package org.fusesource.cloudmix.agent.logging; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Log parser which is capable of parsing log records formatted according to the following Log4J rule : * "%d{ABSOLUTE} | %-5.5p | %-16.16t | %-32.32c{1} | %-32.32C %4L | %m%n" DATE | Level | Thread | Category | * Class and line | Message */ public class DefaultLogParser implements LogParser { private static final String RECORD_EXPRESSION = "(\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2})[\\s|,\\d]*" + "(FATAL|ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG|TRACE)[\\s|]*" + "([\\S-]+)[\\s|]*" + "([\\S-]+)[\\s|]*" + "([\\S-]+)[\\s|]*" + "([\\S-]+)[\\s|]*" + "([\\S\\-_ ]+)" + "$"; private static final Pattern RECORD_PATTERN; static { RECORD_PATTERN = createPattern(RECORD_EXPRESSION); } private static Pattern createPattern(String expression) { return Pattern.compile(expression); } /** * Converts a text log entry into LogRecord * * @param record the log entry * @return LogRecord, may be null */ public LogRecord parseRecord(CharSequence record) { Matcher m = RECORD_PATTERN.matcher(record); if (m.matches()) { return createRecord(m); } return null; } /** * Indicates if a given sequence may be successfully matched. Can be useful when reading multi-line * entries from the log input stream. * * @param line the text sequence which may be a complete log record * @return true if it may be matched */ public boolean isPossibleMatch(CharSequence line) { String s = line.toString(); return s.contains("INFO") || s.contains("WARN") || s.contains("FATAL") || s.contains("ERROR") || s.contains("DEBUG") || s.contains("TRACE"); } private LogRecord createRecord(Matcher m) { LogRecord record = new LogRecord(); record.setDate(; record.setLevel(; record.setThreadId(; record.setCategory(; record.setClassName(; record.setClassLineNumber(; record.setMessage(; return record; } }