package com.rits.cloning; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Cloner: deep clone objects. * * This class is thread safe. One instance can be used by multiple threads on the same time. * * @author kostantinos.kougios * 18 Sep 2008 */ public class Cloner { private final IInstantiationStrategy instantiationStrategy; private final Set<Class<?>> ignored = new HashSet<Class<?>>(); private final Set<Class<?>> ignoredInstanceOf = new HashSet<Class<?>>(); private final Set<Class<?>> nullInstead = new HashSet<Class<?>>(); private final Map<Class<?>, IFastCloner> fastCloners = new HashMap<Class<?>, IFastCloner>(); private final Map<Object, Boolean> ignoredInstances = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Boolean>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, List<Field>> fieldsCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, List<Field>>(); public IDumpCloned getDumpCloned() { return dumpCloned; } /** * provide a cloned classes dumper (so i.e. they can be logged or stored in a file * instead of the default behaviour which is to println(cloned) ) * * @param dumpCloned an implementation of the interface which can dump the * cloned classes. */ public void setDumpCloned(IDumpCloned dumpCloned) { this.dumpCloned = dumpCloned; } private IDumpCloned dumpCloned = null; private boolean cloningEnabled = true; private boolean nullTransient = false; private boolean cloneSynthetics = true; public Cloner() { this.instantiationStrategy = ObjenesisInstantiationStrategy.getInstance(); init(); } public Cloner(final IInstantiationStrategy instantiationStrategy) { this.instantiationStrategy = instantiationStrategy; init(); } public boolean isNullTransient() { return nullTransient; } /** * this makes the cloner to set a transient field to null upon cloning. * * NOTE: primitive types can't be nulled. Their value will be set to default, i.e. 0 for int * * @param nullTransient true for transient fields to be nulled */ public void setNullTransient(final boolean nullTransient) { this.nullTransient = nullTransient; } public void setCloneSynthetics(final boolean cloneSynthetics) { this.cloneSynthetics = cloneSynthetics; } private void init() { registerKnownJdkImmutableClasses(); registerKnownConstants(); registerFastCloners(); } /** * registers a std set of fast cloners. */ protected void registerFastCloners() { fastCloners.put(GregorianCalendar.class, new FastClonerCalendar()); fastCloners.put(ArrayList.class, new FastClonerArrayList()); fastCloners.put(LinkedList.class, new FastClonerLinkedList()); fastCloners.put(HashSet.class, new FastClonerHashSet()); fastCloners.put(HashMap.class, new FastClonerHashMap()); fastCloners.put(TreeMap.class, new FastClonerTreeMap()); fastCloners.put(LinkedHashMap.class, new FastClonerLinkedHashMap()); fastCloners.put(ConcurrentHashMap.class, new FastClonerConcurrentHashMap()); } private IDeepCloner deepCloner = new IDeepCloner() { public <T> T deepClone(T o, Map<Object, Object> clones) { try { return cloneInternal(o, clones); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // just rethrow unchecked throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } }; protected Object fastClone(final Object o, final Map<Object, Object> clones) throws IllegalAccessException { final Class<? extends Object> c = o.getClass(); final IFastCloner fastCloner = fastCloners.get(c); if (fastCloner != null) return fastCloner.clone(o, deepCloner, clones); return null; } public void registerConstant(final Object o) { ignoredInstances.put(o, true); } public void registerConstant(final Class<?> c, final String privateFieldName) { try { final Field field = c.getDeclaredField(privateFieldName); field.setAccessible(true); final Object v = field.get(null); ignoredInstances.put(v, true); } catch (final SecurityException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (final NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (final IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * registers some known JDK immutable classes. Override this to register your * own list of jdk's immutable classes */ protected void registerKnownJdkImmutableClasses() { registerImmutable(String.class); registerImmutable(Integer.class); registerImmutable(Long.class); registerImmutable(Boolean.class); registerImmutable(Class.class); registerImmutable(Float.class); registerImmutable(Double.class); registerImmutable(Character.class); registerImmutable(Byte.class); registerImmutable(Short.class); registerImmutable(Void.class); registerImmutable(BigDecimal.class); registerImmutable(BigInteger.class); registerImmutable(URI.class); registerImmutable(URL.class); registerImmutable(UUID.class); registerImmutable(Pattern.class); } protected void registerKnownConstants() { // registering known constants of the jdk. registerStaticFields(TreeSet.class, HashSet.class, HashMap.class, TreeMap.class); } /** * registers all static fields of these classes. Those static fields won't be cloned when an instance * of the class is cloned. * * This is useful i.e. when a static field object is added into maps or sets. At that point, there is no * way for the cloner to know that it was static except if it is registered. * * @param classes array of classes */ public void registerStaticFields(final Class<?>... classes) { for (final Class<?> c : classes) { final List<Field> fields = allFields(c); for (final Field field : fields) { final int mods = field.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isStatic(mods) && !field.getType().isPrimitive()) { registerConstant(c, field.getName()); } } } } /** * spring framework friendly version of registerStaticFields * * @param set a set of classes which will be scanned for static fields */ public void setExtraStaticFields(final Set<Class<?>> set) { registerStaticFields((Class<?>[]) set.toArray()); } /** * instances of classes that shouldn't be cloned can be registered using this method. * * @param c The class that shouldn't be cloned. That is, whenever a deep clone for * an object is created and c is encountered, the object instance of c will * be added to the clone. */ public void dontClone(final Class<?>... c) { for (final Class<?> cl : c) { ignored.add(cl); } } public void dontCloneInstanceOf(final Class<?>... c) { for (final Class<?> cl : c) { ignoredInstanceOf.add(cl); } } public void setDontCloneInstanceOf(final Class<?>... c) { dontCloneInstanceOf(c); } /** * instead of cloning these classes will set the field to null * * @param c the classes to nullify during cloning */ public void nullInsteadOfClone(final Class<?>... c) { for (final Class<?> cl : c) { nullInstead.add(cl); } } // spring framework friendly version of nullInsteadOfClone public void setExtraNullInsteadOfClone(final Set<Class<?>> set) { nullInstead.addAll(set); } /** * registers an immutable class. Immutable classes are not cloned. * * @param c the immutable class */ public void registerImmutable(final Class<?>... c) { for (final Class<?> cl : c) { ignored.add(cl); } } // spring framework friendly version of registerImmutable public void setExtraImmutables(final Set<Class<?>> set) { ignored.addAll(set); } public void registerFastCloner(final Class<?> c, final IFastCloner fastCloner) { if (fastCloners.containsKey(c)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(c + " already fast-cloned!"); fastCloners.put(c, fastCloner); } public void unregisterFastCloner(final Class<?> c) { fastCloners.remove(c); } /** * creates a new instance of c. Override to provide your own implementation * * @param <T> the type of c * @param c the class * @return a new instance of c */ protected <T> T newInstance(final Class<T> c) { return instantiationStrategy.newInstance(c); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T fastCloneOrNewInstance(final Class<T> c) { try { final T fastClone = (T) fastClone(c, null); if (fastClone != null) return fastClone; } catch (final IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return newInstance(c); } /** * deep clones "o". * * @param <T> the type of "o" * @param o the object to be deep-cloned * @return a deep-clone of "o". */ public <T> T deepClone(final T o) { if (o == null) return null; if (!cloningEnabled) return o; if (dumpCloned != null) { dumpCloned.startCloning(o.getClass()); } final Map<Object, Object> clones = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Object>(16); try { return cloneInternal(o, clones); } catch (final IllegalAccessException e) { throw new CloningException("error during cloning of " + o, e); } } public <T> T deepCloneDontCloneInstances(final T o, final Object... dontCloneThese) { if (o == null) return null; if (!cloningEnabled) return o; if (dumpCloned != null) { dumpCloned.startCloning(o.getClass()); } final Map<Object, Object> clones = new IdentityHashMap<Object, Object>(16); for (final Object dc : dontCloneThese) { clones.put(dc, dc); } try { return cloneInternal(o, clones); } catch (final IllegalAccessException e) { throw new CloningException("error during cloning of " + o, e); } } /** * shallow clones "o". This means that if c=shallowClone(o) then * c!=o. Any change to c won't affect o. * * @param <T> the type of o * @param o the object to be shallow-cloned * @return a shallow clone of "o" */ public <T> T shallowClone(final T o) { if (o == null) return null; if (!cloningEnabled) return o; try { return cloneInternal(o, null); } catch (final IllegalAccessException e) { throw new CloningException("error during cloning of " + o, e); } } // caches immutables for quick reference private final ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Boolean> immutables = new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Boolean>(); private boolean cloneAnonymousParent = true; /** * override this to decide if a class is immutable. Immutable classes are not cloned. * * @param clz the class under check * @return true to mark clz as immutable and skip cloning it */ protected boolean considerImmutable(final Class<?> clz) { return false; } protected Class<?> getImmutableAnnotation() { return Immutable.class; } /** * decides if a class is to be considered immutable or not * * @param clz the class under check * @return true if the clz is considered immutable */ private boolean isImmutable(final Class<?> clz) { final Boolean isIm = immutables.get(clz); if (isIm != null) return isIm; if (considerImmutable(clz)) return true; final Class<?> immutableAnnotation = getImmutableAnnotation(); for (final Annotation annotation : clz.getDeclaredAnnotations()) { if (annotation.annotationType() == immutableAnnotation) { immutables.put(clz, Boolean.TRUE); return true; } } Class<?> c = clz.getSuperclass(); while (c != null && c != Object.class) { for (final Annotation annotation : c.getDeclaredAnnotations()) { if (annotation.annotationType() == Immutable.class) { final Immutable im = (Immutable) annotation; if (im.subClass()) { immutables.put(clz, Boolean.TRUE); return true; } } } c = c.getSuperclass(); } immutables.put(clz, Boolean.FALSE); return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected <T> T cloneInternal(final T o, final Map<Object, Object> clones) throws IllegalAccessException { if (o == null) return null; if (o == this) return null; // don't clone the cloner! if (ignoredInstances.containsKey(o)) return o; if (o instanceof Enum) return o; final Class<T> clz = (Class<T>) o.getClass(); // skip cloning ignored classes if (nullInstead.contains(clz)) return null; if (ignored.contains(clz)) return o; for (final Class<?> iClz : ignoredInstanceOf) { if (iClz.isAssignableFrom(clz)) return o; } if (isImmutable(clz)) return o; if (o instanceof IFreezable) { final IFreezable f = (IFreezable) o; if (f.isFrozen()) return o; } final Object clonedPreviously = clones != null ? clones.get(o) : null; if (clonedPreviously != null) return (T) clonedPreviously; final Object fastClone = fastClone(o, clones); if (fastClone != null) { if (clones != null) { clones.put(o, fastClone); } return (T) fastClone; } if (dumpCloned != null) { dumpCloned.startCloning(o.getClass()); } if (clz.isArray()) { return cloneArray(o, clones); } return cloneObject(o, clones, clz); } // clones o, no questions asked! private <T> T cloneObject(T o, Map<Object, Object> clones, Class<T> clz) throws IllegalAccessException { final T newInstance = newInstance(clz); if (clones != null) { clones.put(o, newInstance); } final List<Field> fields = allFields(clz); for (final Field field : fields) { final int modifiers = field.getModifiers(); if (!Modifier.isStatic(modifiers)) { if ( ! (nullTransient && Modifier.isTransient(modifiers)) ) { // request by Jonathan : transient fields can be null-ed final Object fieldObject = field.get(o); final boolean shouldClone = (cloneSynthetics || !field.isSynthetic()) && (cloneAnonymousParent || !isAnonymousParent(field)); final Object fieldObjectClone = clones != null ? (shouldClone ? cloneInternal(fieldObject, clones) : fieldObject) : fieldObject; field.set(newInstance, fieldObjectClone); if (dumpCloned != null && fieldObjectClone != fieldObject) { dumpCloned.cloning(field, o.getClass()); } } } } return newInstance; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> T cloneArray(T o, Map<Object, Object> clones) throws IllegalAccessException { final Class<T> clz = (Class<T>) o.getClass(); final int length = Array.getLength(o); final T newInstance = (T) Array.newInstance(clz.getComponentType(), length); if (clones != null) { clones.put(o, newInstance); } if(clz.getComponentType().isPrimitive() || isImmutable(clz.getComponentType())) { System.arraycopy(o, 0, newInstance, 0, length); } else { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final Object v = Array.get(o, i); final Object clone = clones != null ? cloneInternal(v, clones) : v; Array.set(newInstance, i, clone); } } return newInstance; } private boolean isAnonymousParent(final Field field) { return "this$0".equals(field.getName()); } /** * copies all properties from src to dest. Src and dest can be of different class, provided they contain same field names/types * * @param src the source object * @param dest the destination object which must contain as minimum all the fields of src */ public <T, E extends T> void copyPropertiesOfInheritedClass(final T src, final E dest) { if (src == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("src can't be null"); if (dest == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("dest can't be null"); final Class<? extends Object> srcClz = src.getClass(); final Class<? extends Object> destClz = dest.getClass(); if (srcClz.isArray()) { if (!destClz.isArray()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("can't copy from array to non-array class " + destClz); final int length = Array.getLength(src); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final Object v = Array.get(src, i); Array.set(dest, i, v); } return; } final List<Field> fields = allFields(srcClz); final List<Field> destFields = allFields(dest.getClass()); for (final Field field : fields) { if (!Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { try { final Object fieldObject = field.get(src); field.setAccessible(true); if (destFields.contains(field)) { field.set(dest, fieldObject); } } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (final IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } } /** * reflection utils */ private void addAll(final List<Field> l, final Field[] fields) { for (final Field field : fields) { if (!field.isAccessible()) { field.setAccessible(true); } l.add(field); } } /** * reflection utils, override this to choose which fields to clone */ protected List<Field> allFields(final Class<?> c) { List<Field> l = fieldsCache.get(c); if (l == null) { l = new LinkedList<Field>(); final Field[] fields = c.getDeclaredFields(); addAll(l, fields); Class<?> sc = c; while ((sc = sc.getSuperclass()) != Object.class && sc != null) { addAll(l, sc.getDeclaredFields()); } fieldsCache.putIfAbsent(c, l); } return l; } public boolean isDumpClonedClasses() { return dumpCloned != null; } /** * will println() all cloned classes. Useful for debugging only. Use * setDumpCloned() if you want to control where to print the cloned * classes. * * @param dumpClonedClasses true to enable printing all cloned classes */ public void setDumpClonedClasses(final boolean dumpClonedClasses) { if (dumpClonedClasses) { dumpCloned = new IDumpCloned() { public void startCloning(Class<?> clz) { System.out.println("clone>" + clz); } public void cloning(Field field, Class<?> clz) { System.out.println("cloned field>" + field + " -- of class " + clz); } }; } else dumpCloned = null; } public boolean isCloningEnabled() { return cloningEnabled; } public void setCloningEnabled(final boolean cloningEnabled) { this.cloningEnabled = cloningEnabled; } /** * if false, anonymous classes parent class won't be cloned. Default is true */ public void setCloneAnonymousParent(final boolean cloneAnonymousParent) { this.cloneAnonymousParent = cloneAnonymousParent; } public boolean isCloneAnonymousParent() { return cloneAnonymousParent; } /** * @return a standard cloner instance, will do for most use cases */ public static Cloner standard() { return new Cloner(); } /** * @return if Cloner lib is in a shared jar folder for a container (i.e. tomcat/shared), then * this method is preferable in order to instantiate cloner. Please * see */ public static Cloner shared() { return new Cloner(new ObjenesisInstantiationStrategy()); } }