferingId + " have different values for specifyVlan, can't upgrade"); return false; } // specify ipRanges should be the same if (oldNetworkOffering.getSpecifyIpRanges() != newNetworkOffering.getSpecifyIpRanges()) { s_logger.debug("Network offerings " + newNetworkOfferingId + " and " + oldNetworkOfferingId + " have different values for specifyIpRangess, can't upgrade"); return false; } // Check all ips List<IPAddressVO> userIps = _ipAddressDao.listByAssociatedNetwork(network.getId(), null); List<PublicIp> publicIps = new ArrayList<PublicIp>(); if (userIps != null && !userIps.isEmpty()) { for (IPAddressVO userIp : userIps) { PublicIp publicIp = PublicIp.createFromAddrAndVlan(userIp, _vlanDao.findById(userIp.getVlanId())); publicIps.add(publicIp); } } if (oldNetworkOffering.isConserveMode() && !newNetworkOffering.isConserveMode()) { if (!canIpsUsedForNonConserve(publicIps)) { return false; } } //can't update from internal LB to public LB if (areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(oldNetworkOfferingId, Service.Lb) && areServicesSupportedByNetworkOffering(newNetworkOfferingId, Service.Lb)) { if (oldNetworkOffering.getPublicLb() != newNetworkOffering.getPublicLb() || oldNetworkOffering.getInternalLb() != newNetworkOffering.getInternalLb()) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Original and new offerings support different types of LB - Internal vs Public," + " can't upgrade"); } } return canIpsUseOffering(publicIps, newNetworkOfferingId); } @Override @DB @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_PHYSICAL_NETWORK_CREATE, eventDescription = "Creating Physical Network", create = true) public PhysicalNetwork createPhysicalNetwork(final Long zoneId, final String vnetRange, final String networkSpeed, final List<String> isolationMethods, String broadcastDomainRangeStr, final Long domainId, final List<String> tags, final String name) { // Check if zone exists if (zoneId == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please specify a valid zone."); } DataCenterVO zone = _dcDao.findById(zoneId); if (zone == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please specify a valid zone."); } if (Grouping.AllocationState.Enabled == zone.getAllocationState()) { // TBD: Send uuid instead of zoneId; may have to hardcode tablename in call to addProxyObject(). throw new PermissionDeniedException("Cannot create PhysicalNetwork since the Zone is currently enabled, zone Id: " + zoneId); } NetworkType zoneType = zone.getNetworkType(); if (zoneType == NetworkType.Basic) { if (!_physicalNetworkDao.listByZone(zoneId).isEmpty()) { // TBD: Send uuid instead of zoneId; may have to hardcode tablename in call to addProxyObject(). throw new CloudRuntimeException("Cannot add the physical network to basic zone id: " + zoneId + ", there is a physical network already existing in this basic Zone"); } } if (tags != null && tags.size() > 1) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Only one tag can be specified for a physical network at this time"); } if (isolationMethods != null && isolationMethods.size() > 1) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Only one isolationMethod can be specified for a physical network at this time"); } if (vnetRange != null) { // Verify zone type if (zoneType == NetworkType.Basic || (zoneType == NetworkType.Advanced && zone.isSecurityGroupEnabled())) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't add vnet range to the physical network in the zone that supports " + zoneType + " network, Security Group enabled: " + zone.isSecurityGroupEnabled()); } } BroadcastDomainRange broadcastDomainRange = null; if (broadcastDomainRangeStr != null && !broadcastDomainRangeStr.isEmpty()) { try { broadcastDomainRange = PhysicalNetwork.BroadcastDomainRange.valueOf(broadcastDomainRangeStr.toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to resolve broadcastDomainRange '" + broadcastDomainRangeStr + "' to a supported value {Pod or Zone}"); } // in Acton release you can specify only Zone broadcastdomain type in Advance zone, and Pod in Basic if (zoneType == NetworkType.Basic && broadcastDomainRange != null && broadcastDomainRange != BroadcastDomainRange.POD) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Basic zone can have broadcast domain type of value " + BroadcastDomainRange.POD + " only"); } else if (zoneType == NetworkType.Advanced && broadcastDomainRange != null && broadcastDomainRange != BroadcastDomainRange.ZONE) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Advance zone can have broadcast domain type of value " + BroadcastDomainRange.ZONE + " only"); } } if (broadcastDomainRange == null) { if (zoneType == NetworkType.Basic) { broadcastDomainRange = PhysicalNetwork.BroadcastDomainRange.POD; } else { broadcastDomainRange = PhysicalNetwork.BroadcastDomainRange.ZONE; } } try { final BroadcastDomainRange broadcastDomainRangeFinal = broadcastDomainRange; return Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<PhysicalNetworkVO>() { @Override public PhysicalNetworkVO doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) { // Create the new physical network in the database long id = _physicalNetworkDao.getNextInSequence(Long.class, "id"); PhysicalNetworkVO pNetwork = new PhysicalNetworkVO(id, zoneId, vnetRange, networkSpeed, domainId, broadcastDomainRangeFinal, name); pNetwork.setTags(tags); pNetwork.setIsolationMethods(isolationMethods); pNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.persist(pNetwork); // Add vnet entries for the new zone if zone type is Advanced if (vnetRange != null) { addOrRemoveVnets(vnetRange.split(","), pNetwork); } // add VirtualRouter as the default network service provider addDefaultVirtualRouterToPhysicalNetwork(pNetwork.getId()); if (pNetwork.getIsolationMethods().contains("GRE")) addDefaultOvsToPhysicalNetwork(pNetwork.getId()); // add security group provider to the physical network addDefaultSecurityGroupProviderToPhysicalNetwork(pNetwork.getId()); // add VPCVirtualRouter as the defualt network service provider addDefaultVpcVirtualRouterToPhysicalNetwork(pNetwork.getId()); // add baremetal as the defualt network service provider addDefaultBaremetalProvidersToPhysicalNetwork(pNetwork.getId()); //Add Internal Load Balancer element as a default network service provider addDefaultInternalLbProviderToPhysicalNetwork(pNetwork.getId()); return pNetwork; } }); } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Fail to create a physical network"); } } @Override public Pair<List<? extends PhysicalNetwork>, Integer> searchPhysicalNetworks(Long id, Long zoneId, String keyword, Long startIndex, Long pageSize, String name) { Filter searchFilter = new Filter(PhysicalNetworkVO.class, "id", Boolean.TRUE, startIndex, pageSize); SearchCriteria<PhysicalNetworkVO> sc = _physicalNetworkDao.createSearchCriteria(); if (id != null) { sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, id); } if (zoneId != null) { sc.addAnd("dataCenterId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, zoneId); } if (name != null) { sc.addAnd("name", SearchCriteria.Op.LIKE, "%" + name + "%"); } Pair<List<PhysicalNetworkVO>, Integer> result = _physicalNetworkDao.searchAndCount(sc, searchFilter); return new Pair<List<? extends PhysicalNetwork>, Integer>(result.first(), result.second()); } @Override @DB @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_PHYSICAL_NETWORK_UPDATE, eventDescription = "updating physical network", async = true) public PhysicalNetwork updatePhysicalNetwork(Long id, String networkSpeed, List<String> tags, String newVnetRange, String state) { // verify input parameters PhysicalNetworkVO network = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(id); if (network == null) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Physical Network with specified id doesn't exist in the system"); ex.addProxyObject(id.toString(), "physicalNetworkId"); throw ex; } // if zone is of Basic type, don't allow to add vnet range DataCenter zone = _dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId()); if (zone == null) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Zone with id=" + network.getDataCenterId() + " doesn't exist in the system"); ex.addProxyObject(String.valueOf(network.getDataCenterId()), "dataCenterId"); throw ex; } if (newVnetRange != null) { if (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic || (zone.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced && zone.isSecurityGroupEnabled())) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't add vnet range to the physical network in the zone that supports " + zone.getNetworkType() + " network, Security Group enabled: " + zone.isSecurityGroupEnabled()); } } if (tags != null && tags.size() > 1) { throw new InvalidParameterException("Unable to support more than one tag on network yet"); } PhysicalNetwork.State networkState = null; if (state != null && !state.isEmpty()) { try { networkState = PhysicalNetwork.State.valueOf(state); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to resolve state '" + state + "' to a supported value {Enabled or Disabled}"); } } if (state != null) { network.setState(networkState); } if (tags != null) { network.setTags(tags); } if (networkSpeed != null) { network.setSpeed(networkSpeed); } if (newVnetRange != null) { String[] listOfRanges = newVnetRange.split(","); addOrRemoveVnets(listOfRanges, network); } _physicalNetworkDao.update(id, network); return network; } @DB public void addOrRemoveVnets(String[] listOfRanges, final PhysicalNetworkVO network) { List<String> addVnets = null; List<String> removeVnets = null; HashSet<String> tempVnets = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<String> vnetsInDb = new HashSet<String>(); List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> vnetranges = null; String comaSeperatedStingOfVnetRanges = null; int i = 0; if (listOfRanges.length != 0) { _physicalNetworkDao.acquireInLockTable(network.getId(), 10); vnetranges = validateVlanRange(network, listOfRanges); //computing vnets to be removed. removeVnets = getVnetsToremove(network, vnetranges); //computing vnets to add vnetsInDb.addAll(_datacneterVnet.listVnetsByPhysicalNetworkAndDataCenter(network.getDataCenterId(), network.getId())); tempVnets.addAll(vnetsInDb); for (Pair<Integer, Integer> vlan : vnetranges) { for (i = vlan.first(); i <= vlan.second(); i++) { tempVnets.add(Integer.toString(i)); } } tempVnets.removeAll(vnetsInDb); //vnets to add in tempVnets. //adding and removing vnets from vnetsInDb if (removeVnets != null && removeVnets.size() != 0) { vnetsInDb.removeAll(removeVnets); } if (tempVnets.size() != 0) { addVnets = new ArrayList<String>(); addVnets.addAll(tempVnets); vnetsInDb.addAll(tempVnets); } //sorting the vnets in Db to generate a coma seperated list of the vnet string. if (vnetsInDb.size() != 0) { comaSeperatedStingOfVnetRanges = generateVnetString(new ArrayList<String>(vnetsInDb)); } network.setVnet(comaSeperatedStingOfVnetRanges); final List<String> addVnetsFinal = addVnets; final List<String> removeVnetsFinal = removeVnets; Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackNoReturn() { @Override public void doInTransactionWithoutResult(TransactionStatus status) { if (addVnetsFinal != null) { s_logger.debug("Adding vnet range " + addVnetsFinal.toString() + " for the physicalNetwork id= " + network.getId() + " and zone id=" + network.getDataCenterId() + " as a part of updatePhysicalNetwork call"); //add vnet takes a list of strings to be added. each string is a vnet. _dcDao.addVnet(network.getDataCenterId(), network.getId(), addVnetsFinal); } if (removeVnetsFinal != null) { s_logger.debug("removing vnet range " + removeVnetsFinal.toString() + " for the physicalNetwork id= " + network.getId() + " and zone id=" + network.getDataCenterId() + " as a part of updatePhysicalNetwork call"); //deleteVnets takes a list of strings to be removed. each string is a vnet. _datacneterVnet.deleteVnets(TransactionLegacy.currentTxn(), network.getDataCenterId(), network.getId(), removeVnetsFinal); } _physicalNetworkDao.update(network.getId(), network); } }); _physicalNetworkDao.releaseFromLockTable(network.getId()); } } private List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> validateVlanRange(PhysicalNetworkVO network, String[] listOfRanges) { Integer StartVnet; Integer EndVnet; List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> vlanTokens = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>(); for (String vlanRange : listOfRanges) { String[] VnetRange = vlanRange.split("-"); // Init with [min,max] of VLAN. Actually 0x000 and 0xFFF are reserved by IEEE, shoudn't be used. long minVnet = MIN_VLAN_ID; long maxVnet = MAX_VLAN_ID; // for GRE phynets allow up to 32bits // TODO: Not happy about this test. // What about guru-like objects for physical networs? s_logger.debug("ISOLATION METHODS:" + network.getIsolationMethods()); // Java does not have unsigned types... if (network.getIsolationMethods().contains("GRE")) { minVnet = MIN_GRE_KEY; maxVnet = MAX_GRE_KEY; } else if (network.getIsolationMethods().contains("VXLAN")) { minVnet = MIN_VXLAN_VNI; maxVnet = MAX_VXLAN_VNI; // fail if zone already contains VNI, need to be unique per zone. // since adding a range adds each VNI to the database, need only check min/max for (String vnet : VnetRange) { s_logger.debug("Looking to see if VNI " + vnet + " already exists on another network in zone " + network.getDataCenterId()); List<DataCenterVnetVO> vnis = _datacneterVnet.findVnet(network.getDataCenterId(), vnet); if (vnis != null && !vnis.isEmpty()) { for (DataCenterVnetVO vni : vnis) { if (vni.getPhysicalNetworkId() != network.getId()) { s_logger.debug("VNI " + vnet + " already exists on another network in zone, please specify a unique range"); throw new InvalidParameterValueException("VNI " + vnet + " already exists on another network in zone, please specify a unique range"); } } } } } String rangeMessage = " between " + minVnet + " and " + maxVnet; if (VnetRange.length == 1 && VnetRange[0].equals("")) { return vlanTokens; } if (VnetRange.length < 2) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please provide valid vnet range. vnet range should be a coma seperated list of vlan ranges. example 500-500,600-601" + rangeMessage); } if (VnetRange[0] == null || VnetRange[1] == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please provide valid vnet range" + rangeMessage); } try { StartVnet = Integer.parseInt(VnetRange[0]); EndVnet = Integer.parseInt(VnetRange[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { s_logger.warn("Unable to parse vnet range:", e); throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please provide valid vnet range. The vnet range should be a coma seperated list example 2001-2012,3000-3005." + rangeMessage); } if (StartVnet < minVnet || EndVnet > maxVnet) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vnet range has to be" + rangeMessage); } if (StartVnet > EndVnet) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vnet range has to be" + rangeMessage + " and start range should be lesser than or equal to stop range"); } vlanTokens.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(StartVnet, EndVnet)); } return vlanTokens; } public String generateVnetString(List<String> vnetList) { Collections.sort(vnetList, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String s1, String s2) { return Integer.valueOf(s1).compareTo(Integer.valueOf(s2)); } }); int i; //build the vlan string form the sorted list. String vnetRange = ""; String startvnet = vnetList.get(0); String endvnet = ""; for (i = 0; i < vnetList.size() - 1; i++) { if (Integer.parseInt(vnetList.get(i + 1)) - Integer.parseInt(vnetList.get(i)) > 1) { endvnet = vnetList.get(i); vnetRange = vnetRange + startvnet + "-" + endvnet + ","; startvnet = vnetList.get(i + 1); } } endvnet = vnetList.get(vnetList.size() - 1); vnetRange = vnetRange + startvnet + "-" + endvnet + ","; vnetRange = vnetRange.substring(0, vnetRange.length() - 1); return vnetRange; } private List<String> getVnetsToremove(PhysicalNetworkVO network, List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> vnetRanges) { int i; List<String> removeVnets = new ArrayList<String>(); HashSet<String> vnetsInDb = new HashSet<String>(); vnetsInDb.addAll(_datacneterVnet.listVnetsByPhysicalNetworkAndDataCenter(network.getDataCenterId(), network.getId())); //remove all the vnets from vnets in db to check if there are any vnets that are not there in given list. //remove all the vnets not in the list of vnets passed by the user. if (vnetRanges.size() == 0) { //this implies remove all vlans. removeVnets.addAll(vnetsInDb); int allocated_vnets = _datacneterVnet.countAllocatedVnets(network.getId()); if (allocated_vnets > 0) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("physicalnetwork " + network.getId() + " has " + allocated_vnets + " vnets in use"); } return removeVnets; } for (Pair<Integer, Integer> vlan : vnetRanges) { for (i = vlan.first(); i <= vlan.second(); i++) { vnetsInDb.remove(Integer.toString(i)); } } String vnetRange = null; if (vnetsInDb.size() != 0) { removeVnets.addAll(vnetsInDb); vnetRange = generateVnetString(removeVnets); } else { return removeVnets; } for (String vnet : vnetRange.split(",")) { String[] range = vnet.split("-"); Integer start = Integer.parseInt(range[0]); Integer end = Integer.parseInt(range[1]); _datacneterVnet.lockRange(network.getDataCenterId(), network.getId(), start, end); List<DataCenterVnetVO> result = _datacneterVnet.listAllocatedVnetsInRange(network.getDataCenterId(), network.getId(), start, end); if (!result.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("physicalnetwork " + network.getId() + " has allocated vnets in the range " + start + "-" + end); } // If the range is partially dedicated to an account fail the request List<AccountGuestVlanMapVO> maps = _accountGuestVlanMapDao.listAccountGuestVlanMapsByPhysicalNetwork(network.getId()); for (AccountGuestVlanMapVO map : maps) { String[] vlans = map.getGuestVlanRange().split("-"); Integer dedicatedStartVlan = Integer.parseInt(vlans[0]); Integer dedicatedEndVlan = Integer.parseInt(vlans[1]); if ((start >= dedicatedStartVlan && start <= dedicatedEndVlan) || (end >= dedicatedStartVlan && end <= dedicatedEndVlan)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vnet range " + map.getGuestVlanRange() + " is dedicated" + " to an account. The specified range " + start + "-" + end + " overlaps with the dedicated range " + " Please release the overlapping dedicated range before deleting the range"); } } } return removeVnets; } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_PHYSICAL_NETWORK_DELETE, eventDescription = "deleting physical network", async = true) @DB public boolean deletePhysicalNetwork(final Long physicalNetworkId) { // verify input parameters PhysicalNetworkVO pNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId); if (pNetwork == null) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Physical Network with specified id doesn't exist in the system"); ex.addProxyObject(physicalNetworkId.toString(), "physicalNetworkId"); throw ex; } checkIfPhysicalNetworkIsDeletable(physicalNetworkId); return Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) { // delete vlans for this zone List<VlanVO> vlans = _vlanDao.listVlansByPhysicalNetworkId(physicalNetworkId); for (VlanVO vlan : vlans) { _vlanDao.remove(vlan.getId()); } // Delete networks List<NetworkVO> networks = _networksDao.listByPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId); if (networks != null && !networks.isEmpty()) { for (NetworkVO network : networks) { _networksDao.remove(network.getId()); } } // delete vnets _dcDao.deleteVnet(physicalNetworkId); // delete service providers List<PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO> providers = _pNSPDao.listBy(physicalNetworkId); for (PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO provider : providers) { try { deleteNetworkServiceProvider(provider.getId()); } catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) { s_logger.warn("Unable to complete destroy of the physical network provider: " + provider.getProviderName() + ", id: " + provider.getId(), e); return false; } catch (ConcurrentOperationException e) { s_logger.warn("Unable to complete destroy of the physical network provider: " + provider.getProviderName() + ", id: " + provider.getId(), e); return false; } } // delete traffic types _pNTrafficTypeDao.deleteTrafficTypes(physicalNetworkId); return _physicalNetworkDao.remove(physicalNetworkId); } }); } @DB protected void checkIfPhysicalNetworkIsDeletable(Long physicalNetworkId) { List<List<String>> tablesToCheck = new ArrayList<List<String>>(); List<String> vnet = new ArrayList<String>(); vnet.add(0, "op_dc_vnet_alloc"); vnet.add(1, "physical_network_id"); vnet.add(2, "there are allocated vnets for this physical network"); tablesToCheck.add(vnet); List<String> networks = new ArrayList<String>(); networks.add(0, "networks"); networks.add(1, "physical_network_id"); networks.add(2, "there are networks associated to this physical network"); tablesToCheck.add(networks); /* * List<String> privateIP = new ArrayList<String>(); * privateIP.add(0, "op_dc_ip_address_alloc"); * privateIP.add(1, "data_center_id"); * privateIP.add(2, "there are private IP addresses allocated for this zone"); * tablesToCheck.add(privateIP); */ List<String> publicIP = new ArrayList<String>(); publicIP.add(0, "user_ip_address"); publicIP.add(1, "physical_network_id"); publicIP.add(2, "there are public IP addresses allocated for this physical network"); tablesToCheck.add(publicIP); for (List<String> table : tablesToCheck) { String tableName = table.get(0); String column = table.get(1); String errorMsg = table.get(2); String dbName = "cloud"; String selectSql = "SELECT * FROM `" + dbName + "`.`" + tableName + "` WHERE " + column + " = ?"; if (tableName.equals("networks")) { selectSql += " AND removed is NULL"; } if (tableName.equals("op_dc_vnet_alloc")) { selectSql += " AND taken IS NOT NULL"; } if (tableName.equals("user_ip_address")) { selectSql += " AND state!='Free'"; } if (tableName.equals("op_dc_ip_address_alloc")) { selectSql += " AND taken IS NOT NULL"; } TransactionLegacy txn = TransactionLegacy.currentTxn(); try { PreparedStatement stmt = txn.prepareAutoCloseStatement(selectSql); stmt.setLong(1, physicalNetworkId); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(); if (rs != null && rs.next()) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("The Physical Network is not deletable because " + errorMsg); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("The Management Server failed to detect if physical network is deletable. Please contact Cloud Support."); } } } @Override @DB @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_GUEST_VLAN_RANGE_DEDICATE, eventDescription = "dedicating guest vlan range", async = false) public GuestVlan dedicateGuestVlanRange(DedicateGuestVlanRangeCmd cmd) { String vlan = cmd.getVlan(); String accountName = cmd.getAccountName(); Long domainId = cmd.getDomainId(); Long physicalNetworkId = cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId(); Long projectId = cmd.getProjectId(); int startVlan, endVlan; String updatedVlanRange = null; long guestVlanMapId = 0; long guestVlanMapAccountId = 0; long vlanOwnerId = 0; // Verify account is valid Account vlanOwner = null; if (projectId != null) { if (accountName != null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("accountName and projectId are mutually exclusive"); } Project project = _projectMgr.getProject(projectId); if (project == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find project by id " + projectId); } vlanOwner = _accountMgr.getAccount(project.getProjectAccountId()); } if ((accountName != null) && (domainId != null)) { vlanOwner = _accountDao.findActiveAccount(accountName, domainId); } if (vlanOwner == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find account by name " + accountName); } vlanOwnerId = vlanOwner.getAccountId(); // Verify physical network isolation type is VLAN PhysicalNetworkVO physicalNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId); if (physicalNetwork == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find physical network by id " + physicalNetworkId); } else if (!physicalNetwork.getIsolationMethods().isEmpty() && !physicalNetwork.getIsolationMethods().contains("VLAN")) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot dedicate guest vlan range. " + "Physical isolation type of network " + physicalNetworkId + " is not VLAN"); } // Get the start and end vlan String[] vlanRange = vlan.split("-"); if (vlanRange.length != 2) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format for parameter value vlan " + vlan + " .Vlan should be specified as 'startvlan-endvlan'"); } try { startVlan = Integer.parseInt(vlanRange[0]); endVlan = Integer.parseInt(vlanRange[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { s_logger.warn("Unable to parse guest vlan range:", e); throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please provide valid guest vlan range"); } // Verify guest vlan range exists in the system List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> existingRanges = physicalNetwork.getVnet(); Boolean exists = false; if (!existingRanges.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < existingRanges.size(); i++) { int existingStartVlan = existingRanges.get(i).first(); int existingEndVlan = existingRanges.get(i).second(); if (startVlan <= endVlan && startVlan >= existingStartVlan && endVlan <= existingEndVlan) { exists = true; break; } } if (!exists) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find guest vlan by range " + vlan); } } // Verify guest vlans in the range don't belong to a network of a different account for (int i = startVlan; i <= endVlan; i++) { List<DataCenterVnetVO> allocatedVlans = _datacneterVnet.listAllocatedVnetsInRange(physicalNetwork.getDataCenterId(), physicalNetwork.getId(), startVlan, endVlan); if (allocatedVlans != null && !allocatedVlans.isEmpty()) { for (DataCenterVnetVO allocatedVlan : allocatedVlans) { if (allocatedVlan.getAccountId() != vlanOwner.getAccountId()) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Guest vlan from this range " + allocatedVlan.getVnet() + " is allocated to a different account." + " Can only dedicate a range which has no allocated vlans or has vlans allocated to the same account "); } } } } List<AccountGuestVlanMapVO> guestVlanMaps = _accountGuestVlanMapDao.listAccountGuestVlanMapsByPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId); // Verify if vlan range is already dedicated for (AccountGuestVlanMapVO guestVlanMap : guestVlanMaps) { List<Integer> vlanTokens = getVlanFromRange(guestVlanMap.getGuestVlanRange()); int dedicatedStartVlan = vlanTokens.get(0).intValue(); int dedicatedEndVlan = vlanTokens.get(1).intValue(); if ((startVlan < dedicatedStartVlan & endVlan >= dedicatedStartVlan) || (startVlan >= dedicatedStartVlan & startVlan <= dedicatedEndVlan)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Vlan range is already dedicated. Cannot" + " dedicate guest vlan range " + vlan); } } // Sort the existing dedicated vlan ranges Collections.sort(guestVlanMaps, new Comparator<AccountGuestVlanMapVO>() { @Override public int compare(AccountGuestVlanMapVO obj1, AccountGuestVlanMapVO obj2) { List<Integer> vlanTokens1 = getVlanFromRange(obj1.getGuestVlanRange()); List<Integer> vlanTokens2 = getVlanFromRange(obj2.getGuestVlanRange()); return vlanTokens1.get(0).compareTo(vlanTokens2.get(0)); } }); // Verify if vlan range extends an already dedicated range for (int i = 0; i < guestVlanMaps.size(); i++) { guestVlanMapId = guestVlanMaps.get(i).getId(); guestVlanMapAccountId = guestVlanMaps.get(i).getAccountId(); List<Integer> vlanTokens1 = getVlanFromRange(guestVlanMaps.get(i).getGuestVlanRange()); // Range extends a dedicated vlan range to the left if (endVlan == (vlanTokens1.get(0).intValue() - 1)) { if (guestVlanMapAccountId == vlanOwnerId) { updatedVlanRange = startVlan + "-" + vlanTokens1.get(1).intValue(); } break; } // Range extends a dedicated vlan range to the right if (startVlan == (vlanTokens1.get(1).intValue() + 1) & guestVlanMapAccountId == vlanOwnerId) { if (i != (guestVlanMaps.size() - 1)) { List<Integer> vlanTokens2 = getVlanFromRange(guestVlanMaps.get(i + 1).getGuestVlanRange()); // Range extends 2 vlan ranges, both to the right and left if (endVlan == (vlanTokens2.get(0).intValue() - 1) && guestVlanMaps.get(i + 1).getAccountId() == vlanOwnerId) { _datacneterVnet.releaseDedicatedGuestVlans(guestVlanMaps.get(i + 1).getId()); _accountGuestVlanMapDao.remove(guestVlanMaps.get(i + 1).getId()); updatedVlanRange = vlanTokens1.get(0).intValue() + "-" + vlanTokens2.get(1).intValue(); break; } } updatedVlanRange = vlanTokens1.get(0).intValue() + "-" + endVlan; break; } } // Dedicate vlan range AccountGuestVlanMapVO accountGuestVlanMapVO; if (updatedVlanRange != null) { accountGuestVlanMapVO = _accountGuestVlanMapDao.findById(guestVlanMapId); accountGuestVlanMapVO.setGuestVlanRange(updatedVlanRange); _accountGuestVlanMapDao.update(guestVlanMapId, accountGuestVlanMapVO); } else { accountGuestVlanMapVO = new AccountGuestVlanMapVO(vlanOwner.getAccountId(), physicalNetworkId); accountGuestVlanMapVO.setGuestVlanRange(startVlan + "-" + endVlan); _accountGuestVlanMapDao.persist(accountGuestVlanMapVO); } // For every guest vlan set the corresponding account guest vlan map id List<Integer> finaVlanTokens = getVlanFromRange(accountGuestVlanMapVO.getGuestVlanRange()); for (int i = finaVlanTokens.get(0).intValue(); i <= finaVlanTokens.get(1).intValue(); i++) { List<DataCenterVnetVO> dataCenterVnet = _datacneterVnet.findVnet(physicalNetwork.getDataCenterId(), physicalNetworkId, Integer.toString(i)); dataCenterVnet.get(0).setAccountGuestVlanMapId(accountGuestVlanMapVO.getId()); _datacneterVnet.update(dataCenterVnet.get(0).getId(), dataCenterVnet.get(0)); } return accountGuestVlanMapVO; } private List<Integer> getVlanFromRange(String vlanRange) { // Get the start and end vlan String[] vlanTokens = vlanRange.split("-"); List<Integer> tokens = new ArrayList<Integer>(); try { int startVlan = Integer.parseInt(vlanTokens[0]); int endVlan = Integer.parseInt(vlanTokens[1]); tokens.add(startVlan); tokens.add(endVlan); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { s_logger.warn("Unable to parse guest vlan range:", e); throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Please provide valid guest vlan range"); } return tokens; } @Override public Pair<List<? extends GuestVlan>, Integer> listDedicatedGuestVlanRanges(ListDedicatedGuestVlanRangesCmd cmd) { Long id = cmd.getId(); String accountName = cmd.getAccountName(); Long domainId = cmd.getDomainId(); Long projectId = cmd.getProjectId(); String guestVlanRange = cmd.getGuestVlanRange(); Long physicalNetworkId = cmd.getPhysicalNetworkId(); Long zoneId = cmd.getZoneId(); Long accountId = null; if (accountName != null && domainId != null) { if (projectId != null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Account and projectId can't be specified together"); } Account account = _accountDao.findActiveAccount(accountName, domainId); if (account == null) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find account " + accountName); DomainVO domain = ApiDBUtils.findDomainById(domainId); String domainUuid = domainId.toString(); if (domain != null) { domainUuid = domain.getUuid(); } ex.addProxyObject(domainUuid, "domainId"); throw ex; } else { accountId = account.getId(); } } // set project information if (projectId != null) { Project project = _projectMgr.getProject(projectId); if (project == null) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find project by id " + projectId); ex.addProxyObject(projectId.toString(), "projectId"); throw ex; } accountId = project.getProjectAccountId(); } SearchBuilder<AccountGuestVlanMapVO> sb = _accountGuestVlanMapDao.createSearchBuilder(); sb.and("id", sb.entity().getId(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ); sb.and("accountId", sb.entity().getAccountId(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ); sb.and("guestVlanRange", sb.entity().getGuestVlanRange(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ); sb.and("physicalNetworkId", sb.entity().getPhysicalNetworkId(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ); if (zoneId != null) { SearchBuilder<PhysicalNetworkVO> physicalnetworkSearch = _physicalNetworkDao.createSearchBuilder(); physicalnetworkSearch.and("zoneId", physicalnetworkSearch.entity().getDataCenterId(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ); sb.join("physicalnetworkSearch", physicalnetworkSearch, sb.entity().getPhysicalNetworkId(), physicalnetworkSearch.entity().getId(), JoinBuilder.JoinType.INNER); } SearchCriteria<AccountGuestVlanMapVO> sc = sb.create(); if (id != null) { sc.setParameters("id", id); } if (accountId != null) { sc.setParameters("accountId", accountId); } if (guestVlanRange != null) { sc.setParameters("guestVlanRange", guestVlanRange); } if (physicalNetworkId != null) { sc.setParameters("physicalNetworkId", physicalNetworkId); } if (zoneId != null) { sc.setJoinParameters("physicalnetworkSearch", "zoneId", zoneId); } Filter searchFilter = new Filter(AccountGuestVlanMapVO.class, "id", true, cmd.getStartIndex(), cmd.getPageSizeVal()); Pair<List<AccountGuestVlanMapVO>, Integer> result = _accountGuestVlanMapDao.searchAndCount(sc, searchFilter); return new Pair<List<? extends GuestVlan>, Integer>(result.first(), result.second()); } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_DEDICATED_GUEST_VLAN_RANGE_RELEASE, eventDescription = "releasing" + " dedicated guest vlan range", async = true) @DB public boolean releaseDedicatedGuestVlanRange(Long dedicatedGuestVlanRangeId) { // Verify dedicated range exists AccountGuestVlanMapVO dedicatedGuestVlan = _accountGuestVlanMapDao.findById(dedicatedGuestVlanRangeId); if (dedicatedGuestVlan == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Dedicated guest vlan with specified" + " id doesn't exist in the system"); } // Remove dedication for the guest vlan _datacneterVnet.releaseDedicatedGuestVlans(dedicatedGuestVlan.getId()); if (_accountGuestVlanMapDao.remove(dedicatedGuestVlanRangeId)) { return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public List<? extends Service> listNetworkServices(String providerName) { Provider provider = null; if (providerName != null) { provider = Network.Provider.getProvider(providerName); if (provider == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid Network Service Provider=" + providerName); } } if (provider != null) { NetworkElement element = _networkModel.getElementImplementingProvider(providerName); if (element == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find the Network Element implementing the Service Provider '" + providerName + "'"); } return new ArrayList<Service>(element.getCapabilities().keySet()); } else { return Service.listAllServices(); } } @Override @DB @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_SERVICE_PROVIDER_CREATE, eventDescription = "Creating Physical Network ServiceProvider", create = true) public PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider addProviderToPhysicalNetwork(Long physicalNetworkId, String providerName, Long destinationPhysicalNetworkId, List<String> enabledServices) { // verify input parameters PhysicalNetworkVO network = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId); if (network == null) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Physical Network with specified id doesn't exist in the system"); ex.addProxyObject(physicalNetworkId.toString(), "physicalNetworkId"); throw ex; } // verify input parameters if (destinationPhysicalNetworkId != null) { PhysicalNetworkVO destNetwork = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(destinationPhysicalNetworkId); if (destNetwork == null) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Destination Physical Network with specified id doesn't exist in the system"); ex.addProxyObject(destinationPhysicalNetworkId.toString(), "destinationPhysicalNetworkId"); throw ex; } } if (providerName != null) { Provider provider = Network.Provider.getProvider(providerName); if (provider == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid Network Service Provider=" + providerName); } } if (_pNSPDao.findByServiceProvider(physicalNetworkId, providerName) != null) { // TBD: send uuid instead of physicalNetworkId. throw new CloudRuntimeException("The '" + providerName + "' provider already exists on physical network : " + physicalNetworkId); } // check if services can be turned off NetworkElement element = _networkModel.getElementImplementingProvider(providerName); if (element == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find the Network Element implementing the Service Provider '" + providerName + "'"); } List<Service> services = new ArrayList<Service>(); if (enabledServices != null) { if (!element.canEnableIndividualServices()) { if (enabledServices.size() != element.getCapabilities().keySet().size()) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot enable subset of Services, Please specify the complete list of Services for this Service Provider '" + providerName + "'"); } } // validate Services boolean addGatewayService = false; for (String serviceName : enabledServices) { Network.Service service = Network.Service.getService(serviceName); if (service == null || service == Service.Gateway) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid Network Service specified=" + serviceName); } else if (service == Service.SourceNat) { addGatewayService = true; } // check if the service is provided by this Provider if (!element.getCapabilities().containsKey(service)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException(providerName + " Provider cannot provide this Service specified=" + serviceName); } services.add(service); } if (addGatewayService) { services.add(Service.Gateway); } } else { // enable all the default services supported by this element. services = new ArrayList<Service>(element.getCapabilities().keySet()); } try { // Create the new physical network in the database PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO nsp = new PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO(physicalNetworkId, providerName); // set enabled services nsp.setEnabledServices(services); if (destinationPhysicalNetworkId != null) { nsp.setDestinationPhysicalNetworkId(destinationPhysicalNetworkId); } nsp = _pNSPDao.persist(nsp); return nsp; } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Fail to add a provider to physical network"); } } @Override public Pair<List<? extends PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider>, Integer> listNetworkServiceProviders(Long physicalNetworkId, String name, String state, Long startIndex, Long pageSize) { Filter searchFilter = new Filter(PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO.class, "id", false, startIndex, pageSize); SearchBuilder<PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO> sb = _pNSPDao.createSearchBuilder(); SearchCriteria<PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO> sc = sb.create(); if (physicalNetworkId != null) { sc.addAnd("physicalNetworkId", Op.EQ, physicalNetworkId); } if (name != null) { sc.addAnd("providerName", Op.EQ, name); } if (state != null) { sc.addAnd("state", Op.EQ, state); } Pair<List<PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO>, Integer> result = _pNSPDao.searchAndCount(sc, searchFilter); return new Pair<List<? extends PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider>, Integer>(result.first(), result.second()); } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_SERVICE_PROVIDER_UPDATE, eventDescription = "Updating physical network ServiceProvider", async = true) public PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider updateNetworkServiceProvider(Long id, String stateStr, List<String> enabledServices) { PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO provider = _pNSPDao.findById(id); if (provider == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Network Service Provider id=" + id + "doesn't exist in the system"); } NetworkElement element = _networkModel.getElementImplementingProvider(provider.getProviderName()); if (element == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find the Network Element implementing the Service Provider '" + provider.getProviderName() + "'"); } PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State state = null; if (stateStr != null && !stateStr.isEmpty()) { try { state = PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.valueOf(stateStr); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to resolve state '" + stateStr + "' to a supported value {Enabled or Disabled}"); } } boolean update = false; if (state != null) { if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("trying to update the state of the service provider id=" + id + " on physical network: " + provider.getPhysicalNetworkId() + " to state: " + stateStr); } switch (state) { case Enabled: if (element != null && element.isReady(provider)) { provider.setState(PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.Enabled); update = true; } else { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Provider is not ready, cannot Enable the provider, please configure the provider first"); } break; case Disabled: // do we need to do anything for the provider instances before disabling? provider.setState(PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.Disabled); update = true; break; case Shutdown: throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Updating the provider state to 'Shutdown' is not supported"); } } if (enabledServices != null) { // check if services can be turned of if (!element.canEnableIndividualServices()) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Cannot update set of Services for this Service Provider '" + provider.getProviderName() + "'"); } // validate Services List<Service> services = new ArrayList<Service>(); for (String serviceName : enabledServices) { Network.Service service = Network.Service.getService(serviceName); if (service == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid Network Service specified=" + serviceName); } services.add(service); } // set enabled services provider.setEnabledServices(services); update = true; } if (update) { _pNSPDao.update(id, provider); } return provider; } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_SERVICE_PROVIDER_DELETE, eventDescription = "Deleting physical network ServiceProvider", async = true) public boolean deleteNetworkServiceProvider(Long id) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException { PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO provider = _pNSPDao.findById(id); if (provider == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Network Service Provider id=" + id + "doesn't exist in the system"); } // check if there are networks using this provider List<NetworkVO> networks = _networksDao.listByPhysicalNetworkAndProvider(provider.getPhysicalNetworkId(), provider.getProviderName()); if (networks != null && !networks.isEmpty()) { throw new CloudRuntimeException( "Provider is not deletable because there are active networks using this provider, please upgrade these networks to new network offerings"); } User callerUser = _accountMgr.getActiveUser(CallContext.current().getCallingUserId()); Account callerAccount = _accountMgr.getActiveAccountById(callerUser.getAccountId()); // shutdown the provider instances ReservationContext context = new ReservationContextImpl(null, null, callerUser, callerAccount); if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) { s_logger.debug("Shutting down the service provider id=" + id + " on physical network: " + provider.getPhysicalNetworkId()); } NetworkElement element = _networkModel.getElementImplementingProvider(provider.getProviderName()); if (element == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find the Network Element implementing the Service Provider '" + provider.getProviderName() + "'"); } if (element != null && element.shutdownProviderInstances(provider, context)) { provider.setState(PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.Shutdown); } return _pNSPDao.remove(id); } @Override public PhysicalNetwork getPhysicalNetwork(Long physicalNetworkId) { return _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId); } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_PHYSICAL_NETWORK_CREATE, eventDescription = "Creating Physical Network", async = true) public PhysicalNetwork getCreatedPhysicalNetwork(Long physicalNetworkId) { return getPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId); } @Override public PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider getPhysicalNetworkServiceProvider(Long providerId) { return _pNSPDao.findById(providerId); } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_SERVICE_PROVIDER_CREATE, eventDescription = "Creating Physical Network ServiceProvider", async = true) public PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider getCreatedPhysicalNetworkServiceProvider(Long providerId) { return getPhysicalNetworkServiceProvider(providerId); } @Override public long findPhysicalNetworkId(long zoneId, String tag, TrafficType trafficType) { List<PhysicalNetworkVO> pNtwks = new ArrayList<PhysicalNetworkVO>(); if (trafficType != null) { pNtwks = _physicalNetworkDao.listByZoneAndTrafficType(zoneId, trafficType); } else { pNtwks = _physicalNetworkDao.listByZone(zoneId); } if (pNtwks.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find physical network in zone id=" + zoneId); } if (pNtwks.size() > 1) { if (tag == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("More than one physical networks exist in zone id=" + zoneId + " and no tags are specified in order to make a choice"); } Long pNtwkId = null; for (PhysicalNetwork pNtwk : pNtwks) { if (pNtwk.getTags().contains(tag)) { s_logger.debug("Found physical network id=" + pNtwk.getId() + " based on requested tags " + tag); pNtwkId = pNtwk.getId(); break; } } if (pNtwkId == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find physical network which match the tags " + tag); } return pNtwkId; } else { return pNtwks.get(0).getId(); } } @Override @DB @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_TRAFFIC_TYPE_CREATE, eventDescription = "Creating Physical Network TrafficType", create = true) public PhysicalNetworkTrafficType addTrafficTypeToPhysicalNetwork(Long physicalNetworkId, String trafficTypeStr, String isolationMethod, String xenLabel, String kvmLabel, String vmwareLabel, String simulatorLabel, String vlan, String hypervLabel, String ovm3Label) { // verify input parameters PhysicalNetworkVO network = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId); if (network == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Physical Network id=" + physicalNetworkId + "doesn't exist in the system"); } Networks.TrafficType trafficType = null; if (trafficTypeStr != null && !trafficTypeStr.isEmpty()) { try { trafficType = Networks.TrafficType.valueOf(trafficTypeStr); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to resolve trafficType '" + trafficTypeStr + "' to a supported value"); } } if (_pNTrafficTypeDao.isTrafficTypeSupported(physicalNetworkId, trafficType)) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("This physical network already supports the traffic type: " + trafficType); } // For Storage, Control, Management, Public check if the zone has any other physical network with this // traffictype already present // If yes, we cant add these traffics to one more physical network in the zone. if (TrafficType.isSystemNetwork(trafficType) || TrafficType.Public.equals(trafficType) || TrafficType.Storage.equals(trafficType)) { if (!_physicalNetworkDao.listByZoneAndTrafficType(network.getDataCenterId(), trafficType).isEmpty()) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Fail to add the traffic type to physical network because Zone already has a physical network with this traffic type: " + trafficType); } } if (TrafficType.Storage.equals(trafficType)) { List<SecondaryStorageVmVO> ssvms = _stnwMgr.getSSVMWithNoStorageNetwork(network.getDataCenterId()); if (!ssvms.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( "Cannot add " + trafficType + " traffic type as there are below secondary storage vm still running. Please stop them all and add Storage traffic type again, then destory them all to allow CloudStack recreate them with storage network(If you have added storage network ip range)"); sb.append("SSVMs:"); for (SecondaryStorageVmVO ssvm : ssvms) { sb.append(ssvm.getInstanceName()).append(":").append(ssvm.getState()); } throw new CloudRuntimeException(sb.toString()); } } try { // Create the new traffic type in the database if (xenLabel == null) { xenLabel = getDefaultXenNetworkLabel(trafficType); } PhysicalNetworkTrafficTypeVO pNetworktrafficType = new PhysicalNetworkTrafficTypeVO(physicalNetworkId, trafficType, xenLabel, kvmLabel, vmwareLabel, simulatorLabel, vlan, hypervLabel, ovm3Label); pNetworktrafficType = _pNTrafficTypeDao.persist(pNetworktrafficType); // For public traffic, get isolation method of physical network and update the public network accordingly // each broadcast type will individually need to be qualified for support of public traffic if (TrafficType.Public.equals(trafficType)){ List<String> isolationMethods = network.getIsolationMethods(); if ((isolationMethods.size() == 1 && isolationMethods.get(0).toLowerCase().equals("vxlan")) || (isolationMethod != null && isolationMethods.contains(isolationMethod) && isolationMethod.toLowerCase().equals("vxlan"))) { // find row in networks table that is defined as 'Public', created when zone was deployed NetworkVO publicNetwork = _networksDao.listByZoneAndTrafficType(network.getDataCenterId(),TrafficType.Public).get(0); if (publicNetwork != null) { s_logger.debug("setting public network " + publicNetwork + " to broadcast type vxlan"); publicNetwork.setBroadcastDomainType(BroadcastDomainType.Vxlan); _networksDao.persist(publicNetwork); } } } return pNetworktrafficType; } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex); throw new CloudRuntimeException("Fail to add a traffic type to physical network"); } } private String getDefaultXenNetworkLabel(TrafficType trafficType) { String xenLabel = null; switch (trafficType) { case Public: xenLabel = _configDao.getValue(Config.XenServerPublicNetwork.key()); break; case Guest: xenLabel = _configDao.getValue(Config.XenServerGuestNetwork.key()); break; case Storage: xenLabel = _configDao.getValue(Config.XenServerStorageNetwork1.key()); break; case Management: xenLabel = _configDao.getValue(Config.XenServerPrivateNetwork.key()); break; case Control: xenLabel = "cloud_link_local_network"; break; case Vpn: case None: break; } return xenLabel; } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_TRAFFIC_TYPE_CREATE, eventDescription = "Creating Physical Network TrafficType", async = true) public PhysicalNetworkTrafficType getPhysicalNetworkTrafficType(Long id) { return _pNTrafficTypeDao.findById(id); } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_TRAFFIC_TYPE_UPDATE, eventDescription = "Updating physical network TrafficType", async = true) public PhysicalNetworkTrafficType updatePhysicalNetworkTrafficType(Long id, String xenLabel, String kvmLabel, String vmwareLabel, String hypervLabel, String ovm3Label) { PhysicalNetworkTrafficTypeVO trafficType = _pNTrafficTypeDao.findById(id); if (trafficType == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Traffic Type with id=" + id + "doesn't exist in the system"); } if (xenLabel != null) { if ("".equals(xenLabel)) { xenLabel = null; } trafficType.setXenNetworkLabel(xenLabel); } if (kvmLabel != null) { if ("".equals(kvmLabel)) { kvmLabel = null; } trafficType.setKvmNetworkLabel(kvmLabel); } if (vmwareLabel != null) { if ("".equals(vmwareLabel)) { vmwareLabel = null; } trafficType.setVmwareNetworkLabel(vmwareLabel); } if (hypervLabel != null) { if ("".equals(hypervLabel)) { hypervLabel = null; } trafficType.setHypervNetworkLabel(hypervLabel); } if (ovm3Label != null) { if ("".equals(ovm3Label)) { ovm3Label = null; } trafficType.setOvm3NetworkLabel(ovm3Label); } _pNTrafficTypeDao.update(id, trafficType); return trafficType; } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_TRAFFIC_TYPE_DELETE, eventDescription = "Deleting physical network TrafficType", async = true) public boolean deletePhysicalNetworkTrafficType(Long id) { PhysicalNetworkTrafficTypeVO trafficType = _pNTrafficTypeDao.findById(id); if (trafficType == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Traffic Type with id=" + id + "doesn't exist in the system"); } // check if there are any networks associated to this physical network with this traffic type if (TrafficType.Guest.equals(trafficType.getTrafficType())) { if (!_networksDao.listByPhysicalNetworkTrafficType(trafficType.getPhysicalNetworkId(), trafficType.getTrafficType()).isEmpty()) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("The Traffic Type is not deletable because there are existing networks with this traffic type:" + trafficType.getTrafficType()); } } else if (TrafficType.Storage.equals(trafficType.getTrafficType())) { PhysicalNetworkVO pn = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(trafficType.getPhysicalNetworkId()); if (_stnwMgr.isAnyStorageIpInUseInZone(pn.getDataCenterId())) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("The Traffic Type is not deletable because there are still some storage network ip addresses in use:" + trafficType.getTrafficType()); } } return _pNTrafficTypeDao.remove(id); } @Override public Pair<List<? extends PhysicalNetworkTrafficType>, Integer> listTrafficTypes(Long physicalNetworkId) { PhysicalNetworkVO network = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId); if (network == null) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Physical Network with specified id doesn't exist in the system"); ex.addProxyObject(physicalNetworkId.toString(), "physicalNetworkId"); throw ex; } Pair<List<PhysicalNetworkTrafficTypeVO>, Integer> result = _pNTrafficTypeDao.listAndCountBy(physicalNetworkId); return new Pair<List<? extends PhysicalNetworkTrafficType>, Integer>(result.first(), result.second()); } @Override //TODO: duplicated in NetworkModel public NetworkVO getExclusiveGuestNetwork(long zoneId) { List<NetworkVO> networks = _networksDao.listBy(Account.ACCOUNT_ID_SYSTEM, zoneId, GuestType.Shared, TrafficType.Guest); if (networks == null || networks.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find network with trafficType " + TrafficType.Guest + " and guestType " + GuestType.Shared + " in zone " + zoneId); } if (networks.size() > 1) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Found more than 1 network with trafficType " + TrafficType.Guest + " and guestType " + GuestType.Shared + " in zone " + zoneId); } return networks.get(0); } protected PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider addDefaultVirtualRouterToPhysicalNetwork(long physicalNetworkId) { PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider nsp = addProviderToPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId, Network.Provider.VirtualRouter.getName(), null, null); // add instance of the provider NetworkElement networkElement = _networkModel.getElementImplementingProvider(Network.Provider.VirtualRouter.getName()); if (networkElement == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find the Network Element implementing the VirtualRouter Provider"); } VirtualRouterElement element = (VirtualRouterElement)networkElement; element.addElement(nsp.getId(), Type.VirtualRouter); return nsp; } private PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider addDefaultOvsToPhysicalNetwork(long physicalNetworkId) { PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider nsp = addProviderToPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId, Network.Provider.Ovs.getName(), null, null); NetworkElement networkElement = _networkModel.getElementImplementingProvider(Network.Provider.Ovs.getName()); if (networkElement == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find the Network Element implementing the Ovs Provider"); } OvsProviderVO element = _ovsProviderDao.findByNspId(nsp.getId()); if (element != null) { s_logger.debug("There is already a Ovs element with service provider id " + nsp.getId()); return nsp; } element = new OvsProviderVO(nsp.getId()); _ovsProviderDao.persist(element); return nsp; } protected PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider addDefaultVpcVirtualRouterToPhysicalNetwork(long physicalNetworkId) { PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider nsp = addProviderToPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId, Network.Provider.VPCVirtualRouter.getName(), null, null); NetworkElement networkElement = _networkModel.getElementImplementingProvider(Network.Provider.VPCVirtualRouter.getName()); if (networkElement == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find the Network Element implementing the VPCVirtualRouter Provider"); } VpcVirtualRouterElement element = (VpcVirtualRouterElement)networkElement; element.addElement(nsp.getId(), Type.VPCVirtualRouter); return nsp; } protected PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider addDefaultInternalLbProviderToPhysicalNetwork(long physicalNetworkId) { PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider nsp = addProviderToPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId, Network.Provider.InternalLbVm.getName(), null, null); NetworkElement networkElement = _networkModel.getElementImplementingProvider(Network.Provider.InternalLbVm.getName()); if (networkElement == null) { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to find the Network Element implementing the " + Network.Provider.InternalLbVm.getName() + " Provider"); } _internalLbElementSvc.addInternalLoadBalancerElement(nsp.getId()); return nsp; } protected PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider addDefaultSecurityGroupProviderToPhysicalNetwork(long physicalNetworkId) { PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider nsp = addProviderToPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId, Network.Provider.SecurityGroupProvider.getName(), null, null); return nsp; } private PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider addDefaultBaremetalProvidersToPhysicalNetwork(long physicalNetworkId) { PhysicalNetworkVO pvo = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId); DataCenterVO dvo = _dcDao.findById(pvo.getDataCenterId()); if (dvo.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic) { Provider provider = Network.Provider.getProvider("BaremetalDhcpProvider"); if (provider == null) { // baremetal is not loaded return null; } addProviderToPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId, "BaremetalDhcpProvider", null, null); addProviderToPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId, "BaremetalPxeProvider", null, null); addProviderToPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId, "BaremetalUserdataProvider", null, null); } else if (dvo.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Advanced) { addProviderToPhysicalNetwork(physicalNetworkId, "BaremetalPxeProvider", null, null); enableBaremetalProvider("BaremetalPxeProvider"); } return null; } private void enableBaremetalProvider(String providerName) { QueryBuilder<PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO> q = QueryBuilder.create(PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO.class); q.and(q.entity().getProviderName(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, providerName); PhysicalNetworkServiceProviderVO provider = q.find(); provider.setState(PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider.State.Enabled); _pNSPDao.update(provider.getId(), provider); } protected boolean isNetworkSystem(Network network) { NetworkOffering no = _networkOfferingDao.findByIdIncludingRemoved(network.getNetworkOfferingId()); if (no.isSystemOnly()) { return true; } else { return false; } } private boolean getAllowSubdomainAccessGlobal() { return _allowSubdomainNetworkAccess; } @Override public List<Pair<TrafficType, String>> listTrafficTypeImplementor(ListTrafficTypeImplementorsCmd cmd) { String type = cmd.getTrafficType(); List<Pair<TrafficType, String>> results = new ArrayList<Pair<TrafficType, String>>(); if (type != null) { for (NetworkGuru guru : _networkGurus) { if (guru.isMyTrafficType(TrafficType.getTrafficType(type))) { results.add(new Pair<TrafficType, String>(TrafficType.getTrafficType(type), guru.getName())); break; } } } else { for (NetworkGuru guru : _networkGurus) { TrafficType[] allTypes = guru.getSupportedTrafficType(); for (TrafficType t : allTypes) { results.add(new Pair<TrafficType, String>(t, guru.getName())); } } } return results; } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NET_IP_ASSIGN, eventDescription = "associating Ip", async = true) public IpAddress associateIPToNetwork(long ipId, long networkId) throws InsufficientAddressCapacityException, ResourceAllocationException, ResourceUnavailableException, ConcurrentOperationException { Network network = _networksDao.findById(networkId); if (network == null) { // release the acquired IP addrress before throwing the exception // else it will always be in allocating state releaseIpAddress(ipId); throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid network id is given"); } if (network.getVpcId() != null) { // release the acquired IP addrress before throwing the exception // else it will always be in allocating state releaseIpAddress(ipId); throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't assign ip to the network directly when network belongs" + " to VPC.Specify vpcId to associate ip address to VPC"); } return _ipAddrMgr.associateIPToGuestNetwork(ipId, networkId, true); } @Override @DB public Network createPrivateNetwork(final String networkName, final String displayText, long physicalNetworkId, String broadcastUriString, final String startIp, String endIp, final String gateway, String netmask, final long networkOwnerId, final Long vpcId, final Boolean sourceNat, final Long networkOfferingId) throws ResourceAllocationException, ConcurrentOperationException, InsufficientCapacityException { final Account owner = _accountMgr.getAccount(networkOwnerId); // Get system network offering NetworkOfferingVO ntwkOff = null; if (networkOfferingId != null) { ntwkOff = _networkOfferingDao.findById(networkOfferingId); } if (ntwkOff == null) { ntwkOff = findSystemNetworkOffering(NetworkOffering.SystemPrivateGatewayNetworkOffering); } // Validate physical network final PhysicalNetwork pNtwk = _physicalNetworkDao.findById(physicalNetworkId); if (pNtwk == null) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find a physical network" + " having the given id"); ex.addProxyObject(String.valueOf(physicalNetworkId), "physicalNetworkId"); throw ex; } // VALIDATE IP INFO // if end ip is not specified, default it to startIp if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(startIp)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format for the ip address parameter"); } if (endIp == null) { endIp = startIp; } else if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(endIp)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid format for the endIp address parameter"); } if (!NetUtils.isValidIp(gateway)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid gateway"); } if (!NetUtils.isValidNetmask(netmask)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Invalid netmask"); } final String cidr = NetUtils.ipAndNetMaskToCidr(gateway, netmask); URI uri = BroadcastDomainType.fromString(broadcastUriString); final String uriString = uri.toString(); BroadcastDomainType tiep = BroadcastDomainType.getSchemeValue(uri); // numeric vlan or vlan uri are ok for now // TODO make a test for any supported scheme if (!(tiep == BroadcastDomainType.Vlan || tiep == BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch)) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("unsupported type of broadcastUri specified: " + broadcastUriString); } final NetworkOfferingVO ntwkOffFinal = ntwkOff; try { return Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallbackWithException<Network, Exception>() { @Override public Network doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) throws ResourceAllocationException, InsufficientCapacityException { //lock datacenter as we need to get mac address seq from there DataCenterVO dc = _dcDao.lockRow(pNtwk.getDataCenterId(), true); //check if we need to create guest network Network privateNetwork = _networksDao.getPrivateNetwork(uriString, cidr, networkOwnerId, pNtwk.getDataCenterId(), networkOfferingId); if (privateNetwork == null) { //create Guest network privateNetwork = _networkMgr.createGuestNetwork(ntwkOffFinal.getId(), networkName, displayText, gateway, cidr, uriString, null, owner, null, pNtwk, pNtwk.getDataCenterId(), ACLType.Account, null, vpcId, null, null, true, null); if (privateNetwork != null) { s_logger.debug("Successfully created guest network " + privateNetwork); } else { throw new CloudRuntimeException("Creating guest network failed"); } } else { s_logger.debug("Private network already exists: " + privateNetwork); //Do not allow multiple private gateways with same Vlan within a VPC if (vpcId != null && vpcId.equals(privateNetwork.getVpcId())) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Private network for the vlan: " + uriString + " and cidr " + cidr + " already exists " + "for Vpc " + vpcId + " in zone " + _entityMgr.findById(DataCenter.class, pNtwk.getDataCenterId()).getName()); } } if (vpcId != null) { //add entry to private_ip_address table PrivateIpVO privateIp = _privateIpDao.findByIpAndSourceNetworkIdAndVpcId(privateNetwork.getId(), startIp, vpcId); if (privateIp != null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Private ip address " + startIp + " already used for private gateway" + " in zone " + _entityMgr.findById(DataCenter.class, pNtwk.getDataCenterId()).getName()); } Long mac = dc.getMacAddress(); Long nextMac = mac + 1; dc.setMacAddress(nextMac); privateIp = new PrivateIpVO(startIp, privateNetwork.getId(), nextMac, vpcId, sourceNat); _privateIpDao.persist(privateIp); _dcDao.update(dc.getId(), dc); } s_logger.debug("Private network " + privateNetwork + " is created"); return privateNetwork; } }); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionUtil.rethrowRuntime(e); ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e, ResourceAllocationException.class); ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e, InsufficientCapacityException.class); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } private NetworkOfferingVO findSystemNetworkOffering(String offeringName) { List<NetworkOfferingVO> allOfferings = _networkOfferingDao.listSystemNetworkOfferings(); for (NetworkOfferingVO offer : allOfferings) { if (offer.getName().equals(offeringName)) { return offer; } } return null; } @Override public Network getNetwork(String networkUuid) { return _networksDao.findByUuid(networkUuid); } @Override public List<? extends Nic> listNics(ListNicsCmd cmd) { Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount(); Long nicId = cmd.getNicId(); long vmId = cmd.getVmId(); Long networkId = cmd.getNetworkId(); UserVmVO userVm = _userVmDao.findById(vmId); if (userVm == null || (!userVm.isDisplayVm() && caller.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NORMAL)) { InvalidParameterValueException ex = new InvalidParameterValueException("Virtual mahine id does not exist"); ex.addProxyObject(Long.valueOf(vmId).toString(), "vmId"); throw ex; } _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, userVm); return _networkMgr.listVmNics(vmId, nicId, networkId); } public List<NetworkGuru> getNetworkGurus() { return _networkGurus; } @Inject public void setNetworkGurus(List<NetworkGuru> networkGurus) { _networkGurus = networkGurus; } @Override @ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_NET_IP_UPDATE, eventDescription = "updating public ip address", async = true) public IpAddress updateIP(Long id, String customId, Boolean displayIp) { Account caller = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount(); IPAddressVO ipVO = _ipAddressDao.findById(id); if (ipVO == null) { throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Unable to find ip address by id"); } // verify permissions if (ipVO.getAllocatedToAccountId() != null) { _accountMgr.checkAccess(caller, null, true, ipVO); } else if (caller.getType() != Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_ADMIN) { throw new PermissionDeniedException("Only Root admin can update non-allocated ip addresses"); } if (customId != null) { ipVO.setUuid(customId); } if (displayIp != null) { ipVO.setDisplay(displayIp); } _ipAddressDao.update(id, ipVO); return _ipAddressDao.findById(id); } }