package org.cloudml.monitoring.synchronization; /** * This file is part of CloudML [ ] * * Copyright (C) 2012 - SINTEF ICT * Contact: Franck Chauvel <> * * Module: root * * CloudML is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * CloudML is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General * Public License along with CloudML. If not, see * <>. */ import it.polimi.modaclouds.qos_models.monitoring_ontology.CloudProvider; import it.polimi.modaclouds.qos_models.monitoring_ontology.Location; import it.polimi.modaclouds.qos_models.monitoring_ontology.VM; import it.polimi.modaclouds.qos_models.monitoring_ontology.InternalComponent; import org.cloudml.core.*; import org.cloudml.core.Provider; import org.cloudml.core.collections.ComponentInstanceGroup; import org.cloudml.core.collections.InternalComponentInstanceGroup; import org.cloudml.core.collections.ProviderGroup; import org.cloudml.core.collections.VMInstanceGroup; import java.util.List; /** * @author Francesco di Forenza * This class receive the model changes and tranform them * to ensure compatibility with third parties */ public class Filter { /** * Convert a Deployment model from CloudMl in a format * compatible with MODAClouds Monitoring Platform's APIs * * @param deployment the deployment model to convert */ public static Model fromCloudmlToModaMP(Deployment deployment) { //get the relevant part of the model //create a new list for avoid changes in the original one ComponentInstanceGroup instances = new ComponentInstanceGroup(); instances.addAll(deployment.getComponentInstances()); ProviderGroup providers = new ProviderGroup(); providers.addAll(deployment.getProviders()); //call the actual translator return getModelUpdates(instances, providers); } /** * Convert a list of ExternalCOmpnents model from CloudMl in a format * compatible with MODAClouds Monitoring Platform's APIs * * @param addedECs the list */ public static Model fromCloudmlToModaMP(List<ExternalComponentInstance<? extends org.cloudml.core.ExternalComponent>> addedECs, List<InternalComponentInstance> addedICs) { //create a new list for avoid changes in the original one ComponentInstanceGroup supportList = new ComponentInstanceGroup(); supportList.addAll(addedECs); supportList.addAll(addedICs); //call the actual translator return getModelUpdates(supportList, null); } //this is the core method the other one are just to prepare the lists for this one private static Model getModelUpdates(ComponentInstanceGroup instances, ProviderGroup providers) { Model model = new Model(); //go top down to remove the synched ones //prepare the VMs list VMInstanceGroup VMs = instances.onlyVMs(); for (VMInstance i : VMs) { String location = i.getType().getLocation(); if(!location.isEmpty()) { model.add(fromCloudmlToModaMP(location)); } model.add(fromCloudmlToModaMP(i)); instances.remove(i); } //prepare the InternalComponents list InternalComponentInstanceGroup internalComponents = instances.onlyInternals(); for (InternalComponentInstance i : internalComponents) { model.add(fromCloudmlToModaMP(i)); instances.remove(i); } //prepare for providers list if(providers!=null){ for (Provider i : providers) { model.add(fromCloudmlToModaMP(i)); instances.remove(i); } } return model; } //Translate a single VM from cloudML to Monitoring Platform QoS-model private static VM fromCloudmlToModaMP(VMInstance toTranslate) { VM toReturn = new VM(); //KB entity field String id = toTranslate.getName(); toReturn.setId(id); toReturn.setType(String.valueOf(toTranslate.getType().getName())); toReturn.setCloudProvider(toTranslate.getType().getProvider().getName()); toReturn.setLocation(toTranslate.getType().getLocation()); toReturn.setNumberOfCPUs(toTranslate.getCore()); return toReturn; } //Translate an internal component from cloudML to Monitoring Platform QoS-model private static InternalComponent fromCloudmlToModaMP(InternalComponentInstance toTranslate){ InternalComponent toReturn = new InternalComponent(); String id = toTranslate.getName(); toReturn.setId(id); toReturn.setType(String.valueOf(toTranslate.getType().getName())); toReturn.addRequiredComponent(toTranslate.externalHost().getName()); return toReturn; } //Translate a cloud provider from cloudML to Monitoring Platform QoS-model private static CloudProvider fromCloudmlToModaMP(Provider toTranslate){ CloudProvider toReturn = new CloudProvider(); String id = toTranslate.getName(); toReturn.setId(id); toReturn.setType(String.valueOf(toTranslate.getName())); return toReturn; } //Translate a location from cloudML to Monitoring Platform QoS-model private static Location fromCloudmlToModaMP(String location){ Location toReturn = new Location(); toReturn.setId(location); toReturn.setType(String.valueOf(location)); toReturn.setLocation(location); return toReturn; } }